cosmicshifts (9 page)

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Authors: Crymsyn Hart

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: cosmicshifts
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When she woke up, it was dark out and there was still no sign of Phillip. A spear of disappointment struck her heart, along with fear. The longer he was gone, the more she wondered if she would see him again. Had he been captured? Was she ever going to feel his touch again? She rooted around in the remains of things and found some more of the wrapped bars that she had before and ate them. They filled the hollow in her stomach, but not in her heart. She picked up a few of the volumes lying about and tried to read the words. It was all gibberish to her. The translator was not set to interact with her optical nerves. She did find one that had pictures in it. Some of them reminded her of the objects she had seen around the mountain. Others appeared to be plants, and some were avian creatures that flew through the air. Others were similar landscapes on other planets, and there were a few unique to Earth. Many of the scenes were beautiful. The images displayed frozen mountains and beasts. She checked her computer and saw that the signal was still going. She was not sure how long the power source would last. It would be best if she could find the crystals she had in the other cave. Then she could harness the energy.

flipped through the book again and then walked around. As the night wore on, she found another bottle of water and ate the bars sparingly. All her thoughts were about the time she had spent with Phillip. She found one of his discarded shirts and pressed it close to her nose, inhaling his masculine scent. It was then that she felt tears slip down her cheeks. She fell asleep clutching his shirt to her chest.

Her dreams were of them in one another’s arms. Someone was holding her and murmuring in her ear. She opened her eyes and saw that she was in Phillip’s arms. It was still night. She smiled when she saw him.

“I thought they captured you.”

He brushed the hair from her eyes, and the caring reflected in his dark brown ones warmed her heart.

I eluded them. There were a couple of close calls. I finally lost them a few hours ago. When I knew it was safe, I had to come back to you. Are you okay?”

She nodded, threw her arms around his furry neck, and kissed his snout. It did not matter if he was a man or a beast.
knew that he was the man she wanted. There had to be some way she could convince him to come back with her. “I’m glad you came back. How did you find me?”

I followed your scent from the crash site. I went by and saw that the humans had left. I wanted to be sure you were safe. They did a number on my cave.”

“I found my communicator.”

He brushed his claws down her cheek.

I’m sure that’s a relief to you. Do you still need all the items we collected?”

“Yes. The signal is very weak, and I can hook this up to everything and actually send a message instead of a distress call. I did not know the way back to that particular cave.”

Phillip lifted her up in his arms.

Well, how about if we head back? There’s no need to worry; I doubt the army is looking for us now.”

sighed and hoped that that was the case. She felt more secure now that Phillip was back. She hugged him close, never wanting to let him go.



Chapter Nine


Phillip watched
assemble the communicator she was working on. It had taken a few hours for her to get everything the way she wanted. She had hooked it up to the crystals in the cave and was drawing power from them and from the battery. Also
had used the space blanket as an amplifier. He did not really understand the technology behind it, but she had used the wire he had gotten and connected it to the cell phone and the laptop. Her device had become the one thing in between each element. While she was working with the laptop, she downloaded the data onto her device and figured out what they had learned about her ship. There were pictures of her on the computer, of the trajectory of her vessel, and where it had entered the atmosphere. He glanced at the maps and at the point of entry. There were satellite images showing her ship coming into the atmosphere. They had gone through the information and there were blurry photos of him, but nothing concrete to show exactly what he was. It had taken her most of the night and into the morning to build the machine. Now they hoped that it would work the way she wanted it to.

“At least the signal is a lot stronger than what it was before. The power from the battery helped a lot. I was afraid that it was dying. I guess it was more damaged than I thought it was. Thank you for all your help.”

“You’re the one who put it together. I don’t know what you did. It’s not something I could build.”

She stood on tiptoe to press her lips against his. As short as she was, she fit against his body in every way. Phillip never thought it would have been possible to love another woman the way he had loved
, but it was true. Over the short time they had known one
had become very dear to his heart. All he wanted was to protect her and keep her from going anywhere. He kissed her back and slid his tongue along her bottom lip, tasting a bit of the chocolate she had eaten earlier. Phillip had been surprised to find so many bars in her bag. He figured that when it came to chocolate, it seemed that even alien women had a taste for it. He pulled away from her and admitted that the T-shirt that hugged her body and the too-big jeans were enticing. They were belted with fabric that he had torn from another shirt. She looked scrumptious, and he wanted to eat her up.

“You would be able to build it. All those volumes you read, I’m sure you have read many things over the years.”

“I read a lot and I know some offhand facts, a few languages from all over the world, and a few other things. I can carve and knit. I know how to make my own clothes. I can hunt for food, tan the hides of animals, and operate a gun if I need to. I have accumulated knowledge with the times, but I never got into really figuring out electronics. Living in caves and abandoned cabins where there is no electricity, there’s no point for me to mess with computers much.”

“That’s understandable.”

“So now that it’s working, how long do you think it’ll be before they come for you?”

turned back toward the device and tapped it. The screen came on, and there were images of planets. She pressed the green planet, and a large picture came up. She punched the numbers on the laptop, and strange letters appeared on her clear screen.

“What are you typing? Why use only the numbers?”
He was fascinated at what she was doing.

“I don’t know your writing. Numbers are easy. They appear to be the same even in my language. The right combination of numbers, and I can spell a word. It takes time, but I’ve done it before. I’m sending a message of where we are. I got the coordinates from the laptop. That was a big help. I’m typing to let them know I’m alive and that someone is with me.” She stopped typing and stared at him. He saw the hope in her eyes and knew what she was going to be asking him.

Phillip sighed and stared out of the hole in the cave ceiling. The sun was looming overhead, and he had been thinking over the same thing he knew that she was going to ask.
“You want me to come with you?”

She glanced at the floor and then back at him. “I was hoping you would. On my planet you’d be treated like royalty. There would be many women who you could have in either form. They would pay you whatever you want. You…”

He placed a finger on her lips.
“I don’t want any other women. The only one I want is you.”

“But you might have to help populate our planet and…”

, if that’s something that comes up, then we shall deal with it.”

“So you’ll come with me?”

He nodded.
“There’s nothing for me here. And I don’t want to leave you behind.”
He pushed the hair from her face and kissed her lightly.

“You know, I can help you with your bestial form. I can help you
it, so you can call upon it anytime you wish.”

“My transformation is a curse. I can’t turn it off and on at will, not unless the sun sets or rises. I’ve tried. Because of it, my senses are enhanced, and I can pull on the powers of the elements when I’m human. Does it matter to you if I’m one or the other?”

“Of course not.
I enjoy both of your forms.” Her hand traveled down his chest and ran along the waistband of his jeans. “Do you want me to show you how much I enjoy them?” She slipped her hand below the fabric and touched his cock. At the first caress, he was already firm.

He smiled.
“I’d love for you to show me.”

flashed him a wicked grin and unzipped his jeans. Phillip did not try to stop her, but was more intrigued at what she was going to do. She tugged his pants down around his hips,
pushed them lower until his dick sprang out. Then she slipped to her knees.
ran her tongue over the engorged shaft until Phillip groaned. She bit down gently before sucking his sensitive head into her mouth. She flicked her tongue along the length of the cock until she pulled the whole shaft into her mouth. Phillip moaned.

“Where did you learn to do that?”

She giggled and then sucked him slowly, twisting her tongue around his length until he could not hold back any longer. Phillip gripped the sides of her head, twining his fingers through her violet hair, and held
to him. He felt the beast inside of him rising. It was the first time he had felt the beast stir during the day, and he was not sure what to make of it. Before he could linger,
drew him all the way into her mouth. She raked her finger along his thighs, and with one hand squeezed his balls to keep him steady.

Phillip drew in a haggard breath. He was close to coming and felt that the beast was taking more control. He wanted to prolong the moment. The pleasure tightened his balls, and the animal inside of him growled with anticipation.

“That’s it.
, oh God!”

didn’t stop, but kept sucking on his cock. Phillip thrust his hips into her face. His lover took his shaft between her lips one last time. The muscles contracted in his stomach. The animal inside of him roared. At that moment, he cried out and spilled his seed down
throat. She grasped his balls one last time, rolling them in her hand before she released him and licked the remnants of his seed from his length. His breaths came in short pants as he tried to come back to himself, but the animal in him had not retreated. It had only come closer to him, sharing his body. He ran his tongue over his teeth, feeling their sharpness.

“Was that pleasing to you?”

Staring into her orange eyes, all he could do was nod. She trailed her fingers down his chest and pinched his nipple. He jumped, and a hiss fell from his lips.
“I don’t know what is happening to me.”

She laid a hand over his heart and closed her eyes. A couple of seconds passed by; with each one he sensed his body taking on more mass. She opened her eyes. “You have connected with your inner Bigfoot. He wants to come out and play too.”

“But I’ve never changed in the daylight.”

“Have you ever tried?”

He shook his head.

stood on tiptoe and flicked her tongue over his lips. “Well, how about if we give it a try?”

Phillip thought about it.
What if I can access it? What would it be like? Why not?
He swept her up in his arms, which got her to squeal. The sound of her voice made him happy and hard once more. He deposited her on his sleeping bag. From there he planted kisses up her calf, moving along her soft skin to the bend of her knee, where Phillip bit lightly.
jerked her leg away. He gazed up at her.


“It’s okay. So how do we go about me controlling my inner Bigfoot?”

“Do you trust me?”

“Of course.”

up and kissed his lips. “Then lie back.”

Phillip did as he was asked. They switched positions, and she straddled him. The beast stirred under his skin. It was also interested in this woman. Her gaze never left his as she slipped her hand behind her and gripped his shaft. A low growl rolled from his throat. It nearly caught him off-guard, and he was surprised at the gentle caress.
squeezed his balls until he squirmed. The pain that came from the gesture made him want her more. His muscles were taking on bulk. She placed her hand over his heart. It was beating faster.

“What now?”

She took one of his free hands and placed it on her chest. “Feel the beats of my hearts. You want to focus on breathing and matching your heartbeat to it. Once you do, then you can be in sync with your second form.”

Phillip tried to do as his lover said. He tried to focus on feeling her heartbeats and his. But it was distracting because her flesh was so firm and her nipples so pert. He yearned to take one into his mouth and taste her flesh. His cock throbbed with the need of her. Although she was perched on top of him, his dick was so close to her wet slit that he could easily maneuver and be inside of her. He moved his hand and traced the curve of her right breast.

“No fair. That is not what I asked you to do.”

“I can’t help it. You feel so good.”
He lifted his hips and slid closer to her pussy.

stretched over him until they were pressed together. “You make it hard for me to concentrate too, but try to breathe. Once you do that, then we can do so much more.” She nibbled his bottom lip.

Phillip groaned.

nipped at his throat. Her teeth felt sharper. When she glanced up at him, her pupils were slits. It seemed that her face had taken on a different shape. It was leaner, and her face and nose protruded some. He reached up and trailed his finger over her cheek, feeling the different structure of her cheekbones. She snapped at his finger before flicking her tongue over the tip of it. Now her body seemed longer, but bulkier on top of him. He tried to focus on his breathing and not on the heat of her body. He closed his eyes while her tongue laved the side of his throat. The animal inside him howled to be let out. Her scent took on a musky undertone.

The change began to take him over, but it was coming too fast. His eyes snapped open, and he howled in pain.
kissed his throat, nipping and sucking at it.

“Calm yourself. Focus on my heart. Let it out slowly. That is how you take control,” she said. Her words came out with a growl as though she was having trouble forming the words. He nodded and bit back another howl, trying to maintain control of his body.

moved down his body only a little. He noticed that she was taller, and her body was now covered in a thin layer of brown fur. Even her purple locks had changed color. He laid his hand on her chest and felt her hearts. She slid down, took Phillip’s prick, and slid it inside of her. He groaned at the tight fit. His lover moaned as he thrust inside of her. Phillip tried to ignore her and focus on the beats. As he did, he found the pain of his shifting body diminishing. If he concentrated on something else, it seemed that the Bigfoot in him came into his body more slowly.


Phillip stared at the woman riding him. Her head was thrown back, and her eyes were shut. Her face was more animal with only a few human features. Her ears were pointed, and her nose and mouth had formed into a half-muzzle with canines curled over her lips. Her hands were sharp claws that pressed into his chest. It was an odd combination, but he found it all the more alluring. She opened her eyes, and her lips pulled back into a smile. At that moment, his beast took over and he lost control. The pain tore through him, but
began to ride him. The agony of the transformation blended with the pleasure of their coupling.

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