Crossed (18 page)

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Authors: Lacey Silks

Tags: #alpha male, #Romantic Suspense, #erotic suspense, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Suspense, #Adult, #alpha, #Women's Fiction, #erotic romance

BOOK: Crossed
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I stepped out of the stall to be greeted by a smoky hand over my mouth. On instinct, I thrust my body around, trying both to get free and to make any kind of noise I could, but to my dismay the bathroom was empty and he was holding me right in the middle of it, away from the door, mirrors, and walls. I had nothing to kick or hit, and his professional grip surprised me. That’s when I remembered that my youngest brother had always liked kickboxing, and I wondered whether he’d pursued his passion. Maybe I should have joined a class or two as well.

“Please, Grace,” Scar whispered into my ear. “I’m not going to hurt you. I didn’t know you were my sister until it was too late. I was set up. I’m a victim, just like you. We have both been crossed.”

I mumbled from behind his palm, afraid that if the lack of air didn’t kill me, the horrid cigarette stench would. I needed him to let go of my mouth if any talking or hearing was going to happen. All those words he’d said sort of blended in my mind as lack of oxygen began to mess with my brain. It was as if I were trying to see and think through a morning fog. I stopped struggling and trying to whip out of his tight hold, because a few more seconds and I’d be down anyway. The only words that remained in my mind were
I’m a victim, just like you

I slowly nodded, thinking that maybe he’d let me go if I complied. That way I could run away, and do it fast. Yet now, part of me wanted to hear what he had to say, and I didn’t know why.

Before he completely let go of me he asked, “Please don’t run. I just need a few minutes.” His tone was gentler this time, and for the first time in over a decade, I stood a couple of feet away from my youngest brother, looking straight into his eyes. I barely recognized him. And I guess I’d changed during that time as well. Something tightened around my heart—a wish that I’d had a different life, maybe a happy family like Emma’s. But I knew that was impossible. My father, while a very successful lawyer, was a ruthless man—that much I knew. He and his shady businesses were the reasons why my mother kept me away from the family. Yet Scar was the only brother I remembered who didn’t remind me of my father as much as the others had.

“I’m sorry if I scared you.”

“No more than when you held a gun to my head, or showed up unannounced at my condo.”

“My ways to get to you have been cut off. I was forced to take larger risks, like I am now. The moment your boyfriend realizes you’ve been gone too long he’ll barge in here.”

“That’s what makes him a good boyfriend.”

“You’re wrong, but it does make him a good undercover agent.”

Scar spoke as if they had history together, which honestly wouldn’t have surprised me. A clatter of dishes in the nearby kitchen startled us both, making me jump.

“Grace, I don’t know how to explain it to you this fast, but you need to believe me when I say that I didn’t know it was you at the salon. I had no clue I was being set up to kidnap my own sister. It wasn’t until I saw you... and then I just had to go through with it. I’m sorry.”

“Kidnap? I thought it was about the money.”

“‘Give me the money’ sounds a lot less threatening than ‘Come with me,’ don’t you think?” he said, his gaze darting toward the door every few seconds.

I recalled Scar wanting me to come with him.

“Who set you up?” I asked.

“Who do you think? That scumbag Axel, under father’s direction.”

“Why would you do anything like that anyways? Don’t you guys have money flying out of your butts? Couldn’t they have hired someone?”

“Why hire someone when you can get the job done for free? They didn’t tell me whose salon it was. They just set it all up and told me to get you to the house. You can ask your mom. She overheard Cash and Axel talking as well.”

“What do you mean my mom? She’s also your mom.”

He shook his head. “You know that I’m not a pure Wagner, Grace. I’m the product of a love affair our father had. They’ve always treated me differently. They used me to get to you. And you—you’ve changed so much, Grace.”

For the first time since the attack at the salon, Scar looked at me like an honest brother. Was he? Or was this a game?

“I was used, and so were you,” he added.

“So what do you want from me?” I asked. “Why are you trying to get in touch?”

The bathroom door flew open and Hunter rushed at Scar with his arms stretched out.

“Stop!” I yelled out.

Both men froze and I realized the echo of my scream had carried into the kitchen and the dining area. My heart pounded. I could hear the three of us breathing in tandem, gazes flying from one to another, crossing some of the time.

“Is everything all right in here?” One of the waiters burst through the washroom door.

“Yes, just some family drama,” I tried to explain.

“Sir”—he turned to Hunter, then to Scar—“this is a ladies’ washroom. You cannot be here.”

“Hunter, let’s take this to the table, shall we?” I asked.

“What? Grace, this is…”

“I know who it is. I think we should all sit down and talk,” I explained.

If I had ever doubted Scar for not trusting me, this was the moment that would show just how much he had.

“Are you clean?” Hunter asked Scar, who nodded in reply. I didn’t think Hunter was referring to Scar’s hygiene habits.

“Only if you’re sure about this, Grace.”

“Yes, I’m sure.”

I was the first to leave the washroom. Hunter followed right behind me, and Scar was at the end. When we sat down in our booth my mother’s jaw dropped open. “I knew you were behind this,” she hissed at Scar.

“Relax, Beth. I know I’m not your favorite, but as Grace’s half brother I believe I can be a better brother to her than any of the three fools at Father’s house.” He then leaned in to whisper to me. I saw Hunter tense every time Scar spoke or got too close. “Beth is not a fan of mine. You know, son of another woman and all…”

“Scar, that’s not true. You know I’ve always treated you like my own.”

“That’s a lie, and you know it. Besides, I’m not here to talk about us. I’m here to help Grace out of the shit father got her into.”

“Scar, we’re in public, lower your voice,” my mother scolded.

“Beth, chill. No one cares about this family’s drama as much as you think.”

Hunter cleared his throat. “Actually there are plenty of people who care, especially when there’s a chance to put the Wagners behind bars.”

“The problem, Hunter, is that if you book the Wagners, you book them all. And legally, if Grace agrees to change her name like father wants, she won’t be Brooks anymore. She’ll be a Wagner.”

Scar leaned back against the plush seat, crossing his arms over his chest.

“I gave Grace my maiden name to keep her away from this family.”

“But father never discounted his daughter, Grace Wagner, and did business in her name. Illegal business, if you know what I mean. As far as everyone around him is concerned, you exist as his daughter, and you always have.”

My mom’s gaze darted to Hunter, who confirmed this. “It’s true. I’ve been trying to figure it out since the day I met Grace. She hasn’t had a clue about any of it and could lawyer up and fight it, but the Wagner company is big. Your father has some huge legal muscle behind him. Fighting him would be difficult, time-consuming, and costly. And God knows which judge he has paid off as well. He’ll do anything to get to the money.”

“He already has every copy of your birth certificate,” Scar added. “And forget about your license or passport. He’s got those too. You’re Grace Wagner whether you like it or not. Changing your name formally was just to cover his own ass.

“I don’t want to fight anyone,” I whispered. “What happens if I don’t sign at all? Just ignore him?”

“Didn’t you hear me, Grace? This man can change your identity with the snap of his fingers. Your agreeing to it would only make it easier. No matter what you do, father won’t stop, Grace. Not until he has all of his rightful children at his side. Look, they even lied to me about who it was that I was supposed to kidnap.”

“You’re not part of the deal, are you? Father kept you out of the estate.”

“Like I said, I’m not a pure Wagner. Besides, it was Beth’s wish. I guess I got lucky.”

“Scar”—my mother lowered her hand to his—“I only wanted that for your own good. Deep down I knew it was another soul I could potentially save. Unfortunately, you chose not to trust me. You didn’t listen.”

The way they looked at each other warmed my heart. I was sure I was seeing the first sign of peace between my mother and my youngest brother. Whatever history those two had, it went deeper than the Grand Canyon.

“There’s only one way to do this, Grace,” Scar said.

Hunter leaned in closer until Scar looked directly at him.

“But you’d be giving up everything you have.”




It had been five days since the four of us left the restaurant. Hunter and Scar exchanged phone numbers and shook hands (which was really an odd sight in itself). I hugged my mother and held her tightly as she kept promising that everything would be all right and that she would see me soon. Hunter hadn’t left me on my own since. He went to work with me and followed me like a puppy, even to the washroom. Today was the first day he’d eased up on the babysitting, and that was only because not only Emma but also Tristan and Julian were in the room. It seemed Lilly had made sure to invite all the hot men in town to her wedding.

The ceremony was one of the most beautiful ones I’d ever seen. The church bells rang, people threw rice and money, and Lilly and her now husband gushed over each other as if they’d just fallen in love. And now I sat at a table, waving to Hunter, who was speaking with someone at the bar. Wearing a silver suit, he looked absolutely mouthwatering. The slim cut accentuated every delicious curve on his body, making me desperate to leave earlier than we’d planned.

“I have a feeling you’re going to catch the bouquet tonight, Grace.” Emma leaned into my side.

“You’re just trying to suck up because in three hours, you’re going to lose a bet.”

“Come on, Grace. Who would have thought?” she begged. I could tell by her puppy eyes that she wanted out. Emma would try to pull everything she had not to perform at a strip club.

would have.” I smiled. Was that my own dreamy voice? “I knew it the moment he walked into my salon.”

“You mean the moment you called him
and a

“Yeah, that one. Don’t worry, Em, I think this will be good for you. Let loose, free your spirit and go au naturel in front of drooling men. Maybe you will finally find
the one
.” I laughed at the prospect of my friend getting a taste of her own medicine.

“Wait a minute, Grace…”

Thankfully a groomsman interrupted us, and swept Emma off her feet, right into a twirl on the dance floor. He was pretty cute, too. But he wasn’t Emma’s type by a long shot. She needed someone rougher and definitely not from the city. As I watched her dance, I noted someone sit at my side. Assuming it was another groomsman, it took a moment for me to turn toward the blue-eyed face staring right at me. And if it weren’t my own brother, I’d definitely have thought he was beyond good-looking. I shot off my chair, but Cash grasped my wrist and pulled me back down.

“I’m not going to hurt you, Grace. I just need a minute, please.” His voice was full of desperation and I wondered what had caused it.

“What do you want? Hunter will be here any moment, you know.” I moved to the side to see Hunter still talking to the barman. Cash’s ample shoulders stretched so wide, they blocked my entire view.

“I know. But my man by the bar is quite the talker.” Cash smirked, leaning casually back against the chair. In his charcoal suit he blended perfectly among the wedding crowd.

“Grace, I’m only speaking for myself now, but I want you to know that I’d really love to get to know you as my sister. It doesn’t matter what father or Axel says. And while I don’t agree with all their business ventures, I do wish we were closer.”

“You know, if you’d come to me a month or two ago, before father’s estate was in my name, I would have believed you. I would have given you a chance. But now, honestly, having been kidnapped and held at gunpoint...” I shook my head, lowering my gaze to the table. “Trust is earned. And while I want to believe you’re honorable, your actions speak much louder, Cash. I’m sorry.”

Cash sighed, “You have nothing to be sorry about. I am the one who should be sorry. I’m sorry I lost out on our years together, and I’m sorry for abducting you. But our business is different now. It’s honest. Not all of it, but I’m trying to change the way father operates. The only person standing in the way is your boyfriend. Everywhere we turn, he cuts us off. Banks, financial institutions, the government. Cross Enterprises is messing it all up. And even if he stepped aside, Hunter has a lot of crap on us that could send us to prison. I’m not saying that what he has is not true, because it is. But I promise you, Grace, that I’m clean now. I’ve been clean for over a year and father doesn’t even know it. All I need is a second chance.”

For God’s sake, why did I believe him? Why was it so easy to believe Cash? In every word he spoke, and the tone of his voice… well either he was the apprentice of Frank Abagnale, or he was telling me the truth. Within a week I’d just learned that two of my brothers weren’t as crooked as I thought—or they were really pulling a fast one on me.

“Cash, if I change my name and touch those funds… Hunter had said that the warrants had already been issued and the charges, well, they could ruin me. Father has made it his business to ensure I’m as knee deep in this shit as he is. He’s a very smart lawyer and con man and it seems that no matter what I do, he’ll take me down.”

“What the hell are you doing here?” Hunter lifted Cash by the collar. The chair my brother had been sitting on crashed to the floor. A few guests turned their heads paying us attention we didn’t need.

My brother cut through his hands with a swift move, freeing himself. “Do not touch me again. I’m talking to Grace.”

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