Consumed: A Devil Chaser's MC Romance (7 page)

BOOK: Consumed: A Devil Chaser's MC Romance
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I brushed the tiny pieces of paper off my pants and headed for the bathroom. I splashed some water on my face and tried to pull myself together. I had to stop letting Bobby get to me like that. It was just a freaking shirt! I dried my hands and opened the bathroom door. My heart stopped when I found Bobby standing there.
Oh God
, I sighed under my breath.

“Court…” Bobby whispered.

I couldn’t deal with him anymore. I was losing my self-control, and I needed to get the hell out of there. I took a deep breath and tried to walk past him.

After just a few steps, Bobby reached for my arm and pulled me over to him. I stumbled briefly before my body crashed into his. I felt like I was going through sensory overload as my chest pressed against his. Without thinking, my hands slowly drifted up his chest until they rested by the buttons I had just replaced a few weeks ago. I needed to resist the temptation, but I’d missed being that close to him. I rested my forehead against his chest as I waited for him to say something.

Bobby wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I could feel the bristles of his beard brush against my cheek as his lips moved closer to my ear. The warmth of his breath sent chills throughout my entire body as he whispered, “I miss you.”

I couldn’t look at him; I’d crumble if I did. I shook my head and tried to pull myself away from him, but he had no intention of letting me go. His hands went to the side of my face. He lifted my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes. It was just too much. His eyes lured me in, completely hypnotizing me. I hated that I wanted him as much as I did, but I couldn’t deny how my body responded to him.

He lowered his mouth to mine, and I lost all my resolve and gave into him. His tongue brushed against my bottom lip, and I couldn’t suppress my moan as it vibrated through my chest. He took a step forward, forcing me against the wall as he deepened the kiss. My knees became weak as he continued to claim me with his mouth. His touch consumed me, and I needed more. My hands found the back of his neck, and he grunted in approval as I raked my nails through the back of his hair. I could feel his need for me growing as his hips ground into me. My heart pounded in my chest as all the memories of us came flooding back to me. He’d been the only man I’d ever known that could get to me like that. I just couldn’t help myself. I wanted that moment to change things, but I knew in my heart that it wouldn’t. I brought my hands up to his chest and pushed against him, breaking the kiss.

Damn it. Why did I have to want him so much? It just wasn’t fair. He looked so damn good in that stupid, stupid shirt, and… and…
I needed to get away from him. He knew I couldn’t resist him, and he was playing me like a fiddle. I gave him one of my “roll over and die” looks as I turned and headed back to the bar.

I walked over to the girls and said, “I have to go.

“What? Why?” Lily asked.

“I shouldn’t have come tonight. It was just too soon,” I told them. I didn’t know what I’d been thinking. Bobby’s pull was too strong. “I’ll talk to y’all later.”

I walked over to Maverick. He was sitting at the end of the bar talking to Bishop and Goliath. They all looked over to me when I walked up.

“Uh… umm… I think it’s time for me to go,” I told Maverick.

He nodded, and without complaint, he stood up and said his goodbyes to the guys. As we walked towards the door, I glanced back over my shoulder. Bobby was standing by the pool table with his arms crossed over his chest, and he was watching me. When our eyes met, he smiled wide and gave me a sexy wink. I could feel my face beginning to blush, so I gave the door a hard push and headed out. Well, crap. So much for playing it cool.


Chapter 8


Love doesn’t hide. It stays and fights. It goes the distance. That’s why God made love so strong. So it can carry you all the way home

Franking P. Jones





We met for church Sunday night, so Bishop could reveal our plans to intercept the shipment on Tuesday. It was going to be a dangerous move, and it concerned the brothers. We’d worked hard to change the dynamic of our club, and no one wanted to jeopardize everything we’d worked for. But we didn’t have a choice. The Black Diamonds were dangerous, and they would have to be dealt with -- regardless of the consequences.

Goliath arranged for us to leave early Tuesday morning to meet up with four members of the Red Dragons. Bishop and Snake agreed that both clubs should be involved. We’d formed an alliance and would face them together. I knew that it was the right move for us to make, but my gut was telling me something was off. I felt like a storm was coming, and it was likely to tear us all apart. I feared that once it passed, nothing would ever be the same.

I had no idea how things were going to play out with the Black Diamonds, and I couldn’t leave Courtney without telling her exactly how I felt. It’d been two days since I’d seen her at the club, and even with all the shit that was going down, I hadn’t been able to get her off my mind. I’d tried to give her the space she needed, but I couldn’t stay away any longer. I knew she was fighting it, but after that kiss, she couldn’t hide how she felt. I’d been patient and given her time, but I was done waiting. She was mine, and it was time that she remembered that.

It was almost time for Courtney to get off work when I drove into the school parking lot. Maverick was waiting for her when I pulled up next to him.

“Hey, man. Is something up?” Maverick asked.

“Need to take care of some things with Court,” I told him.

“Yeah, I figured this was coming. About time for you two to sort this shit out,” he said as he got on his bike. “You know, she’s not going to make it easy.”

“No doubt about that.”

“Good luck,” Maverick said as he started up his engine.

I nodded and watched as he pulled out of the parking lot. Courtney started walking towards me right as he hit the highway.

“What’s going on? Where’s he going?” she asked with a confused look.

“I sent him home. We need to get some things settled.” She looked at me like I’d lost my damn mind, and I knew she was about to give me a hard time. “Get on the bike, Court. I have something I need to show you.”

“Umm, no. I’m not going anywhere with you, Bobby,” Courtney said as she crossed her arms.

“Get on the damn bike, Court,” I demanded.

“Did you not hear what I just said? I am not going anywhere with you. Besides, it’s cold, Bobby, and you have nothing that I want to see right now.” I could tell she was about to give in, but I wasn’t going to take any chances.

“I’m not going to tell you again. Get on the bike, or I’m going to come over there and put you on it my damn self.”

Courtney huffed loudly, but she did as she was told. She walked over to me and placed her hands on my shoulders as she pulled herself onto the seat. I grabbed her school stuff and placed it in my saddlebag.

“Exactly where are we going?” she asked angrily. She was mad, but having her back on my bike was a start.

“Not far,” I told her. I knew that if I told her we were going back to my place she would freak out. Besides, she’d find out soon enough.

When we pulled up in my driveway, she started in. “
?” she said in the drawn out sarcastic way she did when she was pissed. “What the hell, Bobby? There’s no way I’m going in there. Bringing me here is just a waste of time.”

I didn’t respond. I got off the bike and started walking towards the front door. I didn’t have to look back. I knew that she was sitting on my bike glaring at me with one of her “I’m going to kill you in your sleep” looks. I unlocked the door and walked into the house. I hoped her curiosity would work to my advantage, so I left her sitting there. If there was any part of her that still wanted me, she’d come walking through that front door. Deep down, she knew I wouldn’t have brought her here if I didn’t have a good reason.

Several minutes passed, and I began to have my doubts. Maybe I was wrong about everything. I ran my hands across the back of my neck and released a deep breath. Fuck. I started walking back out to the bike but stopped suddenly when I found her standing at the front door. Relief instantly washed over me. I couldn’t hold back my smile as she walked into the living room and rolled her eyes at me.

“So what is it that you have to show me, Bobby? It’s freezing out there,” she said with frustration.

I took her hand and led her back to my bedroom. She started to resist, but I pulled her close to me. "Just give me five minutes. After that, if you still want to end things between us, I’ll let you go. It will be the hardest fucking thing I’ve ever had to do, but I won’t try to change your mind.”

She looked at me, her eyes full of doubt and said, “Okay. You have five minutes.” She sat down on the edge of my bed and crossed her arms as she waited to see what I had to show her. I reached behind her for the Christmas gift I’d planned to give her before the accident. A questioning look spread on her face as I placed the gift in her hand.

“Open it,” I told her.

She quickly started to tear open the envelope, but she froze when she began to read what was inside. Her eyes roamed over the words, but she didn’t say anything. I could tell she was shocked to see the two tickets to Telluride, Colorado, and the hotel reservations for a small log cabin in the mountains.

“You were going to take me there for Christmas break?” she asked.

“You told me you always wanted to learn how to snowboard,” I reminded her. Silence filled the room as she thought about what I’d just said.

“You remembered that?” she asked. “I told you that the first day we met at the carnival.”

“I remember everything that’s important to me, Courtney. You are the most important thing in the world to me, so… yes, I remembered.”

She sighed deeply as she held the tickets in her hand. She was deep in thought when I handed her the second box. She stared at it with sadness in her eyes. I could tell that she was having doubts about opening it. She looked up at me and said softly, “I don’t see how this changes anything, Bobby.”

“Just open the box. Please.”

She shook her head as she lifted the top off of the box. Tears began to fill her eyes as she noticed the leather jacket inside. “Why?” she asked as she shook her head from side to side. “Why are you doing this now? It’s too late.”

“Look at the date on the receipt, baby,” I told her, hoping that she’d understand. She reached for the small slip of paper, and her eyes squinted as she searched for the date.

“November 24
? You’ve had this since November?” she asked in surprise.

“I’d planned to give it to you during Thanksgiving break. I had it all worked out, but everything changed when Renegade claimed Taylor. I didn’t want you to have to share that with her.”

“You know I wouldn’t care about that,” she told me.

“I know. I just wanted it to be special. Something you’d always remember. I wanted it to be perfect,” I told her as I brushed the hair out of her face.

“I didn’t want perfect, Bobby. I wanted you,” she said as she looked down at the jacket. Her fingers traced over the embroidery as she said, “I don’t know what to do. I’m so confused.”

“I love you, Courtney. I’ve made my mistakes, but you know that I’ve always loved you. Leaving you that day in the hospital was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do,” I told her as I took the box out of her hands. I leaned over her to place my mouth close to her ear and whispered, “You know this thing between us isn’t over. It will never be over.” I felt her body tense as I began to kiss her neck. I leaned forward, urging her to lie back on the bed. Her thighs opened slightly, allowing me to rest between her legs. A low moan vibrated through her chest as I pressed my lips against hers. She didn’t resist as I slowly began to remove her shirt. “Tell me,” I urged as I ground my growing erection into her center. Her legs instinctively wrapped around me, bringing me closer to her.

“Baby, tell me.” I could feel her heart pounding against my chest, but she didn’t respond. I slowly began to pull away from her. She reached for my waist, trying to keep me close, but I refused to continue unless she gave me the answer I needed.


Chapter 9




I didn’t care what had happened in the past. I wanted him. I’d always wanted him, and I was done fighting it.

“It’s not over, Bobby,” I whispered as my fingers drifted to his neck, tangling in his hair. His mouth collided against mine, intensifying my need for him. I couldn’t wait a moment longer. I moved my hands down to undo the buttons of my jeans. I lifted my hips long enough for him to remove them, along with my panties. Like my shirt, they fell useless to the floor.

He pulled his shirt over his head before he leaned back over me. “You’re mine, Courtney. You always have been. You just didn’t know it.” The warmth of his breath caressed my skin as he continued, “Now, I’ll make sure you never forget.” He lifted himself from me just long enough to remove his jeans and toss them to the floor. I was consumed with desire as he lowered himself back between my legs. My fingers dug into his waist, pulling him closer. A low growl vibrated through his chest as his erection brushed against me.

BOOK: Consumed: A Devil Chaser's MC Romance
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