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Authors: Silla Webb

Covered in Coal (13 page)

BOOK: Covered in Coal
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Chapter 18


In the truck, Colton keeps a firm grip on my thigh, as he navigates the winding back country roads. He smiles down at me and winks every so often, in classic Colton fashion.

As we pull into the driveway of his parent’s house, we are greeted by the sassy little Heidi Jo. Heidi Jo is sporting black leggings, printed with silver, sparkly skulls, a silver top, hot pink chucks, and her signature hot pink tutu. She is the sassiest little six-year-old I’ve ever met. Her personality is so bubbly and bright. She comes bouncing down the side walk, bursting with excitement, squealing at the sight of her Daddy.

“Daddy, Daddy! I’m so glad you’re home!”

She shrills, as Colton lifts her up, and spins her around. She hugs his neck tight, but once her eyes lock onto mine, she jumps from his arms, and races to me.

“Carly Jo, you came to see me, just like you promised!”

“Well of course I did sweets! Made a promise to ya!”

“Come on, let’s get my girls inside. I’m starvin’, and it’s too damn cold out here.” Colton says. Heidi Jo stops dead in her tracks, crossing her chunky arms across her chest, while she shoots daggers at Colton.

“Daddy, don’t make me tell Mamaw that you’re talkin’ yucky again?”

“My apologies, princess. But don’t go gettin’ your old man in trouble now, ‘kay?” Colton says, holding up his pinky for her to promise on.

“Deal, but remember, Princesses don’t like yucky talk, Daddy. ‘Kay?” Heidi Jo says, hooking her tiny pinkie around Colton’s, binding their promise.

Stepping inside the Weston home, my senses are filled with southern goodness. Fried chicken, one of Emily Weston’s special recipes. I follow Colton into the kitchen, where he kisses his Momma on top of the head, before taking the plates from her hand, and setting the table. I give her a warm hug then help her set the food on the table. The back door slams open and Bill, Colton’s dad, comes storming through the house, spittin’ and sputterin’ obscenities to nobody in specific. He disappears into a room at the end of the hall, slamming the door shut behind him.

“Uh oh, Mamaw. Poppy ain’t a happy camper.” Heidi Jo says.

“Oh, just over-look the old coot, sugar. Poppy has probably had a bad day at work again. Come on, get washed up for supper.”

We all sit, and prepare our plates. It’s been so long since I’ve had a true home cooked meal, my taste buds are watering, in excitement. Heidi Jo reminds us all to say grace, then we dig in. Oh my god the first bite is sheer heaven. I could get fat eating like this every day.

Bill pulls a chair out at the head of the table and sits down, as Emily prepares his plate.

“Rough day, honey?”

“Not now Emily, don’t get me riled up again.” Bill says, shaking his head, as tension envelops the room.

“Fine dear, but please don’t be rude. We have company, or did you not notice Carly?” Looking up, Bill’s eyes meet mine, and he laughs a hearty chuckle.

“Well hell no, I didn’t notice. You’ll have to forgive me, sweetheart, it’s been a long ass day.” I smile and nod politely. Bill always intimidated me. He has a very blunt demeanor, and you can never tell whether he is being serious or if he is joking.

“Where the hell you been all these years, girl?” Choking back on the bite of food I just took in my mouth, I swallow quickly, so I can answer him.

“South Carolina.” Quick, short and to the point. Shoving another bite into my mouth, I look away from him, silently praying that he doesn’t ask any more questions.

“South Carolina, yeah? Nice beaches.”

“Old Man, what’s goin’ on at work that had ya all worked up when ya came in?” Colton asks, as he senses my tension. Bill clinks the silverware down on the plate, and leans back, letting out a huff of air.

“That damn jackass of a partner. Ah hell, I don’t know what I was thinkin’ getting mixed up with him. Damn son of a bitch, ain’t nothin’ but a cocky ass little prick.”

“Bill, language already! For Pete’s sake, mind your manners.” Emily cuts in.

“Sorry dear. I just get so worked up thinkin’ ‘bout it. Wish to God I’d never laid eyes on the bastard.” Emily raises her eye brow, warning him to keep his tongue in check.

“So what’s he doin’ to piss in your cheerios?”

“He wants to run Dalton Trucking his own way. Thinks because he has that Master’s Degree he knows more ‘bout the truckin’ business than I do. Prick don’t know shit. He may own a coal company, but that don’t mean he knows a damn thing ‘bout haulin’ the shit they mine, or the trucks that haul it,” Bill replies.

“Which coal company?” Colton asks?


“You said he owns a coal company. Which one does he own?” Bill thinks for a second before answering.

“American Heritage Coal Company, I think is the name of it.” My eyes flick up at the mention of American Heritage Coal Company. Where do I know that name from?  I chew on the inside of my lip, pressing my memory for American Heritage Coal Company. Bill and Colton continue to talk, and I continue to think. It isn’t until I hear the son of a bitch’s name do I put two and two together.

“Drew wants to buy five new trucks, instead of repairin’ the trucks we already own. Dumbass don’t realize them Peterbilts cost a shit load of money. Money the company just ain’t got.”

“Damn, just fix your trucks, and don’t worry about what he wants. Put your foot down. As long as your haulin’ coal, and the company ain’t sufferin’ financially, I don’t see what the problem is.” Colton says.

“Hell, I wish it was as simple as that. Bastard owns half of Dalton Trucking. Neither of us are gonna budge on our decisions, so I don’t know what the hell’s gonna go down.”  

“I’m sorry. Who’s Drew?” I ask, trying to appear innocent to the conversation.

“Drew Varney. When Big John died, Drew bought his partnership in Dalton Truckin’. He’s a first class prick, thorn right in my damn side.”

“The name seems familiar. But I just can’t place a face.”

“Well sweetheart, the name should sound familiar. He’s workin’ his way into the coal business. Hell, he’s only twenty-nine, and already owns two mines, and now half of my damn truckin’ company. Hell don’t tell me you don’t know who your competitors are!” Bill says with a scowl.

“Bill, do you know how he came to purchase Daddy’s partnership in Dalton Trucking?”

“That son of a bitch, James McCoy handled all of the legal shit. Never did like that snake. I had the option to buy Big John’s partnership, but damn that was a hell of a lot of money.”

That son of a bitch! I knew that James McCoy had some knowledge of Drew Varney. He has to know more about the connection between Daddy and Drew. I ask Bill a few more questions over dinner, about his partnership with Drew, and American Heritage Coal Company. Colton begins to sense my interest, so I change the subject before he gets suspicious. I don’t really gain much insight, but I have a gut feeling that there’s more to the story than what I already know. It’s best that I keep everything to myself, until I know exactly what I am dealing with. 

Damn, I hate keeping secrets. It seems as if that’s all my life has ever been built on, frickin’ buried secrets, that eventually rise to the surface and evoke ten kinds of hell.

Colton and I spend the remainder of the evening with Heidi Jo, playing the Wii. After she has had a bubble bath, and is snug tight in her Beauty and the Beast jammies, she picks out a book for Colton to read to her before bedtime. Climbing in the bed beside of her, he snugs her tight to his side, and begins to read Goodnight Moon. As the words slide from his tongue, Heidi Jo’s eyes fall heavy, as she drifts off to sleep. Colton closes the book, then slides off the bed, kissing Heidi Jo goodnight. “Love you, princess. Always and forever,” I hear him whisper in her ear.  My heart melts each time I see these two together. Colton is exactly the kind of Daddy I always expected him to be.

He pulls me through the house, and tells his parents good night and that he will be by in the morning before work. I scrunch my forehead in confusion as I say goodbye to Emily and Bill before Colton wraps his hand around my wrist and pulls me outside. “Uhm, where we goin’?”

Colton laughs, “I told you, you’re stayin’ with me tonight.”

I follow behind him as he walks across the driveway, to the stepping stones that conjoin two houses. His house? He pulls me up the steps, and I wait while he unlocks the door, and steps aside letting me enter first. I pull my shoes off, and begin to look around. I didn’t know he had his own house, I thought he still lived with his parents, because Heidi Jo stays there. I am relieved, however.

Colton’s house is nothing like his parents huge two story brick home. It is a grey double wide, with black shutters. There is a large front porch, with a white porch swing. Inside, is an open floor
plan. The living room is manly, with a large brown leather sectional, a brown leather recliner, and a seventy inch flat screen TV. The walls are painted a soft khaki, with several deer heads decorating the room. He was always a proud hunter.

The kitchen has wood plank walls, stainless steel appliances, and an island in the center, with four bar stools for extra seating. The dining area has the same wood plank walls, and a small dinette set. I walk down the hall, and find three bedrooms and a bath.

The first bedroom I come to is obviously Heidi Jo’s, as the walls are hot pink, and are decorated with black stars, music notes and scrolls. She is such a little rock star. The next room is set up as a home gym, complete with a treadmill, heavy bag, and
. So that’s how he keeps his delectable body so cut and defined. The final room has toys scattered from wall to wall, everything from
My Little Pony
. It kinda looks like
Toys “R” Us
vomited in here. I look up to Colton with a scrunched expression on my face.

“Where’s your room? Please don’t tell me you sleep on the treadmill!” I laugh. Colton smiles at my joke, as he wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me close to him.

“In a hurry to be in my bed, are ya?” he says, and I can feel his hardness pressing into me. Heat rushes up my neck, and into my face at his closeness.

“Don’t press your luck, just curious where I’m sleeping tonight,” I say, twisting from his embrace, I pad through the hall. He is on my heels, in seconds, grabbing me by the hips, he thrust me against him.

“Don’t walk away from me, darlin’,” he whispers into my ear. Oh my god, the heat of his breath, the feel of his hardness pressing into my ass. Oh hell, I’m about to come undone. He wraps his arms around my waist, and tosses me over his shoulder. With a swat on my ass, he laughs.

“Colton Weston, put me down now, what the hell are you thinkin’?” I shout at him, trying to hide my laughter.


“I told you Carly Jo, don’t ever walk away from me. Now you’re gonna pay for that baby.” He chuckles a husky laugh. I huff at him, trying to make him think I’m annoyed, but oh hell, being tossed on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes is so damn sexy!

He opens a door on the other side of the living room, then kicks it shut behind him, and tosses me down on a king size four-post bed. Pressing up on my elbows, I scoot up the bed, away from him. “Woman, don’t be tryin’ to play hard to get. I’ve gotcha right where I want ya, and you ain’t goin’ anywhere, ever.” Colton says as he wraps his hand around my ankles, pulling be back to him at the end of the bed.

He kicks my legs open with is knee, as he places his hands on the mattress at the sides of my head. He crawls up my body, and begins to kiss along my neck, up to my lips. He licks my lips, begging for entry, and I comply. How the hell could I say no to Colton Weston? Ah hell, he is ten kinds of sexy. His kiss is so intoxicating. My sex clinches, consumed with wet heat at his touch, reminding me just how sore he made me. He licks my lips, sucking them gently between his, sucking the air right from my lungs. He kisses down my jaw to my neck, licking along my clavicle.

“Colton, are you trying to make me your sex slave?” I ask, panting between his kisses. He laughs.

“Well I was hopin’, baby.” He says, as he continues to feather kisses down my neck, running his hands down my breast. Deep groans escape his lips as he continues to torture me with his kisses. “What’s wrong, baby? Am I movin’ too fast for you?” He asks with a look of hunger in his eyes. I rub my hand across his thick chest, and take a deep breath.

“I’m just, uhm sore.” Colton stills, and looks at me with an arched eye.

“Ah hell, darlin’, I am so sorry. Why didn’t you say somethin’? I didn’t hurt you too bad did I? Damn baby, I’d never want to hurt you.” Colton pleads, sadness mares his face. Caressing his cheek, “Baby, I’m okay, just sore. Don’t worry.” Colton moves beside of me, then pulls me up tight to his chest, kissing me lightly on the forehead. “I’m sorry,” he whispers.

“Please don’t apologize, Colton. I enjoyed every second of it, it was amazing. I’m just not use to that sort of contact.” Colton’s face scrunches in confusion.

“Carly Jo, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but when was the last time you had sex, before today?” Heat flushes my cheeks, as fear and anxiety attacks my chest. Tears pierce my eyes, but I refuse their escape. Colton brushes my hair back, peppering kisses across my forehead. “It’s okay, baby, you ain’t gotta talk ‘bout it, okay?”

BOOK: Covered in Coal
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