Creativity (61 page)

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Authors: Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

BOOK: Creativity
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abstract expressionism

abstraction in arts

acceptance, rate of in study

accessibility of domain

accomplishment, influences on

action and reflection

activity, patterning

addiction to domain

Adenauer, Konrad

Adler, Mortimer J.

administration, pressure toward

aesthetic criteria

African-American youth, expectations of

age, changes with

Albert Lasker prize

ambition in science

American Association
for the Advancement of Science

American Chemical Society

American College of Nuclear Surgeons

American Medical Association

American Nuclear Society

American Psychological Association

American society, trends in

Anderson, Jack

androgyny, psychological

anthropic principle, defined

anxiety, diminishing with age


Arab cities in tenth century


Arendt, Hannah

Argonne National Laboratories


arrogance, in creative people

Arrow Cross

artists: conflicting images of

life experiences of

arts: and ideology

power struggles in

Asian youth, expectations of

Asner, Edward

Aspen conferences

Assicurazioni Generali

associations, transnational

Atheist and the Holy City, The


attention: changing patterns of

controlling one’s

as limited resource

Attila, József

Auburn University

Auden, Wystan Hugh


autoimmune disease, research on

automobile, as environment

autotelic, defined

Avedon, Richard


Bach, Johann Sebastian

Bardeen, John: biography of

childhood and youth

on domain as source of meaning

importance of teacher to

on move to Illinois

on pride on work

and timing

Baskin, Leonard

Beethoven, Ludwig von


Bellow, Saul

Bell Research Laboratories

benefits, short-term, and consumerism

Berson, Solomon A.

Bethe, Hans: on aging

biography of

childhood of

on inspiration in nature

on marriage

on perseverance

as professor

biological inheritance


—cancer, origins of

—cellular: exponential growth of

in L’Engle’s work


—evolution of domain and field: as e
arly system

in 1960s

—molecular, exponential growth of

—politics of in 1960s


biology, cancer

blackout, electrical

Blackwood, Easley

Bohr, Niels

Booth, Wayne

Boulding, Elise: biography of

on burnout

childhood of

marriage of

and peace activism

religious faith of

on solitude

and systemic interconnections

Boulding, Kenneth

Bourdieu, Pierre

Boy Scouts

Brahe, Tycho

Brandeis, Louis

brilliance and creativity

Bronx High School of Science

Bronx Veterans Administration Hospital

Brunelleschi, Filippo


Buddha, and precocity

Burbidge, Margaret

Burkitt’s lymphoma


Butler, Margaret: at
Argonne National Laboratories

biography of

on importance of basic rules

on joy of science

on support of husband

as woman scientist

Byzantine composition


California, as environment

California Institute of Technology

Cambridge University

Campbell, Donald: biography of

childhood of

on competition in university setting

on incubation period

on maintaining interest

on parental influence

cancer, research on

capital, cultural

capital, global access to

Cardozo, Benjamin

careers: creating artistic

creating scientific


idiosyncracy of creative


Carnegie Corporation

Carnegie-Mellon University

Caspersson, Torbjörn

Cellini, Benvenuto

Center for the Biology of Natural Systems

Chandraseckhar, Subrahmanyan: biography of



on motivation

and Nobel prize

and timing

Chaucer, Geoffrey

childhood: competitive advantage in

and continuity with adult interests

of creative people

importance of

revisionism about


childrearing strategies

children: high expectations of

importance of to creative people

raised as peacemakers

role models for


Churchill, Winston



civilization, evolution of

Civil War

Clark, William

cognitive ability, changes

cognitive variables in creativity

Coleman, James

college, as high point

College of the City of New York

Columbia University

Commission on Peacebu
ilding in the Middle East

Committee for Nuclear Information

Committee on Science in the Promotion of Human Welfare

Common Cause

Commoner, Barry: biography of

on elaboration process

on enhancing old age

on flow

on interaction among domains

as late bloomer

on limitations of the academy

marginality of as a Jew

motivation of

on periodic career change

on problems

communication, breakdown of

communications revolution, consequences of

Communist party, in USSR

communities, harmonious

community, loss of sense of


computer literacy


consciousness, evolution of

conservatism and rebe
lliousness in creative personality

continuity, intergenerational

control, as issue


Cornell University

Country Futures Indicators

creative person: defined

as exemplar

and energy

creative process: enjoyment of

evolution of

libidinal sources of

creative process:


steps in

creativity: and aging


elements of


as evolutionary;

as fulfillment

and future

reasons to study

as system

Crick, Francis


culture: as defensive adaptation


dialectic development of

evolution of

innate conservatism of

reasons for creating

Curie, Marie

Curie, Pierre

curiosity: in childhood

of creative people

development of

how to cultivate


Dante (Alighieri)

Dark Ages.
Middle Ages Dartmouth College

Darwin, Charles

Darwinian natural history and sociobiology

Davies, Robertson: biography of

childhood of

on compulsion to write

on marriage

on parental influence

on pessimism

as public figure

on writing environment

da Vinci, Leonardo

Davis, Natalie: biography of

on curiosity

on elaboration process

impact of personal experience on

and love of work

marriage of

on objectivity

defensiveness, causes of

Department of Health,
Education and Welfare

dependence, nature of mutual

Deptford trilogy

Die Zeit

diffusion in domain



discovered problems, elusiveness of

discovery, pleasure in

disproof, strategy of

distractions, avoiding

domains: access to

alterations in

characteristics of


interaction among

isolation of

relationship with

relation to culture

Domin, Hilde: on art as refuge

on beginning career

biography of

on jealousy in arts

marriage of

on parents

on raw materials for writing

and World War II


Donne, John

Dostoyevsky, Feodor

driving, as time for reflection

Drucker, Peter

Dyson, Freeman: biography of

on career success

on creative process

education of

on fatherhood

on flow

on incubation period,

on parental influence

on relationship with domain


early life, issues in

ecological preservation

Eddington, Sir Arthur

Edison, Thomas Alva

education, flaws in current

ego, threats to

Egyptian civilization

Eigen, Manfred: admin
istrative responsibilities of

biography of

childhood of

on domain as source of meaning

and music

on problem-solving

on sleep processing

and timing

Einstein, Albert: early life of

importance of historical period to

and music

obliviousness of

and scientific breakthrough

elaboration, process of

El Greco

Eliot, Thomas Stearns


engineers, lack of


environment: changes in during creative process

deterioration of

impact on creativity

personalizing an

Epstein-Barr virus

equality, ethos of social

Erikson, Erik

ethnic traditions and high performance


evaluation in creative process

evolution, theories of

Excellence: Can We Be Equal and Excellent Too?

exotelic, defined

expectations, sources of

experience: importance of early

openness to

restoring order to

expressionism in the arts

extroversion and introversion in creative personality


Fabriano, Gentile de


Faludy, György: biography of


internment of

and journal

on learning a domain

on paternal influence

on vocation as poet

family, importance of

fathers, missing

feedback and judgment

feelings, recognizing

feminine role

Fermat, Pierre de

Feynman, Richard

field: acceptance by

access to


characteristics of

creativity in

in organizational context

relationships with

in systems model

fieldwork as basic

Fifth Business

financial security, lack of

Fleming, Alexander

Florentine Renaissance.

flow: defined

elements of

fear of failure and

feedback and



how to cultivate

and learning

variations in experience of

food, waste of

Franklin, Benjamin

Franklin, John Hope

free market as evaluator

French Academy of Sciences

Freud, Sigmund

fundamentalism, religious


fusion, cold

future orientation


Gaia, myth of


Galvani, Luigi

Galvin, Robert: biography of

on creativity

importance of field to

in later years

Gardner, Howard

Gardner, John: on achieving potential



and Common Cause

personality change

and systemic interconnections


youth and education

gatekeeping function in field

gender: differences

distribution in sample



genetic predisposition

genetics, politics of molecular



German Academy of Sciences

German Science Foundation

Getty Center for Educ
ation in the Arts

Ghiberti, Lorenzo

Ginsberg, Allan


global responsibility


Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von


Gorbachev, Mikhail

Gordimer, Nadine

Gould, Stephen Jay

government influence

Graham, Martha

Great Depression

Greene, William V.

Grierson, Herbert

Gross National Product (GNP)

Gruenenberg, Nina

guild mentality

Guilford, J. P.

Gutenberg, Johannes


Hamilton, William D.

Handel, Georg Friedrich

Hardy, Thomas

Harper, William R.

Harris, Irving Brooks

Hart, Kitty Carlisle

Harvard University

Hauser, Arnold

Hawking, Stephen

Hebb, Donald O.

Hecht, Anthony: on aging

biography of

career choice of

childhood of

education of

on literary reputations

on marriage

methodology of

motivation of

style of

on university life

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich

Heidegger, Martin

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