Curiosity Killed the Kat

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Authors: Elizabeth Nelson

BOOK: Curiosity Killed the Kat
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Curiosity Killed the Kat
Katherine Flynn [1]
Elizabeth Nelson
CreateSpace (2012)

Katherine (“Kat”) thought she had the perfect marriage to International Lawyer Steven Flynn. Until he tried to kill her. Katherine was the perfect obedient wife. She would do anything for her husband. That is, until she discovers he’s the ring leader of a human trafficking organization. The action is fast and furious, the dialogue smart and the sex scenes hot. Meet Katherine in Curiosity Killed The Kat as she goes farther and farther down the rabbit hole of political intrigue, sex, and revenge. Will she let herself be saved by love or will curiosity and a thirst for killer justice kill the Kat?

About the Author

Elizabeth wrote her first romance novel at age fifteen when she discovered writing about boys was way easier than actually talking to them. Since then, her flirting skills and relationship techniques have helped hundreds of others find their mojo. After earning a master's degree in secondary education from UNC, she worked abroad teaching English, bar-tended at late night clubs in Chicago, and continues various philanthropy projects that focus on empowering women. But she always returned to writing. Though she'll forever be a free-spirit at heart, she now lives in Los Angeles with her two dogs. If she's not working on her latest sexy story, you can find her reading, watching reality television, or indulging in her unhealthy addiction to rock concerts.

Curiosity Killed The Kat

A Katherine Flynn Novel


by Elizabeth Nelson






rst Kindle Original Edition 2012


A Bristlecone Book


All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2012 Elizabeth Nelson


No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author and/or publisher. No part of this publication may be sold or hired, without written permission from the author.


Copyright 2012
, First in Flight, LLC


















They say reve
nge is a dish best served cold; but, I know better. R
is hot. It never cools, and i
t never dies.
It burns
and grows stronger
every beat of

To understand what happened after, you have to
what came before.

I don’t remember a time when I didn’t dream of being a wife and mother.
My earliest memory is


in my parent’s backyard. As the bride, I was
draped in my mother’s antique
white lace tablecloth, my head covered with a homemade veil and my arms laden with
the roses
she grew in her
garden that summer

In my mind’s eye, I can see myself as I was then. A thin, serious looking child with long brown hair and big brown eyes walking
slowly up the garden path
like it was a cathedral aisle
my groom, the love of my life, the man that would take care of me forever.

By the time I turned 19, I knew that my real life groom would be Steven Flynn. He was the perfect man; he would be the perfect husband.
I still remember the first time I saw him. A freshman in college, I ran into my psychology class 15 minutes late on the first day. Breathlessly, I took a seat in the last row and started madly arranging myself, my books, and my notepad; when I looked up
I saw Steven.

he was standing at the front of the class passing out the syllabus.
After a moment, h
e cau
ght my stare and smiled at me. He waved
to the front to get a syllabus and
I slowly approached him taking in every inch
of his stunning good looks,
from his dark brown hair
and intense blue eyes,
to his perfectly chiseled body, on down
to the tips of his elegant shoes. He was dressed conservatively, in a
neatly ironed
button down shirt and
slacks. He looked like he’d walked off the cover of GQ

As I got closer to him I
could feel
him watching me approach.
His i
made me feel naked.
I couldn’t believe the other students weren’t staring at him. To me, he looked like Prince Charming.
The other students swarmed around, talking and laughing but
my eyes never left him
When I reached out my hand to take the syllabus from him, he handed it to me but didn’t let go. I stared at him and he looked back at me with a knowing smile.
In that moment I knew; my life would never be the same again.

When Steven decided he wanted me too, h
e courted me recklessly; never taking no for an answer, never leaving me alone for a moment. Af
ter that first day
, I don’
t have a single memory from
that time that doesn’t include
. He brought me
roses to make me smile, took me to see movies that made me laugh, and when we were alone he took me in his arms and made me tremble with desire. For the first time in my life I felt loved.

It makes me squirm with s
hame to think of it now. My childhood
was a cliché, a joke. Abandoned by my father before I was even born;
I was a shy child
raised by a
busy single
. I
didn’t have a lot of friends, preferring to spend my time in solitude reading and day dreaming.
My classmates thought I was strange
and they left me alone. I
was ripe for
a man
like Steven. I see that now, but then, oh but then all I felt was desire and love to the point of obsession. He was my fantasy. I needed him to love me
more than I’d ever needed anything else

I loved him, but I felt so unworthy of his attention
. I
tried desperately to reinvent myself into the woman he wanted me to be.
I was in awe when I looked at him. Steven
was everything I wasn’t.
was handsome
and successful, while I
average looking and quiet.
When we met, he was a senior graduating at the top of his class with a degree in Psychology and a full scholarship
Harvard Law School
; I was a freshman without a clue as to what I wanted to study
. He was on his way to becoming a master of the universe,
and all I wanted was to be at his side

His first request changed the way I dressed when we were in public. Instead of
jeans and
uniform of my classmates
, I eagerly agreed to
my wardrobe to dresses, heels, and pearls. When he told me I looked lovely and gave me a smile, I knew I had made the right decision.

His second request was more complicated.

Steven needed me to be the perfect woman in the bedroom as well as in public. He would settle for nothing less. He valued my virginity and blind trust because they made me pliable – there was nothing I wouldn’t do to bring him pleasure.
As a child, I’d lived in my imagination without many friends and a mother who didn’t have time
or interest in teaching
me about the world. Sex was a mystery that I didn’t have a clue to solving.
limitless needs and desires were my secret to carry alone; I didn’t have anyone to discuss him with, no girlfriends to gossip with about his need for blindfolds, whips, and endless sexual punishment. All I had was my obsession to make him happy, to earn his praise, to maintain my place in his heart. For those reasons I would do anything he asked – and he asked a lot. I became the essence of the prop
erly dressed lady in public
and a sexual slave in the bedroom

When he asked me to marry him
the night he graduated
I felt triumphant
I felt as proud of myself as if I’d been the one
accepting a diploma
that day.
His proposal made me feel that i
t had all been worth it; the meticulous attention to my wardrobe and the sometimes painful “lessons” in the bedroom – I was going to be Mrs. Steven Flynn.
I eagerly quit school and moved with him to Boston. My only ambition was to be a good wife to him.

maintained that blind ambition
for seven long years. I stubbornly insisted to myself that Steven’s fierce control, his rigid standards for my dress and appearance, and his
were normal, just his way of dealing with the pressure he was feeling as
a lawyer with one of Boston’s most respected firms, Bradenson & Arthur

My only job was to be the perfect wife and partner.
In my mind there was no limit to our success, I was enveloped in my dream
of a secure and happy life with my husband
and that was all that mattered.

Until the
I woke up.




“Lay on your stomach.”

I immediately did as Steven requested. I’
d been his slave since I was 19;
it wasn’t in my nature to question him, especially in the bedroom.

“Put your arms behind your back and bend your knees.” He was brusque tonight, almost uncaring. I could tell that something was bothering him. I’d spent these seven years learning his moods and discovering the best ways to bring him out of a dark one. I moaned passionately, as if nothing would bring me more pleasure than to be hog-tied on our bed. I’d long ago discovered that my enjoyment – real or otherwise – was the fastest way to make Steven climax and end our “love making” faster.

“Shut up,” he commanded me coldly, “Tonight you’re not going to make a noise. You’re just going to take whatever I want to give you and stay quiet.” I wasn’t afraid. Steven had been like this before. Any imagined error could bring on his wrath. Dinner a few minutes late to the table, pants instead of a dress, even a hair out of place could incite him to anger. He never hit me; not in public. Steven saved his temper for the bedroom, although it was hard to tell the difference between anger and
. His sexual interests had always been on the rougher side and rarely got close to tender.
I did as he asked, and stayed quiet.

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