Cultural Cohesion (86 page)

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Authors: Clive James

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Mackendrick, Alexander, 546

MacLeish, Archibald, 182

MacNeice, Louis, 15, 36, 108

McQueen, Ian, 195–96

McShane, Frank, 202

Magic Image, The
(Beaton and Buckland), 583

Magic Pudding, The
(Lindsay), 157

Mailer, Norman, 394–408

Malcolm, Janet, 569, 585

Mallarmé, Stéphane, 29–30, 449

Mamet, David, 188

Man as Art: New Guinea
(Kirk), 594

Mandelstam, Nadezhda, 56–57, 214, 220, 263, 271, 280, 296

Mann, Golo, 488

Mann, Heinrich, 479–80

Mann, Thomas, 293–94, 479–80, 486–87, 488, 516

Man's Favourite Sport,

Man Who Loved the Rain, The
(Chandler), 202

Mao Zedong, 490

Map of Australian Verse, A
(McAuley), 157

(Mailer), 394–408

Mark, Mary Ellen, 594–95

Marx, Karl, 323

Masina, Giulietta, 550–51, 552–53, 556


Mastroianni, Marcello, 533, 539, 542, 546, 555–56

Matters of Fact and of Fiction: Essays, 1973–1976
(Vidal), 421–26

Mazursky, Paul, 555


(Coltrane), 50

Meet Me in St. Louis,

Mehta, Sonny, 187

Mein Kampf
(Hitler), 480

Meiselas, Susan, 595

Memoir from the House of the Dead
(Nissim), 279

Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, The
(K. Amis), 191

Menand, Louis, 128

Metaphysical Club, The
(Menand), 128

Meyer, Nicholas, 197

Midsummer Night's Dream, A
(Shakespeare), 442

Miles Davis in Europe
(Davis), 51

Millay, Edna St. Vincent, xvii, 147

Miller, Ann, 523

Miller, Arthur, 269–70, 402, 405

Miller, Jonathan, 358, 360, 361

Mills, Ralph J., Jr., 94–100

Milo, Sandra, 546, 548

Milton, John, 438–39

Minnelli, Vincente, 522

Mitford, Nancy, 427, 430, 433

Moholy-Nagy, László, 574–75, 600

Moholy-Nagy: Photographs and Photograms
(Haus), 574

Moment of Poetry, The
(Wilbur), 437

Monk, Ray, 502, 503, 504, 511

Monkey's Wrench, The
(Levi), 267

Monroe, Marilyn, 394–408

Montaigne, Michel de, 343, 370–71

Montale, Eugenio, 39, 53–54, 57, 456–65, 532

Monte Carlo,

Moore, Marianne, 86–87, 132

Moorehead, Alan, 140

Mornings in Mexico
(Lawrence), 175–76

Morrell, Ottoline, 171, 507–11

Morrison, Toni, 310, 311

Mosley, Diana, xv

Moulin Rouge,

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 120–21

Mrs. David Bailey
(Bailey), 578

Murder of Quality, A
(le Carré), 227

Murger, Henri, 193

Murray, Les, 131, 136–48, 155–56, 158–59

Mussolini, Benito, 134, 278, 279, 287, 288, 458, 482, 528–29

Nabokov, Vladimir, 117–22

Nabokov Translated
(Grayson), 117, 118

Naive and Sentimental Lover, The
(le Carré), 227–28

Naked and the Dead, The
(Mailer), 405

Naked Is the Best Disguise
(Rosenberg), 197–98

Nasby, Petroleum V., 306

Nathan, George Jean, 254

Near the Ocean
(Lowell), 32

Neilson, Shaw, 158

Nemerov, Howard, xvi

New England Reflections, 1882–1907,

Newhall, Nancy, 571, 572

Newton, Helmut, 578–79

New Year Letter
(Auden), 12–13

(Meiselas), 595

Niemoller, Martin, 481

Night of the Hunter, The
(Agee), 185

Nights of Cabiria,
533, 544, 553

Nineteen Eighty-Four
(Orwell), 285, 289, 296–99

Nissim, Luciana, 279

Nixon, Richard, 409–20

Nolte, Ernst, 488, 494

(Auden), 13

Nordon, Pierre, 191–92, 193, 195

North Ship, The
(Larkin), 39, 48, 57, 68, 72–73, 79

(Lowell), 25–36

(Chandler), 202

Nothing Like the Sun
(Burgess), 442

Novel on Yellow Paper
(Smith), 125

Nuit et Brouillard
(Resnais), 268

Oakes, Philip, 68, 70

Obolensky, Chloe, 580

Ocampo, Victoria, 367–68

O Canada
(Wilson), 373

Oedipus Rex,

Of a Fire on the Moon
(Mailer), 407

Ohrn, Karin Becker, 582

Olivier, Laurence, 404, 500

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
(Solzhenitsyn), 221

One Hundred Poems
(Slessor), 139

O'Neill, Eugene, 204

On Photography
(Sontag), 568, 585

On the Town,

Open House
(Roethke), 91, 96, 97

Ophuls, Max, 545


Orwell, George, xx, 194, 195, 284–304

Orwell's Victory
(Hitchens), 225

Other People's Trades
(Levi), 265–66

Our Man in Havana
(le Carré), 233

Our Mutual Friend
(Dickens), 454

Oxford Book of Essays
(Gross), 243

Oxford Book of Twentieth-Century English Verse,

Parade's End
(Ford), 431

Paradise Lost
(Milton), 439

Parca, Gabriella, 364, 367

Parker, Charlie, 72

Parker, Dorothy, 498

Pasolini, Pier Paolo, 525–38

Pasolini Requiem
(Schwartz), 525–38

Pasternak, Boris, 4, 218, 220, 345

Patriotic Gore
(Wilson), 373, 378

Pencil of Nature, The,

(Hellman), 387–93

Peregrine Prykke's Pilgrimage
(James), 24

Perelman, S. J., 183, 200, 205, 307–8

Perfect Spy, A
(le Carré), 234

Perón, Eva, 576–77

Perpetrators, Victims, Bystanders
(Hilberg), 479

Pfahl, John, 599

Photographer's Eye, The,
570–71, 587

Photographs for the Tsar
(Prokudin-Gorskii), 580

Photography and Society,

Photography in Print
(Goldberg, ed.), 585

Photography in the Twentieth Century
(Tausk), 582–83

Photography of Max Yavno, The
(Yavno), 591

Piece of My Mind, A
(Wilson), 373–74, 383

Pieces of Time
(Bogdanovich), 562

Planck, Max, 477

Playing for Time
(Miller), 269–70

Plumed Serpent, The
(Lawrence), 175

Podhoretz, Norman, 408

(Auden), 5, 9, 10, 11

Poems and Journeys
(Johnston), 204–16

(Mallarmé), 29

Poetry and the Age
(Jarrell), 84–85, 87

Poirier, Richard, 389

Polgar, Alfred, 516

Pontecorvo, Gillo, 534, 544

Poodle Springs Story, The
(Chandler), 211

Porter, Peter, 254

Pound, Ezra, 74, 129, 130, 131, 133–35, 137, 381

Praise to the End!
(Roethke), 92, 96, 97

Prelude, A
(Wilson), 373, 374

Preoccupations in Australian Poetry
(Wright), 157

Prévert, Jacques, 559

Prime alla Scala
(Montale), 456–65, 463

Primo Levi
(Thomson), 276–82

Prince and the Showgirl, The,

Princess Daisy
(Krantz), xx, 236–44

Private History of a Campaign That Failed, The
(Twain), 309

Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, The
(Starrett), 196

Private Pictures,

Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei, 580

Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The,

Pudd'nhead Wilson
(Twain), 310, 311

Pushkin, Aleksandr, 4, 102–16, 117–21, 250, 451–52

Pybus, Cassandra, 152–53

Rajasthan: India's Enchanted Land
(Singh), 594

Ransom, John Crowe, 85, 98

Rathenau, Walther, 486

Rauschenberg, Robert, 598–99

Ray, Satyajit, 557, 594

Raymond, Vicki, 148

Raymond Chandler Speaking
(Chandler), 201, 204

Reawakening, The
(Levi), 263, 267

Rebozo, Bebe, 413

Red Desert,


Reich-Ranicki, Marcel, 272, 491, 492

Renoir, Jean, 545, 557

Required Writing
(Larkin), 79–81

Resnais, Alain, 268

(Tolstoy), 215, 216

Return of Moriarty, The
(Gardner), 196

Return of Sherlock Holmes, The
(Wilson), 191, 193

Revel, Jean-François, 225

Rhetoric of Fiction, The
(Booth), 443

Riboud, Marc, 595–96

Rilke, Rainer Maria, 33

Rizzoli, Angelo, 545–46

RN: The Memoirs of Richard Nixon
(Nixon), 409–20

Road to Serfdom, The
(Hayek), 294

Road to Wigan Pier, The
(Orwell), 287

Robert Rauschenberg Photographs
(Rauschenberg), 598–99

Robinson, Roland, 142–43

Roethke, Theodore, 90–101, 440

Rogers, Ginger, 278, 523

Rosen, Charles, 588

Rosenberg, Samuel, 197–98

Rosenthal, Raymond, 259, 263–67

Rosi, Francesco, 544

Roth, Joseph, 490

Roth, Philip, 396

Rougeul, Jean, 546

Rushdie, Salman, xiii, xiv, 38

Rushing, Jimmy, 50

Russell, Bertrand, 502–17

Russell, Pee Wee, 52

Russian Empire, The,

Russians, The
(Sichov), 596

Russia under Soviet Rule
(de Basily), 296

Sad Heart at the Supermarket, A
(Jarrell), 87

Sainte-Beuve, Charles-Augustine, 120

Saintsbury, George, 301

Salieri, Antonio, 120–21

Salinger, J. D., 181

Sam Haskins/Photo graphics
(Haskins), 599–600

Sarris, Andrew, 542

Sartre, Jean-Paul, 529

Satanic Verses, The
(Rushdie), 38

Scènes de la Vie de Bohème
(Murger), 193

Schaefer, A. L. “Whitey,” 577, 601

Schama, Simon, 470

Schnitzler, Arthur, 335–37, 339, 487, 492–93

Schwartz, Barth David, 525–38

Scrolls from the Dead Sea, The
(Wilson), 373

(Krantz), 236

Sea and Sardinia
(Lawrence), 172

Second Life of Art, The
(Montale), 463

Second Life of Art: Selected Essays of Eugenio Montale, The
(Galassi, ed.), 456–65

Self-Portrait with Friends
(Beaton), 575

Se Questo È un Uomo
(Levi), 266

Sereny, Gitta, 474–75, 480

Seven-Per-Cent Solution, The
(Meyer), 197

Seven Steps to Heaven
(Davis), 51

Shakespeare, William, 126, 301–2, 308, 340–46, 442

Shape of the Fire, The
(Roethke), 92, 96

Shaw, George Bernard, 301, 304, 315

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 105, 110–11

Sherlock Holmes
(Baring-Gould), 196

Sherlock Holmes Detected
(McQueen), 195–96

Sherlock Holmes Scrapbook, The
(Haining), 198


Shock of Recognition, The
(Wilson), 373, 378

Shores of Light, The
(Wilson), 373, 377, 378, 379

Sichov, Vladimir, 596

Siegel, Don, 564

Sign of Four, The
(Doyle), 191, 192, 193–94

Sinatra, Frank, 404, 523

Singh, Raghubir, 594

Singin' in the Rain,

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, l'homme et l'oeuvre
(Nordon), 191

Sleepless Nights
(Newton), 578

Slessor, Kenneth, 138–42, 149, 150, 152, 157

Small Back Room, The
(Balchin), 233

Small Town in Germany, A
(le Carré), 227

Smith, Alys Pearsall, 505–7, 508

Smith, Mary, 506

Smith, Stevie, 123–28

Snode, Chris, 580

Snow, C. P., 191, 193

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, xx, 214–26, 260, 280

Some Like It Hot,
398, 399–400

Sontag, Susan, 358–61, 568, 581, 583–84, 585

Sordi, Alberto, 534

Southern, Terry, 188–89

South of My Days
(Brady), 154

Speak, Memory
(Nabokov), 122

Special Collection 24 Photo Lithos
(Newton), 578

Speer, Albert, 474–75, 480

Spender, Stephen, 598

Spy Who Came in from the Cold, The
(le Carré), 227, 228, 229–30, 232

(Fest), 482

Stalin, Josef, 160, 218, 221, 223, 286, 288, 292, 296, 388, 419, 490, 531

Stamp, Terence, 534

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