Covert Cravings (5 page)

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Authors: Maggie Carpenter

BOOK: Covert Cravings
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“Thank you, Emily,” he said, giving nothing away.  There would be more, much more, about the subject later. 

She had no idea that sitting innocently on the seat of the chair, just a few inches from the gusset of her panties and her inner thighs, sat a Magic Wand.  The Magic Wand was a large vibrator with several speeds.  Without warning he picked it up, placed it on low and nestled it against her pussy.

She let out a gasp and he saw the muscles of her thighs constrict, her first impulse to close her legs.  Reaching across he grabbed a small cushion from the sofa and positioned around the vibrator to help hold it in place.

“SCOTT!” she cried. 

“Shhhh... no yelling.  I’d rather not have to gag you,” he warned.

“Gag me?  Oh my gosh!”

“Doesn’t it feel good?” he asked calmly, standing back, watching her pull at her binds.

“Oh, yes.  Amazing, I just didn’t…”

“Didn’t expect it?  I’m sure.  Another first.  I told you there’d be more of them.  Now be a good girl and let the wand to do what it does.  When you feel that you might want to climax you tell me.  Otherwise, no more talking. Just ride the wave baby... ride the wave.”

Emily could already feel the vague shadows of a climax.  But she also suspected the vibration may not be enough to take her all the way.  It was stunning to feel so helpless, to be totally at his mercy, and to feel the –
oooohhhhh –  heady sensations rippling through her sex

Sitting on the couch, robe open, Scott idly stroked his cock.  Watching Emily tied up and blindfolded, losing herself to the machinations of the vibrator was incredible.  Absolutely incredible.  Her head was back and she was moaning softly.  He believed the slow speed he had chosen would mean a long, languid build-up.  She would be painfully aware of that fact.  But such was not his plan.  He had something else in mind.  He checked his watch.  Two minutes to go. 

Standing up he moved behind the chair and reached down, sliding his hands into the cups of her bra.  Her moans grew louder as he tweaked and pinched her nipples.

Mmmm, you look divine, Emily,” he said, leaning in and kissing her ear.

“Scotty,” she whimpered, “I’m so, so...”

“I’m sure,” he replied, cutting her off, and pulled his hands from her breasts.

“Oh please don’t take your hands away,” she begged.

“Tsk tsk.  Not up to you baby,” he answered, checking his watch.  Time was up.

Moving to the front of the chair he pulled the wand from between her legs and switched it off.  He expected groans of dismay and he was not disappointed. His hand trailed up her inner thigh, whispered across the damp area of her panties, then down the other side.

“Scotty,” she moaned, “please – I really need…”

“Shush,” he said firmly, moving back to the couch.

After checking his watch he leaned back and stroked his cock.  It felt so good to control her, to watch her whine and beg, but it came to him that he shouldn’t have been so surprised.

He had always been a natural leader.  Teaching people how to surf, young and old alike, had been as easy as breathing. Running the surf shop was the same.  He had no problems praising when appropriate and reprimanding when needed.  He didn’t even think about it.  Now it was spilling over into his personal life and it felt the same.  It was effortless.  More than effortless.  It felt natural.  As if it should have been this way all along.

A groan stirred him from his trance like state and he glanced down at the time.  It had been three long minutes.  He had only intended it to be two.  Moving back to her, he picked up the vibrator and put it on medium speed. 

She moaned loudly the instant she heard the gentle buzz.  Nestling it against her, stabilizing it once again with the cushion, he stood back and watched. The medium speed was having a profound affect.  She was arching her back and squirming deliciously.  He watched for several minutes as her writhing grew in intensity.  His cock was demanding his attention and he suddenly decided to allow her to release.  He was bursting and didn’t want to wait.

“Ohhhh Scotty,” she cried.  “I – I –  ohhhhh –––– I’m going to explode,” she cried, thrusting her chest out and jerking her head from side-to-side.

Grabbing his cock, he moved rapidly to her side and pumped himself vigorously.  She was gasping and wailing as her spams rippled through her and the sight of her bucking and straining against her ties sent him over the edge.  He groaned loudly as his hot juice shot forward and streamed over her tits, a tiny droplet landing on her chin. It was a fast, heart-pounding climax.  But Bunny was still gyrating and letting out bursts of a scream. 
“SCOTTY!” she cried,  “I’M – I’M – OOOHHH ––– COMING AGAIN!”

She let out a scream as the second powerful convulsion ripped through her body.  He wasn’t sure if he should pull the vibrator from her or leave it in place.  He had never seen a woman experience such a monumental release, or a double orgasm.  He wasn’t sure what he’d actually witnessed.

Reaching between her legs he moved it back ever so slightly and her cries began to lessen.  Watching her carefully he waited until she seemed to be calming down, then clicked it off and put it on the couch.

Her body fell limp and he saw her chest rising and falling.  She was gasping for air, as though she had just run a sprint.  Reaching across he untied her wrists and ankles, but left her blindfold in place and lifted her from the chair and carried her up to their bed. 







“I’m telling you, Sam.  Everything has changed.  Completely changed.  It was the most amazing orgasm I’ve ever had.  Well, two actually.  And Scotty – he’s still sweet and everything, but he’s just – I don’t know even know how to describe him.  He’s just so… more.  Much more.”

Emily and Sam were having lunch at their usual meeting place, and Emily had enthusiastically relayed the events of the previous evening.  Sam was all ears!

“I didn’t even know he knew about all this stuff.  I mean, he’s never given any indication of it before.  Sure – he’s held me down from time to time, but nothing like what he’s doing now.”

Sam hadn’t interrupted a single time and waited to make sure Emily had completely finished before weighing in.

“So – anything else?  You’ve told me absolutely everything?” Sam asked.

“What?  It’s not enough?”

Sam frowned. 

“Just want to be sure.  If you want my two cents worth I refuse to believe it’s happened all on its own.  He must have read your blog.  Think about it.  He bought the hairbrush!” Sam declared.

“Yes – he did buy the hairbrush but that was for the mats in his truck,” Emily explained.  “The other thing just sort of – well – happened.”

“Nope.  I don’t believe it.  The truck was a cover.  I really think you need to go on the assumption that he has found your blog, knows it’s you, and is giving you exactly what you want.  Mind you he wouldn’t do it if he
weren’t into it.  You do think he’s into it, don’t you?” Sam asked.

“Absolutely.  Totally.  But I didn’t write anything about the vibrator,” Emily replied, a frown crossing her brow.

“It’s called a forced orgasm, and you may not have described it exactly but it’s in line with what you’ve been writing.  It’s all Domination.”

“Ok fine.  If I go on the assumption that he’s read my blog and has decided to – I don’t know – suddenly turn into the Dom of my dreams, what do I do?  Maybe I should write more about what I want and see if he’ll do it.  Or I can stop writing and just enjoy the new and improved Scott.  Or I can confess everything and see if it was all just a whacky coincidence.  What do you think?”

Sam took a long drink of her Thai iced tea, pondering the dilemma.

“Ok, so, if you tell him and he hasn’t read your blog and he’s taken to the Dom thing all by himself, you’re
going to get your ass spanked, and I mean really spanked, for deceiving him,” Sam said slowly.  “If he has read your blog you’re still going to get your ass spanked for deceiving him, but maybe not as bad because you ‘fessed up,” Sam finished.

Aaaarrgggh.  I hate this!” Emily cried. 

“Why?  You want to get your butt really spanked, don’t you?” Sam queried.

“Ssshhh!   Someone will hear you,” Emily said, testily.

“Ok.  Well, don’t you?” Sam repeated, whispering across the table.

“Yeah.  Kind of.  I guess so.  Yeah,” Emily admitted.  “Oh Lord.  This is really tough.  I don’t know what to do.”

“Well it’s only been, what, a few days?  You don’t necessarily have to do anything right now.  I’d just wait and see what he does next,” Sam advised.  “My dad always said, ‘let it develop’.  Given enough time maybe he’ll confront you.  If he does you’ll have to tell him, and then you’ll get your ass spanked,” Sam laughed. “One way or another this whole blog thing is
going to get your butt spanked!”

“It’s not funny,” Emily snapped.  “You know what else is really weird?”


Emily leaned across the table.

“He hasn’t had sex with me.  I mean – intercourse.  Not yesterday morning, not last night, and not this morning.  I’m dying.  Yeah it was awesome last night but when I woke up this morning I really wanted to have sex and he told me I’d have to wait.  What’s that about?” 

“Oh.  You have to beg,” Sam said with a knowing smile.

“I have to beg?” Emily repeated, aghast.

“Yep.  You have to show him how much you want his cock,” Sam whispered.

Emily sat back and stared across the table at her much more experienced friend.  “How do I do that?” Emily asked.

“Get on your knees and beg.  Simple.  Offer to give him a BJ,” Sam suggested.

“Well, I’d be happy do that.”

“But you have to mean it and you have to love it.  He’ll know if you’re faking.”

“Good heavens,” Emily sighed.  “What kind of a mess have I gotten myself into?

“Would have been much easier if you’d just told him what you wanted in the first place, instead of telling your computer,” Sam said, sounding much too wise for Emily’s taste at that particular moment.

“Yeah – well – that proverbial ship has sailed,” Emily lamented.  “Ok, so I’ll just let things settle into whatever they’re going to settle into.  And get on my knees.  See if you’re right.”

She chewed thoughtfully on her Pad Thai, then looked back up at her friend.

“Hey Sam, do you think he really would spank me.  I mean – really spank me.  Like what I write about?” she asked seriously.

“I don’t know,” Sam replied.  “What do you think?”

Sipping her iced tea she drummed her fingertips on the table. 

“I can’t imagine it.  He’s so gentle – he’d never want to hurt me.”

“It’s not about hurting you.  It’s not like that.  It’s sexual – it’s erotic discipline – it’s too hard to explain.  You have to experience it to understand it,” Sam said, gesturing in the air.

“No, I don’t have to experience it.  I know what you mean because I feel it when I write it,” Emily replied. 

“Well, if there’s been a Dom living inside him all this time, or if he’s been a Dom all along and just didn’t think you’d like it, he’ll definitely spank you – for real.  You’ll only know the answer to the question when it happens.”

Emily felt a warm chill prickle down her spine.


Back at the Surf Shop, Scott had just finished going through his inventory.  It had taken ten days but now it was all done and he could relax.  Everything had been accounted for, his sales were up 37% from the year before and he was actually contemplating taking over the vacant store next to his and expanding his operation. 

If he went through with it he wanted to bring Emily on board.  She had done a terrific job at the boutique with her creative displays and her people skills.  But she would have to straighten up and be more on the ball.  He knew Suzanne covered for her in small but important ways.  If he was going to bring her into the business she would have to grow up.

But first things first.  He was pretty sure she was having lunch with Sam, her best friend, and doubtless telling her all about the changes in their sex life.  He couldn’t help but wonder what advice Sam might be giving her.  It didn’t matter.  He was going to do what he was going to do regardless.  One thing he knew for certain: he was looking forward to the content of her next blog.

He ordered in some lunch. He called in pizza from the Italian restaurant down the street, and thought back to the sizzling scene the night before.  Watching her helplessly writher, bound and blindfolded at the mercy of the wand, had been more of a turn-on that he could ever have imagined.  And there were countless variations on the theme.

D/s was giving him a whole new perspective.  The dynamic was powerful and the sexual play limited only by his imagination and her willingness to submit.  Having tasted the sweetness of her supplication, experiencing the heady power of control, he knew it would be very difficult to ever have a ‘normal’ sex life again.  It had only been a few days but he was hooked.

The delivery boy popped his head in his office and dropped off the pizza.  Pulling a coke from the refrigerator he plopped down on the small office couch and began to eat and drink and think about his plans.

  Tonight little Miss Emily would receive her first spanking.  It wouldn’t be hard but it would be a spanking.  An honest to goodness, over the knee bottom warming spanking.  His cock immediately sprang to life at the thought.  He could hardly wait to hear her gasp of shock, to see her wide -eyed disbelief when he announced his intention.  And to watch her backside turn nice and pink and feel her pulpy flesh under his hand – what an intensely erotic event it would be. 

Never having delivered a spanking before he was somewhat nervous. 

How hard can it be?
he thought.  Then laughed.  His cock was standing at attention.

Just to be on the safe side he decided to watch a few more videos.  He had found it stunning how much was available online and he had already joined a couple of the spanking sites.  He finished his lunch, locked the door and turned on his computer.




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