Crave (Talon Security #1) (6 page)

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Authors: Megan O'Brien

BOOK: Crave (Talon Security #1)
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She squeezed my hand in sympathy. “Just remember, you’re not alone. You have me and Caden. Your brother is out scouring the earth for revenge, and Sam—whether you choose to admit it or not, you have Sid too.”

After a few more cocktails, we made our way upstairs to share the guest bed.

“Thanks for coming, Pipe,” I said through the darkness before I shut my eyes.

“You’re welcome. Things are gonna be okay. You’ll see.”

In my tired, slightly drunk state, I could almost pretend that was true.


It’d only been a day since Piper had left and boredom was setting in full force.

Being trapped in the house all day without a car had me feeling suffocated. Plus, I’d been largely sequestered to the guestroom, based on the state of Travis’s downstairs living and kitchen space.

I’d only seen him briefly in the last forty-eight hours. He’d come in to check on me the previous evening and had told me they’d recovered the gift from my trunk, which did turn out to be the flawless canary diamond the Russians were looking for. It had been in a lock box, so even if I’d wanted to open it, I wouldn’t have been able to. Not that I would have peeked. That was back when I didn’t know Zitto was a scoundrel.

I had dinner ready when Travis walked in the door that evening. It had been a feat to make anything at all, since the fridge was in the garage and everything had to be made on his George Foreman grill. But I had persevered, damn it.

He took off his leather jacket, slinging it on a chair. “You cooked?” he commented in a surprised tone.

“Hey, I cook sometimes,” I replied, sounding mildly offended as I handed him a beer.

He eyed me knowingly. “You’re bored.”

“Maybe I just want to do something nice to say thank you for putting me up,” I replied defensively.

He stared at me with raised brows.

“Okay, fine, I’m bored,” I mumbled.

He looked around his condo. “I can see why this wouldn’t be the best place to be stuck,” he muttered dryly.

I didn’t really have a response to that, since it was true.

We sat in the kitchen nook and ate in companionable silence for a little while.

“Did you discover anything new?” I asked hesitantly. I knew they’d all been killing themselves to dig up as much information as they could.

“Zitto’s in the wind,” he grumbled. “Would love to get my hands on that motherfucker. We did talk with Camille. I’ve interviewed a lot of fucking people and I genuinely believe she didn’t know a thing about this,” he shared.

I was relieved to hear that. It was enough to know Zitto was an asshole; I didn’t want to think that his sweet wife had taken any part of this.

As if reading my mind, Travis continued. “It’s possible he didn’t intend to do you harm, Sam. He was a stupid fuck, and from what we’ve gathered, not well versed in the criminal underworld. At all. He was completely in over his head, trying to steal from a man like Ivanov. It’s possible that he wanted to get it out of his house. That he didn’t think someone would know he gave it to you.”

I bit my lip, nodding.

“It’s possible, but that doesn’t mean he’s not fucking guilty,” he clarified tersely before taking a deep pull on his beer.

I stared down at my own bottle, lost in thought.

“You want to tell me what happened?” he asked gruffly, taking me off guard. “With Sid,” he clarified, even though we both knew what he was talking about. He’d given me plenty of space and I knew he deserved an explanation, even a brief one.

I shrugged, looking off to the side. “Sid just doesn’t feel the same way about me, and he had a pretty shitty way of showing it.” I sighed.

He studied me intently, as though gauging his response carefully. “Well, little sis, obviously I don’t know the details but I see the man every day. All I can say is that he’s torn up. Someone who doesn’t feel something for you wouldn’t be so affected. I’ve literally had to fight to keep him from sleeping on the couch. I know for a fact he’s slept in his truck outside the house more than once.”

My mouth dropped open in shock before I recovered with a sigh. “He probably just feels guilty.”

“I know guilt,” he argued. “That’s not what’s haunting him.”

“There’s a lot that haunts Sid,” I said softly.

He nodded, his expression tight. “I’m sure that’s true. Have you thought about what you want to do about your living situation?” he asked, changing the subject, for which I was grateful.

I shook my head, biting my lip. “I don’t think I can go back home. At least, not right now. And I love you and all, Trav, but my days of being sequestered in a construction zone are numbered.”

His brows pinched. “Sam, I hate to break it to you, but even if you wanted to go back home I wouldn’t allow it. It’s not safe. Hell, had I seen that place before this happened, you would have been out of there. You’re either here or at headquarters, you choose.”

I groaned. “Travis, you know that’s not a choice. I’m not going to volunteer to stay at GI Joe headquarters. It’s the most sterile place on earth, and Sid is about the last person I want to be sharing a space with.” I rolled my eyes. “Isn’t there any other option?” I pleaded.

After a minute, he shocked me by nodding hesitantly. “Maybe.”

I clapped my hands together, excited by any option that included some form of freedom.

“A former client needs a house sitter for awhile. He has this little dog he’s obsessed with—God knows why,” he muttered. “Anyway, it’s up in Laurel Canyon, nice spot, but most importantly it has airtight security. He’s a celebrity chef, travels all over the world, but it’s been hard for him to find someone he trusts. He trusts me, so I know he’d appreciate your help. You’d just need to watch over the house and take care of the dog.”

I perked up—that did sound good. It’d give me a bit more time to figure things out. I wasn’t much of a dog person, but I could fake it for a little while.

“But,” he interjected, holding a finger up. “I want to reevaluate it to make sure it’s as ironclad as I remember.”

I nodded. “It’d be nice to get back to some semblance of real life.”

Even if it felt totally foreign.

“Real life with added security,” he reminded me. “Just until we sort this shit out.”

Right, that.

I reached over, clinking my beer bottle with his. “Thanks, Trav.”



ren’t you the most precious thing with your pink hair!” My brother’s client, the chef and my temporary landlord of sorts, beamed when he opened the door the next evening. “I’m Brad,” he introduced himself, extending a hand to shake.

“Sam.” I forced a smile, despite my mood being tumultuous at best. He held the smallest dog I’d ever seen.

“This is Trixie,” he announced, pointing to the dog that resembled a rodent much more than a canine.

“Hi.” I waved awkwardly, not sure what the right greeting for a dog/rat was.

“Come in!” He beckoned and waved a hand toward the beautiful entry. The house was tucked back along the hillside, with a view of the city at its front, and the hills behind. The ceilings were high and vaulted with gorgeous gray wood floors and a sprawling staircase.

“Wow,” I breathed.

“You like? Good. I’m so glad you’re able to stay.” He beamed with excitement. “Your hunk of a brother already came by today to make sure the security is up to snuff. Protective, that one,” he noted.

“You could say that,” I muttered. Travis had already texted me to let me know since Brad had security on-site his team would be posting up starting tomorrow. “Thank you for letting me stay. I sincerely hope it’s not a bother.”

“Oh, honey.” He waved a hand, still carrying Trixie around in his arms as we walked through his house. “Your brother has saved my behind more times than I can count. I’m relieved to be able to do something to return the favor. Plus, you’re the one helping me. I always feel so guilty leaving Trixie alone when I have to travel.”

I nodded, my eyes scanning the expansive space.

He showed me to the guest room, a beautiful large room on the ground level with an en-suite bathroom.

Geez, he might never get rid of me.

“So does the dog walk?” I teased after I’d settled in and met Brad in the kitchen for drinks.

“You’re a pistol.” He pointed at me with a smile. “She does, but she’s a people dog. She doesn’t do well being alone, which is why I’m so glad you’ll be here.”

“Ah.” I nodded, taking the drink he offered. “This is a big place for one person,” I noted, looking around the massive gourmet kitchen. He got a sad look on his face and I instantly regretted bringing it up. “Sore subject?” I hedged with a wince.

He waved a hand dismissively. “Water under the bridge now. We designed the place together but Tom and I, well… it didn’t work out.” He shrugged and I could tell he still wasn’t over it.

“I’m sorry,” I offered sincerely.

We carried our drinks out to the beautiful backyard, complete with a hot tub and swimming pool. “Don’t ever let her out here alone. Coyotes,” he explained, gesturing toward the hills.

Trixie would probably serve as no more than an appetizer for a coyote. “I won’t.” I shook my head.

We sat in companionable silence for a few minutes. “So what’s your story, Ms. Hot Stuff? I know you have one.”

I laughed. “What makes you think that?”

“It’s always in the eyes,” he answered sagely. “Despite the bruising, I can tell that yours are so gorgeous, but you have a tale to tell and I’d love to hear it.”

I found myself wanting to talk to Brad, which was unusual for me.

“It’s not very exciting or original. I’m originally from just north of here. I moved to the city to go to school.”

“What’d you go to school for?” he wanted to know.

“Music theory,” I replied. “I met one of my best friends, Piper, in one of my classes. She lives in Nevada now. Anyway, I met my friend Caden at a party. He was looking for a few roommates. We hit it off, so Piper and I moved in. Sid, his older brother, moved in about a year later. We were like a big dysfunctional family for a while.” I smiled wistfully. “Piper moved to Nevada to take care of her dad, and then it was Caden, Sid, and me for awhile.”

“And which one did you fall for?” he prompted with a wink.

The man was good.

“Sid,” I admitted. “I didn’t even realize it was happening until I was just… done for. Then a few months back we crossed a line. He freaked out.” I shrugged ruefully. “It was time for me to move out, anyway. He went overseas for a job and I didn’t speak to him for six months, until a few nights ago. Then some assholes broke in and roughed me up. That’s what brought me to Travis’s house,” I explained in a rush.

“Travis told me a little bit about that. I’m so sorry,” he replied, eyeing me with sympathy.

“I miss him,” I admitted softly. “Sid, I mean. We used to spend so much time together, I sort of feel like I’m walking around with a missing limb.”

“I bet he does too.”

“Maybe.” I shrugged skeptically.

“Give it some time, honey. You never know. A girl like you? You’re gorgeous and smart—fun to be with. A man would be crazy not to want to work for it.”

“You just met me!” I laughed.

He shrugged, taking a sip of his drink. “I have a way of knowing these things.”

I smiled, having no reason to doubt that was true. “How did you end up meeting my brother, anyway? He usually does security overseas.”

He chuckled. “He took pity on me. I got totally mobbed at a signing I was doing about a year ago. The security I’d hired was completely outnumbered. By some divine providence your brother was there and waded in.”

I could picture Trav doing something like that.

“After he got me safely tucked away, he reamed my security and all but fired them on sight.”

I could even more easily picture Travis doing

“Anyway, after that, we kept in touch. He helped me hire a new team and has checked in every now and then.” He turned to me. “Your brother is a good man.”

“I know,” I agreed with a smile.

“And hot as hell,” Brad added, fanning himself theatrically.

I rolled my eyes. “No comment.”

We stayed up far too late talking, but time and cocktails got away from us.

“Night, honey.” He smiled as I headed for my room and he climbed the stairs.

“Night.” I smiled, feeling lighter than I had in days.


I woke up to the feeling of being watched. I opened my eyes blearily and just barely held back a shriek as two large black eyes stared back at me, inches from my face.

“You are freakishly small. How’d you even get up here?” I mumbled, but lifted the covers, allowing Trixie to burrow closer.

I knew Brad had had an early flight; no doubt Trixie had sought out the next warm body to snuggle with.

I drifted back to sleep, shocked that a dog/rat could be such a good snuggle partner.

When I woke for good, Trixie was still nestled against my belly. I got out of bed and headed for the kitchen in search of coffee. She followed, making little noises that I assumed were supposed to sound like barks. “Nuh-uh.” I shook my head. “We’re going to practice this thing called
while Brad’s out of town,” I told her sternly.

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