Control (44 page)

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Authors: William Goldman

BOOK: Control
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Like I

m sure the Duchess is dead now, and of no loss to anyone. The Duchess found both Billy Boy and Gonzales for


ve been doing excellent homework—yes, she found them both—I have a number of lookouts, but the Duchess found these two—for which she was well paid.

She should have been—because you didn

t fail—you reached Edith Mazursky and fucked her mind around.

Believe what you choose—but understand this—if you were right, it wouldn

t matter. If I drove Edith Mazursky to take her life, well, of course, that is too bad for her immediate family, but in terms of what I

m doing, it matters not at all. And don

t tell me she was one of God

s good creatures, generous and kind to small animals—because Humanism was always a dubious concept, one which fortunately is dying day by day. And don

t tell me she was a painter, because until recent centuries, artists were treated as little more than lepers, a position I don

t find all that flawed. What matters today, all that matters today, is survival. And survival means weaponry. Superior weaponry. Period. End.


m sure glad you

re on our side,

Eric said.

When you

re done here, you might consider running the Red Cross.

Trude was about to reply when a nurse with light brown hair scurried in and Eric couldn

t make sense of what she said, something to do with trouble with the sound of the wind, but whatever it was, Trude slammed down his coffee cup and stormed out of the room.

Eric picked up the phone, dialed Sally Levinson, spoke fast.

I promised you I

d call you so I am. The man responsible for the suicide is named Leo Trude, he

s a doctor at Sutton Hospital. He looks like Henry Kissinger but not as warm.

Was that a joke?

Sally asked.

I don

t feel like making jokes,

Eric told her. He was about to say

Good luck



ll see you

or something. For whatever reasons, he said


He paced around after that because he had not slept in a day and a half and he knew he had to keep moving or drop. He felt rotten, reflexes slow, and that was too bad, because back in his apartment the


he had struck with Trude involved Eric getting Billy Boy to be more agreeable in exchange for which Trude promised to hand over the giant when he was done with him.

Except Eric knew that was bullshit—Trude gave away ice in only very cold winters, and Billy Boy was obviously a prize to be
kept. So Eric was going to have to be ready to use force, and you needed reflexes to do it well

Trude was in the doorway then.

If you want to watch from the control room, I have no objection.

As they started out of the office, Eric said,

I didn

t think you could make someone do, in hypnosis, things they wouldn

t d

In the first place, I can

t be bothered with your misconceptions,

Trude replied.

And please, don

t worry yourself in this case. Theo Duncan is a murderer; at half-past two in a house on Gramercy Park, he killed Nelson Stewart. In very cold blood




The Murderer



Two hours before his death, W. Nelson Stewart was in a wonderful mood—except for the manure. The whiff of it was simply numbing, enough to buckle the knees of a Samson, and he was certainly no strongman. Nelson sat trapped in his carriage as traffic came sharply to a halt on Broadway.

Nelson took off his rimless glasses, cleaned them, put them back on, readjusted them carefully.

Traffic had still not moved. Fifteen minutes ago he had left his Wall Street office—he would have done better on foot.

He called up to his driver then:

Can you make out the difficulty, Jordan?


s a frozen horse up at the corner, sir—it

s causing all kinds of trouble; hard to get around.

Nelson sat back. He might have known. How many hours of his commuting life had he spent trapped because of frozen horses. Or simply dead ones in the warmer times. Tens of thousands of horses each year were abandoned on the streets of New York. The minute a horse snapped a leg on the unpaved avenues, their owners would desert them.

I do want to get home soon, Jordan.

I think conditions are improving up ahead, Mr. Stewart.

How could they fail to improve, Stewart wondered. This was the worst of all days for travel—cold enough at night to freeze animals, but warm enough at the noon hour to allow their perfumed aromas to rise from the streets.

In the old days, when he was rich but no one knew, he used to ride the horsecars to and from work. They were every bit as fast and much more comfortable, being on rails, than a private wheeled carriage. Nelson never minded being with dozens of other
people twice each day. But when his wealth became common knowledge, he had to have a carriage—if he hadn

t had one, people would have thought his business was in trouble, so there you were.

Uncomfortable in the extreme, he sat in his beaver hat and cashmere coat with the sable collar that his wife had insisted he buy because the Rockefellers had them.



The carriage passed Lord

s, passed Tiffany

s, passed the great Broadway hotels whece, at five o

clock, the handkerchief ladies would appear, dropping their kerchiefs for young bucks, arranging the financing then and there, before going around the corners to where the handkerchief ladies kept rooms.

They never allowed such behavior where he came from; they frowned on such open tawdriness in Boston. Ahead now, he saw a heavy woman trying to race safely across the street via the hopping stones; she held her skirt with one hand^ was doing well enough until a horse reared beside her, reins tangled with the wagon alongside, and the woman lost her balance and sprawled into the muck.

I don

t think I would much enjoy riding in a horsecar with that lady, Nelson decided. Perhaps the elevated trains everyone was arguing about were a solution. The £1 over on Ninth Avenue was already in operation, and it was filthy, and it constantly poured cinders on the citizens below—but at least you were above the problems of animal residue.

Look out, sir!

Hastings cried, and just in time, for Mr. Stewart was able to brace himself before the sudden halt. He peered out. A barrel had fallen from a beer wagon, had split open up ahead. Now the aroma of beer began to spread.

W. Nelson Stewart sat in his carriage as around him were dray wagons and food carts and conveyances piled high with dry goods and horsecars and taxis and old women pushing pullcarts and old men pulling pushcarts and scavengers and hags and sledges and sleds; all the other vehicles that made up daily Broadway traffic, all of them congealing again, glued there, at least for a time.

I will not miss this commute when I move to Boston, W. Nelson

Stewart reminded himself. I will not miss this at all


Ninety minutes before she became a widow, Charlotte was in an absolutely fabulous mood—except for her husband. She lay alone on her bed, thinking about him. Ever since his return from his sudden trip to Boston, Nelson had been, well, just so terribly
Considerate even. He didn

t snipe at the boys and he asked after her days as if he really cared about the answer.

Well, of course, he did love Boston. The city was more than likely responsible for the change. She herself, though she had never voiced her feelings, loathed the place. All the women so snobby, all the men so cold.

This new figure of the past days, this nice Nelson, troubled Charlotte because, well, how could she let her mind drift toward Theo with Nelson being human?

But her mind did drift toward Theo. The pale blue eyes, the brilliance. Fragile he was; almost that sometimes. His body so pale, his pink nipples the only color on his chest.

Charlotte closed her eyes and moved her lips to his words:

Now folds the lily all her sweetness up,

And slips into the bosom of the lake:

So fold thyself, my dearest, thou, and slip

Into my bosom and be lost in me.

Nelson had said those words were effeminate. But what did Nelson know? About business yes, everything; about money, yes, everything.

About bodies? Charlotte let her mind drift easily toward her genius. He was lying beside her. She had undressed him. He was trembling, he wanted her so desperately. Charlotte moved toward him, undecided as to on which part of his body she should begin to feast…

An hour before the murder, Theo could hardly have been more joyous—except for his shoes. He sat in his workroom by the children

s gymnasium, tried thinking about the poem he had half finished.

But his eyes kept staring at his shoes.

Not that there was anything wrong with them. Or anything unusual about them. They were the kind of shoes he had used all his life: wear alls. Where he came from in the Midwest,
wore wear alls. You put which
ever foot you wanted into which
ever shoe you wanted. Simple, efficient, no fuss over footwear.

Theo had heard of differentiated shoes of course, but they seemed the province of the rich, just another silly way for those with to lord it over those without. Wasteful, it always seemed to him, having a shoe curved so that it would only go over your left foot, another that would only take the right. Ridiculous, really; what if you were harder on the left, say, and it wore out while the right was still in its prime

With wear alls, no problem; you just bought a new shoe when you needed one. Of course, wear alls were, in order not to be uncomfortable, enormously large; clumpy in fact.

W, Nelson Stewart

s shoes were not clumpy. He had his handmade, and they made his not particularly small feet seem delicate. Theo envied the stern older man that delicate look.

But more than envy was this: Those differentiated shoes were a symbol Theo was a poet, he was a tutor, he was an educated incompetent as far as finance was concerned.

And Charlotte was so rich. Even before Stewart, she had been brought up to all the better things, travel and new clothes and shoes that fit your feet.

How was he to match that?

True, Stewart was old, mid-fifties or thereabouts, but even if he dropped over and Charlotte came to him after an acceptable time, he could never receive her with that encumbrance. He was not about to go through life with the sneers of the world forever with him.

He was their

t you know?

he married her for her money, the question is why did


ll come to her senses, she was lonely, he was there, she

ll leave him, what woman wouldn

t leave a man who couldn

t support her?









Theo jerked his mind away from those words, looked at his wear alls, jerked his mind away from them. He looked at the poem he was attempting.


was really an unfortunate name from a poetic point of view—-the accent fell on the wrong syllable,


If it were the other way,


his road would have been ever so much straighten









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