Cowboy Cool: Book 5 (Cowboy Justice Association) (16 page)

Read Cowboy Cool: Book 5 (Cowboy Justice Association) Online

Authors: Olivia Jaymes

Tags: #Romance, #Western

BOOK: Cowboy Cool: Book 5 (Cowboy Justice Association)
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“You,” he stated bluntly. “In my bed. Doing anything I want. That’s the deal. No negotiations, just a simple yes or no.”

The two women sucked in their breath and swung their gaze back to Kaylee who was looking at him with a smug smile.

“Deal. Now do I get that kiss?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

He stood from the chair and walked around to where she stood at the front of the table. Not wasting any time he pulled her into his arms, his hand snaking into her thick hair and anchoring her head exactly where he wanted it. He bent his head and captured her lips in a passionate kiss, bending her backward over his arm.

He couldn’t be sure but it appeared the two women were swooning by the time he lifted his head. Even his pretty Kaylee had pink cheeks and swollen lips. Yes, he was going to make good use of that mouth the minute he got her home.

Letting her stand on her own two feet, he reluctantly let her loose, unwilling to go any further with an audience. Roleplaying was fun but he was in the mood for something far more primitive and base.

“You get what you wanted?” he asked.

“Yes,” she nodded. “Now it’s your turn. Where do you want me do this?”

A quick glance in the direction of their onlookers and the women’s eyes were as round as saucers. “We can go back to my place but we have to go now.”

“Just let me tell my friends. Should we exchange names?”

Reed smirked as he put his hand under her elbow and led her to the door. “No, it’s hotter if we don’t.”

He could hear a few patrons choking on their beverages as he led her outside. When they were standing by his truck he pulled her in for a long hot kiss.

“That definitely got my motor running, honey,” he said when he lifted his head. “Let’s get you home and naked.”

“But don’t tell me your name. It’s hotter that way,” Kaylee giggled as he helped her into the truck. This woman had redefined hot and sexy and he couldn’t wait for more.

*   *   *   *

Kaylee was sitting on the back patio typing away at her laptop when Reed stuck his head around the doorway.

“Miss Blue, will you step into my office, please?”

Her heart leapt in her chest as she gathered up her notepad and pen and followed him to her office. She tugged at the tight skirt she was wearing as it slid up her thighs when she sat down, showing a generous amount of leg in addition to the stockings she was wearing underneath.

“We need to talk about your job performance, Miss Blue. I’m sorry to say it has been less than desirable lately. What do you have to say for yourself?”

She loved the stern tone of his voice and it sent shivers through her body and cream leaking from her pussy. His expression matched his tone as well, hard and unyielding. He’d missed his calling. He should have been an actor.

“I’m very sorry, Mr. Mitchell that you’re unhappy with my work. I’m trying very hard to please you.”

She used her best innocent, breathless voice. She was playing the role of a dedicated secretary who had very good reasons for her work being sub-standard, one of them that her roommate had turned up dead. However, Kaylee was already planning for this conversation to go in another purely physical fun and games direction.

“You’ve been late three days this week, in addition to several errors in your work. If you don’t want this job I’m sure there are people who would be grateful for it.”

“I had a really good reason for that,” she explained but a wave of his hand cut her off.

“I am not interested in excuses, only results. What do you think I should do? Do you think you should be fired?”

“No, I think you should punish me.”

Shock and desire had lit up his eyes briefly at her statement but he covered it and moved along smoothly despite the fact that she’d changed the scene. He seemed to consider her words, weighing their authenticity.

“If you were me, how would I punish you?”

“I think a good hard spanking would teach me a lesson, Mr. Mitchell.”

Reed stroked his chin, his hand trying to hide his obvious grin. “I think you are correct, Miss Blue. Once disciplined, you’ll think twice about showing up late in the future. Take off your skirt and shirt and drape yourself across my lap.”

The real scene in the book hadn’t gone in this direction but Kaylee was feeling adventurous today. They’d already played a few scenes out but they always seemed to end up the same way—with a nice vigorous fucking.

Kaylee slid the zipper down on her skirt and let it fall into a pool around her ankles before plucking open the buttons down the front of her silk blouse and at the cuffs. It too joined her skirt and she stood before him in an outfit she’d purchased long ago but had never worn. She’d ordered it to be able to see how stockings worked for a scene but now she was actually going to experience it.

His heated gaze took in the sight of her near naked body and she wanted to shield herself with her hands. Instead she forced herself to stand there so he could look his fill. In the lacy black bra and thong paired with fishnet stockings, she looked every inch the wanton.

“Is this what you wear to the office, Miss Blue? I see this spanking is long overdue.”

Kaylee had to bite her lip to keep from laughing even as she arranged herself over his muscular thighs. When he placed his large hand on her bare posterior suddenly things weren’t funny in the least. He was going to actually spank her bottom and the thought both filled her with excitement and trepidation.

He ran his finger under the string of her thong and into the folds of her pussy. “Wet. Even your thighs are shiny with honey. I think you want this very much. Were you late on purpose? I wouldn’t put it past you.”

She didn’t answer his question because he never gave her the chance. His palm came down on her ass hard, the impact making her jump in surprise and pain. He did the same three more times and she was just about to call a halt when the heat from her bottom traveled to her pussy and clit. She’d written about this phenomenon but had never experienced it herself. Damned if it wasn’t true.

She needed more.

Wriggling her ass, she braced herself more firmly on her palms as his hand came down again and again. Sometimes softly, almost teasing, and sometimes sharply enough to make her suck in a breath and flinch. Her ass cheeks had taken on a heated glow and she rubbed her clit against the rough denim of his jeans in an attempt to push herself over.

Reed chuckled, clearly amused by her predicament and lifted her off his lap, bending her over the desk. She heard the sound of his zipper and the crinkle of plastic and she shifted on her feet impatiently, needing what he was about to give.

His hand caressed her backside and his fingers curled around the fabric of her soaked thong. “This is in my way, Miss Blue. New rule in the office. No more panties.”

The sound of ripping material took her breath away and Reed dropped the scraps of her undies on the floor. Gripping her hips, he thrust in hard with no preliminaries. She cried out at the sensation of being completely filled by him as her fingers gripped the edge of the desk. He was already fucking her fast and rough, giving it to her just as she had asked him for when they’d discussed this particular fantasy. Of course she hadn’t told him about the spanking part but he’d already said that he enjoyed doing it.

“Yes, yes,” she chanted in rhythm to his cock pounding in and out of her pussy. Arousal curled tightly in her belly, building with each stroke. She rested her head on the cool wood of her desk and closed her eyes, letting everything drift away but where their two bodies were joined. She gave herself permission to simply feel, switching off her mind and letting each stroke send her closer and closer to release.

His warm breath was right next to her ear. “Now, baby.”

His rough fingers reached under her and gave her clit just the contact it needed. She screamed his name as she climaxed, white starbursts exploding behind her eyes. Wave after wave shook her world while her pussy tightened as Reed’s own orgasm roared through him. He groaned deeply, his hands flexing on her hips. When it was over he covered her body protectively with his to keep the chill away until he lifted her into his arms and headed for the bathroom shower.

“Another fantasy off the list, Miss Blue.” His voice was teasing and he was wearing a satisfied grin. “I can’t wait to see what’s next.”

Kaylee wrapped her arms around his neck with a sigh. “Only about a hundred or so to go. Maybe we should pace ourselves.”

Reed set her down on the cold tile of the bathroom. “A plan is always good. But right now we need a shower and some food. Then we’ll regroup and pick something else on the list.”

She simply couldn’t decide which one to do next.

“Reed? Have you ever had sex in the shower?”

Chapter Fifteen

ell me again why we have to go to this party?” Reed asked patiently as they exited his truck and walked up the sidewalk to Linda’s home. It was a crisp autumn evening and Kaylee pulled her wool cape more tightly around her shoulders. The street was lined with cars and they had been forced to park quite far away.

“Because Linda is my friend, first of all. Second, it’s kind of a fun theme for Halloween, don’t you think? She writes mysteries so she’s having a murder mystery party. I think it’s cute. She’s gone all out for this even having the theater group she works with act out the parts. Where’s your sense of adventure?” Kaylee teased. “Are you afraid I’ll solve the mystery before you?”

“Halloween isn’t until tomorrow,” Reed reminded her. “And I can think of a few fun things for us to do instead of being here with a bunch of people.”

Kaylee slid her arm around Reed’s waist and pressed her head to his chest in a hug. “We can do both, I promise. Be good guests for Linda, and then go home and do things that will end up on the pages of one of my books.”

In the last week they’d made good progress on the list of fantasies. It had been some comfort as the investigation into her stalker was going nowhere fast. The police had told them there were no fingerprints on the letters or envelopes but they’d sent DNA from the adhesive to the lab, but that could take weeks for results. As for cross-referencing Kaylee’s friends and their vehicle types, it turned out about half the people she knew drove four-door sedans so that hadn’t been much help. Brent was still a suspect in Reed’s eyes but nothing had happened since the brick through the window. It made her wonder if Reed’s mere presence had scared the person away.

“I still don’t know how to feel about that. I’ve never been a character in a book before.”

What Reed didn’t understand is that men like him were being written about every day by authors in her genre. He was every hero she’d ever had all wrapped up in one delectable package.

“You’d make a great hero,” Kaylee sighed. “So perfect.”

Reed stopped abruptly and turned so he was looking down at her. “Don’t say that. Don’t even think it. I’m not perfect. Not even close.”

A few times this week she’d thought he was about to say something about his past, but then…nothing. But the more time she spent with him the more she could see that something painful had happened and it affected him to this day. They would be having fun together—reading, cooking, watching movies—and it was as if he suddenly remembered he wasn’t supposed to be happy. His expression would cloud over until she said something but he never revealed anything. If he would only talk about it Kaylee was sure he’d feel better.

“You can tell me about it. I won’t tell anyone else if that’s what you’re worried about. I just want to take away the burden you’re carrying around. You deserve to be happy, Reed.”

His lips curled and there was a coldness in his eyes that matched the wintery weather. “Drop it, Kaylee. Just don’t put me on any pedestal. I sure as hell don’t want to be there.”

She nodded, not trusting her voice. It was becoming more difficult as each day passed to pretend that she wasn’t getting emotionally involved. Reed was the man she’d dreamed about but never hoped to find. Honest, hard-working, protective to a fault, he was the epitome of the alpha male. He was also gentle, cerebral, with a goofy sense of humor that never failed to make her smile and laugh. He was a good man, full stop. How was she supposed to hold out against an assault like that? She was exhausted from trying.

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