Conspiracies: The Facts * the Theories * the Evidence (39 page)

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Authors: Andy Thomas

Tags: #Conspiracy Theories, #Social Science

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music plays. With this, the participants cremate the ‘dull cares’ of the world’s affairs and are thus free to cavort without conscience and get on with the rude jokes and fireside banter.

To some observers of the smuggled footage, now freely

available on the internet, it appears to be somewhat overblown

but essential y innocuous entertainment (as Ronson more or

less concluded in the resultant episode of his Channel 4 series

and subsequent book). Others, such as Jones, believe the whole

thing is uncomfortably wrong and constitutes further evidence of

occult, if not Satanic, agendas behind the NWO.8 Certainly, the

ceremony employs occult elements that have traditional y been

seen as rather more than innocuous, and the use of child imagery

for the ‘sacrifice’ seems at best in dubious taste.

Perhaps what matters here is the fact that the Bohemian Grove

ceremony, whether light entertainment or dangerous ritual, is kept 243

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hidden from the masses who fund the lifestyles of those attending.

Members of the order ask for our trust in weighty matters that

affect lives around the world, yet don’t seem to think we have a

right to know they dress in robes and watch fake children being

sacrificed to owls in their spare time. Conspiracy or no conspiracy, this is not fair. Although the Bohemian Club’s existence isn’t

denied (indeed, Bill Clinton once famously joked about it at a

press conference), it isn’t discussed either, a policy emphasized by the statue in Bohemian Grove of the club’s patron saint, St John of Nepomuk, standing with a finger held to his lips.

Mainstream sources tend coyly, and perhaps foolishly, to

dismiss the order as a ‘gentlemen’s club’. But if that is all it is, why should membership be considered so important to so many

influential names involved in very serious matters? It is, for

example, said that the first meeting to discuss the development of the atomic bomb took place at Bohemian Grove, perhaps sensibly

beyond the eyes of the world but also far outside any semblance of a democratic process.

The Cremation of Curiosity

Once again, with such disdainful attitudes to those whose ‘dull

cares’ they are supposed to shoulder, it must be asked if it is any wonder that minds with even a tiny inkling into the underground

activities of the ruling classes no longer respect what they are told by them? If truthseekers begin to believe in almost anything after a while, from blood-drinking monarchs to fake alien invasions, can

they real y be blamed for doing so in the face of such deception?

Or, as intimated above, is the very plan to lead the few who

dare to ask questions down avenues the NWO authorities know

will never be treated seriously by the mainstream media, even

though, or perhaps
, the media’s own envoys also regularly stand beneath the owl? For all the openly available footage and


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published accounts of the Cremation of Care ceremony, thousands

of protestors surrounding Bohemian Grove each year, demanding

their right to know what’s going on, general y fail to materialize.

All the New World Order gets is the likes of Alex Jones with a

bul horn. Curiosity has been well bred out of the population.

As we saw in the previous chapter, if the worst conspiracy

nightmares are true it may be that the real human sacrifices go on behind doors closed even to some of those attending Bohemian

Grove. A further worry, however, is that persons who might

sacrifice a child, or even just the effigy of a child, might also be quite capable of sacrificing
but the chosen, in due course.

iii) soCial ConTrol anD


A World of Control

How might the New World Order go about ensuring that no one

stands in the way of a path to totalitarianism? Orwel ’s fictional vision envisaged control of information, blanket surveil ance and the deconstruction of language as the tools of oppression, while

another dystopian tale, Aldous Huxley’s 1932 novel
Brave New

, imagined chemical containment, sexual distraction and depopulation policies. Hardline conspiracy theorists believe that
such approaches are being used today, in plain sight, and argue that if most people have been conditioned to have no interest in

something even as bizarre as the Bohemian Grove rituals, they

would be unlikely to notice these going on either.

Since 9/11, fundamental freedoms once taken for granted have

unquestionably been eroded. Some of this has occurred through

overt legislation (as with the Patriot Act –
p. 193), but most have slipped under the radar as changes to small print. Relaxed


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rules for those at the top of the pyramid now effectively enable

unlimited ‘emergency powers’ to be introduced at any moment

of the leaders’ choosing, as with Executive Directive 51, quietly brought in under George W Bush in 2007. The ‘Operation Garden

Plot’ and ‘Rex 84’ procedures had already established grounds to

implement full military control in a designated crisis, but, meshed with the new regulations, the path to US martial law and detention of any designated disruptive influences has become even easier,

presenting rather too many opportunities for another ‘Reichstag

fire’ (
pp. 72–5).

Truthseekers say that calculated amounts of civil unrest (but

not all-out revolt) are sometimes purposely stirred or allowed,

to enable the gradual removal of human rights, as was suspected

in Britain when days of mass rioting broke out in 2011, aided

enormously by the police inexplicably failing to act decisively

on the first night.9 Previous chapters have highlighted the core

belief that even terrorist atrocities may be staged when the fear dial needs turning up, 9/11 being the ultimate piece of theatre.

In this view, mass shootings in colleges and shopping mal s may

also be set-ups, with hypnosis and brainwashing techniques used

to control the perpetrators. Some saw the Norwegian massacres

of 2011, in which racist fanatic Anders Behring Breivik killed 77

people in bomb and shooting attacks, as a possible example. Such

tragic events add to the cal s for more social controls and bring the terror just a little closer to home. They also generate cal s for gun controls, to the dismay of certain right-wing militias, who see this as disarming their ability to combat the coming NWO coup.

Those anticipating mass detentions claim that FEMA (the US

Federal Emergency and Management Agency) has built a network

of vast internment camps across the USA. Although some of

these ‘camps’ have turned out to have mundane explanations, a

number of enigmatic compounds
been built and currently stand empty. When pressed for an explanation, authorities have

implied they are simply standby holding pens for ‘immigrants’.


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The suspicious prefer to see them as NWO concentration camps,

being prepared for a final solution of a new kind.

Because society does seem to be kept under constant fear of

outside threats, the alleged cleverness of the control agenda is that measures brought in to ‘protect’ us are often welcomed. They are

even begged for by the less inquisitive members of society, com-

pliantly alarmed by the continual media squall over terrorism,

crime, rioters, immigrants, global warming, swine flu, bird flu and foreign nations with deadly weapons. Duly rewarded by responsive authorities, we have given our collective consent to a forest of surveil ance cameras (more in Britain than in any other country

in the world), full body scanners and other intrusive procedures

at airports, extended police and military powers, heavy environ-

mental taxes, Kafkaesque bureaucracy and ‘health and safety’

restrictions that go far beyond the call of duty. In the same breath we also give the green light for questionable wars and invasions.

Truthseekers complain that freedom of speech is additional y

contained by induced social prejudices which see people policing

each other’s thoughts and actions through simple fear of ridicule or judgement, thus maintaining the status quo. Where social

engineering fails to quieten louder individuals, we have seen how they appear to be removed through strange accidents, bizarre

suicides or other means (
chapter 5). Yet the subjugation of expression is not the same as the erasure of feelings, and privately people will often share opinions somewhat different to those they might convey in public; what the mainstream presents is not

necessarily the world that most of us inhabit.

The Future of Surveillance

In addition to hovering spy satellites, drones and CCTV surveil-

lance – which we are told prevents crime, despite statistical studies that show otherwise10 – the last few years have seen a cascade of 247

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increasing legislation which enables governments to pry into

electronic communications. Every email we write and every website we visit is now, in theory, logged and monitored. This raises crucial liberty issues. Not only does it treat everyone as a potential criminal, but a future regime with a bent towards fascism, NWO or otherwise, could easily misuse this information. The coming programme to

install microchips into the human race is likely to strengthen this unfolding pattern of open season on private communication and

free movement. Already, platoons, police forces and pets are being microchipped with ID tags, and the process is likely to widen and take over if there is no serious resistance.

In time, an electronic ID will regulate our every movement

and financial transaction, raising the question of what will occur if those considered as subversives are targeted by authorities,

however unfairly. Their implants could be switched off at a

stroke, creating outcasts unable to interact social y – a persuasive bargaining tool. Those who welcome such developments seem to

forget that angels do not run the world and that they themselves

could easily fall foul of such a system. Some conspiracy theorists go further, anticipating the potential for microchips, with who

knows what embedded within them, to be employed as mind-

control devices. Evangelical Christians believe they would also

fulfil the biblical prophecy of the restrictive ‘Mark of the Beast’

(Revelation 13:16–17), without which no one is able to ‘buy or

sel ’, raising further fears that the NWO heralds the arrival of the Antichrist.

With the surge in technology that will before long enable brains

to interact directly with computers (early experiments are already proving successful), the benefits of being permanently hooked

to social networking and the internet, screened directly into the mind’s eye, may frighten older generations, but will be highly

desirable to those brought up on technological convenience.

Concerns that a whole civilization would be very control able by

such means do hold some currency.


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The problem presented by a ‘global brain’, of which the internet

is the genesis, is that it will be very vulnerable to authoritarian influence. Already, much of society has unwittingly ensured that

the word of Wikipedia, for instance, has become the modern

orthodoxy on almost everything, yet there are many concerns

about its contributors’ recurring biases, particularly against

alternative thinking. When everyone drinks exclusively from

the same pool, the risk of contamination becomes a major issue.

Internet censorship, held back for years before the authorities

realized a genie had been let out of its bottle, is already creeping in via the back door. The continued freedom of this vital tool that has transformed the effectiveness of many kinds of activism should

not be taken for granted.

A number of remarkably draconian internet restrictions are

slowly being introduced under the veil of ‘copyright protection’

issues. At the same time, planned introductions of improved

systems promise faster and more versatile interaction, but may also come with new licensing laws and package deals which could see

independent voices that have thrived since the internet’s inception quietly marginalized into silence. No provocative banning will be required; it could simply happen by a process of gradualism and

social conditioning that once again polices itself, saving the NWO

the trouble of direct intervention.

Social Programming

The ubiquity of propaganda has already been explored in these

pages; it has been used since time began, to ral y political support or instil certain mindsets into the populace. Some truthseekers

consider that such programming goes much further, however,

and believe we are intentional y kept in useful y lethargic

indifference by social, chemical and psychological means. The

claimed techniques used to weaken the glue that once held society 249

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