Craggy 2: Another Last Flight for Craggy (4 page)

Read Craggy 2: Another Last Flight for Craggy Online

Authors: Gary Weston

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Military, #Space Fleet, #Space Opera, #Space Ships, #alien encounters, #alien planets, #mars

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'We know they can't all be bad,' said Potts. 'Korlyn was practically a saint.'

'What the hell is their purpose?' Forbes asked. 'Galaxy domination or something?'

Cragg said, 'Let's hope they are too busy to think about us.'

'Stella,' said Potts. 'I can see you're upset, as we all are. But if you keep looking, you might find more information for us. We need to understand their game plan. If you do find any more, call us immediately, please.'

'Of course, Commander.'

Forbes added. 'For the time being, until we know what we might be dealing with here, we should just keep this to ourselves. Agreed?'

'Why are you looking at me?' asked Cragg, innocently. 'I'm not even telling Misty about this. It's terrible.'

Forbes raised his best eyebrow and fixed Cragg with his “Just you remember that,” look. 'Commander Potts. You and I have some serious thinking to do. Come on. Craggy. Stella has important work to do, so...'

'Ah. Right. I, err, have Carry on, Stella.'

'Yeah. Right. Okay, Craggy. Thanks.'

Chapter 11

ou're quiet today,' said Misty. 'Not going to the ship this morning?'

Cragg shook his head. 'Hmm? No. I've no plans for today. They'll just have to struggle by without me. I might go visit the Foreman's. Say Hi. You know, just...hmm.'

Misty knew her husband well enough to know the thoughts going around inside his head were big clunky ones. And that he hadn't been his usual garrulous self, had her more concerned.

'That'll be nice. And no. I don't want you bringing a goat home with you. Chicken, dead, fair enough.'

'No goat?'

'No goat.'

Cragg set off, deep in thought. He didn't even recall the walk to Base Three, and it was only the woosh of the outer airlock door that brought him out of his trance.

'Oooh! Craggy.'

'Mango. How are you, pal?'

'Mango, daddy.'

'Again? You should really cut down on those bananas. Where is Andy?'

Mango took Cragg's hand. 'Oooh. Andy.'

Mango led Cragg through the jungle, and above them, other GenMop's swung through the branches. There was plenty of fruit available, so the Foreman's had little to do regarding feeding them. They did check on the babies on a daily basis, partly to get them used to humans, and the adult GenMops were taught basic chores.

The Base seemed alive with birds and was filled with their song. Flashes of colour streaked across the tops of the trees and bees were pollinating the myriad of flowers. The air was blessed with the heady perfume and Cragg found the ever busy Foreman's tending to the chickens. They had both partnered up with lady friends, who had moved into the base, and were like minded in their love of nature. All four were working on the chicken area.

'Craggy,' said Foreman. 'Nice to see you again. I see Mango has latched onto you.'

'Oooh, Mango.'

'I tell you something,' said Cragg, 'the way this little guy puts it about, has definitely curbed my enthusiasm for bananas. Misty is enough of harem for me.'

'Glad to hear that, Craggy,' said Candy Strype, David's girlfriend. 'Misty's a saint, putting up with you as it is.'

Cragg laughed. 'My reputation precedes me. None of those chickens would have my name on it, by any chance? If I eat another fish, I'll grow gills.'

'Half of one in the fridge,' said David. 'I'm sure we can spare it.'

'Thanks. Say. Andy. Can I have a quick word with you about something?'

'Sure. I should get us all a well earned beer, anyway.'

Cragg followed Foreman towards what was left of the accommodation facility. 'Out with it, Craggy.'

'Not good and I have to swear you to secrecy.'

'Somebody's trusted
with a secret? This has to be serious.'

Cragg stopped in his tracks and took Foreman's arm. 'That alien ship. Stella Wayward found something on the computer.'

'Go on.'

'Just a few seconds left on the hard-drive. Korlyn's kind, the Varlindrans. Attacking a planet. Nothing other than bloody butchery.'

Foreman nodded. He wrinkled up his eighty nine year old face as he considered the news. 'You think Korlyn told me something?'

Cragg shrugged. 'You played poker with the little guy.'

'And he always lost. I never met a more honest guy.'

'Andy. Do we have anything to worry about?'

'Let's get those beers.'

In the kitchen, Foreman got out two beers and sat at a table with Cragg. 'This is what Korlyn told me. Most you already know. The Varlindrans, were in trouble. Varlindra was dying. Not from abuse like Earth, but from gamma radiation from a dying sun. Really, they only did what we're doing. Surviving. They just got a bit carried away. They decided they were the most advanced species in the galaxy. Probably true. They figured they were so advanced, it was their destiny to fill the universe with their kind.'

'Right. And anyone getting in their way paid the price.'

'Pretty much. Korlyn didn't go into detail.'

'Now for the big question. Will they come back here?'

Foreman raided the fridge again, took out beer for the others and gave Cragg half a chicken. 'They're aggressive when they want to be. We have their ship. And more importantly, we pissed them off. Enjoy your chicken.'

Chapter 12

orbes said, 'I have a bad feeling about this.'

'Anton. You have a bad feeling about everything,' said Potts. 'I mean. What are the chances?'

'Of them attacking us here? You really need me to spell it out? They wanted this planet. We stopped them having it.'

'With a lot of help from one of their own. Korlyn got us this far. He can't help us now.'

Forbes shook his head. 'Nobody can. My mother had a saying. Hope for the best, but plan for worst. That particular buck stops right here. They're coming. Every damn fibre of my being screams that, loud and clear.'

'Great. I'll go gather some rocks to throw at them.' Potts recalled the images on the computer screen.

'Pottsy,' Forbes slammed his desk. 'This is our damn planet. They want it, it's over my dead body.'

Potts sighed. 'I really wish you hadn't said that.'

'Too late.'

* * *

tella Wayward was exhausted. 'This has to mean something,' she said, trying to make sense of the images.

Wendy Breeze had heard enough. 'How many hours have you been at this today?'

'The same hours as you. Sixteen.'

'So I know exactly how you feel. Go to bed. I'm right behind you.'

'Breezy. This is too important.'

Breeze agreed. 'Which is why we both need sleep and a fresh start. Turn that damn thing off and let's get out of here.'

Stella knew this was true. She was dead on her feet. She wrapped her arms around Breeze and kissed her. 'I don't want to spend the night alone. Not after seeing...'

Breeze returned the kisses. 'Come on. I need comforting, too. Another minute in this tin can, I'll turn into a sardine.'

'What's a sardine?'

Breeze laughed. 'God, I love you. Pull the bloody plug on that thing and remind me why your undies are mixed up with mine.' 

Chapter 13

isty was concerned about her husband. He had his moods and his ups and downs like everyone else, but he didn't do quiet. She was about to ask him again what was troubling him, when he got the call from Stella to go to the ship.

Misty asked as he was at the door. 'Craggy. Is there something going on over there you're not telling me?'

'Hmm? Err, not that I'm aware of. I have to go.'

Cragg arrived at the ship to see Fawn Dillow, Wendy Breeze and Stella Wayward, all staring at the huge computer screen. Stella was working the controls and replaying a very shaky recording. Cragg watched it several times, not even saying hi to the girls.

'It looks as if the Varlindran's don't get it all their own way,' said Cragg.

'Varlindran ships are taking a pounding,' said Dillow.

Cragg said, 'Don't get too pleased about that,' said Cragg. 'Just because those guys are kicking our potential enemy's butt, doesn't mean
couldn't come and kick

Stella said, 'Such a ray of sunshine.'

Cragg shrugged. 'Just telling it the way it is. The way I see it, we have to consider both of these to be potential enemies until we know otherwise.'

Breeze said, 'We should get the Commanders in here to see this.'

'They need to know,' agreed Cragg.

* * *

orbes sighed heavily after seeing the battle in deep space. 'We need bigger rocks.'

Potts wasn't about to sink any lower. 'We have weapons. Lance Dillow's ship.'

Fawn Dillow said, 'My dad won't back down from a fight, but it would be suicide going against any one of those ships.'

'Stella,' said Cragg. 'Has this ship got any weapons?'

'No idea,' said Stella. 'They'll be underneath, if anywhere. Not much good if it has weapons on a ship that can't fly.'

'In that case,' said Cragg, 'you three had better get extra busy and get this battered bird in the air.'

'No pressure then,' said Breeze.

Chapter 14


'Skye,' said Breeze. 'Out there are a whole bunch of bad guys. We need this ship in the air as soon as.'

Lewquarker said, 'Okay. One. I got no replacement parts. And B. Even if that busted ship ever took off again, we don't even know if it is armed.'

Breeze shrugged. 'It sort of doesn't matter. If it is armed, we are so outnumbered, we are dead meat anyway. We're just going down fighting.'

'Right. And all of Mars knows this do they?'


Lewquarker said, 'Breezy. They have a right to know. And I for one down tools until they do.'

'Oh, come on, Skye...'

'No, Breezy. I'll go see the commanders myself, if you won't.'

'Fine,' snapped Breeze. 'We do it now.'

* * *

otts said, 'Commander Forbes is busy, so you're saddled with me. And by the look on your faces, this is heavy.'

Lewquarker leaned on Potts's desk. 'You had better believe it. Sir. One of the things that sets us apart from the old Earth people...'

'Careful. I'm an old Earth person.'

'I know. But some of us aren't. No secrets. That's what we live by.'

Potts stood up and paced the floor. 'I get that. Can you just imagine the panic if myself or Commander Forbes got up to say, hey. Maybe we got a load of laser cannon armed bad dudes coming down here and wiping us out?' There was a deep silence that had them thinking about that. He sat back down, clasped his hands behind his head and waited for a response.

'We all need to know,' said Lewquarker. 'If you want me to even try to fix that ship's engines, you tell Mars what's going on. I'm serious here.'

Breeze said, 'I happen to agree with Skye, Sir. Besides. You know this place. It'll come out one way or another. If you explain to people what we found, they won't panic.'

Potts considered that. 'I think you're right. I'll talk it over with Commander Forbes, then we'll have a meeting. In the meantime, I'd appreciate it if you both got back to work. We need that ship in the air as soon as possible.'

'We'll do all we can, Sir,' said Breeze. Stella nodded her agreement then they headed back to the ship, leaving Potts to face his responsibilities.

Chapter 15

kye Lewquarker could take a freighters propulsion system apart with one hand tied behind her back and a blindfold on. The alien ship was...alien. She sat on the now green ground, several large parts before her.

'You look busy.'

'Craggy. This is a nightmare. Look at this damage.'

'I wish I could help. Misty will tell you. I'm good at taking things apart, but I'm a dead loss when it comes to putting them back together. I always have at least one little piece left over.'

Skye said, 'The principles of the plasma engines should be much the same. Like the old combustion engine. Sure, they got fancier, but it was a little fuel in, a spark and a bang, and pistons up and down.'

'Are you sure it's a plasma engine, not something we haven't even thought of yet?'

'It's a plasma, sure enough. Just much more advanced.'

Cragg said, 'And faster. If the Varlindrans decide to take another pop at us, we need to be just as fast. Remind me how our engines work.'

'Right. We use helium three as our gas. None in any quantity here, but tons of the stuff on Moon's surface. The one thing we left behind was the working helium extraction plant. Fortunately a little goes a long way. Big Bird was turned into a helium storage vessel, for bringing the stuff back here to run our ships.'

'My pal Gassy Miller was running that extraction plant when we were living there.'

'Gassy trained the team that goes and gets it off the moon. Anyway, the helium is injected into the engine. The flow is controlled and the amount of helium injected in, governs the speed of the ship.'

Cragg nodded. 'I remember. So. This ship can pump more helium than ours, I take it?'

'That's one factor. This thruster is four times larger than ours.'

'Hmm. I knew it. Size does matter. Then what happens?'

'Well, the gas goes through the helicon antenna to be ionised.'

Cragg said, 'Which makes the plasma?'

'Correct. Then magnetic coils confines that plasma. A Faraday shield heats the plasma to millions of degrees, and the exhaust gas propels the ship.'

Cragg put on his best, I knew that expression. 'I couldn't have put it better myself. Pretty simple, in theory. Basically, one long continuous fart.'

'If you say so.'

'And this big lump here is...?'

'The main injector. Rocky scored a bulls-eye when he hit this.'

'And one of ours won't fit, I take it?'

'Nope. And I can't repair this mess.'

'Only one thing to do, then. Make a new one.'

'No shit. Thanks, Craggy.'

'You're welcome. Glad to be of help. Right. I'm off for the big meeting. Good luck with that.'

Chapter 16

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