Cowgirls Don't Cry (14 page)

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Authors: Lorelei James

Tags: #Red Hots!, #Western Romance

BOOK: Cowgirls Don't Cry
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“Has the nurse been in yet for a height and weight check?”


“Gotta do that first. Strip him down and Fiona will be right in.” Then she left.

Landon hated getting naked. So by the time they’d undressed him down to his diaper, he was screaming mad. He wouldn’t stand so the nurse could measure him. They ended up using the baby scale to weigh him. He was fighting Brandt at every turn, giving Jessie such pitiful eyes, that she had to look away.

Which made him madder yet.

Doctor Monroe bustled into the room. Brandt gave up and let Landon run to Jessie, screaming,

“Mama, mama, mama,” throwing himself at her.

Jessie froze. The tension in the room doubled. “That’s the first time he’s called me that.”

“I’m surprised it hasn’t happened before. To some extent, given the circumstances, the women in his life are interchangeable,” Doctor Monroe said.

“Like father like son,” slipped out before Jessie could stop it.

Doc Monroe ignored her, but she felt Brandt’s probing gaze.

Once Landon was seated on Jessie’s lap, he was fairly docile. He let the doctor poke and prod him, all the while she kept up a light chattering tone that soothed him. When the doc checked his ears, she sucked in


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a sharp breath. “Kid’s got an ear infection all right. Poor thing.” She rubbed his bare back before she rolled away to jot down notes. She addressed Brandt. “Did Landon’s mother tell you if he’s allergic to penicillin?”

“No clue.”

Doc Monroe looked at Jessie. “Was Luke allergic to penicillin? The allergy tends to have genetic properties.”

“No, far as I know Luke wasn’t allergic.”

“In that case, I suggest a shot of penicillin. Sometimes I treat this type of infection with amoxycillin but the shot works faster. Plus, you won’t have to mess with trying to get him to take his medicine, since he seems a little strong willed.”

“No surprise—he is a McKay,” Jessie muttered.

Doctor Monroe shut the file folder. She smiled at both of them, but it was strained. “Kids heal quickly. He’ll have to stick around for twenty minutes or so after the shot to see if he has an allergic reaction. If he’s not better after forty-eight hours, bring him in right away.”

“Will do.”

Jessie got the feeling that Doctor Monroe disapproved of this situation with Landon and she gave them both an odd look before she left the room.

“I see what you’re thinkin’,” Brandt said. “And yes, she argued with me about askin’ for your help with Landon.”

She frowned at him. “How did she know you intended to ask me?”

“I told her. I brought Landon in for a checkup after hours the week Samantha went to jail. She grilled me on how I planned to take care of him so I asked her opinion. She said I was self-serving and stormed out of the room after she signed off on the physical documentation for temporary guardianship.”

Doctor Monroe had performed the D&C after Jessie’s miscarriage. She’d recommended the yearlong wait before they attempted another pregnancy, and by that time, she and Luke were having problems, so she’d stayed on the pill. But the doc knew how devastated Jessie had been about losing that baby. It gave her a rush of gratitude that the doctor knew losing another child, albeit not one from her womb, might cause her sorrow.

Would it? Or will you be glad to hand this boy back to his mother?

The nurse came in. “He gets this one in the butt, so you’ll need to take his diaper off.”

Brandt plucked Landon from Jessie’s lap, turned the kid over his knee as he pulled back the diaper tape, exposing Landon’s left buttock. He held the squirming boy firmly as the nurse swooped in with—holy crap—a really big needle and jabbed Landon’s tiny butt cheek.

Landon screamed bloody murder.


Cowgirls Don’t Cry

The nurse was fast. She pressed on a Spider-Man bandage on the spot and Brandt had the diaper refastened in a hurry.

Landon practically jumped into Jessie’s arms. Her stomach clenched, seeing him so scared. She slipped his clothes on, trying to calm him. When she looked up, Brandt had the oddest expression. “What?”

“Don’t get mad, okay? But you’re good with him. Better than I thought you’d be.”

Jessie didn’t snap off a smart comment, it’d serve no purpose. She hefted him up onto her hip. She winced.

“I’ll get him, Jessie.”

“I’m fine. I’ll wait here with him. Just pay the bill and I’ll meet you back at my house.”


Chapter Eight

“No, Mom. I understand you wanna see him, but he won’t be much fun with an ear infection. Okay.

I’ll ask her. Yes, I promise. Bye.”

Brandt tossed his cell on the seat and rubbed his eyes. Jesus, he was tired. It’d been a long couple of days. Traveling, a funeral, the guilt of leaving Jessie alone with Landon. He wanted to drink a couple of beers, watch TV and crash. But that probably wasn’t in the cards tonight.

Plus, he had a surprise for Jessie. Things had been going great between them today, up until the point she pushed him out of the doctor’s office. Her text requesting items they needed from the store had been curt, but texts often were, so he wondered what kind of mood she’d be in. He grabbed the grocery bags and headed inside her trailer to find out.

First thing he noticed was the quiet. And the heavenly smell.

Jessie tossed a quick glance over her shoulder. “How were the roads?”


“Need a beer?”

“Like you wouldn’t believe.” He set the bags on the kitchen table. “Landon sleeping?”


Brandt moved in behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders, which were hunched up by her ears. She immediately relaxed a little. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here the last couple days. Especially since Landon has been sick.” She hadn’t shrugged him off, so he kept his hands right where they were. “Tell me something, Jess. Have you thought about backing out of this deal?”

“Maybe last night when I was up walking the floor with him at four a.m. I considered loading Landon up and driving to your house.”

“I can imagine.”

While she struggled—Brandt sensed she wanted to say something—just for a second, he closed his eyes and pretended this was a normal night in his life. A sweet, sexy wife to come home to. Supper on the stove. A cold beer nearby. As the phantom life teased him, he inhaled slowly. The scent of her shampoo drifted into his nose, filled his lungs. The scent was hard to place—a mix of fruit and honey. But beneath that aroma was the undeniable heady scent of Jessie. Which was better than any perfume in the world.


“Mmm?” He let his thumbs sweep across the muscles between her shoulder blades.

Cowgirls Don’t Cry

“You said ‘backing out of this deal’.”


“And what am I getting out of this deal?”

That snapped him out of his fantasy lickety-split. “What do you want?”

“I don’t know yet. But I’m thinking about…some things.”

Brandt angled just a little closer. “Anything you want, Jessie, all you have to do is name it and it’s yours. Anything.” Before Brandt felt cocky or relieved, or hell, even hopeful she’d wrap herself around him and kiss him, she bolted.

“I’d better get these groceries put away, huh?”

He’d didn’t push it, not now anyway.

Landon woke up about halfway through Brandt’s first beer. The kid started out cranky, but that morphed into sweetness after Brandt dosed him with grape-flavored Tylenol. Landon dragged his blanket with him and curled into Brandt as he sat on the couch, watching the news.

Even Lexie sensed something was wrong with her tormentor. She sniffed his feet and put her head on Brandt’s lap so she could lick Landon’s hand.

Landon wasn’t interested in eating Jessie’s beef and noodle casserole. He didn’t suck down his bottle like a junkie, either. Brandt hated to watch Jessie eating alone, but he couldn’t move now that Landon had finally settled down.

After about an hour, Jessie said, “Why don’t you tuck him in bed? I don’t think he’ll wake up. He’s had a rough couple of days.”

“So have you.” Brandt grinned at her. “Want me to tuck you in bed too?”

Jessie blinked. Blushed. Then a sneaky smile stole across her face. “We’ll see.”

When Brandt returned from putting Landon down, Jessie was washing dishes. He rolled up his sleeves, snagged an embroidered dishtowel and stood beside her. Right beside her.

She gave him a strange look. “What are you doing?”

“Helpin’. Doesn’t seem fair that you cooked supper and have to wash the dirty dishes too.” He rinsed a plate and began to dry it, still feeling her eyes on him. “What?”

She smiled. “Thank you.”

“At your service.”

They chatted easily, although Brandt was surprised by how long it took to wash dishes with two people…until he realized, Jessie was dragging out their time together as much as he was.

Don’t hope, man. You’ve done this before and it nearly destroyed you.

When she began to rub the back of her arm, Brandt took a chance. “Want me to do that?”

“Nah. It’ll probably be fine by tomorrow.”


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“You sure? Because after I left the doctor’s office today I stopped by Healing Touch Massage and talked to AJ. I told her you’d been carting Landon around nonstop for three days, and she gave me some specific pointers on how to loosen up those muscles.”

Jessie’s eyes went wide. “Seriously? You did that? For me?”

“Yeah. I don’t think you understand how bad I felt leavin’ you here with him, when I promised that wouldn’t happen. So I’d like to make it up to you.”

“By giving me a massage?”

Brandt held up his hands in the face of her obvious skepticism. “No biggie if you don’t want it.”

“Would my clothes be on? Or off?”

Think with your head, not your dick. Do not blow this.
“I believe AJ said the part of your body bein’

massaged needed to be uncovered. So since it’d be an arm and back massage, probably I could work around a…short-sleeved T-shirt or something.”

A thoughtful look crossed her face. “How about if I wore a sports bra?”

Hell yes. And maybe some of those ass-hugging boy shorts.
“Ah sure. I suppose that’d be okay.”

“Where we doing this?”

“In your bedroom,” slipped out right away. Dammit.

“Okay. Give me about five minutes?”

“Sure.” That’d allow him time to brush his teeth, shave, see if he’d brought four or five condoms…

No. He had to be a perfect gentleman. Just a massage. Nothing else.

That sucked.

He drank the rest of his beer in the kitchen. At the five minute and thirteen second mark, he knocked on her bedroom door. “Jess? You ready?”


Brandt stepped over the threshold and the first thing he noticed was her butt. She hadn’t worn sweats, but ass-hugging workout shorts.

Do not do a celebratory fist pump, man. Act casual.

His gaze leisurely followed the curve of her back, the very sexy, very feminine curve of her back, stopping when his eyes reached the wide band of her black sports bra. It criss-crossed between her shoulder blades and the straps separated and disappeared down her front.

He’d forgotten what all that creamy, mouthwatering flesh looked like in the flesh.

Jessie looked at him strangely. “What’s wrong?”

“I just realized I forgot to ask AJ one thing. Where am I supposed to sit when I’m givin’ you a massage?”

“Good point. How about if we both sit on the bed. You can sit behind me.”

“I guess that’ll work.”


Cowgirls Don’t Cry

She sat in the middle and crossed her legs.

Okay. Brandt had to keep his groin from touching her backside because then she’d know he had a hard-on, which had popped up the instant it’d gotten wind he’d be putting his hands all over her.


“Hang on.” He scooted behind her, trying to spread his legs out, but damn, he wasn’t very flexible.

Maybe he could reach her from here. When he brushed his fingers across the slope of her shoulder, she jumped.

“You sure you wanna do this?” Killed him to say it, but he did anyway.

“Yes. It’s just…I’ve never had a massage before and it’s awkward to sit like this when I can’t see you.

It just startled me.” She stopped babbling and sighed. “The truth is, no man’s hands have touched me in a really long time, and I think I forgot how to act when it’s anyone’s hands but my own on my body.”

“This is supposed to be relaxing you, not makin’ you nervous.”

“I know. Let’s try again.”

Thank God. “Close your eyes.” This time when Brandt put his hands on her, she didn’t flinch. Her skin was so warm. So soft. So pale, compared to his rough knuckles and sun-soaked flesh. When he dug his thumb into the base of her neck, she moaned.

“Did that hurt?”

“No. It feels good. Really good. Keep going.”

He thoroughly massaged up and down both sides of her neck. Then he moved to arc of her shoulders, concentrating on the section between her shoulder blades. After that he branched out to her arms, earning another series of soft grunts and groans.

No matter how hard he tried, Brandt couldn’t help but wonder if Jessie would make the same throaty sounds if he used his thumb on the sweet spot between her thighs.

“God, Brandt. If this whole ranching gig doesn’t work out for you, I’m thinking you could give massages for a living.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment, although I wouldn’t enjoy givin’ someone like Bart Clarkson a rubdown.” Brandt shivered, imagining the crotchety old timer’s wrinkled skin and flabby ass. “And I’d hate to be accused of bein’ sexist, because I’d only wanna put my hands on ladies. Young ladies. Definitely would scar me for life to see some of the senior citizen set spread out on a massage table.”

“But having a hot, young, studly cowboy rubbing them down?”

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