Corporate Retreat

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Authors: Peter King

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The Enslavement of Dana



By Peter King


© Copyright
Peter King, 2011


The right of Peter King
to be identified as the author of this book has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 and 78 of the Copyrights and Patents Act 1988.


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All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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Imprint: FetishWorld Ebooks





This is a simple tale of what can happen when a girl denies her sexuality and then is forced to confront it. Follow Dana as she falls into an escape-proof trap and is forced to abandon everything she ever believed in to survive. When her captors expose her to her dark side, she cannot help but acknowledge it. She will transform from a virginal good girl into a wanton whore, and you are invited to come along for the ride.





Succeeding in corporate America is hard enough, with most people toiling namelessly as the pawns of those in control. It is even harder when you are an attractive woman who chooses not to sleep her way to the top. Dana Graves was one of them, thinking that after two years in a low level position at a massive ad agency, her chances of moving up without succumbing to the not so subtle advances of her superiors was slim. But even though she knew what they wanted to help her climb the ladder, they were too sly to ever blatantly state it.

So she resigned herself to a life of mediocrity, which was at least better than where she came from. Born to poor parents in the Midwest, she grew up with very little. Her parents were devout Christians, who felt that life was just a prelude to the next life in heaven. So it did not bother them that they had next to nothing, but Dana had aspirations.

As soon as she graduated high school and turned eighteen she struck out on her own, heading to New York City. She avoided the trap many naïve country girls fall into in the big city, finding two decent waitress jobs and working her way through college. Once she graduated she thought life would improve after she landed a job at Masters & Masters, a large advertising agency. But soon she found that while it paid her bills, she was trapped in a low level position without much hope of advancement, unless she prostituted herself for her superiors.

Then one day she was called into her supervisor’s office and she thought everything was going to change. He told her that one of her ideas for the firm’s largest client, a twenty million dollar annual account, noticed a campaign she had proposed. He wanted to meet her and see who this sharp new mind really was. A meeting was scheduled and she was thrilled that maybe she would finally be recognized for her hard work and ideas, rather than her appearance.

What she did not know was that this client, Mr. Avery Lyle, had recently caught sight of her and took a fancy to her appearance, not her campaign. As she prepared for this meeting she had no idea that another plan was in place, one that would change her entire life. This story begins the day of that meeting.




Chapter 1: A Meeting and an Invitation



Dana Graves stood in the elevator still shocked that this was actually happening. It was climbing to the fiftieth floor, where the executive offices were. She was so nervous she could feel her palms sweating and she rubbed them against her wool skirt, not wanting Mr. Lyle to feel her flesh so clammy when she shook his hand. She wanted this meeting to go well, since her entire future was riding on it. The thought of possibly getting a promotion and an office, rather than the cramped cubicle she worked in, was a thrilling possibility.

She stared at her reflection in the mirrored sliding doors of the elevator car. She was wearing a gray wool suit, with a matching jacket and skirt. Her legs were covered in gray toned stockings and matching shoes, and with her crisp white blouse, she thought she looked very business-like. Her long auburn hair was pulled back and tied into a ponytail. Her makeup was sparse, not wanting to use her natural good looks to influence Mr. Lyle.

She was five feet five inches tall, five eight in her heels, with a curvaceous body that weighed one hundred and twenty pounds. Her breasts were a 38D cup, but were tightly restrained by her bra and jacket, as she tried to downplay her femininity. She even chose a high-necked blouse, so she would not show any cleavage to the client. She mistakenly believed this client was interested in her mind, not her body. When the car reached the fiftieth floor a bell chimed and the doors slid open to reveal a woman sitting at a receptionist desk across the hall from the elevator.

Dana walked up to the desk and said, “I have an appointment with Mr. Masters and Mr. Lyle.”

“Yes Miss Graves, down that hall, the third door on the left. They are waiting for you,” said the woman, pointing to her right.

“Thank you,” Dana said, before turning and walking down the hallway. Her stomach was doing flip-flops as she moved towards the office She reached the door, and saw that placard mounted on it said, ‘Mr. Andrew Masters.’ She knocked on it and heard, ‘Come in,’ called out from the other side of it. Bracing herself, she twisted the doorknob and stepped inside.

A man was sitting behind a desk and he stood up as she entered. Another man, sitting in a chair facing the desk, also stood and turned to face her.

“Good day Miss Graves, I am Mr. Masters and this is Mr. Lyle, please take a seat,” said the man behind the desk as he gestured to the empty seat beside Mr. Lyle.

“Hello gentlemen,” she said, as she took her seat, watching them as they each then sat back down on their chairs.

Mr. Lyle then said, “I was very impressed with your idea for my account, but I had no idea that you would also be a lovely young woman.”

“Thank you Mr. Lyle,” Dana replied, suddenly blushing at this handsome man’s compliment. He was older with his wavy dark hair speckled with tinges of gray. She sort of expected him to be an older pudgier man, but now realized that her preconceived notion of a rich client was way off base. She also noticed that Mr. Masters was handsome too, as she never met any of the named partners in the firm before today. He seemed even older with his hair mostly gray, but his face, like Mr. Lyle’s, was chiseled and strong looking.

After the initial introduction the conversation turned to business and Dana spent the better part of an hour laying out her campaign. Though she was nervous, she made sure to cover all the aspects they would expect, and their positive responses to her presentation helped to build her confidence. By the time she finished she felt very comfortable, even making jokes with the two men. Then they looked at each other and she saw them smile and nod to each other, it seemed like a promising reaction to the anxious woman.

Mr. Lyle then said, “Well Andrew, it seems to me that you may have a budding account executive here. Perhaps we should invite Miss Graves to the retreat next week so we can develop this
it seems like the way I want to go.”

“I agree Avery, our Miss Graves does seem to have a very sharp mind and this proposal is very promising,” replied Mr. Masters. Then he turned to the thrilled Dana and said, “Would you like to join a few of us for a week at the corporate resort?”

Dana was stunned, she had heard of the company resort, situated on a private island near Bermuda. It was a place that only the elite in the company ever saw, and here she was being offered a chance to go! She smiled at Mr. Masters and said, “I would be happy to do whatever you need to develop this campaign, and thank you for the opportunity.”

“There are two simple conditions Miss Graves,” said Mr. Lyle, “One, you must be prepared to work long hours. And two, you must call me Avery and my friend here, Andrew.”

“Of course Mister…uh, Avery, whatever pleases you,” Dana replied, blushing again.

“May we call you Dana?” Avery asked her.

“That would be fine Avery.”

“Very good Dana, now since we are leaving on Saturday why don’t you take tomorrow off and we will have the company limousine pick you up at eight AM Saturday? You should bring some lighter
it is very warm on the island.”

Then they both stood up and she followed suit, shaking their hands before she left. As she walked down the hall her mind was reeling, she could not believe she was going to the retreat, and more importantly she was likely getting a promotion too! The balance of the day was like a dream and when she left that night she hoped she would never see that cramped cubicle again. That was about the only thing she was thinking about that would come true.


After Dana left Mr. Masters office, Avery said to his friend Andrew, “I am betting she has a splendid body under that conservative suit.”

“We will find out soon enough. I will contact Victoria and Hans to let them know we have a special guest coming this time,” replied Andrew.

“And you have thoroughly vetted her? No chance of someone causing us problems if she

“Our investigator tells us that she has parents in Iowa, but she has not talked to them in years. He has been watching her for over a month, no real friends or any relationships, she is a loner who works and then goes home.”

“He is prepared to erase her existence?”

“Once we pick her up the process will start. Within a week it will appear as if she packed up and left town, no one will have a clue, not that I expect anyone to look.”

“It’s been a while since we took on a new toy, but I think I may want to add this one to my personal stable. I have been considering returning Greta to the corporate coffle and maybe this is the right time.”

“Greta? What in God’s name can be wrong with her?”

“Despite her strikingly good looks, she has started to develop a disturbing sense of pride. She seems to consider herself better than my other slaves, even Mei Ling.”

“Big mistake there, we all know Mei has no peer when it comes to submission, a more perfect slave does not exist.”

“That is why I will bring both of them with me this weekend. Greta can take on the duties of company pain slut, while Mei provides the kind of care Dana will need once she discovers her predicament.”

“Marvelous! Both Greta and Mei at the same retreat, this will be a momentous occasion!” exclaimed Andrew, visibly elated by his partner’s statement.

“Which of your executives will be joining us?”

“I think just my brother, with your added guests I don’t want to feel crowded. We have four other slaves in residence already, with the supervisory staff the villa will be crowded enough.”

“As you say, but I suspect you want a lot of time with Dana before I whisk her off to my place.”

‘You think you saw her first? When I discovered that little diamond hiding downstairs and found out how perfect she was for our purposes, I simply made sure you would see her too. When you came to me after finding her I had already started the process of acquiring her. But given our long history I will defer to you with this one, who knows maybe I will take Greta as one of my personal slaves.”

“If you so choose, but only after Greta gets a proper punishment. If you are considering taking her after the retreat then I will have to develop a punishment regimen for the duration of our stay. If you want her after that she will be in a much better frame of mind to serve you going forward.”

“Agreed, now let’s get to work, we have a lot to do before we leave.”

The two men shook hands and then Avery left to gather his slaves and head for the island. Andrew made his own arrangements with both men feeling the thrill of the hunt stirring within them. Even though their prey was already ensnared, the fun part was about to begin.


Dana could barely sleep that night, but she was still full of energy on Friday morning when she went out to shop. She looked at her wardrobe and realized she had nothing appropriate for a trip to the tropics. She cringed as she rang up a large credit card bill, something she never did, but she still bought enough new clothes for a week at the retreat. She even bought two bathing suits, a nice one piece and a sexy bikini, not sure how comfortable she would be to wear it, but she loved the way it looked on her. By the time she was done, even buying a new set of luggage, she had spent over a week’s pay. But she expected a promotion and a raise after this week, since she planned to make sure she did whatever was necessary to secure her new position.

What she was really doing was saying goodbye to the outside world, since all she had and what she just bought were irrelevant to her future. The giddily happy young lady spent most of the night making sure everything she needed was packed and ready before bed. Sheer exhaustion made it easy for her to fall asleep that night and early the next morning she was up and ready a full hour before the limo arrived.

Before it arrived her cell phone rang and she answered it. Andrew was on the line and said, “We will be there in a moment, I will send someone up for your luggage.”

“Thank you sir, I mean Andrew, it’s apartment 3C.”

A knock soon came at her door and she opened it to see a very large man dressed as a chauffeur. He said, “Miss Graves I am here to collect your things. Please leave me your keys and go downstairs, Mr. Masters is waiting for you.”

The lock can be kind of tricky,” she said, not comfortable leaving a stranger alone in her apartment.

“I am sure I can handle it, please allow me, Mr. Masters does not like to wait.”

“OK,” she said, accepting that with her new position she might have to get used to having people do menial things for her. It was not an unpleasant thought. So she walked downstairs after handing the chauffeur her keys, ready for a spectacular adventure. Andrew was standing beside the open door of the limo parked in front of her building as she came out the door.

“Please get in Dana we have a long trip ahead of us,” he said, gesturing like a gentleman for her to enter the car.

After she slid onto the backseat she watched as Andrew joined her on the seat, she had no idea that her life as she knew it was over. Like a moth to the flame she was about to get burned. The brilliant light that attracted her was nothing but a trap. By the time she learned the truth she would be in no position to escape what these powerful men had planned for her. After the driver had loaded her bags into the trunk and started driving the limo away, Dana Grave’s life as she knew it ended. And while she expected things were about to dramatically change, it was not at all what she was expecting.

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