CREAM (On the Hunt) (12 page)

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Authors: Zenobia Renquist

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: CREAM (On the Hunt)
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To help her along, he imagined the same babbling brook from the previous night and forced it into her mind, overshadowing her other thoughts. She didn’t fight it and was eventually breathing peacefully in deep slumber.

He stroked her cheek again, marveling at how completely she trusted him. Jeliyah didn’t know the full extent of their connection. If Teaghan were the type, he could use the connection to make her do anything he wanted. Jeliyah’s higher-ups had been wise to warn against sharing blood with a vampire because it was one step away from being a Renfield, despite what Teaghan had told her.

He had no plans to take advantage. He wanted Jeliyah to come to him on her own. The blood connection simply helped him understand her better and faster. They didn’t have time for a normal courtship, not after being on the run—and not before either. Teaghan didn’t have much patience.

Vampire or not, once he set his sights on something, he wanted it sooner rather than later and would use all means at his disposal to get it. He wanted Jeliyah more than anyone or anything before her. The situation surprised him, having never been confronted with it before, but he wasn’t going to deny it.

Once the current mess was settled and he could get back to seducing her, she wouldn’t deny it either.

Chapter Eight


Jeliyah watched her necrome map shrink as their pursuers put more and more distance between them. She’d already mentioned the way the enforcers were backing off to Teaghan. He’d made a noncommittal noise to indicate he’d heard her but hadn’t offered an explanation. Not that she needed one.

She and Teaghan were close to the territory border. Teaghan had been driving the entire time, only stopping for gas. Vampires didn’t get fatigued the way humans did and they didn’t fall prey to highway hypnosis. Almost a full day of driving hadn’t affected Teaghan at all.

Jeliyah wasn’t as resilient. She ached. The little sleep she had gotten—if sleep was what she wanted to call it—made her feel more exhausted than if she hadn’t gotten any at all. Anxiety robbed her of her appetite and her irritability from low blood sugar had ended all conversation.

She startled when Teaghan placed his phone on the dash.

“Easy there, necromancer,” Teaghan said with laughter.

The phone rang through the speakers.

Mekhail picked up after the second ring. “Are you here, sire?”

“Just about. We’re ten miles out. Where’s our escort meeting us?”

“The rest stop on the border. Pull in there. A black limo will be waiting to bring you the rest of the way. The head has agreed to meet you. In fact, he’s eager to meet you. Almost too eager.”

“You think it’s a trap?”

“Not a trap. He assured me no harm would come to you or the necromancer during your stay but wouldn’t elaborate more than that. Several have said they haven’t seen him this…enthusiastic in decades.”

Jeliyah watched Teaghan to determine how she should react. She’d never met a vampire head. In fact, she doubted the higher-ups had met a vampire head either. The families guarded their leaders well. There was no way they would let a necromancer anywhere near. The exception being this vampire head, since he had necromancers for bodyguards.

Teaghan remained calm. “Good man, Mekhail. I need a limo ride after all this driving.”

“Another will drive your car for you.”

“Not needed. I’m dumping it.”

Jeliyah had to hold back a surprised gasp. After all the bitching Teaghan had done about the bullet holes, she hadn’t thought he would leave his car so easily.

“As you wish. I shall see you soon, sire.”

“Yes, you will.” Teaghan pressed the call end button and then glanced at her. “You already said I can buy a new car. You weren’t wrong. And the car is deadweight we don’t need.”

“What about if the head decides we can’t stay? How will we leave?”

“A limo waiting for us and he’s enthusiastic. He’s already decided to let us stay. It’s on us whether or not we accept his terms.”

“What terms?”

“We’ll be finding out together.” Teaghan threw the signal to show he was pulling off onto the exit.

As Mekhail said, a black stretch limo sat in the rest-stop parking lot, out of place amongst the luggage-packed cars and campers. Two men—vampires from the way her necromes hummed louder—stood leaning against the car and watching the highway exit.

Teaghan pulled up alongside them. “Mekhail.”

The men straightened, though neither claimed the name, nor greeted Teaghan the way Jeliyah thought a progeny would. She didn’t know what she had expected but nervous attention wasn’t it.

One man pulled open the limo door. “Right this way, sir. The master is expecting you.”

The other man rounded the car to Jeliyah’s door and opened it for her. She was a little surprised when he offered his hand. She decided to accept since she wasn’t sure of the steadiness of her legs.

All three men stood by while she entered the limo. Teaghan slid in after her. One of the escorts closed the door and both men went to the front of the limo.

She half expected to find someone waiting for them once her eyes adjusted to the darkness, but there was no one.

Teaghan pushed the talk button and asked, “How long?”

One escort said, “Four hours, sir. Did the miss need anything before we start?”

Jeliyah shook her head when Teaghan looked her way. She wanted this to be over with so she could go someplace and truly relax.

“She’s fine.”

“Very good, sir.”

The limo eased forward and got back on the highway. Jeliyah watched her map as the two dots that had been following them all day stayed in a spot that grew farther and farther away until they disappeared.

Teaghan said, “Power down and get some rest.” He patted his thigh.

“I’ve been sleeping all day.”

“No, you haven’t. You’ve been watching the enforcers following us and needlessly expending energy. Stop arguing with me.”

Jeliyah sighed but decided to give in. He was right. She hadn’t been sleeping and she didn’t feel up to playing diplomatic games while they bartered for asylum. “Deactivate.”

Instead of using Teaghan’s leg as a pillow, she slipped off the seat and stretched out over the floor of the limo, happy to be able to extend her legs and flatten her back. Her muscles protested but it was a good ache that made her groan in satisfaction.

Teaghan moved beside her and rolled her so her head rested on his shoulder. “Go to sleep,” he whispered.

Jeliyah nodded. “Never thought this would be how I spent my first time in a limo.” She sounded tired to her own ears. The noise of the highway passing underneath the car lulled her to sleep.

She woke to Teaghan’s lips pressed against hers. She blinked up at him in surprise but didn’t pull away from the kiss.

He smiled down at her. “I’ve always wanted to do that.”

“You haven’t kissed a lover awake?”

“My lovers don’t stick around long enough for me to wake them.”

“Oh.” Jeliyah thought about the women who had been hanging off Teaghan at the club. She couldn’t imagine any of them being the type someone would want to wake up next to in the morning.

Teaghan sighed in annoyance. “I told you they are food, Jeliyah. That’s it.”

“You don’t have to explain yourself to me.” She sat up and climbed back onto the seat to look out the window. “Where are we? I have to assume we’re close if you woke me.”

A voice filtered over the intercom and said, “We are entering the property now, miss.”

“Thank you.” She looked at the talk button. She hadn’t needed to push it for the escorts to be able to hear her question, though they had used it to answer. Teaghan had pressed it earlier when he could have skipped it and she didn’t know why he had bothered.

Teaghan said, “For you. I can hear them fine but your ears are decidedly human.”

That made sense though she didn’t say it out loud.

The limo stopped and someone opened the door. Jeliyah took the hand offered, stepping out of the limo to look at the large estate nestled amongst the trees. She couldn’t see much in the early morning darkness. Sunrise was still a few hours away.

The man holding her hand bowed over it and kissed her knuckles. “I am Mekhail, miss. Welcome to the home of Niccolo, head of the Amsel family.”

“Thank you.”

Behind her Teaghan said, “You did well for yourself, Mekhail.”

“Thank you, sire.” Mekhail gestured to the house. “A room, clothing and refreshments have been prepared for you. Niccolo will see you in an hour.”

Jeliyah was happy she didn’t have to meet with someone as important as Niccolo without seeing the inside of a shower first. Niccolo probably didn’t want to meet them before they showered anyway. She wished they could postpone until she’d slept a little longer though.

The room Mekhail showed them was large and ornate, with a four-poster bed complete with canopy and curtains, a matching vanity and a lounging sofa. The room also had a young woman—early twenties at the most—waiting.

Mekhail said, “I did not know the nature of your relationship, miss, so assumed Teaghan would require a food source other than you. I hope I didn’t overstep myself.”

Jeliyah smiled at him. “No, you didn’t. Thank you. And she’s just Teaghan’s type too.”

“I know it well, miss. I used to procure women for him in the days before the outing.” His gaze swept over her. “You would not have been on my list.”

Teaghan snapped, “And that’s enough out of you.” He pointed to the door.

Mekhail kissed Jeliyah’s hand again and nodded to Teaghan before leaving the room. Teaghan slammed the door after him, making the girl jump with a surprised squeak.

Jeliyah said to her, “He’s grumpy from our long trip. Don’t let his attitude scare you. He won’t hurt you.”

The girl smiled. “I’m—”

“Don’t care,” Teaghan growled. To Jeliyah, he said, “Take the shower first.”

“Thanks. I won’t be long.”

“Take as long as you want. I can be quick.”

Vampire—of course he could. Jeliyah decided not to question it. She gathered up the neatly folded clothes, a towel and a basket filled with feminine toiletries—there was another basket with men’s products—and went to the bathroom.

She stayed in the shower until her fingers pruned, taking Teaghan at his word that he didn’t need that long. The dress Niccolo supplied her, while floor-length and made of opaque material, matched something Teaghan might have chosen. The front dipped to her navel, revealing the swells of her breasts. A thin chain ladder kept the two halves from falling open.

The same style chain ladder connected the front panel of the skirt to the back. A skirt that left the sides of her legs bare from the waist down. The person who chose her clothes hadn’t felt the need to include underwear. She wasn’t fond of thongs but would have appreciated a pair since her panties would be seen if she wore them. She had to go without. That made her more than a little self-conscious.

She exited the bathroom to find the girl gone and Teaghan staring out the window. He faced her before she could say anything. His gaze as he looked her over heated her skin. Her thoughts went back to the previous night—had so little time passed?—and her pussy twitched in reaction.

“Very nice,” he said in a low rumble.

She said quickly, “You have to shower.”

Teaghan grinned. “I hadn’t planned to do otherwise.” He crossed the room in the time it took her to blink and said with his mouth close to her neck, “But I will do everything you just thought of later.” After a soft kiss against her shoulder, he disappeared into the bathroom.

She didn’t have time to get herself under control because Teaghan emerged five minutes later, clothed in a suit and with his hair damp. She liked this look better on him. Even with his hair still in cornrows, he looked dapper and dangerous.

“Really?” He glanced down at himself. “I might have to buy a few then since this one seems to have gotten you all hot and bothered.”

Jeliyah didn’t try to deny it. Teaghan could hear her thoughts so there was no point.

A knock drew both of their attentions to the door. Mekhail entered. “The master is ready to see you now.” He smiled at Jeliyah. “You look beautiful, miss.”

“Thank you.”

He offered her his elbow. “Shall we?”

She started to put her hand on his arm but Teaghan stuck out his elbow on her other side. He said in a rough tone, “Yes, we shall.”

Jeliyah took his arm to keep a fight from breaking out.

Mekhail didn’t appear to mind. He turned and led the way to a library with bookshelves built into the walls. A man who appeared to be in his forties sat at the large desk situated in the middle of the room. Two secret-service-looking men—black suits, earpieces and stiff attitudes—flanked him.

The man at the desk said, “I am Niccolo, head of the Amsel family. You are Jeliyah Parsons, high-middle class necromancer, and Teaghan, an enforcer. Sit.” He gestured to the two chairs across from the desk. “Mekhail, you’re dismissed.”

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