Crime (4 page)

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Authors: Sofia Cruz

BOOK: Crime
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Melanie accepted it with a sheepish grin. "Again, thank you. How'd you know I hadn't eaten?"
"No food wrappers."
Melanie smiled. This woman didn't miss a trick. "How's Felicia?"
"Still shaky. She decided to work from home today. You should call her later. I'll give you the number."
Melanie scowled at the idea that Felicia was so spooked by that email, that she felt safer at home than her office. "Thanks. I'll call her in a little bit."
"Did you find anything?"
"Not yet. I ran one last test on your computer and Felicia's. I need to get the results off of Felicia's computer so I can compare them. I've got a guy on standby that can trace the IP addresses. Hopefully, we'll get a hit." Polishing off the rest of her food, Melanie sat back and considered Jessica for a minute, watching her finish her half of the sandwich. This is nice, she thought, having breakfast together. Just as quickly, she shook off the thought. Remembering the favors she called in last night, she decided it was past time to follow up with a few things.
"Listen. Why don't you go on down to David's office. I'm going to finish up here, make a few calls. I should have some information in about half an hour. I'll meet you down at David's."
"Ok." With a quick shrug, Jessica stood up, gathered the remains of their breakfast, tossed it into the wastebasket, and headed out the door.
God, that was too easy, Melanie thought. Well, I'll take what I can get because she certainly won't like the rest. Melanie made her calls, confirming that arrangements were in place and that the people she requested were coming in. Then she headed off to Felicia's office, hoping she'd soon have a name.
Jessica was working away at the conference table in David's office when Melanie walked in. Looking up, she found Melanie standing just inside the doorway, watching her. She could tell by her face she wasn't going to like what came next.
"Nothing. This guy knows his computers, or he found someone who does. Everything came back as fake names and addresses." Melanie crossed the room, bracing her hands on the back of the chair opposite Jessica. "I've called your uncle and Felicia and updated them. The four of us are going to meet here in a couple of hours. I'm going to introduce you and Felicia to your bodyguards."
Jessica jumped up, slamming a hand on the table. "Damn it, Melanie. I told you I wouldn't agree to a bodyguard."
"We're past the point where you get a choice, Jessica. This guy's stolen way too much money to back off now. He'll want to tie up any loose ends before skipping town, now that he knows your family is on to his scheme. You and Felicia are loose ends. I saw the emails, Jessica. This guy means business and right now, I'm chasing a ghost. You're both getting guards. End of discussion."
Jessica stood there, realizing that the situation was much worse than she had originally thought. She hadn't seen the emails, but they must have been pretty bad, judging from Melanie's reaction. Melanie was worried. She could tell by the look in her eyes. Then it dawned on her. Melanie was taking their safety personally.
"Then I want you."
"Excuse me?"
"I want you to be my bodyguard."
"I can't. There's no way I can watch you 24/7 and still smoke this guy out."
"You're my bodyguard, Melanie. I'll just ditch anyone else."
The two women Melanie had hired were pros at security, but Melanie knew that if anyone could shake them, it would probably be Jessica. Suddenly she was desperate for a cigarette. "I'm going out. I'll be right back, so don't go anywhere." Stewing, she left the office and took the elevator to the lobby. Stepping outside, she crossed the plaza to the street corner and looked around for a convenience store. Spying a drug store across the street, she jogged over, dodging traffic. Entering the store, she made a beeline for the counter and bought a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. Back outside, she promptly sat down on the curb and lit up. After taking a drag, she sank her head into her hand, her elbow propped on her knee. She was dog tired and in a jam. There was no way she could be Jessica's bodyguard. Aside from logistics, she had just slept with Felicia, but her attraction to Jessica hadn't cooled any either. Her head jerked up as she felt someone sit down beside her. Looking over, she found herself face to face with Jessica.
"Can't you do anything you're told?" Melanie snapped out.
"Since when do you smoke?"
"Since I've got an embezzler sending threatening emails, two sisters who are too damn stubborn to realize they're up to their necks in hot water and I haven't had a whole night of sleep in almost three days." Melanie realized she was shouting, hung her head and ran a hand through her hair in frustration.
Suddenly Jessica reached out and cupped Melanie's cheek in her hand. "You're maxed out, aren't you, cher?"
The softness of Jessica's voice undid her and she pressed her cheek into Jessica's hand, feeling tired clean down to her bones. She felt Jessica inch closer and wrap an arm around her shoulders.
"I'm sorry, cher, but if you insist on me having a bodyguard, I want you."
"I trust you. Something tells me that if this guy comes near me, you'll tear him apart."
Melanie turned her head to face Jessica. "I would."
Jessica saw the look of sheer determination in Melanie's eyes. "Melanie...," her name came out in a silky whisper.
Melanie studied Jessica. Finding those green eyes locked on hers, she found nothing more than sympathy and understanding. Within seconds, though, she could also feel that spark of electricity that was always there between them.
"Jessica, I ....," Melanie stopped herself, aware that she was about to make a confession she shouldn't make. Tossing her cigarette into the street, she jumped up and headed down the sidewalk, desperate to put some space between herself and Jessica.

Jessica jumped up and ran after her. Jumping in front of Melanie, she put her hands on her shoulders, stopping Melanie in her tracks.
"Take me home with you."
"What? No!"
"Take me home with you, Melanie. I'll ... I'll watch over you while you sleep." But Melanie knew from the look in Jessica's eye that the last thing they would do is sleep. She couldn't take it anymore. Leaning in, she kissed her, gently at first, just a brushing of lips. Feeling Jessica respond, Melanie deepen the kiss, sliding her tongue between Jessica's butter soft lips. Jessica's tongue darted out to meet hers and their tongues began gliding over each other, sliding in and out of each other's mouths.
Feeling people staring, Melanie pulled back. Looking around, she saw one young man in particular standing across the street, watching them like a hawk. Grabbing Jessica's hand, Melanie took off down the street, pulling Jessica along behind her. Spying an alleyway, Melanie ducked inside, pulling Jessica in after her. Pushing Jessica against the wall, she pressed in, fastened her mouth on Jessica's once again, and picked up where she left off.
She buried one hand in Jessica's silky hair, cupping the back of her head, keeping her still while she plundered her mouth. Her other hand slid down to cup Jessica's ass. Oh God! She was a perfect fit. Melanie's hand instinctively flexed, giving Jessica's ass a little squeeze.
Feeling Melanie's hands on her, Jessica moaned into Melanie's mouth. She wanted her closer. She tried to lift her leg, to give Melanie more access, but the pressure of Melanie's body against hers had her skirt pulled taut against her legs. She slipped her foot out of her dress shoe, lifting her leg high enough to plant her stocking clad foot flat against the back of Melanie's calf. Now her legs were spread wide enough that she could feel Melanie sink deeper in between her legs. The fly of Melanie's jeans was putting delicious pressure on her clit, and her hips bucked in response.
Melanie felt herself sink deeper between Jessica's legs and her heart leaped. She dove her tongue even deeper into Jessica's velvety, hot mouth, trying to swallow her whole. Her hand slid up from Jessica's ass, slipped under her suit jacket, and settled against the small of her back, urging Jessica even closer. Their breasts were smashed against each other, nipples rubbing together, their tongues delving deeper and deeper as their need rose.
Jessica felt another moan rise up from deep within. She could feel the dampness of Melanie's palm on her back through her silk shirt. She felt her vagina clenching and unclenching, her juices flooding her panties. She needed more. She wrapped both arms around Melanie's waist and pulled her body as flat against hers as humanly possible. She felt her hips buck again and wished to God she could just lift her skirt, wrap her legs around Melanie's waist, and ride her fly.
Melanie felt her control slipping and yanked her head away. She took a step back, chest heaving, panties damp. Jessica whimpered at the sudden loss. Dear God, Melanie thought, a few more minutes of this, and she'd have fucked Jessica blind right here in the alley. Trying to get control of herself, she let her gaze drink in the sultry picture Jessica made. Her hair was tussled, as if she had just gotten out of bed. Her full, pouty lips were a beautiful deep red and swollen from Melanie's kisses. Jessica's jacket was hanging open and Melanie could see her gorgeous C cups straining against the silk blouse. The phrase "fallen angel" leaped to mind.
Afraid if she stared much longer, she'd attack Jessica all over again, she glanced over towards the street. The young man from earlier was still across the street, leaning against a light post, avidly watching the alley. Melanie could swear she could see the bulge in his pants from here. She moved over to lean against the wall, her back to the street, blocking the man's view of Jessica. She reached behind her, grabbed the hem of the shirt jacket she wore over a tank top, and lifted it up. Then, quickly let go, letting the shirt fall back into place. She shifted to stand on the other side of Jessica, turning just in time to see the young man spin on his heels and rush off down the street.
Jessica watched the man disappear into the crowd. She had spotted him earlier too. When Melanie pulled her into the alley and started kissing her, she thought she was putting on a show for him, Jessica finding a perverse thrill from it. Now, watching him scurry away, she began feeling suspicious. She pushed off from the wall, quickly spinning around to stand behind Melanie. Grabbing Melanie's shirt, she lifted it up to find a .9mm Glock tucked into the back of her jeans.
Melanie jerked away, spinning to face Jessica.
Jessica exploded. "What the hell are you doing with that? Were the hell did you get it?"
"I always carry a piece. I just wasn't able to bring mine with me on the flight, so I picked one up when I got here. It's not that hard you know, if you know where to look."
"And you know where to look," Jessica's voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Uhuh. Every cities the same, Jessica, the only thing different are the faces."
"Are you out of your mind," Jessica shouted. "There's no way you've had time to get a permit. If a cop catches you with that you'll be facing felony charges. Then you can kiss your license goodbye."
Jessica glared at Melanie. Melanie stared right back, hands in her pockets, looking somewhat bored. "I know. I don't plan on getting caught."
"No one ever does, cher. Get rid of that damn thing, or don't come back to the office. I swear, if you show up with that gun, I'll call the police myself." With that, Jessica stormed out of the alley, heading back towards her office building, straightening her clothes as she went.
Melanie walked out to the edge of the alley, leaned against the corner of the building and pulled out another cigarette. Lighting up, she watched Jessica disappear down the street. She stood there for a few minutes, considering her options. She didn't doubt that Jessica would, indeed, call the police on her. Glancing at her watch, she saw that it was almost time for her meeting in David's office. The bodyguards she hired should already be here. Making up her mind, Melanie spotted a large trash container half way down the alley and walked up to it.
She looked around to make sure no one could see her. She reached under her shirt and pulled out the gun. She released the clip and freed the bullet from the chamber, then, using her shirttail, wiped the gun down and tossed it into the trash bin. She picked the extra bullet up off the ground and worked it back into the clip, tucking the clip into her jeans pocket. She may have had to toss the gun, but she'd be damned if she was leaving a loaded weapon laying around for some fool to find. As she passed a community trash can, she palmed the clip out of her pocket and dropped it in. Now she felt naked, already regretting ditching the Glock. As she neared Matthews Enterprises, she admitted to herself that losing the gun wasn't the only thing bothering her. Finally getting a taste of Jessica Matthews, only to have her storm off, was what was really sticking in her craw.
Spotting the drug store she had just bought the cigarettes in, she ducked inside. She really was worn out and needed to get some caffeine into her system. Walking up to the cooler, she snagged a couple bottles of Cherry Coke, paid the clerk, and rushed across the street to the Matthews building. Riding the elevator back up to the top floor, she glanced at her watch again. She was late. Well, at least she'd get to make a grand entrance.
Moments later, she pushed through David Matthews's office door to find all three Matthewss already there, plus her two security pros. Felicia was sitting on the couch, looking incredibly bored. Jessica was standing in the far corner; her arms wrapped around her stomach, looking out the window, her back to the room. Their uncle stood behind his desk, Lisa and Tori, the pros Melanie had called, standing on either side of him.
The two newcomers where both tall and well built. Lisa looked a lot like Melanie. Both women were brunettes, their hair so dark some people thought it was black. Both had brown eyes, but Melanie's had a tinge of green, a genetic gift from her mother. They even looked enough a like in the face, for people to ask if they were related. Tori is a blue-eyed blonde.
Melanie addressed the two bodyguards. "Thanks for coming on such short notice. Have you met everyone yet?"
"David introduced us," Lisa replied.
Jessica had turned around at the sound of Melanie's voice, never once taking her eyes off of her. Melanie stood watching her for a minute, and then deliberately turned her back to Jessica. She set the cokes down on the conference table and made a show of taking off her shirt jacket, folding it over the back of a chair. She turned around and met Jessica's eyes.
Jessica smiled, relieved to see that Melanie had listened to her and gotten rid of the illegal gun. She had panicked when she saw it, afraid that Melanie would get caught with it. Jessica wouldn't admit it to anyone, not even her sister, but the thought of facing this unknown foe, without Melanie, was too upsetting an option to even consider.
Melanie saw the look of relief spread over Jessica's face and made her final decision. Turning her attention back to the bodyguards, she started to speak. "Slight change in plans. Lisa, I'm assigning you to Felicia and Tori, you've got David."
David spoke up just then, "What about Jessica?"
Melanie looked Jessica dead in the eye. "I'm guarding Jessica."
The room was silent for a moment. Melanie watched a small smile spread across Jessica's face, giving her a very triumphant look. Uh, oh. I've got my hands full here, Melanie thought.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Felicia stand up and cross over to her. Leaning in, Felicia whispered in her ear. "Not me, cher?"
Melanie felt the guilt deep in her gut. For a moment she couldn't look at Felicia and then, turning her head, whispered back. "I've already crossed the line where you're concerned, Felicia. Being your bodyguard when we've already slept together is just too much, even for me."
Seeming to be satisfied with that answer, Felicia headed for the door, motioning Lisa to follow her. "I'm heading home, cher. Better hurry if you want to keep up."
Lisa shot Melanie a look as she passed her in a rush to keep Felicia in sight. Melanie chuckled. Lisa was already beginning to realize that she was going to have her hands full. If nothing else, the Matthews sisters were certainly a challenge.

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