Read CoyoteWhispers Online

Authors: Rhian Cahill

CoyoteWhispers (13 page)

BOOK: CoyoteWhispers
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Steve laughed. It might be clichéd but it seemed TV shows
were right, cops drank lousy coffee. “Get Kat to deliver some fresh every few

“Now there’s a thought.” Dale finished and placed his cup in
the sink. “Right, down to business.”

Before Steve could say a word Dale had left the room. He’d
never really been close to Dale when they were younger and since the other man
had returned from the city they hadn’t strengthened their friendship at all.
Steve wasn’t even sure if Brogan or Quinn knew him any better, but he wasn’t
about to let the sheriff’s
don’t get too close
vibe stop him from
watching the man’s every move.

He dumped the rest of the coffee from the pot and quickly
set about making another one. Doc would want some when she woke up and no doubt
they’d all be wanting a few shots of caffeine as the day dragged on. Steve
searched cupboards until he came up with coffee grounds and filters. Tossing
the old filter in the bin, he dropped in the new one and added the rich-smelling
blend. A rinse of the pot in hot water cleaned it enough for him. Once the
water was poured in he put the pot on the heated pad under the drip nozzle and
pressed the start button.

Heavy footsteps sounded above him. Dale had started in Doc’s
room. Kat had told him earlier that other than her doll collection there wasn’t
anything she’d left in her old room that couldn’t be replaced easily. Doc’s
room on the other hand was a completely different story. Those three dresses
were irreplaceable. He sucked in a breath and steeled himself to do what was
necessary. They’d know in the next few minutes if anything could be done to
save the delicate material from the blood soaking it but he wouldn’t hold his
breath wishing for a miracle.

Steve slipped into his boots and went upstairs to find Dale
dusting the windowsill for fingerprints. The room was chilly due to the inch or
so of open window. He could see where the lock had been jimmied off so he knew
Doc hadn’t left it cracked yesterday morning. Standing to the side, he tried to
stay out of the way and still be able to see everything the sheriff was doing.
When Dale barked an order over his shoulder Steve jumped.

“Bring that bag over here. If you’re going to stand there
you may as well be useful.”

Striding over to the bag that was now open, Steve grabbed
the handles and picked it up. He’d been right earlier, the damn thing weighed a
ton. “What the hell is in this thing? Rocks?”

Dale laughed. “Rocks would be a lot cheaper.”

“Yeah, but then they wouldn’t help you get the job done.”
Steve moved over to the bed and stared at the white-splashed-with-red gowns.
“So is this human or animal blood do you think?”

“I’d go with animal but only because I don’t want to think
about where human blood would come from.” Dale finished dusting the window
frame and with gloved hands, lowered the bottom section. “I’ll be happier when
the lab results come in though.”

“I guess Marcus has really stepped over the line now.”

“He’d stepped over it months ago but coming back has to be
the dumbest thing he’s ever done.”

“So you believed Doc when she said it was him who attacked
her yesterday?”

“Didn’t you?”

“Well yeah, but there’s no proof and you’re a cop, you deal
in evidence,” Steve said.

“Maybe, but you’re forgetting I’m also a coyote shifter and
instinct is as much a part of my ability to solve crimes as the human skills of
gathering information.”

“I never thought of that. Guess that makes you better than
the average cop.”

“Not really, the courts still need hard evidence. Can’t just
turn up and say he did it because I can smell him all over the victim.” Dale

Steve chuckled. “I can see how that might not work so well.”


He turned to see Doc standing in the doorway. She still wore
his clothes and her feet were covered in a pair of his wooly socks. Steve
walked over and gathered her in his arms. “I hoped you’d sleep longer.”

“Probably best I don’t or I won’t be able to sleep tonight.”

“After I’m through here do you mind if I go over to the
clinic and see if I can pick up some prints?” Dale asked.

“No, that’s fine. You still have the keys?” She pulled from
Steve’s embrace.

“Yes ma’am.”

“Jeez, don’t call me that. Sounds like you’re talking to my
mother.” She grinned.

“Sorry, it’s the job. I might not be wearing my uniform, but
I’m here in an official capacity,” Dale said.

“We’ll leave you to finish up, Dale. We’re going to get
cleaned up so if someone comes by with lunch from Kat, can you let them in?”
Steve asked as he ushered Gordie back through the door.

“Sure. I’ll be at least another hour in here and then I’ll
go over Kat’s room. Any chance Kat will send enough food for me?”

“Give her a ring and let her know you’ll be eating with us,”
Gordie said. “Although knowing my sister it’s probably not necessary.”


“Come on, Doc, let’s leave Dale to it.” Steve pulled her
toward the room they’d slept in.

“Where are we going?”

“Back to bed?” he asked hopefully.

Her laughter echoed off the walls. “No way are we doing that
in my parents’ bed.”

“Spoilsport.” He pulled her close and whispered in her ear,
“Then we’ll jump in the shower and I’ll help you wash your back.”

Steve nipped her earlobe, sucked it into his mouth and
flicked the delicate flesh with his tongue. She shivered against him, a moan
gurgling in the back of her throat.


He laughed. “I love it when you’re agreeable, Doc.” Steve
grabbed her hand and led her to the master bathroom.

Chapter Six


Gordie couldn’t catch her breath, her ragged gasps for air
echoing off the bathroom walls. Steve was on his knees, his mouth doing wicked
things to her sex. The tricks he did with his tongue were going to kill her.
She’d die a blissful death with a smile on her face. Her pussy clenched when he
sucked her clit between his lips and licked. Shudders of delight danced across
every nerve and splintered into blinding pleasure the second he thrust his
fingers inside her.

Her hips bucked, rode the wave of her orgasm as the
sensations went on and on. Gordie muffled a cry with her hand, bit into the
soft flesh to stifle more. The sting of pain combined with the bliss of
satisfaction made her legs shake. If it weren’t for the wall behind her, she’d
fall. Steve kept pushing and pumped his fingers faster, stroked her clit
harder. He rimmed her anus and sent her into orbit as he pressed on the tight ring
of muscle.

Newly initiated nerve endings spasmed and her lower belly
drew tighter and tighter until she thought she’d snap. He slid his finger
deeper into her ass and she broke like a twig under a size-eleven boot. No
resistance. She shattered into a thousand pieces, her legs going out from under
her. Steve removed his mouth and hand, catching her in his arms as she
collapsed into his lap. Gordie’s mind and body were limp and he wasted no time
in maneuvering her to straddle his thighs.

He thrust up, drove his cock deep into her still-contracting
channel. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned into him. Steve
gripped her hips, held her suspended a few inches above him so he could raise
and lower his pelvis, impaling her over and over on his erection. Muscles, lax
from post-orgasmic euphoria sparked to life as he dragged his length over
sensitive, swollen flesh. Blood coursed through her veins, hot and heavy, to
drown her in renewed need.

“That’s it. Come again.” He tilted her hips, drove his body
into hers at a different angle.

“I can’t.”

“Yes, you can,” he panted as he continued to pound into her.
“Once more, Doc.”

“Oh God.”

With a speed that was mind numbing, he took her up to the
peak again. He showed no mercy, driving his cock in and out, hard and fast.
Harsh breaths echoed around them, the tiled walls bounced the sound back to
drum in her ears. Steve’s mouth found hers, his tongue demanding she give all.
She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, could only feel. Rapture so savage it
slashed and destroyed her. Forgetting they weren’t in the house alone, Gordie
pulled her lips from his and screamed as another release tore through her.

Steve arched and sank balls-deep in her convulsing core. His
hips jerked twice before he went rigid beneath her. He came, her name a hoarse
groan that sounded more like a prayer for help than a cry of relief. She
slumped against him, their torsos sticky with sweat. Their skin clung and their
chests heaved with the desperate need for air. Her heart hammered double time
against her ribs and her lungs burned but she couldn’t move. Not yet.

“Wow.” Steve lowered his back to the floor, taking her with
him. “That was…”

“Yeah. It was.” Her fingers and toes tingled as feeling
started to return.

“We didn’t even make it into the shower.”

“Good thing we didn’t. I need one more than ever now.” She

“I don’t know. I’m kinda partial to having my scent all over

Gordie lifted her head and found his gaze with hers. “I
don’t mind either. It’s the copious amounts of sweat and sex smell I’m
objecting to.”

Steve buried his face into her neck and sniffed. “Smells
pretty damn good to me. Good enough to eat.” He nibbled at her throat.

A shiver traveled down her spine. “Stop it.” The teasing
bites tickled her skin and Gordie wiggled on top of him. His softened cock
slipped from her body and warm sparks of arousal danced around in her lower
belly. It amazed her to think she could have any interest left after their last
encounter but each time they came together the need wasn’t quenched. Instead it
grew stronger, deeper.

He sucked on her neck, pulled her flesh between his lips
with increasing pressure and Gordie knew she’d be left with a love bite when he
was done. A ribbon of excitement snaked through her. The idea of others seeing
Steve’s mark thrilled her in a way she’d never imagined. She tipped her head
sideways, gave him better access and moaned with her delight of being his.

“Damn you taste good,” he murmured against her throat. “I
could spend the entire day nibbling on you.”

“Oh God. I could let you.” Gordie pressed into him. Her body
plastered to the length of his, their legs in a tangle.


She squirmed as his mouth trailed wet kisses along her jaw.

“When can I nibble on you all day?” He licked the shell of
her ear. “It can’t be today but it has to be soon.”

Gordie couldn’t think. He was licking and biting and kissing
every erogenous zone on her head. “Umm…”

“Christmas.” More kisses. “Can I have you for Christmas
dinner?” He stroked his tongue down to her shoulder, along her collarbone.
“Spread out on my table with all the trimmings.”

Oh God.
He would kill her. “Please.”

“Please what, Doc?” His teeth scraped over the slope of her

“Anything,” she gasped. “Everything.”

He smiled against her skin. “Mmm, I can’t wait for Christmas

Steve rolled her beneath him and sucked her nipple into his
mouth. The cold floor at her back made her shiver. The heat of his body
covering her front made her melt. He thrust his hips, his hard cock pressing
into her thigh. She parted her legs, wrapped them around his waist and dug her
heels into his ass to pull him closer. A growl vibrated over her breast a
second before his teeth pinched the puckered tip and his cock entered her in
one plunge.

“Ah, yes.” Gordie’s head tossed from side to side, the hard
cold tile going unheeded as a blazing fire devoured her. He drove into her
pussy and his erection rubbed over inflamed walls, sending her into sensory
overload. Pleasure and pain. Pain and pleasure. Raw nerves no longer able to
distinguish the difference, no longer cared, only needed to be taken. To give
him everything he demanded.


Steve buried his face against Doc’s damp neck. He’d locked
his elbows and braced his knees, but he struggled to keep his weight off her.
His coyote was closer to breaking free than any other time they’d come together
as satisfaction flowed through him. It amazed him that his wild side had been
so quiet. The bizarre thing was he thought he understood why.

Doc had never run with any of the pack members that he knew
of. Other than when Anthony had turned her and she’d run with the newly
shifting teenagers of the pack, Steve couldn’t recall her ever shifting. They’d
change that over the next week. She needed to connect with that side of herself
before his coyote could.

“When was the last time you shifted?” His lips brushed her
skin and she shivered beneath him. “Shit. You’re cold.”

He rolled to the side and got to his feet. Reaching down he
offered her his hand and pulled her from the floor. With her tucked into his side,
he reached in and turned the shower on. In no time the water heated and steam
billowed out to surround them. Gently, he nudged her in ahead of him.

“Come on, let’s get clean and warm and then we can talk.” He
grabbed the soap and quickly lathered his hands.

Steve passed the bar to Doc and while she soaped up her
hands he set to work washing her down. He didn’t linger, couldn’t afford to or
his body would demand more of hers and neither of them needed that right now.
If they weren’t careful they’d wear each other out. A smile tipped his lips.

“What are you smiling at?” Her hands were busy cleaning his

“Us. We’re gonna kill each other with sex if we don’t stop.”
Steve slid his hands over the curves of her hips.

“You started it.”

“I didn’t hear you complaining at all.” He ran his hands up
the inside of her thighs and she flinched. “Sore?”

“Tender. No, actually more sensitive, really, not sore.”

BOOK: CoyoteWhispers
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