Creating Harmony (2 page)

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Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #Adult, #Romance, #Science Fiction Opera

BOOK: Creating Harmony
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A ship approached them. “This is Citadel Zakaru security, Saroo vessel, identify yourself.”

The pilot spoke, “I have a broadcaster here for Citadel Zakaru. She is expected.”

“Yes, she is. We have been searching for you. We are going to speed you along. Hold fast.” There was relief in his tone.

The larger vessel swallowed them whole, but based on the locator beacons, it showed them rapidly approaching Citadel Zakaru.

Iara blinked. “I am guessing that they really want my services.”

“I have seen you in action, Iara. They must indeed.”

She sighed and listened to the ship calling the Citadel for clearance and a pickup.


“I am guessing that they mean you, Iara. There may be something afoot.”

“You have been reading too much off-world poetry.” She smirked.

He grinned and watched the descent onto the planet with their little ship surrounded by protective metal.

“Are we sure they are from the Citadel?”

“They sent the clearance codes that I was waiting for. I am guessing that they have been looking for you.”

She snorted. “Do you think? I can’t imagine why.”

He gave her an amused glanced and checked their descent. “We are almost down.”

“Good. Thanks, Vos. I couldn’t have gotten here without you.”

“Just remember, Saroo is your past. Don’t go back.”


She put on her cloak over her dark gown. With her hair covered by the hood and her dress dark, if someone was looking, it might slow them down.

She kept her pack close to her as she emerged through the hatch. Men wearing Citadel uniforms met her outside the tiny door, and they escorted her through their ship. She did not sense hostility. There was nothing for her but the control that they had on their talents. Both of these men could take action if they had to.

“Why the sudden interception?”

One of the men looked at her. “The Saroo sent a fast courier ship to beat you here. It is behind you by half an hour. If you sign with the Citadel, we take on responsibility for your upkeep, and you are a free agent, but that signature has to come on Zakaru soil, away from the neutral spaces. We have clearance to land at the edge, but you have to walk out to the Citadel master and sign the employment agreement.”

“From one enslavement to the other.”

“The difference being that the Citadel contract is for two years. After that, you can retire or do as you please, but first, we have to scuttle the Saroo.”

“How did you know that this was happening?”

“King Learith was specific, and he knew what his son was up to. He put this all in motion six months ago. We have been on standby ever since.”

She smiled wistfully as she saw daylight. “Right. Well, out and forward?”

“Yes. There is a witness and a signing station waiting for you.”

Iara walked down the small ramp and headed out from under the belly of the ship. Far in the sky, she saw a bright dot, and there was a feeling of doom as it approached. A quick look around yielded the signing station and she headed toward it.

A figure stepped out of invisibility to greet her. One moment the air shimmered and the next she stood there. “Welcome, Iara.”

Iara stood at the podium and flicked through the contract, making a few small amendments. They would provide her with the sort of clothing that she was used to and no assignment would take her near a Kozue ship.

She signed it with the changes and handed it to the female next to her.

The woman signed it and sent the copies through the air to archives and registrars around the Alliance. “Easy enough and understandable. You are officially a member of the Citadel Zakaru. I am Citadel Master Lovey and please pardon the familiarity.”

Iara found herself in the embrace of Citadel Master Lovey, and they walked fourteen feet to the right of the podium.

Iara extended her calming aura, and the small ship peeled away, evening out and heading for the parking area.

Citadel personnel streamed out of the ship that had carried her here, and they surrounded the ship as it landed.

The representatives of Saroo’s military came out with complete calm and surrendered easily.

Master Lovey looked at her with amusement. “You did that?”

“I didn’t want them to come out shooting. My range is two kilometers static and one if my target is in motion.” She shifted against the other woman. “Can you let me go now?”

“Wait until they are all in restraints.”

It took four minutes to get the Saroo guards restrained and marched toward the spaceport. She felt Master Lovey relax by inches and finally pull away.

“We were invisible until you let go, weren’t we?”

“We were. I can share my obfuscation layer if I need to. I considered this worth the effort.” She sighed and backed up. “Let’s try this again. Hello, Iara. I am Citadel Master Lovey of the Zakaru Citadel. We are delighted to have you on board.”

“Thank you. What will I be doing?”

“That is up to our placement director. He will assess you and let you know the area he thinks you should concentrate on.”

Iara blinked and smiled. “Really? Can I take classes if I wish?”

“Of course. We offer the classes for a reasonable fee, and they will be put against your account.”

“So, if I want to stay with you, I had better get earning.”

Master Lovey began to walk to a small metal grid on the ground. She tapped it with her heel and it unfolded into a small skimmer, just big enough for two people.

“King Learith set up an account that will last you for your entire contract. Take what courses you like. Teach some if you wish. We are your new community. You will get out of the Citadel exactly what you put into it.”

Iara grinned. “So, it is like everything else in life.”

The woman settled behind the controls, made sure that Iara was with her and gripping the safety bar. They went up and over the field, skimming along the grass until they reached foothills at the base of a mountain range. They travelled along, and Iara felt the wind against her face and fluttering the sleeves of her gown.

The taste of Zakaru was bright and growing. Iara guessed that they were in the midst of spring.

It was a time for new planting and experimental things entering the soil. Iara wondered how she was going to come out come harvest time.


Chapter Three



Iara ducked the fist flying at her, and she retaliated with a strike to the ribs. She dropped to one knee and punched the back of her opponent’s knee, causing them to join her on the mat rather suddenly. Iara rose to stand and placed her foot on the chest of the virtual opponent.

“Session concluded.”

Iara blinked as she came back to the moment and the audience in the gym applauded wildly. She walked to the edge of the training mat and blotted at the sweat on her brow and lip.

Her friend Tether smiled and shook his head. “I still can’t believe that for someone who stops violence, you are such an excellent fighter.”

“One has nothing to do with the other. A fit body promotes a fit mind, and since my class on dealing with aggression in alien species doesn’t start for half an hour, I have time to grab a snack and a shower.”

He took the hint. “I will get the tea and meet you in the atrium.”

“Be there in four minutes.” Iara headed for the change room and took a quick solar shower. Once out, she put on her instructor robes and headed to the atrium.

A full tea was set out and Tether was grinning. “Since you are leaving tomorrow, I thought a final tea would be in order.”

“What did I do to earn a friend like you?” she winked toward his third eye.

“You saw me struggling on Huran and you took me home with you. The moment I was out of there, I could breathe again.” He smiled. “My induction to the Citadel was merely the icing on the cream cake.”

She sat and her white robes fluttered around her. It wasn’t quite the elegant gown she used to wear, but the bodysuit underneath was a dose of practicality she enjoyed.

Tether poured the tea and allowed her first pick of the tiny sandwiches. She selected a delicate cheese and herb mix to start with, and it was all that Tether needed. He went to town on the remaining food. She had to fight to keep up with him.

By the end of her free time, they were involved in a staring contest over the last cream cake. Her chronometer chimed, and she hissed at him. “Take it, but the next time I am home, you owe me one.”

He chortled and grabbed it, scarfing it down in two bites.

She drank the last of her tea, got to her feet and brushed crumbs off her robes. It was time to get to class.


Burping her way through the halls was not unusual. She apologized to the sensitive noses of some of the folk she passed.

She opened the door to her lecture hall and grinned at the full seats.

Iara flowed down the aisle with her best courtly walk. It was time to be a grown up, so she had to act like one.

Iara stepped behind the crystal podium and looked around her. The class was a mix of races that were timid, mildly aggressive and downright violent. There was a full spectrum of emotion in front of her, and it was going to be fun to work with them.

“Welcome to identifying and dealing with aggression in Alliance species. I am your instructor, Specialist Iara.”

Several of the more violent representatives looked to each other. One shouted out, “What makes you qualified? I thought this would be taught by a warrior.”

She sent a wave of calm serenity through the crowd. “I am a warrior; I am qualified. The nature of my talent makes it key for me to identify what I am working with and then to find a way to counteract the negative emotion driving the actions.”

After they began to shake off the temporary sedation she had given them, respect was in a few faces and wariness in others.

“Right. That is how I deal with aggression, but you don’t have that precise option.”

She activated the holographic display of one of the fighting races. “Kozue are common sights on space stations, but they are also possessed of hair-trigger tempers and a compulsion for battle. Weakness is not respected, nor is peace and tranquility. Success in battle is all that they deem worthy, and talents that crop up in the population are removed as quickly as they can be identified.”

One of the Kozue in the back row stiffened. “How do you know this?”

She smiled and shrugged. “I was born on a Kozue battleship. When I was nine, I was given in bond, and when my bondholder passed away, I joined the Citadel. I am very familiar with how the Kozue treat their talented and how much they rebel against peace.”

He blinked and cocked his head. “Which family group?”

She grinned. “Not relevant. This course is about dealing with aggressive species. To deal with a Kozue, keep your sentences short. Do not laugh, smile or engage them in any flirtatious way. While they are quite normal among their own kind, with strangers, they consider these behaviours a sign of weakness.”

Several of her students were taking notes.

“Now, on to Shish-kahr.” She displayed the image of an urban sea creature with vicious fangs and teeth. “While they enjoy the trappings of trading with the Alliance, they actually despise the majority of air breathers for their disrespect. Clothing choices matter when dealing with the Shish-kahr. Nudity is best, but keeping your hands and feet free of clothing is essential. This will acknowledge their affiliation with the bodies of water surrounding their cities. If you can swim with them, even a little, you will become a trusted friend.”

One of the pale blue creatures in the front row raised a webbed hand. “You are correct, you know. My family has dealt with Shish-kahr for decades. They don’t consider you prey if you can swim. That is their opinion of the dirt walkers.”

Iara nodded and smiled. “On to the next species, and once we have gone through them all, we will go in depth with each and every one. No, we will not get to all species, but this overview will give you tools to make your own plans of attack when dealing with these species and races.”

“Now, on to the Oefric. While they are an urbane and friendly people, get between them and their mate and you are in for a fight.” She continued on, and four hours and one intermission later, she was hoarse and her class’s eyes were glazed over.

She clapped her hands. “Thank you, everyone. I hope you leave with more understanding than you arrived with. Go in serenity and harmony.”

She gave them a slight wave of rejuvenating balance, and they perked up. They rose, and while most left the room, several came to the podium to speak to her.

Many of the questioners were repeat students. She moved from the podium and headed for the door, answering what she could and slowly coaxing them all toward the commissary. She was famished.

One of her regulars grinned and offered to get her order. Gratefully, Iara nodded and led the others to a large round table. She continued her lecture, forking up the food daintily placed in front of her and gulping at her tea.

She held court for an additional hour before begging off. “I am sorry that I have to go, but tomorrow, I launch again.”

One of the new recruits smiled hopefully, “Do you know where you are going?”

“I do, but as you will learn, that is not something shared until we return. There will be stories, I guarantee it.”

The students sat quietly and smiled at her as she made her goodbyes. With a huge sense of relief, she left her fan club behind her as she headed for her quarters. The lectures invariably brought detailed questions that the students wanted answered based on their personal experiences. She didn’t begrudge them wanting to do it better next time, but she was currently on the hook for an assignment to a world on the brink of war. That had to take priority over how to solve old-school issues with aggressive species.


Tether was waiting outside her room with a cup of tea. “Come on, your shuttle is waiting. You never mentioned that you were taking Sector Guard transport.”

Iara took the cup of tea with one hand and held her bag in the other. “I didn’t know that it was my transport. This bodes ill for the man I am partnered with.”

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