Creations 2: Creation's Control (3 page)

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Authors: Marie Harte

Tags: #mm

BOOK: Creations 2: Creation's Control
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“He wasn’t the last time I saw him.” Erin frowned. “Ryen looked pissed off, more agitated than usual. He needs me to help him.”

“He’s not ready to see you yet. Your brother is a stubborn, arrogant ass. He has no concept of what the phrase ‘I need help’ means, and he gets a thrill from bugging the crap out of me.”

“He likes you.” Rafe grinned. “I say that with surety because you’re not dead yet.”


.” Rafe shook his head. “You know I’m right. Ryen’s a lot calmer around Drekk than he is around the rest of us. Besides, Drekk’s dealt with this kind of situation before. Let him help your brother.”

Erin studied him for a moment, then sighed. “Alright. But I want you to bring him by soon. Please?”

Drekk nodded. “I will. I promise.”

“Erin, why don’t you give Drekk and me a chance to talk,” Rafe suggested. “Go wait for me in the bedroom and take off your clothes. Make sure you’re nice and wet for me.” Erin flushed. “Not in front of Drekk,” she rebuked in a low voice.

Drekk didn’t know why she felt embarrassed. Not long ago he’d watched her and Rafe engage in some delightful carnality that made him long to share the same...with Ryen. He could all too easily imagine taking Ryen’s virgin ass, of wrapping his fist around that monstrous cock and watching it explode.

“Do it
.” Rafe’s order had the desired effect. Erin glared at her mate before turning on her heel. Despite her glower, arousal wafted around her. The natural submissive in Erin responded to the dominance in her mate. Drekk couldn’t help wondering if Ryen would ever respond in kind.

“That scent goes straight to your head,” Drekk murmured as she flounced from the room.

“It does. She’s not happy with me, so she’ll make me pay. I love it when she makes me pay.” Rafe grinned, and Drekk grinned with him. “Now tell me what the hell is really going on with Ryen.”

“Like I told Erin—”

“Please. After five years, I know you a little better than that. Is Ryen as bad off as I think he is?”

“Not now.” The orgasm and the amount of seed he’d swallowed had healed much of his pain and rage. How long that would last was anyone’s guess. “He needs time to relearn.”

“Relearn what?”

“How to respond to others without violence. Even when he spent time with Anin, he was always poised to protect her. The man was bred to fight.”

“Which makes him perfect to work with us. Imagine the two of you working for Cheltam. I’ll be the talk of the town.”

“Braggart. You already are. No one can take their eyes off Erin. I do believe her Creators took the best of every Nebite pleasurer in existence to Create her. Every male in the System wants her.”

Rafe took his measure, testing him. “But not you.”

“Why, because my last lover was male? I’m not discriminating about gender when it comes to relationships. Rafe, Erin is a walking wet dream.” Drekk continued as though Rafe’s anger weren’t a palpable thing.
Damn, the Mardu was fun to rile
. “As entertaining as I find your jealousy, no, I don’t want her. I find myself interested in her male counterpart. Ryen is every bit as beautiful as she is. He’s just...harder.”

“Really?” Rafe smirked.

“That’s not what I meant.” Though come to think of it, Ryen had been deliciously solid.

“I meant he’s harder to get to know.”

“You just make sure you can handle him. I won’t have you or Erin hurt by an uncontrollable warmonger.” Rafe sobered. “If it comes to it, I’ll take care of the situation.” Drekk knew he meant it. “Don’t worry. I’ve been around enough of my kind to know when to stop. Ryen is far from that edge.” Or so Drekk hoped. “I’m going to take the next few days to work some intense therapy with him. You have no idea what they did to him in there.”

“Erin told me some of what she went through. She said Ryen suffered ten times worse.

After seeing what he did to those assholes at the labs, I can readily believe it.” Rafe grimaced.

“Help him, but be careful. I’ve gotten used to that ugly face of yours. I don’t want to break in a new enforcer.”

“You still owe me from the last job we did. I’m not going anywhere until I’m paid in full,
. Now go take care of your woman before she brings half the city down on your bedroom. Her pheromones are all over the place.” Drekk stood sporting a hard-on. “Unless you don’t want her, because I’d be happy to—”

“Get the hell gone.” Rafe cursed and stormed from the room. “Erin,” Drekk heard him yell. “Tone it down before I smack that ass bright red. And if you don’t want to be punished all night, I suggest you be waiting for me on your hands and knees.”

“Ah, true love.” Drekk chuckled and let himself out the front door, eager to return to the male he considered his responsibility.

In the rover heading home, he pondered his troubled housemate. The drugs Ryen had ingested would wear off in a few hours. How would Ryen behave then? He wouldn’t remember what Drekk had done. From what Ryen had told him about his psychotic Handler, Drekk knew it was for the best.

Synster, that homophobic prick, had tortured Ryen repeatedly for four years. The physical and emotional abuse had forced Ryen to shut down, letting his anger build. That constant rage needed an outlet, one provided by the labs in the forms of warfare and orgiastic repast. Considering what Drekk knew about Ryen’s appetites, it was no wonder the male had a hard time releasing that inner rage.

Yet it was that storm in Ryen that gave Drekk hope. The violent Creations Drekk had encountered over the years wouldn’t hesitate to hurt others to relieve that pressing ache.

Ryen refused to take a female, worried for her safety. Such consideration spoke of his character even as it added to his burden. If he wouldn’t sate his needs, they’d grow. And they had. The Cortami barbarians should consider themselves lucky they’d only lost two of their number when Ryen could have easily killed them all.

It had taken strong pheromones along with the opiate he’d given Ryen to calm the male. Though Drekk didn’t want to presume, he thought perhaps his seed had done the same. Ryen certainly succumbed to passion quicker than Drekk would have thought, especially considering Ryen’s bias against same sex encounters. Then again, Ryen had need.

Drekk shifted to relieve some of the tension from his uncomfortable erection. Just thinking about Ryen aroused him. An irritating reaction, one he couldn’t remember ever having before, even with Master. What that man could do with restraints...

Shaking off such carnal thoughts, Drekk focused on his current mission. To make Ryen whole. To that end, Drekk needed patience. He would ease Ryen into his new life with kindness and understanding. After they talked about Ryen’s feelings, his needs and...

Who the hell was he kidding? That approach had failed dismally with Drekk. Why did he assume Ryen would respond well to niceties? The bastard had head-butted him, for stars sake.

Such violence, such hunger. Drekk knew well those feelings, which made him want to help Ryen all the more. He felt a kinship with the stubborn male because they were so much alike. He wanted badly to hold Ryen tight and soothe his aches, as much as he wanted to push him away as far as he could.

The memories, the violent urges that possessed Ryen lay buried in Drekk, as evidenced by his recent need to meditate. As hard as Drekk worked to exorcise those demons, they never quite disappeared, nor would they. Predisposed towards chaotic aggression, he struggled to overcome those ever-present tendencies. Working for Cheltam helped a lot.

Purpose, the need to protect and serve directed in an altruistic light made his life worth living.

Serving will help Ryen as well, if the stubborn lout will let me in. ‘Nice’ didn’t work with me.

No, but remember what did.

Drekk turned right at the next intersection, a new destination in mind. He exited the rover and entered the large, underground store with a goal. Bypassing the whips and rods, he lingered over the collars. He selected one and continued on, adding items as he imagined working on Ryen. Picking up a pair of magnecuffs, Drekk moved to a vast assortment of bright and shiny objects.
It’s all about control
, he remembered his Handler say as if it were yesterday. Which gave him a hell of an idea...

Chapter Three

Ryen groaned and rubbed his temples, a monster of a headache swamping him. He eased his legs off the bed—the bed?
How the hell did I get into a bed?
The last thing he remembered he’d engaged Drekk, finally, into a bloody fight. A glance down at himself showed no wounds at all.

“Must not have been that good of a fight.” Ryen rotated his arms and legs and rubbed his stomach. He felt fine, better than fine, in fact. His constant aches no longer bothered him.

For the first time in a long time, he felt strong, healthy, and surprisingly calm. Still, he couldn’t overlook the fact that he wore nothing but strange bands around his wrists and ankles in a room he’d never before seen.

He glanced around. Something about this place reminded him of the cells he’d been raised in on Eyra. Yet, the tidiness of his surroundings felt warm. Pictures of outlying planets and galaxies graced the walls. The surfaces in the room were clean without smelling of that hideous antiseptic always present in the labs.

Ryen stood and his headache vanished. No pain, neat quarters and the sense of peace?

Too good to be true. Wanting a weapon, Ryen searched but found nothing more than a locked armoire—one he couldn’t breach.
Not a hint of closet, lav, or anything else resembling a typical berthing quarters.
Good thing I don’t have to take a piss.

Turning his attention to the bands, Ryen tried to remove them and found that he couldn’t. Frustrated, he again explored the room from top to bottom. Except for the armoire and the monster of a bed, there was nothing, which made no sense. Concentrating, Ryen finally spied a door that blended seamlessly into the blue-grey walls. Intent on escape, he reached the door as it opened.

A beautiful woman stared up at him in awe. “Drekk, you never mentioned how hot he was. Flor, look at those eyes.” Ryen moved back as she entered with Drekk on her heels.

His relief at seeing Drekk should have annoyed him, but for some reason it didn’t. Ryen waited for an explanation. What he got instead aroused him into a full-out hard-on.

“I brought you something to apologise for yesterday,” Drekk said in a gravelly voice.

At his words, the comely female began to strip out of her clothing. She had large breasts, full hips and a slightly rounded belly. Just the type Ryen normally avoided, afraid of hurting such softness.

The woman smiled and, bold as you please, took hold of Ryen’s cock. She massaged with such expertise he couldn’t doubt her occupation.

“Pleasurer,” he muttered, trying not to fall into a rut.

“Tenth class, baby.” She cupped his balls before she went down to her knees in front of him.

Tenth class meant expensive, and damned if she didn’t prove her worth.

“Glaia’s got a great mouth,” Drekk murmured as she sucked Ryen.

The whole situation felt surreal, moreso when Drekk removed his shirt and pants until he wore nothing but skin. His huge cock grew as Ryen stared.

“That’s hot, Glaia. Really good.” Drekk stroked himself as he watched them.

“Drekk?” Ryen moaned. “What’s this about?” The need to release his scent, to trap the female and Drekk close, pushed at him. For that reason, he held it tight.
Control it, don’t let it
control you.

The woman released his shaft and grinned. “Pleasure, baby. Come down to your knees for me.” She went down on all fours and waited, licking her lips.

Drekk nodded. “Trust me, Glaia doesn’t disappoint.” Not sure what the hell was going on, Ryen couldn’t deny his lust. On his knees, he waited with anticipation. The woman’s ruby-red lips parted as she took his length balls deep.

She knew just how hard to press him. The grip of her lips and the stroke of her tongue took the edge off, just what he needed. Then Drekk knelt behind her and desire rushed Ryen as he understood what Drekk meant to do. Unable to contain it, Ryen’s scent wrapped around the trio. The woman moaned and sucked harder. Drekk held his weeping cock, his eyes turning completely black as he inhaled. He watched Ryen as he nudged Glaia’s knees apart, angled himself, and pushed forward.

Ryen thought it the most erotic thing he’d ever seen. Drekk’s massive cock disappeared inch by inch into Glaia’s pussy. Watching Drekk take Glaia gave him a sense of satisfaction Ryen was hard pressed to name. It was as if she bridged them together. Ryen had the incredible feeling that he was fucking Drekk, that if he pushed hard enough they might touch.

“Glaia likes it rough.” Drekk grunted, his gaze glued to Ryen’s. “Fuck her mouth, Ryen, don’t baby her.”

“Don’t want to hurt her,” he rasped, holding onto his control.

Do it
.” Drekk’s command, coupled with Glaia’s moan as she raked him with her teeth, shot his control all to hell.

“You want more, honey?” Happy to oblige, Ryen fucked her mouth as hard as Drekk pounded into her. Like a well-oiled machine, they took her in a rhythm that soon had them tensing with approaching climax.

Drekk groaned. “Milk it, Glaia. That’s it. Oh yeah, I’m coming.” To his surprise, Ryen was too. Watching Drekk tense and spill pushed him into doing the same. He shouted as he filled Glaia’s mouth to overflowing. She greedily drank what she could of him and climaxed several times before he withdrew.

“Glaia’s stimulated by seed,” Drekk said thickly. “She likes a lot of cum.” Drekk pulled out, his dick shiny and thick. He blinked hard at Ryen before shoving back into her, thrusting in and out. “Damn, Ryen. I think I’m coming again. That scent...” Ryen released a tremendous amount of pheromone into the air, wanting to see it happen. To his delight, Drekk pulled out of Glaia and shot all over her back.

The urge to lean over Glaia, to smell, touch and taste the essence of Drekk felt too compelling to resist.

Even as he knew he should be repulsed by such thoughts, Ryen leaned forward and rubbed Drekk’s cum into Glaia’s back. She arched and purred like a kitten. Ryen experienced the same contentment, which surprised him. Normally it took several females, one after another or all-together, to relieve his urges. This day it took one pleasurer...and Drekk’s company.

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