Contained (Evolution Series Book 5) (18 page)

BOOK: Contained (Evolution Series Book 5)
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Chapter 30

Mum drew her eyebrows together. “Did you forget something?”

My eyes went wide. Mum and Kai knew that I’d already been to see Nathan.

“What’s going on?”
Aiden asked.

“I don’t get it. I wiped their memory of us being here and in the ward but they remember seeing me with Nathan.”

“Did you forget to look for something?” Kai asked, logging back into the camera to Nathan’s room. He chuckled thinking how pissed I’d been with Nathan and thought that I wanted to go back for more.

Images of Nathan flashed through my mind. I didn’t understand what was going on. Not bothering to let Mum or Kai know where I was going, I transported Aiden and me back to Nathan’s room where I found him crumpled on the floor in the corner.

“What the hell…” Aiden said.

I ran to Nathan’s side, flipped him onto his back and gasped when I saw the state he was in.

Aiden appeared by my side. “Who did that to him?”

I shook my head in disbelief. Nathan’s face and torso were covered in bruises. And Mum and Kai both believed I had done that to him, but it wasn’t how I’d left Nathan only minutes ago. Someone else had been there. Someone else had paid him a visit. “I don’t know,” I finally said. “They think it was me.”

“Shit.” Aiden knew as well as I did that it was impossible. I was with him every second, sharing the biggest news of our lives.

We pushed into Nathan’s mind, desperately trying to work out what was going on.

“What the hell,” Aiden said.

I shook my head in disbelief as I tried to work out the impossible. There were gaping holes in Nathan’s memories including who had beaten him to a pulp.

I desperately searched through his mind, looking for any trace of something that would explain what was going on, but it was all gone. “I don’t unders—” My heart stopped when I saw a fraction of a memory still remaining. The person who’d stripped his memories had made an error. I had a lead.

Not bothering to explain to Aiden what I’d found, I transported us to the room where my Grandma had her kidney removed.

“What’s going on?” Aiden asked taking in our new location.

I ran over to the cupboards and opened the door on the lower left, then reached inside and pressed a concealed button. A second later the wall to the side opened up, revealing a dark hall.

“What the hell is that?” Aiden asked what we were both thinking.

I looked at him nervously. “There was a partial memory left of a button in there.” I gestured to the cupboard.

Aiden took my hand in his and squeezed it tightly then stepped in front of me and led me into the darkness. Our eyes adjusted within seconds and we saw a door to the left.

Pausing with his hand on the doorknob, Aiden listened for any noises or thoughts coming from the room but it was clear. He pushed open the door and stepped inside.

Following closely behind, I searched the wall, found the light switch and flicked it on. The light flickered for a second before it illuminated the room.

“Shit,” I said looking around. We’d found the room that Nathan had desperately tried to hide. But at the same time, he’d brought us so close to finding out who he was, but none of us had worked it out or even considered that there was more to the room my mother and grandma had been held captive in. We’d been so stupid. I remembered Nathan had known exactly where to go to find what he needed to save Grandma, and we’d trusted him to look for any other evidence.

There was a computer turned on, sitting on a desk against the far wall and a lab, putting Harry’s to shame, taking up the other two walls. What was on the fourth wall had my stomach churning. There was a three by three metre cell containing a toilet giving no privacy to the user and a metal-framed bed that looked as if it had recently been in use.

Aiden’s senses were hyper aware of his surroundings and the hairs on the back of his neck were standing up, as were mine. We didn’t like what we were seeing, but like a moth to flames, we needed to know more.

Cautiously we went over to the computer, hoping we weren’t walking into a trap. My heart was racing as I looked at what was on the screen. “We’re not the only ones,” I said. We were looking at hundreds of names, dates of births and locations of children, teenagers and adults he’d manipulated with one form or another. Some were labelled as deceased and others were marked as invalid. Others had been deemed a success, and there was one that sent chills down my spine. It was labelled contained. I glanced at what he’d labelled that person. “Angel,” I said under my breath.

Someone laughed behind us and I realised we weren’t alone.

I whipped my head around and came face to face with—myself.

“What the fuck,” Aiden said looking between me and a person who was the spitting image of me. It was as if I was looking into a mirror. We were even dressed in the same clothes.

Without any warning, I was suspended in mid-air unable to control my body. I tried to push my way into her mind but it was useless. I was met with an impenetrable wall.

Aiden reached out to me, preparing to transport us away but froze, as not only his body became paralysed, but his mind, too.

Laughing, the girl sauntered over to us and produced a needle from behind her back.

The vision of myself holding a needle against Aiden’s throat flashed through my mind and I sucked in a sharp breath. It all made sense. All the visions I’d had of me turning into a monster, killing people without giving them a second thought, became clear. It wasn’t me. It was the girl standing before me. She was my twin.

She clapped her hands and I hoped that she would stick herself with the needle but of course she didn’t. “If only you’d been smarter. You could’ve worked it all out. You could’ve saved yourself but…” she smirked, “I always knew I was the one. He should’ve chosen me.”

I desperately wanted to know what she was thinking, but my abilities were useless against her. I was completely at her mercy and by the look in her eyes I was in for trouble.

My eyes welled up with tears as I looked at Aiden, trying to get control of his mind to allow him to get himself out of there, but she was too powerful.

Angel’s gaze fell on my tummy. “I can fool everyone into thinking I’m you, but a baby I can’t do.”

Fool everyone? What the hell was she talking about?

She held up the needle. “Well, this should, hopefully, dispose of the baby and if not then we’ll find another way.”

My stomach churned and I wanted to hurl, but my body betrayed my mind. Crying internally, I prayed for her to let me go but my cries went unanswered.

She stuck the needle into the side of my neck and pushed down on the syringe, injecting the contents straight into my veins. Within seconds my body was writhing in pain as I felt every one of my abilities stripped away. I desperately tried to hang on to the connection between Aiden’s mind and mine but even that was slipping, and a moment later, I was alone. Aiden was only a few feet away from me but he may as well have been dead.

Angel laughed as she pulled out the syringe. The door to the cell swung open and the next thing I knew I was flying through the air and crashing down on the bed, still unable to control my body.

She stalked over to me, satisfaction written all over her face.

I wanted to scream, to run, to fight but I couldn’t do any of that. My fate was sealed and I only had myself to thank for that. Angel had been right. I should’ve been smarter. I was too caught up in myself to even consider that I wasn’t the only one. If I’d only thought to look through Nathan’s mind when I first had him I wouldn’t be in the situation I was in. I could’ve stopped her before it was too late. Anna wouldn’t have thought I was going to kill her son. She wouldn’t have considered that I could ever become the monster that she tried desperately to keep her son away from.

My arms and legs moved without my consent as I stretched out on the bed.

Something clicked in my mind and I coughed out loud. I had my voice back but I was afraid why. “What are you doing to me? To my baby?” I looked over to Aiden, still frozen reaching out to where I was only moments ago. “To Aiden.”

“Don’t worry about Aiden. He won’t remember a thing,” she said smiling as she gazed at him.

I wanted to punch the lustful look from her eyes. Hell, I wanted to reach into her mind and squeeze her brain until it seeped through her ears, but I was completely at her mercy.

“But you,” she said with an evil smirk. “You are going to be where you belong. Where you’ve always belonged.” She strapped my arm to the bed with a flick of her wrist. “Your life should’ve been mine. Instead, I was locked away in this hell hole while Nathan injected me.” She chuckled. “But, I guess I have you to thank for that, don’t I?”

“Thank me for what?” I asked, barely understanding a word that came from her mouth. She seemed to be having a discussion more with herself than with me and I was only getting portions of the conversation.

“Well, if you hadn’t defeated Nathan then he would’ve kept up the medication and I would’ve still been in this bed. But instead, you are. And I’m going to take back what should’ve been mine from the beginning.” She shook her head as she studied me. “Why he picked you I’ll never understand. It’s clear that my cells were far superior,” she said as she strapped my other arm down then moved down to my legs.

“If you’re so superior then how was he able to keep you in here?” I asked even though I knew it was obvious, considering I was under her control. But my mouth was the only weapon I had left and I was going to try to piss her off as much as possible and hope that she would slip momentarily, allowing me to get away. All I needed was a split second of control over my body and mind and I could transport Aiden and me to a safe destination.

Her eyes flared with anger. “Because he betrayed me. Like you, I thought I was beyond them all and I didn’t even consider that he could’ve held me hostage for all these years.”

“You’ve been here for years? Geez, that would really screw with your mind.”

She snapped the strap closed over my ankle.

“Do you really think that you will be able to just walk in and take over my life?”

“I don’t think, I am going to do it.”

“No. You won’t. You may be able to control our bodies and our minds but you will never have the connection that Aiden and I share. That is something Nathan made sure was only between me and him.”

Not saying a word, she strapped my other ankle in then flipped my head to face her as she walked out of the cell, closed the door behind her, and went over to Aiden. A second later he had control over his body, his fear for me still alive in his eyes as he searched desperately for me, stopping when he laid eyes on Angel.

I tried to open my mouth to shout to him but my body once again wasn’t under my control.

His face took on the ‘Someone’s screwing with my mind’ expression then my whole world came crashing down around me as I watched a smile form on Aiden’s lips, his gaze never wavering from Angel’s. He was completely captured by her, just as he was with me. “Let’s get out of here.”

Angel ran her hands up his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck. A lustful look in her eyes telling me just what she wanted from him. But I knew Aiden and I knew that he wouldn’t be fooled. Our connection with each other was something that Angel couldn’t fake. “I love you,” she said.

I watched on, waiting for the moment to hit him. For Aiden to throw her hands back. For him to once again save me so that together we could find a way to stop her. But that didn’t happen.

My heart shattered into a million pieces as Aiden pulled her against him and brought his lips down to hers. “I love you, too.”

I wanted to throw up, scream, shout, drive that needle through her heart but I couldn’t. I was trapped in my own nightmare, unable to wake up. The one person I loved more than anyone in the world was being ripped away from me—and he was none the wiser. I could see it in his eyes. He truly believed she was me!

Breaking apart, Angel glanced at me, winked, and then disappeared, taking Aiden with her.


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