Crossing Savage (16 page)

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Authors: Dave Edlund

Tags: #energy independence, #alternative energy, #thriller, #fiction, #novel, #Peter Savage

BOOK: Crossing Savage
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The leader made use of the situation to dash from his cover behind the stone footing, seeking to use the hostages as human shields. He slid to the ground and grabbed the closest person—Junichi.

The rifle magazine was now out of ammunition, and Peter had to get into his backpack to reload. Davis came crashing into the manzanita patch and scurried around behind Peter.

“Man, am I glad to see you! If you hadn't shown up when you did, I'd be a dead man.”

“Glad to be of assistance,” replied Peter. He slid the shotgun off his shoulder and gave it to Davis. “Here, take the riot gun. It's loaded with alternating rounds of slugs and buck shot.”

Peter opened the large front pocket on the backpack. He took four rifle cartridges and fed three into the magazine. Then, holding those down, he slipped the fourth cartridge into the chamber and slid the bolt home.

“Two are down. Blondie and the guy who was shooting at you.”

“That makes a total of three—your father killed one inside the cabin. Shot him with that Civil War rifle. That's the good news. The bad news is there are four more, very much alive and pretty mad about now.”

“I saw Blondie shoot Murph from over on the far side of the valley.” Peter pointed to where he had been watching the cabin with the spotting scope. “I was too far away to do anything. How's Murph? I didn't see him come out of the cabin.”

Davis looked numb. He replied with no emotion at all. “He's dead.”

“I'm sorry. I know he was your friend.”

Davis simply nodded. There was nothing to say.

Peter gathered his thoughts, trying to take stock of the situation. “Is my father okay?”

“General Ramirez whacked him pretty hard on the head. After Professor Savage shot Jalil, he tried to club Ramirez with the rifle. Ramirez dodged the blow and struck your father on the head with the butt of his pistol. Split the scalp, but I think he'll be all right.”

“And the others?”

“Good so far. They haven't hurt anyone else … yet.”

“Ramirez… that's the name of the guy with the mustache, the one waving the pistol around all the time?”

“Yeah. He's demanding the explosives—the seismic charges. Your father stalled as long as possible, but finally had to tell him. Ramirez sent Henri to the root cellar, but he reported the locker was empty. That's when Ramirez ordered Smith—the blond guy—to kill me.”

Peter put the binoculars to his eyes and surveyed the hostages and terrorists in front of the cabin, not liking what he saw. He handed the glasses to Davis and asked, “Well, Troy, you have the experience in this sort of thing. What do we do now?”

Davis, looking through the binoculars, quickly assessed the situation. Seeing that Ramirez was huddled down with Junichi, he knew that their chances of success just got worse—a lot worse. He knew that he and Peter could do little to save the hostages if Ramirez and his men became suicidal.

“We can't stay out here. It's only a matter of time before one or two men flank us. I'd say our best option is to maintain our momentum. If you can keep them pinned down, I'll work my way around to the left. Maybe I can come in from behind and get close enough to take down one or two of them with the shotgun. When they return my fire, you should have an opportunity to take out one, maybe two.”

“Okay, but we do have another problem.”

“What's that?” asked Davis.

“You have eight shells in that riot gun. Here are eight more. That's all I got. I've got 24 rounds for the rifle, but that will go pretty fast.”

“You still have that hog leg strapped to your thigh.”

“Yeah, I do,” agreed Peter. “But unless you're a much better shot than I am, one of us will have to get in there pretty close to hit anything with it. And we can't just go spraying the area with bullets.”

“So, be careful and make every shot count.”

Peter nodded. He wasn't sure this was a good idea, but he didn't have any better suggestions either.

“I have a solid rest and good angle from this stump here. I'll cover you while you run up there to the boulder. From there, you'll want to stay to the left and make for those trees as fast as possible. I'll try to keep their attention on me.”

Davis said, “On three. One, two, three!” And he jumped up and ran forward to the boulder. As Davis ran, Ramirez fired wildly at him. The guy with greasy, stringy hair was still next to the porch stairs and he added his fire in support of Ramirez. Peter quickly aimed at him and shot. He missed, but the bullet splintered the wooden step next to the man's head. That was enough to force him down.

And then Davis was at the boulder. He slid in and turned back to Peter, taking deep breaths. Peter kept the scope on his targets, systematically moving from one to another, hoping for an opportunity. But the terrorists remained well concealed.

Ramirez had guessed their plan. And he knew how to counter. “You idiots! Get over here with the hostages! They can't shoot you if you are with the hostages for fear of killing their friends!”

Weasel came out from the porch steps in a low run. Ortiz and Kwok watched and when they saw that Weasel made it, they too dashed to the safety of the civilians. Peter fired at Kwok, but the bullet missed, and before he could chamber another round and get the cross hairs lined up, both terrorists slid into the group of hostages.

“Stay close to the hostages. They won't dare shoot at you,” Ramirez told his men. Then Ramirez shouted, “Gentlemen! Lay down your guns! Surrender, or we will begin shooting your friends!” To emphasize the message he shoved the barrel of the MP5 into Junichi's side.

Peter realized how the situation had deteriorated. He saw the three men join Ramirez in a tight group with his father and friends. He looked at Davis, and Davis stared back, but the fierce determination evident a moment ago was lacking.

Davis yelled his reply. “You kill them, and there's nothing to prevent us from killing you!”

“We have you outnumbered two to one—and we have superior training and firepower. We will take our chances against you, if that is your wish.” Ramirez paused. “Is that your wish? Do you want to watch your friends die? Here? Now?”

Davis knew they had been trumped. His shoulders sagged, and his head fell forward in a sign of defeat. Then Davis stood and turned toward the cabin.

“Okay. Okay. We give up.” With no other choice, Peter stood as well. Both men dropped their weapons and walked slowly to Ramirez. As they got close, Ramirez, Kwok, Ortiz, and Weasel all stood—and the hostages as well.

Ramirez was gloating, his gun aimed casually at Peter and Davis as they approached. When they were about five yards away Ramirez said, “That's close enough. Hands up.” Peter and Davis did as they were ordered, and Kwok did a quick pat down, coming up empty.

Ramirez looking squarely at Peter. “So, you must be the eighth man.”

“I thought I'd arrive to the party fashionably late. Did I miss anything?”

Ramirez lost the smile. This man standing before him had cost him three soldiers and much wasted time. “The good professor has been most uncooperative. Now I will give you a chance. Where are the explosives?”

“Surely a terrorist of your standing has plenty of access to military explosives. Why are you so interested in the relatively low-power seismic charges?”

“You are correct on one point—I do have access to what is needed to complete the mission. That includes all types of explosives and munitions. But that has nothing to do with my interest in your charges. Suffice it to say that I want them. Now, I'll ask once more. Where are the charges?”

Peter needed to buy time just as his father had—anything to stall and keep the conversation going. “You need these explosives, don't you? What are you planning to blow up? What's the target?” Ramirez didn't answer.

Peter pressed further. “You need these explosives because you want to throw off the investigation. You know that BATF agents will ultimately determine the source of the explosives. So you want to use something that has a clean history, isn't that right? At least I'll give you credit for thinking smarter than most terrorists.” Peter knew none of this was true, but he had wasted more time. Just a few more minutes was all he needed.

“I'll take that as a compliment. But we prefer to think of ourselves as freedom fighters, not terrorists.”

“Does that help you clear your conscience so you can sleep at night? It won't work, you know… trying to justify the murder of innocents in the name of freedom. It never has,” said Peter. Ramirez was clenching his teeth but remained silent.

“The last time I checked, there was no indigenous population on this tiny island. So just which oppressed group are you trying to free anyway?”

Puffing his chest out, Ramirez finally responded to the goading. “We fight for all people who are oppressed by wealthy imperialist pigs!”

“Spoken like a true Marxist. I suppose you are paid well for your services, too. Or do you donate that money to the impoverished people you claim to be fighting for? No, I don't suppose you do.”

“You are more arrogant and self-righteous than most Americans I have met. Have you not heard of the oppression of innocent Iraqis at the hands of your military machine? Have you not heard of the atrocities your country committed at Abu Grab, civilians murdered by your cowardly soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq and countless other sites as they occupied Arab soil under the false pretenses of an illegal invasion of a sovereign nation?”

“I'm surprised Ramirez… General, isn't it? I'm surprised that you didn't conclude your diatribe by pointing out that those U.S. military men and women who allegedly perpetrated crimes have been brought to justice. Those who were found guilty are serving time in prison. Unlike your patron states, we do not hold anyone above the law.”

“In another time and place, you and I might enjoy such mental jousting. We have much in common.”

Peter was disgusted at this remark. “We have nothing in common.” He almost spat the words out. “I value good over evil, right over wrong. You thrive on human suffering for your own profit. You are nothing but a murdering bastard.”

Ramirez was amused at the raw emotion and depth of Peter's conviction. But he did not see any profit in going further down this path.

“For the last time, where are the explosives?”

Before Peter could reply, there was a sharp and deep boom that reverberated off the mountains lining the valley. It was a large explosion, not in the immediate area but not too far away either. The hostages all ducked their heads out of fear and shock. Junichi and Harry crouched and looked around, trying to determine what new threat was coming at them. The terrorists looked in the direction of the explosion, bodies tensing for an attack.

Peter had a smug look. “Oh, those explosives. Well, I think you know now where they are. Or should I say
since they are no longer available. I imagine that your Zodiac also is no longer available since I stacked all 50 pounds in the boat early this morning with a simple timing trigger.” Peter was smiling now. This was the first time since Blondie showed up earlier in the morning that he actually felt like he had achieved an advantage against the terrorists.

Shortly after leaving the cabin in the early pre-dawn hours, Peter had come across the Zodiac. He could see several sets of tracks leading away from the craft, but he didn't know exactly how many had come ashore. Nor did he know why they were on the island, but he suspected it had something to do with a hit on the research party. So he had hustled back to the cabin, stuffed the explosives and timer into his pack, and returned to the Zodiac. He figured that if nothing happened by mid-morning he could always go back to the Zodiac and remove the timer and explosives.

Peter turned his eyes to the hostages. “Are you all right, Dad?”

Professor Savage nodded. He still seemed to be in a mild state of shock; they all did. They didn't fully comprehend what had happened, but they were beginning to hope that maybe Ramirez would leave since the explosives were gone.

Troy Davis knew better than to celebrate just yet. Without the Zodiac that they came in, they had no obvious way to depart the island. Even worse, everyone present could identify Ramirez and the other three men—Kwok, Weasel, and Ortiz. Ramirez had obviously played this game too long to let witnesses walk away.

Despite the explosion, Ramirez never dropped his guard. He had kept his submachine gun at the ready, and the remaining three terrorists followed suit, covering the academic team.

Ramirez took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly. “I wish you had not done that. Now I must use an alternate plan. Weasel, Ortiz! Take them all into the cabin. Once inside, firmly bind their hands and feet.”

Karen didn't understand. She was becoming hysterical. “What do you want from us? There are no more explosives! They are gone, you know that! Let us go!”

Ramirez was laughing now. “My dear child, I didn't come here for your seismic charges. No, I came here for you and your colleagues; most especially for the renowned Professor Savage. The explosives would simply have made my mission easier; that is all.”

Karen was sobbing; her face cradled in her hands.

“Exactly what is your mission?” asked Davis. He had been quiet for so long that Ramirez was mildly startled to hear him speak.

“Why, I should think you would know. My mission is to kill you—all of you.”

It was perfectly clear now to Peter that Jim had been completely correct. If only they could have convinced Peter's father to delay the field excursion and accept better protection.

Peter and Troy Davis were out of ideas. They had surrendered their weapons. No more tricks, no diversions, no fallback, or contingency plans. They were out of luck, out of options, and now… out of time.

Weasel and Ortiz escorted the hostages back into the cabin and assembled them in the great room. Ramirez followed while Kwok stood guard on the porch. Under guard by Ortiz and Ramirez, Weasel used plastic flexicuffs to bind their wrists behind their backs. Then he pushed them each to their knees and bound their ankles together, again using plastic flexicuffs. With hands and feet firmly bound in this way, no one could stand up. They were stuck kneeling.

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