CULVER: A Motorcycle Club Romance Novel (24 page)

BOOK: CULVER: A Motorcycle Club Romance Novel
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“What are you gonna do to me? I…I’m a…I’ve never…”
I murmured, wanting to him to know so that he would be gentle. The half-smile
returned on his face.


“Oh, no? Just my luck,” Cash said. I felt his hands
on my tits, slowly caressing them from the bottom up. His thumbs brushed
against my erect nipples and I moaned. He leaned over and took one of my
nipples in his mouth; I’d never let Brian do that and gasped at how good it
felt. He sucked it gently, tweaking the other nipple gently between his
fingers. He pulled away and I moaned again, wanting more.


“Lie back, teacup,” Cash said low. I did as he
asked, not sure what was going to happen to me but willing to do whatever it
took for him to touch my pussy, just touch it. I was aching for his touch,
wanted his rough, calloused hands on my clit. I felt him pull my skirt up above
my hips and heard the chair scrape against the floor; looking up, I saw he was
sitting down, face between my legs. I could feel his breath, faintly against my
flesh, and remembering my dream I trembled.


“Jesus, that’s a beautiful pussy,” I heard him say,
and each word blew more of his hot breath against me. I felt his fingers on my
thighs, moving up, and tried to scooch closer to them, wanting them on my slit,
more than I’d ever wanted anything. “Patience,” I heard him say. His fingers
finally reached my slit and I gasped as he slid a finger inside me.


“Oh, teacup, you’re so wet,” he said, and I could
hear his smile in his voice. His breath was getting closer and closer to my
pussy now, and I squirmed, dying of desire. I grabbed at my breasts, playing
with my nipples, relishing the feeling of his finger in my pussy, wanting more,
wanting to feel his tongue on me, and wanting to feel filled by his huge cock.
I’d never ever had sex before, but I suddenly knew that I wanted it; I wanted
to be stretched and satisfied by his dick.


“Please, Cash,” I heard myself plead. I pushed my
body against his finger.


“Please what?” He asked, a hint of laughter in his
voice, his breath right against my engorged clit.


“Please, just please, plea..oh fuck” my pleading
was cut off by the feeling of Cash’s tongue against my clit. I cried out; my
whole body cried out in ecstasy as I finally felt my dream coming true.


Cash’s tongue was circling my clit gently while his
finger probed my wet slit. I teased my hard nipples as Cash’s tongue rolled
across my clit, circling it then flicking it and then rolling it again. I felt
a second finger enter my pussy and moaned again. My legs clenched on Cash’s
head automatically. Without thinking, I grabbed his head with one hand and
pulled it closer against me. He responded by doubling his attention to my
throbbing clit, licking it faster and sucking it before releasing it to flick
it again.


His fingers were curling in my pussy and I felt
them hit a sort of barrier; I almost wanted to scream, needing more, wanting to
feel him deeper inside me. Instead, my thighs clenched harder and I grabbed his
head closer. I felt just the slightest hint of his teeth against my clit and
the sensation jarred me, making me cry out again. I felt it again and pulled
him even tighter to me; he was sucking on my clit hard now, and flicking it
rapidly with his tongue.


His fingers were making slow, curling movements in
my pussy and I felt them press against something else, something that felt
absolutely heavenly. When he stroked that place again, I shot straight up; my
legs relaxed but I grabbed his head with both hands now and pressed even


“Oh fuck, Cash, that feels so good, oh fuck,
please, yes,” I moaned. Cash’s tongue was flicking my clit rapidly now,
alternating with gentle nibbles, and his fingers were stroking that same spot
over and over again. I could feel the pressure rising inside me as Cash sucked
my clit and fucked my virgin pussy with his rough, calloused fingers; I was
breathing heavily as the sensation built.


Cash raised one arm and pushed me back onto the
desk with a thud; then, I felt one of his strong hands grab onto my hips and
pull my body closer; for a moment all I could feel was the heavenly sensation
of his tongue against my clit and his fingers in my pussy, stroking and
stroking and…


“Oh, fuck,” I cried as Cash gave my clit one final,
jarring nibble and pressed against my pussy; my body felt like it was floating
away as contractions of pleasure rolled through me, wave after wave of ecstacy
igniting every nerve; I felt my pussy clenching against Cash’s fingers as I


Panting, I realized as my orgasm subsided, that I
was clutching Cash’s head with both hands and that my thighs seemed like a vice
around his neck. Releasing him, I lay in utter disbelief at the power of my
first orgasm, the way it had made me feel alive in a way I’d never felt before.
Looking up, I saw Cash sitting on the chair, stroking his cock, which was hard


“C’mere,” he said, and I sat up again. He reached
forward and with one powerful arm swept me off the table; he had stopped
stroking his dick and was holding me with both hands, my body suspended above
his cock, legs straddling him on the wide chair.


“Oh, Cash,” I moaned, grabbing at my tits again,
relishing the feeling of his strong arms on my body and the feeling of his cock
pressed against my virgin pussy.


“This is going to hurt, teacup,” he whispered. I
bit my lip and nodded, not caring, just needing to feel him filling me up. He
was holding me by the waist, and suddenly I felt my body slammed down against
his; a sharp, searing pain rushed through me and I felt a warm liquid burst
inside my pussy.


I cried out and held Cash against me; his cock
still wasn’t all the way in me, but I had to take some time to get used to the
feeling. The pain was soon replaced by utter bliss. I wiggled my hips a little
bit and a bit more of his cock slid into me. I felt his strong arms pulling me
up and then releasing me, then again, each time filling me a little more.


We were so close that my clit was rubbing up against
his chest each time, and soon he wasn’t lifting me at all, I was riding him,
arms on his shoulders, using his body to lift myself up and down on his cock. I
felt my pussy being stretched and filled beyond my wildest dreams, and needed
more. I pushed Cash back further onto the chair and leaned forward, riding him
quickly now, desperately. He grabbed my waist again and pushed me down,
thrusting up into me.


“Oh, fuck, Cash, oh fuck, oh
fuck, yes, fuck me, oh god please fuck me deeper,” I panted. Cash slammed me
down against him again, this time holding me down and thrusting up into me. I
grabbed at my clit and started rubbing myself as he fucked me, feeling a
tremendous pressure building up in my stomach, right above my pussy. Cash shot
up so that he was sitting straight again, and his dick slid all the way into my


I felt the pressure explode and
saw white as my pussy clenched around his cock, my body shaking and bucking
against his. My legs turned to jelly and I collapsed against Cash, pussy still
vibrating with pleasure as my orgasm subsided. Cash grabbed me against him one
more time, pulling me close, and I felt more spurts of warm liquid bursting
inside me as he came, releasing what felt like a bucket of cum into my pussy.


The feeling of his warm cum
hitting my pussy made me come again, gentler this time, and I milked the rest
of the cum from his dick as my pussy contracted against him. He shuddered once,
then released me, leaning back onto the chair. I fell forward, wanting to keep
his dick in me for as long as possible.


“That was a really, really good thank you, teacup,”
Cash said, pushing me away slightly. As I looked into his eyes, I was happier
than I could ever remember being. I didn’t have a single concern about who I
was, how I’d gotten to be there, or what it meant for me. I was satisfied, for
the first time in my life, and wanted to feel that way forever.



It had been two months since I first lost my
virginity to Cash, and after that I’d come to see him every week, and soon I
was seeing him twice a week, then three times, until eventually it turned into
something I did every day; go to school, do my homework, and come have my
brains fucked out by Cash. At first, it had just been a compulsion. Then, I
realized, the more time we spent together, the more I had actual feelings for


This filled me with fear; what if he saw me as just
a nice piece of ass? What if there were a hundred other girls just like me? He
never told me anything about his business, or about what I had come to realize
was a motorcycle club.


One day, as I pulled up to the bar, I made up my
mind to tell him how I felt. Or, at least to ask him about the briefcases full
of money, and the weird invoices, and all the other things I saw whenever we
were in the office. I walked in and was surprised that I didn’t hear any of the
usual yelling or laughter; everyone was huddled around a table in the back. As
the door slammed, one of the older men, Horse, looked up.


“Oh, boy. You better get outta here now, teacup,
today’s not a good day,” he yelled from across the bar, causing everyone else
to look at me as well. Someone quickly shuffled some papers that had been lying
on the table and shoved them into a folder.


“Oh, Cash didn’t say anything like that, so…” I
said, scanning the room for him. He was nowhere in sight. My heart sped up as I
realized this must be very serious, indeed; Cash was like the President or
something, and nothing important happened without him. I’d learned that much.


“Yeah, Cash isn’t here today. We don’t know when
he’s getting back, just wait for someone to call you,” said one of the other
men; I recognized it as Drill’s voice. My mind raced. They didn’t know when he
was getting back?


“What do you mean? Where is he? When will…” I


“He’s in County, sweetheart, now get lost, we’re
trying to get your loverboy out,” someone cried from the back of the room. I
wasn’t too familiar with their lingo: county? County what? County Commons?
County Courthouse? County…Jail?


The realization hit me and my heart stopped. There
was no way; he couldn’t be! What had he done? What was going to happen to him?
Without even thinking, I turned around, ran back to my car, and looked up the
directions to the county jail on my phone. I sped out of that parking lot like
a madwoman.


As I drove, I regretted my outfit choice; this
wasn’t prison-attire, that was for sure. I was wear a green, skin-tight
camisole that showed off my ample cleavage, cutoff shorts that ended just below
my ass, and sandals. I had my hair in a messy bun, the way Cash liked it. I was
going to stick out like a sore thumb in the prison, and probably no one would
listen to me, thinking I was just some skank.


I pulled up to an ominous, brick building, parked,
and jumped out. I was desperate to see him, and didn’t care about how I looked.
If nothing else, they should let me see him, I thought.


I threw the door open and stormed into the
building; the front room was actually just a small office. There were two
desks; behind one sat a man with a Sheriff’s uniform on, while the other was
occupied by a regular cop. They both looked up with amusement as I barged in.


“Well, well. How can we help you, honey?” the
Sheriff asked, a grin on his face. I hated him from the moment I saw him.


“I’m here to see someone. Cash,” I demanded. The
two officers looked at each other and chuckled.


“Cash who? Or do you mean you want to pay us something?”
the cop asked dismissively. I blushed as I realized I didn’t know Cash’s full
name, or even if Cash was a part of his real name. But, I gathered myself
together and returned their bemused stares with an angry glare.


“You know who I’m talking about,” I said. The men
exchanged another amused look. I stomped my foot on the ground. “This isn’t
funny. Let me see him.”


“Well, sorry, sweetheart, no visitors allowed,” the
cop said with a smile. These assholes were getting off on me being upset. Why?
Because they thought they’d caught a vicious criminal? My eyes filled with
tears as I thought about Cash behind bars; how long would he be gone? What if
it was years? I sniffled slightly, still furious, which only made my tears flow
harder. The men now looked uncomfortable, as men usually do around sobbing
females. I tried changing my approach.


“I’m sorry, I just really need to talk to him,
it’s…it’s important,” I said between tears.


“Well, look, I’m really sorry, but rules are…” the
cop started to say, but the Sheriff interrupted him with a wave of his hand.


“What kind of law enforcement would we be if we
left a citizen in distress?” the Sheriff said, gazing at me, or more
accurately, at my chest, which was heaving with each sob. “Take her back. Give
her five minutes.” The cop shook his head but stood up nonetheless, and walking
towards me he grabbed my arm.


“Should I search her, boss?” the cop asked the
Sheriff. The Sheriff shook his head.


“Where could she even be hiding anything?” the
Sheriff asked, still staring at my chest. I thought he had some good ideas
where I could be hiding something, but I knew this wasn’t the time to start any
more trouble. The cop held my arm and led me forward through a door and down a
long hallway, then down another corridor that held a single jail cell.


“You got a visitor, Cash. And she’s real pretty,”
yelled the cop. We approached the cell; Cash was standing with his hands
gripping the bars. I ran up to him, taking his hands in mine.


“Teacup! How’d you find out where I was? What are
you doing here? You shouldn’t be here,” Cash said, his voice as full of
authority as ever, but tinged with concern.


“They told me at the bar. What happened? Why are
you here?” I asked, my voice raw from crying.


“Pigs think they got me on bootlegging charges.
Nothing’s gonna stick, though, honey, don’t you worry. I’ll be outta here in no
time,” he said, unconvincingly, but with that half-grin that always melted my
heart. I pressed closer against the bars, happy to be finally close to him
again after so much worrying.


“But…but…what if…” I stammered.


“No what if’s. I’ll be out. They can’t keep me
long,” Cash said; he lifted one hand through the bars and stroked my hair. I
turned to the cop, who was standing a few feet away.


“Can’t you give us some privacy?” I demanded.


“Sorry, ma’am, rules are rules,” the cop replied
smugly. I pouted at him, putting on my best innocent face.


“Please? Just a few minutes?” I pleaded. The
officer sighed and looked at his watch.


“No, ma’am, you shouldn’t even be here. I’m going
on break in five minutes, so make this snappy.” I gave him a nasty look and
turned back to Cash, who was staring at me with desire.


“I’m so sorry, what can I do?” I asked, leaning
towards him again with my hands around the bars.


“You? Nothing, teacup. The boys will take care of
this. You just sit tight, take care of yourself, and wait for me. I’ll be out
soon, I promise,” Cash said, staring into my eyes. In that moment I could
barely even understand that there was a barrier between us; it was just me and


“Well, I can do something, right now,” I whispered,
taking my hands off the bars. I pulled down the straps on my top and pulled it
down, exposing my perky, full breasts; the cold air made my nipples erect


“Now, stop now, none of that,” said the cop,
walking towards me. I turned to him quickly.


“Oh, come on. What am I hurting? And don’t tell me
you’re not interested in these, either,” I said, surprising myself with my own
defiance and gall. I grabbed my tits and jiggled them; the cop stared,
slack-jawed. Realizing he wasn’t going to try and protest further, I turned
back to Cash, who was smiling in his cell.


Reaching his hands out, he grabbed my breasts and
fondled them softly; I moaned at his touch and pressed my body against the
bars, craving more. Cash lowered his head and kissed my nipples, which were
sticking through the bars on his side. I reached up and grabbed the bars,
thrusting myself further forward; I felt myself getting wet from Cash’s lips
and tongue playing with my erect nipples.


My pussy was pressed against the bars, as well, and
I felt Cash’s hand reach out and rub at my crotch through my jeans, making me
moan again. Reaching down, I unzipped my jeans and Cash’s fingers reached
through the bars and began stroking my clit.


“Oh, Cash,” I groaned; his mouth was still teasing
my nipples, biting them gently and sucking on them, while his strong, rough
finger rubbed at my clit. Looking over, I noticed a sizeable bulge growing in
the cop’s pants. Pulling away, I spun around so that my back was pressed
against the cell bars; I shimmied my hips until my cut-off shorts fell to a
pool around my ankles; since I never wore panties anymore, my shaved pussy and
plump, juicy ass were fully exposed.


“Wanna watch me get my little pussy fucked,
Officer?” I asked, teasingly. The cop was playing with the bulge in his pants
now, and didn’t respond, just stared at my luscious young body. Behind me, I
felt Cash’s huge dick pressing against my pussy through the bars of the cell.
His arm snaked around my waist and found my clit again; his other hand reached
around my chest and fondled my breast, squeezing it. My body was heightened by
the cold air in the room and feel of cold metal pressed against my back.


“Fuck me, Cash, please, I need your cock,” I
moaned; reaching my arms behind me, I grabbed onto the bars and leaned forward,
giving Cash access to my warm, wet slit. As soon as I felt the head of his cock
against my pussy I shuddered. Looking over, I saw the cop had pulled his cock
out of his pants and was stroking it slowly.


“Little fucking slut,” I heard him murmur. I licked
my lips as I looked at him, but as soon as Cash began sliding his dick into my
slit I closed my eyes and lost myself in the blissful feeling of his dick stretching
my young cunt, filling it.


“Mmm, fuck, Cash,” I groaned as he started to
thrust into me, slowly. When I opened my eyes again, I was shocked to see the
Officer standing in front of me, cop in hand, right in front of my mouth.


“Wait!” I cried out in surprise.


“You wanna keep fucking your boyfriend here, you
gotta suck my cock,” the cop said, grabbing my head. Behind me, Cash had
stopped mid-stroke.


“Cash! What do I do!” I yelled, panicking. I didn’t
want to suck this dirty cop’s little dick, not at all, but my body was already
crying out for more of Cash’s cock, and I thought that at that point I would
explode if I didn’t get more.


“Whatever you want to do, teacup,” I heard Cash say
behind me, voice neutral. “I wanna keep fucking you.” I felt him begin to pump
slowly into me again and my eyes rolled back into my head in pleasure. I felt
the cop’s hand gently guiding my head down to his cock, and I instinctually
opened my mouth and began sucking the head.


His dick was much smaller than Cash’s and I had no
problem fitting it into my mouth; behind me, Cash was staring to fuck me harder
and had grabbed my hips through the bars. I moaned against the cop’s dick as I
bobbed up and down on it, licking it and sucking it quickly. I looked up at the
cop through my eyelashes and saw him staring down at me.


“You’re a good little cocksucker, aren’t you,” he
murmured, increasing his grip on my head, pushing me down further so he could
thrust more of his skinny dick into my throat. I didn’t care; all I could feel
was Cash’s huge cock slamming into my pussy, bringing me closer and closer to
climax with each thrust. The cop was starting to push my head even harder now.
I could feel the cold metal bars of the cell in my hands and against my ass as
I pressed my body against them, wanting Cash’s cock deeper inside me.


“You’re gonna swallow every last drop, and you’re
gonna love it, little biker whore,” I heard the cop grunting from above my
head. He grabbed my head harder, but instead of pushing it down again he pulled
it away. “Aren’t you?”


“Yes, Sir, please let me suck your cock more, I
want to taste your cum in my throat,” I pleaded, only half faking. “I need your
hot cum, Sir.” He pushed my head back onto his cock and began thrusting into my
throat forcefully. Behind me. I could feel Cash’s fingers digging into my hips
as he fucked me harder and harder, pulling me against the bars, closer to his
cock, reaching me deeper and deeper each time.

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