Crossroads Revisited (11 page)

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Authors: Keta Diablo

Tags: #Keta Diablo, #crossroads, #phaze books, #suspense, #homoerotic, #baltimore

BOOK: Crossroads Revisited
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Next, he walked to the nightstand and
retrieved the Glock. Memories of performing the same routine from his childhood
flooded him. How many times had he snuck into his parents’ room, pulled his
father’s gun from the drawer, and held it?

He checked it for ammo and breathed a
sigh of relief it wasn’t loaded. Not certain how to eject the bullets, his plan
would all be for naught if it had been. Frank didn’t have to know it wasn’t
loaded. Maybe he’d forget he’d taken the bullets out.

Now all he had to do was hide in an
inconspicuous location. He knew Frank’s routine well. He’d come home, drop his
briefcase onto the kitchen counter, pour a shot of Jack Daniels, and head for
his bedroom to change.

Rand snuck into the closet and hunkered
down. He couldn’t help but laugh at the perverse irony. Finally, he was ready
to come out of the closet…in more ways than one.

Less than thirty minutes later, the
front door opened. Rand held his breath. The door closed and he heard the
briefcase meet the counter. The liquor cabinet door groaned and glasses
clanked. Yep, Frank was after the Jack Daniels.

Footsteps echoed softly down the
carpeting in the hallway. Soon, Frank would step into the bedroom, glass of
whiskey in hand, and plop onto the bed to read the newspaper.

Rand peered through the slats in the
closet. Uh-huh, just as predicted. Frank almost flopped onto the bed after
setting his drink on the nightstand, then picked up the newspaper and scanned
the first page. By the time the closet door squeaked open, Frank was already
reaching for the Glock in the nightstand.

“Too late,” Rand said.

Frank jerked his body around and put his
hand to chest. “Rand? Jesus, why don’t you just order a lightning bolt to
strike me dead?”

“Too quick of a death for a cold-hearted
bastard like you.”

“Put the gun down, Rand. This isn’t

Rand smiled beneath the hood. He really
looked scared shitless. “I’m calling the shots here, McGuire.”

“Rand, you’re pissing me off. Stop
pointing that fucking gun at my chest.”

“Take everything off from the waist

“Have you lost your fucking mind?”


“Why in hell would I take my pants off?

To draw out his anxiety over the loaded
gun, Rand walked over to him at a foot-dragging pace. He grabbed a lock of his
long hair. “Do I look like I have to explain things to you? I’m the one with
the gun now, in case you hadn’t noticed.”

“You’re messing with fire. You don’t
know the first thing about guns, and didn’t your father ever tell you not to
point it at anyone, loaded or not?”

“He did,” he said with an air of
cockiness. “Apparently I didn’t heed his warnings. Now, you going to drop those
jeans or do I have to rip them from your body?”

“What the―”

“I’m going to start counting, and for
every second you hesitate, I’m going to give you a lash from my belt.”

“You’re not wearing a belt,” Frank said
with a smile.

Rand looked down at his black jeans.
“I’ll use yours, now fucking drop ’em. One, two, three…”

“All right, you little bastard. How are
you going to get away from me when this sick little game is over? I’m ten times
faster than you, and I don’t take kindly to anyone pointing a loaded gun at my

“Do what I say so I don’t get nervous
and blow your brains out. Four, five…”

“Okay, okay.” He unzipped his jeans and
slid them down his hips.

Rand licked his lips and the gun wobbled
in his hands.

“Better hang on to big boy there and
quit staring in the direction of my dick.”

“The boxers,” Rand said, raising the gun
and his chin.

With an exasperated sigh, Frank snapped
the waistband of his boxers and stepped out of them.

“Now lift your shirt up. I want to see
if you got a hard on.”

Rand’s eyes widened when Frank’s hard
cock stared back at him when the blue shirt cleared his waist.


“No,” Rand said, trying to still his
runaway heart. “Sit down on the bed, and scoot backwards against the headboard,
hands clasped behind your head.”

Without a word, Frank complied, but
rolled his eyes.

Rand walked toward him with the gun
still aimed at his chest. “Stick your hand out.”

“Right or left?”

“Doesn’t matter.”

Frank held out his left hand. It didn’t
surprise Rand. The hardened cop would never surrender his most useful personal

He grabbed something from his back
pocket and held it before Frank.

“Handcuffs? Oh, this better be so worth
it. Normally, I’d fight to the death before I’d let someone handcuff me.”

“I hope you do, you stubborn jackass,”
Rand said, trying to sound stern. “Then I can shatter that frozen heart once
and for all.” He fastened the cuff over his wrist, snapped it shut, and hooked
the other end to the head rail.

As always, Frank sounded cool as a
cucumber. “I love danger and force.”

Rand leaned down and pinched his nipple
with his forefinger and thumb, keeping the gun pressed against a spot over his
heart. “Oh, yeah, let’s find out what else trips your trigger.”

Blue eyes darkened. “Go ahead, be my

Rand left his sweatshirt on, but removed
his jeans and briefs before he sat on Frank’s pelvis with his knees tucked
close to his hips. He ran his hands along his chest and brushed his thumbs over
the tough cop’s dark nipples.

Frank’s breathing deepened.

Rand bent his head down and with his
tongue and teeth began an arousing dance across his torso, beginning at his
navel and ending at his neck. He took his time, licking and sucking in all the
sensitive spots and reveling in the subtle gasps Frank tried to conceal. He
stroked his shoulders, caressingly him freely. When Frank moved his free hand a
smidgeon toward Rand’s hair, he pressed the nozzle of the gun into the smooth
skin above his heart.

“I wouldn’t,” Rand whispered. “Don’t
move. Stay still.”

The fingers of his free hand brushed
over Frank’s lips and they parted with a rush of ragged air. The gesture
excited him, emboldening him to reach down and stroke Frank’s engorged member.
With his thumb, he circled the tip and smeared the leaking cream down the
length of his shaft.

His eyes returned to Frank’s and the
look there sent his emotions spiraling out of control. “You’re hot and
throbbing with need,” he said, sliding down his body. When Rand cupped his
mouth around his cock, Frank’s hips jerked upward.  Rand stopped and glanced up
at him. “Want me to lick, suck, or swallow that big boy?” Before Frank had time
to answer he added, “Oh, that’s right, I’m the one with the gun now and in
control. Think I’ll just lick the entire length, maybe suck the head, and watch
come for a change. Need a hankie?”

“You little prick.” 

Heady with power, Rand set upon his cock
ruthlessly, alternating between nips, sucks, and licks. Within minutes Frank’s
body trembled and he clutched the sheet with his free hand. Fighting his own
arousal, Rand realized, with Frank it was as much about receiving pleasure as
giving it.

A low, “yes” drifted down from Frank’s
lips. And another.

More focused now, Rand took the entire
length in his mouth. Lost in a maze of satiny skin, a minute salty taste and
the musky scent of pure man, Rand realized too late Frank had taken the gun
from him faster than a magician’s sleight-of-hand. He froze with McGuire’s cock
still in his mouth.

Frank put the gun to his neck. “By all means,
let’s continue this game.” His tone hoarse and tinged with desire, he said,
“Slide up and sit on my thighs.”

“It’s not loaded, you know, the gun. I
wouldn’t have―”

“You think I wouldn’t have disarmed you
before I let you put those cuffs on me if it was?”

“You knew? All along, you knew?”

Frank nodded. “For the sake of
practicality, let’s pretend I missed a bullet. You ready to play a little
Russian Roulette?”

“No! I hate guns and you know it. I
looked. I made sure the bullets were out.”

Frank cocked his head. “You sure?”

Rand stammered. “I-I―”

“That’s what I thought.  Little boys who
play with matches generally get burned. Now slide up here, and make it fast.”

Rand did as instructed. Within seconds
his ass met Frank’s thighs, the touch of naked skin against naked skin sent his
heart into wild palpitations.

“Lift your hips up and scoot forward an
inch or two.”

Rand’s ass hovered over Frank’s cock. He
stilled, a sound almost like a pained groan rumbled in his throat from
anticipation. Slowly he lowered his bottom until the hot heat of McGuire’s
penis nudged his entrance. Time slowed and Rand forgot everything but the
blazing need in his body. The sensation choked him as did his snagged breath.

Too turned on to move, lest it be over
before it began, he froze. He realized he’d closed his eyes long moments ago
and opened them now to look at Frank. Sapphire gems looked into his, but the
man didn’t move a muscle, didn’t draw breath as far as Rand could tell. God, he
was magnificent—the rock-hard body, and beautiful face.

Desire whipped around Rand like a lash,
flaying every inch of his skin. His body moved, back and forth, up and own,
wanting to quench the implacable hunger, but afraid if he did, they wouldn’t be
able to recapture what they’d lost. 

The hot scent of arousal swirled up his
nostrils—his, Frank’s.

Now or never.

Unconditional surrender or nothing.

“Do it,” Frank ground out.

Rand bore down and took the full length.
Stars exploded in his eyes. A strange humming sound came from the back of his
throat. He wanted more, needed to feel Frank move inside him.

“Give me the goddamn key,” Frank said.

To Rand his voice sounded as if it came
from a distant realm. In a trance he handed it to him, and heard only the click
as Frank released the handcuffs and tossed the Glock on the floor.

“I think this is what you want,” he
said, cupping Rand’s thighs with such strength, he gasped.

He held him firmly, and pushed down,
raising his hips up at the same time. Frank lifted him up and sank into him
again, using only his hands to guide his thighs. The taking was painful, yet
mingled with an undeniable bliss. Rand felt tight around him when Frank was
deep inside him. The hot flames licked at his insides with every thrust,
growing like a raging inferno until it became impossible for Rand to
distinguish between real and imaginary, fire and ice. Frank bucked and he
shuddered. Bestial cries tore from Rand’s lips when Frank pushed down on his
hips. Their bodies moved with intense urgency as Frank gripped him firmly and
rocked his body up and down, give and take, groin against groin.

Rand’s body launched into a series of
tremors. Almost there, almost. With his hands on Frank’s chest, and his knees
hugging his hips, he threw his head back. “Deeper,” he panted. “Harder.”

Frank removed one hand from his hip and
tore the hood from his face. “Look at me while I fuck you.”

The floodgates opened and Rand lost
himself in the fathomless depths, surrendered to the way Frank pummeled his
body. Give and take, hold and submit. Frank filled him more, in so deep, he
moaned his pleasure. His fierce climax exploded, so intense it blinded him.
Rand collapsed onto his chest and Frank’s strong arms held him through the last
shivers of his release.

Long minutes later, Rand rolled off
Frank and lay on his back, panting. God, he wished the man would say something,
anything. What should he do? Rise from bed and put his jeans on? Slink from the
bedroom with his tail between his legs?

“Does your mother know where you are?”
he finally asked.

“I left her a note.”

“What did you say in the note?”

“Off to Frank’s. Don’t worry about me.
Love you, Rand.”

“Do you think you should call her?”

“Why should I call her?”

Frank pulled him into his arms. “I’ll
call her, how about that, and I’ll tell her to stop over in the morning for

At least he would let him stay for the
night. He didn’t realize he’d been holding his breath until he released it.

“I’ll ask her if she minds tossing your
clothes into the suitcase, too.”

Rand raised up on an elbow and looked at
him. “Is that what you want?”

“Yes,” he said. “Undeniably,

Rand laid his head on Frank’s chest and
closed his eyes. He was home again where he belonged.




About the Author


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