Convenient Fall (Players of Marycliff University Book 2) (12 page)

BOOK: Convenient Fall (Players of Marycliff University Book 2)
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Chris let out a little groan when she rubbed against him again. A satisfied smile crept onto her face at the sound. He ground his pelvis into hers once before he shook his head. “I’d love to, but there's not enough time. I'll take a raincheck.”

She poked out her lower lip in a mock pout. He chuckled in response. “What time is it?” Her voice was still raspy with sleep. They'd stayed up late talking, and she was still really tired.

“About six forty-five. I have to be at the gym by seven thirty.”

She groaned and closed her eyes again, throwing an arm over her face. Rolling over and pulling the blankets over her head wasn't an option since Chris was still on top of her. “It's so early. My first class isn't until ten.” She batted at his chest. “Let me go back to sleep.”

He chuckled again and kissed her once more before he got up. “Do you need me to set an alarm for you?”

“No.” Her voice was muffled since she'd rolled face down into the pillow. “I have one set on my phone.”

She felt his lips brush her bare shoulder and raised her head to look at him. He smiled. “See you tonight.”


* * *

The three of them fell into a much more relaxed routine. Chris no longer felt like he needed to stay gone from the house as much as possible in order to avoid Megan. Matt had pulled him aside once and said, "Don't fuck this up, dude. She's like my little sister and I don't want to see her get hurt." Chris had just nodded and Matt had dropped the subject after that. The watchful look that he'd worn whenever Chris and Megan had been in the same room at the start of the semester was gone, and things went back to normal between them.

Chris touched Megan a lot, but mostly kept it PG when Matt was around. He did like to sneak in a grope here and there when Matt was in the room but not paying attention to make her jump and glare at him. He always liked getting her riled up. And the more riled up she got out of the bedroom, the more fun they had in the bedroom.

Midway through their first week together, they'd moved Chris's bed into Megan's room. Chris was happy to give up his old room for the master suite, and they could both fit on his queen-sized bed much better than her twin.

The other benefit of spending time with Megan was that she forced Chris to study. After that first time when he faked his way through reading while she did her homework, she made him get out all his syllabi and do some homework. That meant his coach didn't ride his ass so much about his academics.

They got to spend every evening together during their first couple of weeks as a couple. Then they had away games two weekends in a row. The first one didn't seem so bad, but the second one had Chris on edge and off his game.

He'd talked to Megan on the phone on Friday night in their hotel room. Since Matt was in the room, they didn't talk much or for long. Chris felt awkward talking to her on the phone where Matt could hear every word he said, even though he seemed cool with them being together.

To Matt's credit, he acted like nothing unusual was going on and didn't react at all to Chris's phone conversation. In some ways that made it worse. He was used to Matt giving him shit for anything and everything. That's how they did things. For him to play it off like nothing was going on was almost as bad as if they’d had some awkward conversation about it.

Saturday night after the game, he fell facedown into his bed, exhausted. He'd been pulled out at halftime because he’d let too many passes slip through. He was known as the best picker on the team. For him to not get one interception and then to get scored on almost every play he was involved in burned.

His phone buzzed with a text alert. He groaned and lifted his head, swiping his phone off the nightstand. It was Megan.

How was the game?

He kind of hoped she'd let it go at that. But last week she'd asked the same question and pressed for more details. She understood more about football than he'd expected, given that she'd told him she didn't usually go to their games.

So you lost?

They'd never managed to recover from the touchdowns his defense had let slip through in the first half. They'd held them in the second half, but couldn't bring up their own score.

Do you want to call me and talk?

He thought about that one for a moment. He didn't want to talk at all. Would she get pissed if he said that?
Not really. Matt's watching a movie. I don't want to bother him.
There. That seemed like a good reason not to talk. It wasn't that he didn't want to talk to her. Just not on the phone. If he were honest, even if he were home, he wouldn’t want to talk. He played a shitty game. He wanted to feel better, not rehash it more than he'd already have to with the coaching staff.


Good. She wasn't pissed. Or at least she wasn't telling him if she was, and he was pretty sure Megan wouldn't hold back on that.

I bet I know something that will make you feel better.

Now he was intrigued. A minute later he got another text. There were no words, just a picture of her breasts, looking down at her cleavage. She didn't have a shirt on, just a lacy red bra. He let out an audible groan.

“You alright, man?” Matt glanced over from where he sat on his own bed, a look of concern on his face.

“Yeah. Fine. Just tired.” Shit. Now he was going to have to deal with having a hard-on while he shared a room with another guy. “I’m gonna go take a shower.”


“Yeah.” Thank God his bed was the one closer to the bathroom. It meant he didn't have to walk past Matt with his cock leading the way.

He turned on the shower and spent the next ten minutes sexting with Megan, detailing what he'd like to do to her, and reading what she'd like to do to him. His cock got harder the longer it went on. He sat on the edge of the tub stroking himself with one hand, looking at the sexy pics Megan sent and texting her back with the other. When he couldn't take it anymore, he set his phone down and climbed in the shower all the way, stroking himself harder and faster, imagining it was Megan getting him off. When he came, he came hard. It was the best orgasm he'd ever had by himself. He turned off the shower and picked up his phone again while toweling off.

Holy fuck that was hot.

All he got in response was a winking smiley and a lips emoji. He smiled to himself and sent one more text.

I've gotta go to bed now. See you tomorrow.



Megan stood and cheered as Marycliff University scored a touchdown, putting them in the lead by five points with only seconds left on the clock. Abby stood next to her bouncing on her toes, and Lance was on her other side yelling as loud as anyone. The whole section of students and alumni shouted “Moooo!” and held up their hands to form the letters M and U in sign language. After the extra point, the opposing team started a play, but it was a half-hearted effort at best. Their pass was blocked, ending the game.

Megan, Abby, and Lance waited while the crowd around them cleared out, packing up the extra sweatshirts and blankets they'd brought to stay warm in the chilly October evening. Since they'd have to wait for Chris and Matt before they headed to an afterparty, they weren't in any hurry to get out and it was easier to wait for the crowds to disperse.

“So things have changed a bit since the last time we were at a game.” Abby folded her blanket and pushed it into her tote bag, glancing at Megan out of the corner of her eye.

Megan paused, watching Abby for a moment before she answered. “Yup.”

“That's all you're going to give me?” Abby had stopped getting her things together and just stared at Megan.

Megan's gaze flicked to Lance, who seemed to be fighting back a smile while he pretended to ignore their conversation altogether. She shrugged. “There's not that much to tell. What do you want to know?”

Abby's mouth dropped open in shock. “Megan, you were always oversharing with me when we lived together. I can't believe you haven't called me and given me more details than I ever wanted to know. All I know is that you and Chris are together now. How's it going? Is it weird living with the guy you're dating right from the beginning of the relationship?”

Megan leveled a look at Abby. “You'd know as much about that as I would. You practically moved in with Lance after like a week.”

“Not the same thing at all.” Abby shook her head and narrowed her eyes. “We didn't live together
we started dating. And I still had our apartment to escape to if I ever needed it. You don’t.”

Megan just shrugged and let a smirk take over her face. “I can't believe you're pumping me for details about my relationship. Are you wanting to compare notes on the sex?”

Lance let out a bark of laughter, causing them both to look at him. He covered it with a fake coughing fit and turned away from them.

Abby faced Megan again, her eyes narrowing. “You know I wouldn't do that. And especially not in a public place.”

“Well, you never know. You've changed since you started dating Lance.” Megan feigned nonchalance and continued to put her things in her own bag, fighting back a smile while Abby spluttered.

“I have not!”

Megan couldn't hold back her smile anymore and she let out a chuckle to go with it. “Yes you have, Abby. It's not a bad thing. You're still our lovable Abby, you're just a little more … loose.”


Megan was cracking up by now and so was Lance, though he was still trying to hold it in. His shoulders shook and she thought she saw him wiping tears from his eyes. Megan shook her head. “Not like that, Abby. I just mean you've loosened up.”

Abby glared at her for a moment longer, firmly seating her bag on her shoulder. “Whatever. That's completely beside the point. We're not talking about Lance and me. We're talking about you and Chris.”

Megan sighed a little. “I told you already, there's not much to tell. We're together, or dating, or whatever you want to call it.”

“Is it getting serious?” Abby leaned in and lowered her voice a little.

“It's only been a few weeks, Abby. And it's Chris. How serious could it be?” When she looked away from Abby, she caught Lance's face again. The laughter was gone, and he examined her. Their eyes met for a moment and he raised a brow at her. She let out another breath and looked away from him too, focused on zipping her bag closed.

“Fine. We sleep in the same room when he's not away for games because it's easier than one of us having to get up in the middle of the night, get dressed again, and go to the other side of the house. And Matt doesn't have to see or hear anything he doesn't want to.”

Lance snorted again.

“Eww.” That was Abby.

Megan rolled her eyes. “Please. It's not like you're not loud. I walked in on you guys that one time, remember? And I know what happened in your room afterward.”

Pink spread across Abby's cheeks. Megan chuckled again. “You brought it up. If you don't want details, you shouldn't ask.”

Abby lifted her nose and set her mouth in a prim line. “I only asked because I care about you. I want you to be happy.”

Megan softened a little and decided to stop giving Abby a hard time. “Thanks. I appreciate it. I am happy. I just know how things are and have appropriate expectations.” She shrugged again and bumped Abby's shoulder with hers as they turned to make their way down the steps to leave the stadium. “We can't all have what you have so quickly and easily.”

Abby didn't say anything after that. Lance reached back and laced his fingers with hers, his obvious love and affection for the little blonde written all over his face. Megan held in a wistful sigh. Despite what she'd told Abby, she was starting to develop stronger feelings for Chris than she let on. She couldn't bring herself to admit it out loud. She could barely admit it to herself. There was no way she was going to talk about that with Abby, especially with Lance standing there watching and listening. The last thing she needed was for Chris to suspect that he meant more to her than just the casual relationship they had going.

Their relationship was born of attraction and proximity. Chris's track record with women didn't inspire thoughts of rings and wedding bells. Or even anything approaching a significant commitment. She knew there would be an end date. And she hoped like hell that she could keep her heart out of it as much as possible until that day came.

* * *

“Hey.” Chris smiled and pulled Megan in for a kiss. “Did you drive?”

“No. I rode with Abby and Lance.”

“Good.” He pulled her tighter against him and kissed her again, this time longer than before. He could feel her hands clutching at his sweatshirt, pulling him closer.

A throat cleared behind her, and she pushed Chris away. He grinned down at her, keeping one arm wrapped around her before turning to face Lance, who had a look of cocky amusement on his face and his arms wrapped around Abby in front of him. He lifted his chin from where it rested on her head. “You done?”

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