Corralling the Cowboy

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Authors: Katie O'Connor

Tags: #erotica, #adult, #country, #short story, #sexy, #erotic romance, #voyeur, #cowgirl, #cowboy, #western romance, #steamy, #indie author, #midway, #alpha male, #stampede, #exhibitionsism, #katie oconnor

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Corralling the

An Erotic
Short Story



City girl
Alex wasn’t expecting anything out of the ordinary when she headed
off to Buffalo Days with her friends. A bit of rodeo, a few rides
on the midway, some corn dogs and maybe a couple of beers. She
definitely wasn’t expecting to run smack dab into the sexiest hunk
of cowboy she had ever laid eyes or hands on.

Joe is a
rancher with a passion for the rodeo. Tired and ready to hit the
road for home after a long day watching the stock he raised and the
men he employed perform in the rodeo. It was never his intention to
spend time with a city girl like Alex. In spite of this, he was
unable to stop himself from stepping into her path of the sweet
sexy blond in an attempt to meet her.

of them was expecting the blazing heat that rose between them, or
the unbridled passion that burst into flame as the midway darkened
in late evening. There was definitely something between Alex and
Joe, and they couldn’t help but explore each other as they tried to
come to grips with it.

passion has a way of finding us when we least expect it and love
can lasso our hearts out of the blue.



It takes
a wild imagination to create a work of fiction, but no story is
created without the help of many minds and a few talented hands.
Special thanks go to Steena Holmes for her fabulous cover. She saw
the images in my mind and made them real.

Kudos to
my editors and critics: Phaedra, Deb, Wendy, Carrie, and Betty who
gave me much needed feedback and thousands of corrections. Any
mistakes left are mine alone.

To my
husband for always being there for me, for supporting me and for
not divorcing me for yelling “Can ya just shut up, I’m trying to

And to
the boys of Prague whose macho games provided me a lot of insight
into the twisted male persona. Boys, you amused me and you


each and every one of you! Words alone will never be enough to
express my gratitude! Hugs to you all!

Text and
Cover Copyright © 2012 Cathy Keevill

rights reserved.

No portion of this manuscript (regardless of size) may be
reproduced in any format electronic, digital or print without the
express, written permission of the author. Author may be contacted
by email
[email protected]

Design by: Steena Holmes

watched her enter the beer garden and look around. She was
different from the usual buckle bunny that crowded into the tent,
drooling over all the wanna be cowboys. She had an air that set her
apart; she seemed … almost like she didn’t really want to be there.
She moved with a purpose, definitely a woman on a mission. Joe took
a moment to study her. Her full lips turned up just a bit at the
corner. Her black cowboy hat tilted just a little to the left,
almost hiding her eye. Her boots were black and brushed against her
calves and for a moment he envied them. Those long, lean legs were
made to wrap around a man’s waist and pull him closer. His eyes
traced the sweet line of her legs from the top of her boots to the
hem of her short, tight, black denim skirt. She pivoted from left
to right as she strolled between the tables, looking for someone.
Joe watched her progress, delighting in the brief glimpses of the
curve of her ass as she danced her way through the crowd. Her long
blonde hair swishing across her shoulders as she moved and he
wanted to wrap his hands in it and pull her close. The need to get
closer compelled him to move in her direction.

paused just inside the door of the beer garden. Country music
pounded loudly in her ears, the beat infectious, making her hips
twitch and sway. Thankfully it was late and it wasn’t as crowded as
it might have been earlier. With the late evening crowd thinning
her search for her missing friend would be that much easier. Where
the hell had Janine gotten to? She was supposed to give Alex a ride
home. Pausing for a moment, Alex turned in a circle, studying the
people filling the beer garden; across the tent she spotted some
friends. Slowly making her way towards the small group, she kept
her eyes open for Janine.

greeted the group, pausing with her hand on Mick’s shoulder, she
bent over to be heard over the rowdy country band at the front of
the tent. “Hey guys, has anybody seen Janine? I’ve been looking for
her for nearly an hour.”

I saw her wrapped up in some cowboy’s arms earlier,” Mandy
quipped. “Typical Janine.”

Geez. Again?” Alex groaned. “Can’t she just quit with the men
already? I swear the girl has no shame at all. The rodeo comes to
town and she goes cowboy crazy. Every year she ditches me for some
cowboy. I never learn.” She twisted her lips thoughtfully. “She was
my ride home. What the hell do I do now? Is anyone heading out
soon?” She asked. When they all responded negatively, she shook her
head and sighed. “I guess I’ll take the bus. Well, later guys, I’m
gone. I’ve had enough rodeo and midway for one day.” With a wave
and a backwards glance at her friends she headed towards the door
and collided with a solid wall of flesh.

Oof.” She blinked rapidly and stared at the wide expanse of
chest in front of her. A large hand gripped her shoulder, steadying
her. Alex tipped her head up and looked into the deepest chocolate
brown eyes she had ever seen; she swallowed hard and took an
unsteady step backwards.

Watch yourself Little Lady; you could have knocked me down.”
He tipped his hat back, his brown eyes twinkling. “You nearly
spilled my beer.” He gestured towards her with his half empty

couldn’t help but smile at his roguish grin. “I think not.” She
gave him a light push on the chest. He stayed rock solid. “You’re
much bigger than I am.” Her voice cracked and moistened her
suddenly dry lips. “Your beer is safe from me.” She looked him up
and down. He was a tall one. His dark brown cowboy hat matched his
boots and tan jeans. His snap front shirt was unbuttoned enticingly
at the neck. Oh my, she thought. He is handsome, so big and strong
looking, so much more of a man than the typical male at the office
where she worked. She wouldn’t mind spending time basking in his
enticing smile and bulky body. Suddenly, she wasn’t all that tired
and the rodeo had regained its appeal.

In fact,” she quipped. “I think you probably owe me a beer,
for the bruising I’ll have where you rammed into me.” She winked at
him. Wow; where had that come from? She had never hit on a stranger
like that before. She tended towards shy, or at least no quite so
brazen, but this guy was hot. Way hot. Steaming, smoking and
totally lick-ably sexy.

Tall, broad, and handsome smiled down at her, tipped his hat and
offered his hand. “Joe Brooks, at your service. May I buy you a
beer to facilitate the repair of the grievous damage I have so
callously inflicted on your delicate person?” He asked with mock
formality and a small bow.

Oh, she
liked a man that could tease her back, and she loved a man with
brains. “I’m Alex. Pleased to meet you Joe.” His large hand
engulfed hers; the rough callouses on the tips of his fingers and
palm scratched pleasantly against her soft hand. Joe had a body to
die for too. Brains, a sweet smile and a hot body: he might be the
perfect man. She was suddenly swamped with images of being in his
bed, steaming up the sheets. Oh my! Longing rushed through her. It
had been a long time since she wanted a man at first glance, but
Joe’s smile and solid body made her pulse race.

Just-Alex?” He asked. “No last name?” He winked at

No last name, a girl needs a little mystery,” she answered
easily. “But a beer would be lovely.” Anything to spend more time
with you. She wondered where this flirty side had come

He led
her to the bar and handed her a glass of draft. “A toast to you
Just-Alex, and my apologies for running you down.” He raised his
glass and bumped it gently against hers.

You are forgiven and thank you for the beer,” she responded
with a smile. Looking up at him, she decided that she liked the way
he towered over her. He was broad shouldered and strong looking,
and there was kindness and laughter in his eyes. “What brought you
to Buffalo Days today?” She asked, trying to start a conversation
but unsure where to begin.

Bull riding.” He laughed at the shocked look on her face. “I
don’t ride them; I just admire the skill involved. I have a small
ranch and raise some cattle. Livestock is my life.” He shrugged.
“What brings you here?”

She let
him change the subject. She didn’t really want to talk anyway; she
would rather touch his arms and see if his biceps were a rock hard
as they looked. “I came with a friend to watch the chuck wagons and
check out the midway, we do it every year.” She placed her hand on
his arm. It was as hard as it looked and her insides

I’m not keeping you from her, am I?” He ran a finger down her
arm. “It is a her, right?”

For a
moment, Alex forgot to answer him. “Um, yes, she’s a girl. A woman.
But no, you aren’t keeping me from her, we’re meeting up later.” It
wasn’t quite the truth, but she really didn’t know Joe, and in
spite of his kind eyes, she didn’t really want him to know that she
suspected she had been abandoned by her friend. Again.

Good to know.” He smiled and winked at her. “I’m not quite
ready to let you go yet. Tell me something about the life of
Just-Alex. What do you do when you’re not spending time with your
friends at the rodeo?”

Nothing glamorous, I’m just an office manager. But I do enjoy
my work. It keeps my mind busy, and I love the people. I’ve worked
other jobs, but the best part of this one is that at the end of the
day, I can go home and leave it all behind.” She couldn’t get her
mind off his body. “You look like you do something physical with
all those muscles.” Oh god, why had she said that. He would think
she was ogling him.

laughed and gave her a quick one armed hug. “Good guess, I do
physical work for a good part of the day. I love being outdoors. I
don’t think I could be trapped in an office all day. But to each
his own.”

His arm
brushed her shoulder sending a wave of heat through Alex. His body
was hot in the cooling air inside the large beer garden tent. It
felt like his body had absorbed the heat of the sun and he was
passing that heat onto her. Alex stifled a smile at the whimsical
thought. It was body heat, nothing more, but oh what a body. She
leaned into him a bit, absorbing his warmth and flirting just a

talked about the headline band that had performed on the outdoor
stage earlier, a favorite of them both. “My sister thinks the lead
singer is the hottest man on earth,” Joe told her with a laugh. “I
just think he needs a haircut, even if he does have a talented

laughed. “He has great eyes, but it’s all I can do not to climb
onto the stage and cut his hair. I’m not a long-hair-on-men kind of
girl. I like it short and tidy.”

lifted his hat to reveal his short, well-trimmed hair with a mild
case of hat-hair. “I’m a short hair man myself. Although I expect
that after an entire day in this hat, my hair is anything but
tidy.” He winked at her and reached out to tug gently on a lock of
hair hanging over her shoulder. “And I love long hair on women.
Especially blonde hair.” His words were a blatant come

winked again and her knees went weak. It was a good thing she hand
her arm on his forearm or she would have fallen. He had the
strangest effect on her body. She felt tingly and alive, like she
was waiting for something special. Something only he could give

What’s your favorite ride?” He asked suddenly.

For a
moment, she pictured herself astride him, then realized that wasn’t
the kind of ride he had in mind. She swallowed hard. “The Ferris
Wheel,” she answered with a laugh. “Janine loves the real wild
rides, but I’m a bit of a chicken. But the view from the top can’t
be beat.” They talked about the midway, the rides, the games and
the crazy food for a while.

Drink up, and I’ll take you for a spin on the Ferris Wheel.”
Joe drained his glass and indicated that she should finish hers
too. “It’s getting dark and everything will shut down soon, but I
think the lights will be amazing from the top right now.” He waved
a handful of ride tickets under her nose. “I love the rides,” he
confessed with a sheepish grin. She grinned back and they headed
for the wheel. The line was blessedly short and they were skyward
in minutes. They enjoyed the ride enough that when they reached the
bottom, they handed over more tickets and went for another round.

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