Crown's Chance at Love (15 page)

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Authors: Mayra Statham,Nicole Louise

BOOK: Crown's Chance at Love
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“Mike,” I start to argue, but he cuts me off.

“Go to bed. I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” he says, and I’m so confused as to how he is turning everything around on me.


“You said you would give me a chance,” his voice strains a bit, I sigh.

“I know but,” I start again but he places a finger on my lips.

“Good night baby,” he says kissing my cheek quickly and I sigh at how weak I am, how easy I give in to him; this will not bode well for me in the future.

“Good night Mike.” I wasn’t saying I was still giving him a chance, I was just tired and needed sleep.
Who was I kidding?
I thought as I stared at him from my bedroom window as he reached into his car and glanced back. The look on his face unreadable. Then he got into his car and drove away.

I knew there was no reason for me to feel the jealousy I felt when I saw Barbie in his arms. They weren’t in a relationship or had even gone on a date.

There was an obvious pull he had on her.She just wasn’t sure how she felt  about being one in many…




My alarm didn’t go off.
She immediately thought to herself as she shot up, sitting in her bed, as she saw her room filled with daylight. Scrambling up quickly and looking at the time on her phone she groaned. They were definitely late.  She quickly went to the kids’ rooms, woke them up and in a blur, twenty minutes flew by and the four of them were rushing through the door. Each of them holding a Cliff Bar in their hands as she rushed to drop each of the kids off at school. She called her first meeting to let them know she was running late.

My afternoon isn’t getting any bette
r, she thought as she stubbed her toe walking into the office against her desk after so many meetings. She had a headache, probably because it was two in the afternoon and all she had had to eat all day had been the Cliff bar. Mike had called her, but she had been so busy from one appointment to another all she had done was text him she had a crazy day. Even now thinking about him, made her want to squirm. She knew what it was like to be pressed up close to him, what his mouth tasted like, and it was obvious that Barbie had known too by her body language.

He isn’t your boyfriend
, the bad girl in her head chimed. She sat at her desk and checked her email, making sure to send a fast one to Nick to check in with him. His trip to Hong Kong had been extended and she missed her buddy. She had so much work to catch up on. Emmi had called her between meetings and had offered to have the kids sleepover at her house and Sabrina had taken her up on it, promising to take Emmi’s kids one night next week so that Emmi could have quiet time with Dan.

So now she sat at her desk knowing it was going to be a long night. Diving into her work helped her push any thoughts of Mike aside. The hours flew by without noticing and thankfully Janelle had brought her a salad from a little restaurant down the street before she had gone home for the day. Laney had knocked on her office door to say goodbye around six. Now she stretched looking at her phone.
it was eight thirty and somehow she had been so focused on seating charts and invitations and replying to vendors, that she had three missed text messages. Two from Nick and one from Mike.

She picked up her phone and called Mike. Nick would probably be busy because of the time difference, and she didn’t want to interrupt anything important.

“Hi!” Mike says answering after only one ring and I couldn’t help but smile.

“Hey. Sorry I missed your text, I’ve been swamped. How are you?” I asked.

“I’m good. You?” he asked and by the tone in his voice I could tell he was being cautious, almost as if he felt he had to walk on eggshells.

“I’m okay, it’s just been one of those days,” I mention, trying not to let his voice get to me.


“Yeah, and we all woke up late, so that kind of set the tone for the rest of the day. I have a headache that won’t go away, and I am still at the office.”

“What about the kids?” he asks sounding concerned.

“Sleepover at Emmi’s, I’ll be hosting one of my own next week as a thank you to her.”

“Oh. Okay…. Have you had dinner?” he asked sounding concerned.

“No, not yet. I’ll probably just grab something on my home, or maybe make a bowl of cereal at home.”

“Oh… can I go with you?” he asks nervously and I laugh. I hate things being awkward with us. It was a funny thing considering I had just met him a week ago, yet the pull towards him had me completely enchanted with him.

“You want to go home with me?” I ask laughing trying to lighten the mood between us and have things be a little less awkward.

“Let me take you to dinner Sabrina,” he says seriously and his deep voice sends shivers down my spine.

“Mike,” I start to say.

“I’ll be there in ten.” And he hung up. I looked at the phone scowling.
Who does he think he is?
Had been my first thought. The second thought was that I should freshen up my makeup.



I arrive at her office, and as I walk from the parking lot to the buildings’ door, I take in my surroundings. I worry about how poorly lit the parking lot is, and I wonder how often she stayed working late and alone. I would definitely talk to her about it..

That was if she would even talk to me. I couldn’t believe that she had called me tonight. I jumped at the chance of coming over to see her, but I knew things were weird between us. How had I been able to make such a mess out of everything last night? How could I have forgotten that I had made a date with Elle, a new up and coming actress, that everyone was trying to get dirt on? She was sweet and pretty, but she wasn’t Sabrina. I hadn’t been lying when I told her I had forgotten about my date with Elle.

It was simple really, a week ago I met Sabrina, and everything and everyone faded from my mind, and I should have known better. I knew that there was still a storm cloud overhead, and every day that passed by, the closer I got to her, the harder it would be when she found out the truth. I really should give her up, let her push me away, but that thought made my heart almost freeze at my chest. There was something about her that made me feel at ease but at the same time I felt an excitement I had never felt. Simply put, I couldn’t seem to get enough of her.

I knocked at the front door of her offices and she came to the door. Wearing a bright blue sleeveless blouse with a cowl neckline that showed a hint of cleavage, black skinny pants that showed off her toned legs, my eyes roamed lower and I couldn’t hide my smile. She was barefoot, her toes a bright pink, taking in how tiny she really was, as she stood in front of me barefoot.

“Hey,” she said shyly and something in me snapped as I took a step forward, closing the space between us. I was done with things being weird. I knew it was my fault, but she would just have to get over it.

“Come here,” I tell her , my voice a little demanding. She looked up at me, opening and then closing her mouth almost like she had been ready to argue, but had changed her mind. It felt like an eternity but she finally took a step forward, towards me, and I walked to her, wrapping my arms around her, I feel her take a deep breath as her face is in my chest.

“I’m sorry,” I mumble into her hair. She smells so freaking good. The hint of coconut and vanilla mixed with the scent of her skin made my mouth water.

“No I told you,” she starts to say as she pulls her head away looking up at me, her eyes big and wide and so fucking honest. I placed a finger on her plump lips.

“I’m not that guy. I’m not the guy who dates multiple women at one time. Elle was someone who I had asked to a business function, mostly for publicity. She’s an actress and being seen helps her out. I would have cancelled if I had remembered about it. Since meeting you a week ago, you’ve turned my life upside down.” I admitted to her, surprising myself how honest I was being with her. I couldn’t help the scowl that fell over my face as she began to giggle.

“I’m the one who should be sorry, I got jealous when I had no reason to be,” she said her voice soft and sweet, her eyes shining bright with a smile on her beautiful face. I really liked how open she was, how she did not play games with me. I would be lying to myself if I didn’t admit that something tugged at my heart at what she just confessed.

“If it makes you feel any better, you’ve kinda thrown my life for a loop since meeting you too.”

“Good, I’m glad I’m not alone in this,” my voice rumbled. “ I have to tell you sweetheart, I have never felt this way about anyone before…” I admit and she looks at me as if she’s trying to decide what to say.

“So where do we go from here?” she asks. I know exactly what I want. I just can’t. Not yet. I want to claim her, tell her that she’s mine and if she wants me, I’m hers. Who the hell was I kidding? I’ve been hers since the first moment she stumbled into my arms,and our eyes met. But with a heavy heart I couldn’t tell her that, not yet. My mind and heart were having an internal fight, between doing what I want and what I
do. So I take the easy way route, that will buy me a little time.

“We get to know one another. Date a little, see where it goes. What do you think?” I suggest.

“Non-exclusively?” she asks raising an eyebrow making her look so fucking sexy.

“I’m not seeing anyone, I don’t plan on seeing anyone else, but if you do, it’s what you need to do, I understand,” I tell her, surprising myself. I’m not sure how I managed the words. I didn’t want her seeing anyone else, but I couldn’t stake my claim, not until she knew the truth. I just wasn’t ready to tell her everything. God! I’m a complete bastard.

“Okay,” she said with a hint of mischief in her eyes. It wasn’t unnoticed that she didn’t say she wouldn’t see anyone, and maybe that was what the mischief in her eyes was about.

“Kiss me,”  I tell her and she smiled brighter.

“Okay,” she said softly, as she leaned in closer, standing on her toes to reach up.

Our mouths pressed against one another, kissing hard and deep. I had meant to kiss her lightly, but there was something about the mixture of her scent and the taste of her mouth that made it difficult for me to control myself when it came to her.

I controlled the kiss and she let me. I liked that a lot, more than a lot, maybe even more than I wanted to admit to myself. She took as much I gave, soft whimpers and moans escaping from each of us as we made out in front of the receptionist desk. My hands roamed her body freely and she arched into me, giving my hands permission to roam wherever I needed to explore. The room grew hot and  warm, and the air around them felt thick and heavy.

“Mike…” she said against my lips. The way her voice cracked with need made me harder, hungrier for her.

“Hmm?” I mumbled against her mouth. I couldn’t seem to get enough of her.

We were both wearing too many clothes and I felt like my head was spinning. All I could think about was touching her, seeing the affect I had on her, because she definitely knew the affect she had on me. It had been poking against her belly ever since I had pulled her body into mine. I started to walk us back, needing a wall or a desk, any type of surface to pin her against so that I could get closer. All I could focus on was touching her, and wanting to hear her scream my name.

“My office,” She whimpered almost as if she could read my mind. She pulls away and looks at me, grabbing my hand we run to her office. I slam the door behind me and turn to look at her, and damn if my heart freezes as I take in the sight of her.

The office is dark except for a tiny bit of light from a small lamp on her desk and the glow coming from her computer monitor. Her hair is a little wild from my fingers messing it up. Her maple brown hair is long and looking silky as fuck. Her eyes are wide and dark, her beautiful lips swollen and pouty from my kisses and damn if that didn’t make my chest swell with pride. My gaze went lower and I swallowed hard.

She’s taking off her blouse, and below it all she is wearing is a soft pink push up bra. Her skin is creamy and looks so fucking good. Her breasts are bigger than I thought they were, and damn if I’m not fucking tenting my pants even more at the thought of kissing that silky soft skin. I’m frozen in place, I want to go over to her, have my way, play her like the finest instrument and make her scream my name, but I know I shouldn’t… not until she knows the truth.

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