Consumed (22 page)

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Authors: Skyla Madi

BOOK: Consumed
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“Your mother doesn’t know that you and Seth are dating, so—”

“We’re not dating, Dad. We’re friends.” Friends who just so happened to rock each other’s world.

He rolls his eyes for the second time tonight. “Yeah, okay. Just break it to her gently.”

Mom pulls her apron over her head, adjusts the way her red dress sits and then joins us at the table. Mom tells us all about her day in town while we scoop food onto our plates. I’ve been here twenty minutes and there’s been no mention of moving back in. That’s some kind of record.

“So Mom,” I say, pouring gravy on my baked vegetables. “You met my
Seth yesterday...”

“I did.” Her green eyes avoid mine and I know that isn’t a good sign. “Have you and Blade spoken since the break up?”

Even Dad groans at the mention of his name and I don’t appreciate her dodging around Seth to talk about Blade.

“Yes, actually, he drove me to work yesterday.” From the corner of my eye, I see Dad shake his head. “We’re still not back together.” I state matter of factly.

“Do you want to get back together?” Mom asks.

There’s a hopeful gleam in her eye and it completely pisses me off. She knows what Blade has done to me and should have no doubt guessed that he’s done the same thing this time around, too.


“Olivia, you and Blade have been together for a very long time. I’m sure you two can work out whatever is going on between you.”

“This time is different.” I shrug, putting a forkful of potato into my mouth.

“Because of Seth?”

I swallow. “No, it has nothing to do with Seth. Blade—”

“Is a disrespectful little shit and I’m glad that he’s no longer in our daughter’s life. Now drop it.” Dad squeezes my hand before going back to his meal and I nod thankfully at him.

Mom’s manicured hands rub at her temples. “Maybe if you lived here—”

“Mom,” I groan. My fork clings against my plate as it collides with the ceramic material. “I don’t live here and I haven’t for three years now. I don’t plan on moving back in,

She glances at Dad and waits for him to step in and back her up. Usually he does, but last week he promised me he wouldn’t mention anything about me moving back in if I came to dinner.

“Really Rick? You’re not going to help me? It’s like this... this... Seth, has you both wrapped around his finger.”

“He is my boss.” Dad mutters indifferently.

“I don’t care. He’s bad news.”

“He hasn’t done anything.” I object.

She brushes my comment off. “You’re blinded by your hormones.”

“Sandra!” Dad snaps. He gets agitated whenever Mom refers to my sex life. “Olivia can date whoever she wants. If she wants to be with Seth—”

Seth?” Great.

“Dad!” I snap, but he shrugs his shoulders like it’s no big deal. “No, I’m not

My phone vibrates in the pocket of my jeans and while my attention is diverted to my phone, Mom leans closer to Dad and cusses him out for not helping her. I ignore their quiet bickering and read a text from Selena.



We’re coming! :)


I stare at the screen for a little while, confused at the meaning of her text.



You sent your text to the

wrong person, silly.

I’m at my parents having




No. We’re coming to get you.

Seth said you’re down for

Coming out!



Well, Seth lied. I’m busy.



Too late. Xox


“What is it?” Mom asked, peering down her nose at my screen.

“Apparently, I’m going out with Selena and a few friends tonight.”

I scoop as much potato and pie into my mouth as I can. The only way to get out of here without offending Mom is to eat every crumb of food.

“That’s good. Maybe a night out with friends is exactly what you need to clear your head.”

I nod, purposely neglecting to mention that Seth is probably going to be there, too. I glance sideways at Dad who smiles at me. He isn’t stupid. He knows Seth will be there and he likes that I’m spending time with him… if only he knew what Seth was doing to his little girl yesterday. I can’t imagine him being ‘Team Seth’ after that.

Half an hour later, there’s an enthusiastic knock at the door.

“They’re here already?” Mom asks, raising her eyebrows.

I shrug, playing dumb. I knew they were on their way, but I didn’t want Mom to think I planned it to ruin her dinner. I rise from my chair and open my mouth to thank Mom for dinner, only she rises from her chair too and strolls across the room to grab more plates from the cupboard.

“Mom, what are you doing?” I ask curiously.

“We have plenty of food. Your friends can fill their bellies before they immerse themselves in alcohol. Sit.”

The blood drains from my face and I sit back in my chair as Mom rushes to the door. Loud whoops and cheers ring through the house and soon Mom enters the kitchen with a handful of very rowdy, slightly drunk adults. Seth’s gorgeous face is among them and seeing him again after what happened between us sends my cheeks burning. He looks so good in dark jeans and a blue t-shirt and I drag my sight from the outlines of his hard chest to his dark gaze. It zeros in on me and the corner of his lips twitch.

Mom is eyeing up Selena’s dress in disapproval, but I liked it—the yellow and white contrasts nicely with her tan skin and soft, blonde curls. Sure, it’s a little on the exposing side, but Mom has to expect that from Selena by now. Mom slides into her chair and Selena drops in next to her. Everyone manages to find a seat around our ten-seater dining table and Seth settles beside me. His leg rests against mine, sending electrical currents through my body and I try to ignore it by focusing on everyone else. I knew Selena and Seth, and I recognized Jackson in his loose jeans and white tee, but I had no idea who the other four men were.

“That sweater is... interesting, O.” Selena says, earning a scowl from my mother.

“It’s a very nice sweater. I bought that for her for Christmas last year.”

Selena pales in the face. Even she’s scared of my Mom.

“I meant interestingly gorgeous.” She mumbles, scooping vegetables onto her plate as Mom smiles and nods in agreement.

Everyone is eating and talking. Seth is deep in conversation over my head with Dad and I continue to eat my potato listening to Selena tell Mom about her day at the firm. I watch as Mom’s eyes narrow in on Seth’s clean, empty plate. He hasn’t touched any of her food and I know she’s going to—

“Not hungry, Seth?”

I can see her judging eyes watching him, just waiting for him to do or say something wrong.

“No ma’am.” He replies politely, smiling widely. “I’m on a strict diet.”

Selena glances sympathetically at me from under her brow. She understands how anal my mom is about food. If you’re in her house you better eat her food, even if you’re full.

“It’s not a big deal, Mom.” I assure her. “Seth needs to do certain things and eat certain things for the sake of his career. It’s not about your food. Your food is delicious.”

Everyone mumbles their agreement and Mom’s accusing stare drops as she returns to her conversation with Selena.

“Your mom is intense.” Seth mutters to me and I nod.

“That’s the understatement of the century.”

As soon as the food is devoured, we all jump to our feet and say our goodbyes. Mom and Dad walk us to the door, shaking hands and giving out hugs. I don’t miss the way Dad stares at Seth with such pride and adoration, and it brings a smile to my face.

“Be careful, please.” Mom says, kissing my cheek.

“I always am.”

She nods curtly to Seth and we step out onto the porch. He laces his fingers with mine and leads me down the pebble path. I glance down at our hands, confused.

“What are you doing?” I ask him.

He smiles down at me, his eyes flaring with amusement. “I believe this is called hand holding. People do it when they are fond of another person—or when they want to piss off someone’s mother.”

I choke on a laugh. “And which one is this?”

“Maybe a bit of both.” He replies as we make it to the car.

He stops and glances back to the house. I follow his line of sight and see Mom looking through the curtains at us, watching like a hawk. I shake my head at her, but she doesn’t go away. Rolling my eyes, I look back to Seth. He’s smiling devilishly at me and steps closer, seizing my waist.

“Seth, don—” But it’s too late. He’s already pressed his tasty, full lips to mine.

His tongue glides across my lip and I open my mouth, not giving it a second thought. He kisses me hard and passionate before his teeth nip my bottom lip, leaving it tingling as he pulls away. His eyes search mine with a satisfied gleam.

“Why’d you do that?” I groan breathlessly, knowing very well Mom will use that against him later.

“You’re mom already thinks I’m bad for you. I might as well go the whole nine yards.”

I shove him. “You play dirty.”

He presses his index finger against my concealed nipple and circles it slowly. I swat his hand away and he chuckles, drawing a smile from me.

“Tell me something I don’t know.”




Before we went out, Selena demanded that I go home and change, which was fine by me. I didn’t want to wear the sweater just as much as she didn’t want to see it. I got dressed and did my hair and make-up in record time—it’s unsettling having so many people I don’t know lounging around my apartment.

Tonight, I decide to wear a white halter neck with a plunging neckline and a black, waist-high pencil skirt. I looked more like I was going to a work function than a club, but I felt comfortable—I felt sexy and in control.

Heaven’s is an elegant club. Sure, lots of scum and skanks go there, but you can’t gain entrance unless you look classy and I look classy. There’s a firm knock at my door as I slide into a black pair of heels.

“Come in.” I call, expecting Selena’s face but getting Seth’s.

His eyes sweep shamelessly over my completely exposed legs and he catches the side of his bottom lip between his teeth before they turn up in a glorious, come-hither smirk.

“What?” I prompt, clipping in some gold hoops.

He takes purposefully slow steps toward me, each step seeming measured and deliberate. I hold my breath as he closes the distance between us.

“I’m contemplating whether I should let you go to the club and tease me, or if I should take you right now.”

His fingers brush along my jaw and down my neck before following the fabric of my shirt down to my breasts. Under his touch, my blood boils. In close proximity, his cologne surrounds me and my knees weaken. He notices and chuckles under his breath as his strong hands roam me. He cups my backside and presses me firmly against him as he angles his head, bringing his lips closer to mine. My heart aches as it slams against my ribcage and my insides clench and pulsate. I want his mouth on me and I want it now.

“We can stay.” I whisper as our lips graze.

With a sardonic smirk, he releases me and steps away. I blink a few times, confused. “What the hell?”

“The sexually frustrated feeling you’re experiencing right now is how you’re going to make me feel all night just by wearing that fucking outfit.”

I watch his wide, shapely back exit my room leaving me staring after him. I run my hands over my face, trying to regain some composure. He knows exactly which buttons to push to get me going and I hate it. I pull my hair from my ponytail and run a comb through it. It lies against my shoulders, framing my face and I flick it around a little bit, giving it more volume. I do a little twirl in front of my mirror and leave my room. The wolf whistles and cheers that erupt upon my entrance into the lounge room tells me I look as good as I thought I did.

“Are we catching a taxi?” I ask Selena.

“Nah, Seth volunteered to be the designated driver.”

One by one they leave my apartment and head to the car.

“You’re not in the partying mood tonight?” I ask Seth, confused because he’s the reason I’m going out.

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