Creed (26 page)

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Authors: Trisha Leaver

Tags: #ya book, #Young Adult, #Psychological, #ya novel, #Horror, #young adult novel, #YA fiction, #ya lit, #young adult book, #Young adult fiction, #teenlit, #teen novel, #ya literature, #teen, #YA

BOOK: Creed
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I wanted to do as he suggested. I wanted to forget about what happened to Joseph and Eden … even Abram. I didn’t want to care anymore; it hurt too much. Maybe Elijah’s brother was right. Maybe the only way for me to survive was to forget.


Mrs. Hooper, Luke’s parents, the school counselor … everybody thinks I need to talk to someone, work through the long spells of silence that consume me. So every Tuesday at 4:15 I sit in a shrink’s office, reciting the appropriate answers to his questions:
Yes, I’m doing okay in school.
Yes, I’ve come to terms with losing Luke
Yes, I’m going to start becoming more involved with friends and school

His name is Carl, and he isn’t that bad. At least he doesn’t look at me like I’m crazy. But that’s probably because I’ve done exactly as Mike instructed … I’ve lied.

Outside of talking to Mike, I never utter Elijah Hawkins’s name. It’s better this way, keeps me protected and out of Elijah’s reach. And out of his brothers’ reach. It’s not hard during the day, when I have school and Mike to distract me. But at night, when I wake up screaming and searching for Luke … well, that’s when my resolve falters.

Mrs. Hooper comes running into my room each time, begging me to talk to her. I’ve tried a few times, but the warning Jared delivered to me always stops me cold.

According to the doctors, the few memories we divulged while in the hospital were nothing more than delusions. Hallucinations brought on by severe concussions and trauma, or, in Mike’s case, the inability to deal with Luke’s death. They can all believe whatever they want; Mike and I know the truth.

I finally broke down and told Mike about my nightmares last week. He bought me a journal and told me to write my memories in there. I think he’s afraid I’m going to slip up and say something to my shrink or to Mrs. Hooper. I get that; sometimes I’m afraid I will too.

The journal is hidden beneath my mattress. Each night, when the nightmares overtake my dreams, I reach for it and furiously scribble down every detail I can remember. I never re-read my entries, just fill up page after page like my own diary of proof. Proof that no one but me will ever see.

The same people who insisted I see a shrink keep promising me that things will get better, get easier with time. I can pretend all I want, but no amount of time or distance, not even a gravestone bearing Luke’s name, can bring me peace. The only truth I know is that eventually the evil and darkness I struggled to escape will find its way back into my life … back into my soul.


Trisha Leaver

This book would not exist if it weren’t for the support and encouragement of countless people. My agent, Kevan Lyon, whose unwavering belief in me as an author makes everything possible. My editor, Brian Farrey-Latz, and the entire Flux crew. My amazing CPs, who read countless version of
and never once questioned my sanity. And my co-author, Lindsay Currie, for taking this journey with me.

To my family … you will never know how much your love and support means to me. Meme, who every summer would let me stay up to the wee hours of the morning reading her Stephen King collection. Kyle and his band of friends. Your antics are a constant source of inspiration for my male characters. My sweet Caroline, whose refusal to subscribe to the word “impossible” guides my every move. Casey, whose gentle soul and huge smile reminds me never to take life to too seriously. And my husband, Brian, the keeper of my secrets and the love of my life. Your patience and strength are what keeps me whole.

Lindsay Currie

I’d like to thank
so many
people it’s ridiculous, but I realize it isn’t possible to mention everyone who made this dream a reality by name. With that in mind, I’m going to rein myself in and keep this simple. A
thank you goes out to the following people, because without them,
would not exist:

My husband John. You’re the creamer to my coffee, babe. Thanks for everything, especially that sense of humor of yours that kept me smiling … even through the rejections.

My son Rob. What can I say, except that you’re amazing? You’ve become a determined and kind tennis player who shows so much heart on the court that I’m proud to say you are a huge inspiration to me.

My son Ben. You’re a champion both in your sport and in my heart. You’ve become a sensitive and strong martial artist whose behavior on and off the mat has taught me what it means to truly give 100 percent.

My daughter Ella. My Little Mama and princess with a heart of gold. You’ve become a true advocate for manatees who reminds me every single day that anything is possible.

I’d also like to thank my parents for encouraging me every single day as a child to follow my dreams, and for reminding me that anything is possible if you put your mind to it.

A huge thanks goes out to everyone who read
in its early stages (you know who you are!). We couldn’t have done this without you.

Thank you also to my agent, Kathleen Rushall, for the miracles she works and to Brian Farrey-Latz and the whole team at Flux for taking a chance on
—the little book that could.

Last but not least, thank you to Trisha Leaver, my co-author, for writing this with me. I’ve enjoyed every single moment of it.


© Boule Photography 

Trisha Leaver
graduated from the University of Vermont with a degree in Social Work. She is a member of SCBWI, the Horror Writers Association, and the Cape Cod Children’s Writers. Visit her online at


© Alan Klehr 

Lindsay Currie
graduated from Knox College and is a member of SCBWI, the Horror Writers Association, the YA Scream Queens, and OneFourKidLit, a community of authors with debuts in 2014. Visit her online at

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