Crete: The Battle and the Resistance (58 page)

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Authors: Antony Beevor

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #War, #History

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'On finding that entire staff . . .', PRO WO 218/166.

'Come on, Lofty . . .', Tanner, conversation, 2.12.90.

'had a personal . . .', Graham, letter to Davie.

'My orders were to go with the men . . .', Laycock, PRO DEFE 2/699.

'Presume Ivor . . .',
The Letters of Anne Fleming
(ed. Mark Amory), p.155.

'I replied that if . . .', Waugh,
The Diaries of Evelyn Waugh,
6 July 1955, p.728.

"Then came the . . .', quoted Long, p.307.

'It's all right . . .', quoted Messenger,
The Middle East Commandos,

'What are you . . .', quoted Long, p.307.

'There they proceeded . . .,' Hildyard diary.

Cairo and London

'There was Cairo . . .', Forrester, conversation, 4.10.90.

'The reaction of the US . . .', Eccles,
By Safe Hand,

'I don't . . .', Killearn Diaries, 29 May 1941, St Antony's College, Oxford.

'hum of splenetic . . .', Lee, p.lll.

'Everyone was . . .', Wilkinson, conversation, 20.2.90.

'I am far from reassured . . .', Churchill, 14 June 1941, PRO PREM 3/109.

'Of course, you know . . .', Farrar-Hockley, p. 101.

'a bitter memory', Pöppel, p.67.

'attributed by the German command . . .', Memorandum, Canea, 1942.

'His attitude . . .', de Winton, conversation, 28.9.90.

'in my view . . .', Laycock, PRO DEFE 2/699.

'Our case was indeed . . .', C.J. Hamson, p.12.

Part Three

The Resistance

Reprisal, Evasion and Resistance

'Ten Commandments . . .', quoted Mabire,
La Crete,

'Many parachutists ...', quoted Zayas,
The Wehrmacht War Crimes Bureau,

'It is certain that the civilian population . . .', General Student, Order of 31.5.41, quoted Memorandum, Canea, 1942.

'certain punitive measures . . .', PRO FO
quoted Zayas, p.99.

‘as inclined to agree',

Ah yes, we have plenty of those', quoted Powell, p.164.

'thrash them . . .', Psychoundakis,
The Cretan Runner,

'Usual drill . . .', Sandover, conversation, 12.10.90.

'to feel out the country . . .', Stockbridge, conversation, 27.6.90.

'the restless, furtive . . .', Smith-Hughes, conversation, 20.8.90.

'fruity, flippant and bloodthirsty', Rendel,
Appointment in Crete,

'a few hasty words . . .', quoted Powell, p. 155.

'immensely brave and . . .', Fräser, conversation, 12.6.90.

'It is ill-gleaning after Pendlebury', quoted Powell, p. 159.

'One of Tom's . . .', Leigh Fermor, letter to the author, 28.8.90.

'The villagers were so hospitable . . .', quoted Powell, p.159.

'Everything depended . . .', Stockbridge, letter to the author, 20.8.90.

Into the Field

'SOE was a strange . . .', Woodhouse,
Something Ventured,

‘his rather surprised . . .', Diaries of Lord Killearn, 24 March 1941.

'outhouse over the road . . .', Smith-Hughes, conversation, 20.8.90.

'SOE and SIS were separated . . .', War Cabinet Defence Committee (Operations) SOE Operations in Europe: Note by Minister of Economic Warfare DO (44) 2 of 11 January 1944.

'SOE was basically . . .', Stockbridge, conversation, 27.6.90.

'I can't tell you . . .', Ward, conversation, 28.5.90.

'a subject which anyone . . .', Rendel, p.18.

'the personnel people . . .', Ward, conversation, 28.5.90.

'Four months after . . .', Woodhouse,
Apple of Discord,
p.45. See also Denys Hamson,
We Fell Among
p. 149.

'This part of our . . .', Rendel, p.22.

'more like a practical joke . . .', Rendel, p.27.

'like marching through . . .', Rendel, p.57.

'Some talk . . .', John Pendelbury, quoted Hammond and Dunbabin, p.47.

'What, never seen . . .', Stanley, conversation, 4.7.90.

The Stronghold,

'Stand still Turk . . .', Psychoundakis, p.87.

'Your knees began . . .', Verney, conversation, 17.7.90.

23. The Peak of German Power

'the deaths of . . .', Pitt,
Special Boat Squadron,

'To be out of . . .', Fielding,
Hide and Seek,

'a dynamic tubby . . .', Woodhouse,
Something Ventured,

'Nobody who did not experience it...', Sweet-Escott,
Baker Street Irregular,

'the reddish beard . . .', Leigh Fermor, letter to the author, 28.8.90.

'Mandakas wanted to be . . .', Psychoundakis, conversation, 24.5.90.

'Young man . . .', Manoussakis, conversation, 26.5.90.

'Nearly the whole population . . .', Memorandum, Canea, 1942.

24. The Year of Change

'Germans! You have now . . .', Leigh Fermor, letter, 26.7.90.

'a nice old boy', Stanley, conversation, 4.7.90.

'large, bluff . . .', Hammond,
Venture into Greece,
p. 124.

'none of that Cretan swagger', Fräser, conversation, 12.6.90.

'rather as one would suggest coming to . . .', Stockbridge, conversation, 27.6.90.

'a fox-terrier quivering with eagerness', Rendel, p.18.

'I'm only lighting . . .', Psychoundakis, conversation, 24.5.90.

25. The Italian Armistice

'Chiromantie belief . . .', Deakin,
The Brutal Friendship,

'a lot of flattery . . .', Leigh Fermor, conversation, 26.7.90.

'so long the object . . .', Churchill,
Closing the Ring,

'Should the Italian troops in Crete and Rhodes .. .', Churchill,
Closing the Ring,

'this is a time . . .', Churchill,
Closing the Ring,

'If there had been . . .', Leigh Fermor, letter to the author, 14.9.90.

'Ah, ah, mon capitaine!'
Leigh Fermor, letter to the author, 12.10.90.

'And now Greco . . .', quoted Hadjipateras and Fafalios, p.300.

'rotten to the core', quoted Cooper,
Cairo in the War,

'a shiny round . . .', Woodhouse,
Something Ventured,

'What will history . . .', Manoussakis, conversation, 29.9.90.

'more trouble than it was worth', Ciclitira, conversation, 26.6.90.

26. The Abduction of General Kreipe

'As far as the ultimate . . .', Moss,
III Met by Moonlight,

Was wollen sie in Kreta?'
Akoumianakis, conversation, 22.5.90.

Friday, 5 May 1944. 'Everybody felt taller . . .', Manoussakis, conversation, 26.5.90.

'Kreipe Befehl: Wir Folgen!',
Dunbabin, Final Report, p.45.

'care and foresight', text of Decree of Municipal Council of Heraklion 15.2.48, provided by Miki Akoumianakis.

The German Withdrawal

'gather political . . .', Fräser, conversation, 12.6.90.

'Ah, you're back . . .', Lodwick,
The Filibusters,

'the stage was . . .', Moss,
A War of Shadows,

'Since the . . .', quoted Kokonas,
The German Occupation of Crete,

'the impression that . . .', Verney, conversation, 17.7.90.

'Nicht boom-boom!',
Manoussakis, conversation, 26.5.90.

'Keep calm . . .', Verney, conversation, 17.7.90.

'seated in a captured German . . .', Rendel, p.223.

'tell Major . . .', Manoussakis, conversation, 26.5.90, and Verney, 17.7.90.

Herr Glembin . . .', Psychoundakis, p.232.

The Last Days of the Occupation

'the high-spirited . . .', Psychoundakis, pp.225-6.

'looked like boarders . . .', Seferis,
A Political Diary,
Athens 1979, p.269, quoted Papastratis,
Policy Towards Greece During the Second World

'the Greek gendarmerie on the corner . . .', Sweet-Escott (an eye-witness to the event), p.226.

'aimed at a political solution', Grambas, 'The Greek Communist Party 1941—1945: The Internal Debate on Seizing Power', published in Sarafis,
Background to Contemporary Greece,
Vol. ii, p. 194.

'a hair-raising walk', Stanley, conversation, 4.7.90.

Very dejected', Ciclitira, conversation, 26.6.90.

'an agreeable example . . .', Hunt, p.46.

'The Cretans strongly resented . . .', Scott Daniell,
Regimental History of the Royal Hampshire
p. 207.

'Ah, Herr Major . . .', Leigh Fermor, conversation, 26.7.90.

'I have seen . . .', dialogue reconstructed, Psychoundakis, conversation, 24.5.90.


Published Sources

[Place of publication is London unless otherwise stated]

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Hamish Hamilton, 1989

Bitzes, John,
Greece in World War II,
Sunflower University Press, Kansas, 1989

Bolitho, Hector,
The Galloping Third,
John Murray, 1963

Bright, Joan,
History of the Northumberland Hussars Yeomanry, 1924—1949,
Mawson, Swan & Morgan, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1949 Britton, James,
Record and Recall,
Lightfoot, 1988

Carlton, D.,
Anthony Eden,
Allen Lane, 1981 Churchill, Winston S.,
The Second World War. Their
Finest Hour
(Vol. II),

(Vol. Ill),
Closing the Ring
(Vol. V), Cassell, 1949, 1950 and 1952. Ciano, Galeazzo,
Ciano's Diplomatic Papers,
Odhams, 1948. Clark, Alan,
The Fall of Crete,
Blond, 1962

Coats, Peter,
Of Generals and Gardens,
Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1976 Connell, John,
Collins, 1964

Cooper, Artemis,
Cairo in the War,
Hamish Hajnilton, 1989 Cox, Geoffrey,
A Tale of Two Battles,
William Kimber, 1987 Davin D.,
Official History of New Zealand in the Second World War 1939-1945, War History Branch, Wellington NZ, and OUP, 1953 Deakin, F.W.,
The Brutal
Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1962 De Belot, R.,
The Struggle for the Mediterranean 1939-t5,
Princeton, 1951 De Courcy, J.,
The History of the Welch Regiment 1919—1951,
Western Mail & Echo, Cardiff, 1952 De Guingand, Major-General Sir Francis,
Operation Victory,
Hodder, 1947

Generals at War,
Hodder, 1964 Eccles, David,
By Safe Hand,
Bodley Head, 1983 Elliott, Murray,
Vasili — the Lion of Crete,
Stanley Paul, 1987 Farran, Roy,
Winged Dagger,
Collins, 1948

Farrar-Hockley, General Sir Antony,
Ballantine, New York, 1973 Fergusson,
The Black
Watch and the King's Enemies,
Collins, 1950

Fielding, Xan,
Hide and Seek,
Seeker, 1954

Fleming, Anne (ed. Mark Amory),
The Letters of Anne Fleming,
Collins, 1985

Forgeat, Raymond,
Les Parachutistes de la France Libre,
Service Historique de I'Arm6e de Terre, Vincennes, 1990 Germany, Auswärtiges Amt,
Documents on German Foreign Policy 1918—1945,
Series D, Vol. XI, HMSO, 1961, and Vol. XII, HMSO, 1962 Hadjipateras, C, and Fafalios, M.,
Efstathiadis, Athens, 1989 Halder, Generaloberst F.,
Vol. II, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, 1963 Hammond, Nicholas, and Dunbabin, T.J.,
John Pendlebury in Crete,
privately published, Cambridge, 1948

Hammond, N.G.L.,
Venture into Greece,
Kimber, 1983 Hamson, C.J.,
Liber in Vinculis,
Trinity College, Cambridge, 1989 Hamson, Denys,
We Fell Among Greeks,
Cape, 1946 Handel, Michael I.,

'Intelligence and Military Operations', in
Intelligence and
National Security Journal,
Vol. 5, No. 2, April 1990 Hart, Captain Basil Liddell,
The Other Side of
the Hill,
Cassell, 1951 Hart-Davis, Duff,
Peter Fleming,
Cape, 1974 Henderson, Jim,
22 Battalion,
Official History of New Zealand in the Second

World War 1939-1945, War History Branch, Wellington NZ, 1958. Heydte, Freiherr E. von der,
Daedalus Returned,
Hutchinson, 1958 Hinsley, F.H.,
British Intelligence in the Second World War,
Vol. I, HMSO, 1981 Hobson, Brigadier R.W., 'The Episode in Greece',
Army Quarterly and Defence
April 1990

Holland, Jeffrey,
The Aegean Mission,
Greenwood Press, 1989 Hollingworth, Clare,
Front Line,
Cape, 1990 Household, Geoffrey,
Against the Wind,
Michael Joseph, 1958 Hunt, David,
A Don at
William Kimber, 1966 Kaloudis, Pantelis,
Sprung über Kreta,
Druffel Verlag, Munich, 1981

Kidson, A.C.,
Petrol Company,
Official History of New Zealand in the Second World War 1939-1945, War History Branch, Wellington NZ, 1961 Kippenberger, Major General Sir Howard,
Infantry Brigadier,
OUP, 1949 Kiriakopolous, G.C.,
Ten Days to Destiny,
Franklin Watts, New York, 1985 Kokonas, N.A,
The German Occupation of Crete, from the Archives of Colonel
Christos Tsiphakis,
Rethymno, 1989

Kurowski, Franz,
Der Kampf um Kreta,
Moewig, Munich, 1988 Lee, Air Marshai Arthur Gould,
Royal House of Greece,
Ward Lock, 1950

Special Duties,
Ward Lock, 1947

Leigh Fermor, Patrick,
A Time of Gifts,
John Murray, 1977 Lindsay, T.M.,
The Sherwood Rangers,
Burrup, 1952 List, Generalfeldmarschall,
Von Serbien Bis Kreta, Erinnerungen vom Feldzug,
Aspioti, Athens, 1942 Llewellyn, Peter,
Journey Towards Christmas,
Official History of New Zealand in the Second World War 1939-1945, War History Branch, Wellington NZ, 1949

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