Completed (5 page)

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Authors: Becca Jameson

BOOK: Completed
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Samantha shook from the effort to keep from coming. “Move,” she pleaded, bucking at him the one inch she was able to squirm.

Josh pulled out and slammed back in so fast, it took her breath away. He redoubled his efforts on her clit, spreading her wetness over it in rapid flicks and scattering her brain. “Come, baby. And then I’ll move for real.”

Samantha shattered, her pussy gripping Josh’s cock so tight he had to have felt strangled by her. Her arms shook, threatening to buckle and send her landing on her face. Her thighs tightened as Josh stroked her nub until the tremors began to subside. And before she came all the way down, he gripped both hips once more and dragged his cock almost all the way out, making her ultra-aware of her G-spot. When had she ever known for sure of its existence? Never.

He held her tight as he started an intense rhythm of plunging deeper and deeper, stretching her to the fullest. She never wanted it to end.

The tightness that always proceeded an orgasm built once more, startling her. No, she’d never come twice, but three times?
? Heat pooled everywhere his cock rubbed, seeming to cause the friction to release endorphins from every single nerve ending inside her sex.

Samantha panted. Her eyes fluttered, but she saw nothing but lights and flashes of color as though looking through a kaleidoscope. Her blood had all flowed south, leaving her brain bereft of its vital life-giving properties.

There were no words, only sensations. The feeling she was skydiving and had been for some time. The first two orgasms had occurred as she fell through the air. This third one threatened to snap her upright with an intensity she knew instinctively would happen when the chute finally opened.

And she was not wrong. As soon as Josh planted himself deep inside her one final time, moaning around his own pulsing orgasm, the parachute snapped open, the intensity of her own release shocking her. Sharp acute pulses of energy squeezed her tight channel for long moments. She was left whirling through space, a blissful feeling surrounding her entire body as she fluttered gently back to earth.

Josh gripped her middle and pulled her with him as he collapsed, spooning her against the bed. His cock remained inside her, still stiff and barely smaller than moments ago.

He brushed her curls from her face, thankfully, because she didn’t have the energy or presence of mind to do so herself. She could have suffocated beneath the locks if it had been left up to her. Like noodles, her arms wouldn’t obey a single command from her brain.

“You’re so beautiful when you come.” He kissed her neck and nibbled on her ear. How did he have the endurance? “I’ll never tire of seeing that.”

“Hmmm,” was all she could say. This man, who had entered her office only hours ago—or hell, had it even been hours?—now lay tangled with her on his bed, whispering words in her ear she could only half hear through the whirring noise still filling her skull as she drifted back to earth.

He chuckled, drawing her back to the present.

“What’s so funny,” she muttered without moving her lips more than necessary.

“I’ve killed you.”

“And this is funny?”

“Well, only figuratively. I’ve certainly never had this effect on a woman before.”

She flinched at his mention of other women, her jealous inner self taking notice.

“Don’t worry,” he blew in her ear, sending a shiver down her neck, “I’ll never have the opportunity to compare notes again. You’re burrowed under my skin in a way that will make it impossible to break the bond.”

His words were musical.

“You’re mine.”

Again she had to challenge his possessiveness. “Unless, it’s that

He chuckled again. “I love your spunk and determination. You don’t let anyone get the upper hand often do you?”

“Never.” She twisted her neck to see his face, finally able to move her head at least. “I’m not very docile, if that’s what you were hoping for.”

His grin split his face. “Like I said, I’m up for the challenge.”

She raised one eyebrow and shook her head before letting it fall back against the pillow. “It’s gonna be a long life…”

“A long, beautiful journey, and I’m so blessed to travel it with you.” Josh leaned back and swatted her ass gently. “I’m gonna turn on the shower. You have work to do.”

. She could have done without the reminder…and the work. How the hell was she going to be able to concentrate on law today?

Chapter Four

Josh flipped the shower knob to hot and waited for steam to rise over the top of the glass door before he headed back to the bedroom. His lovely mate lay where he’d left her, her hair a halo around her face, her eyes closed, her mouth open. “I know you aren’t sleeping. Don’t even try that one.”

Nothing moved but her mouth as it spread into a grin. And then her lips. “Can’t a girl take a little nap?”

“Nope. Not one who pleaded with me to make sure she was ready for court tomorrow morning.” He tugged her limp arm, getting no response. “Don’t make me carry you, it’ll be over my shoulder.” When he scooped under her torso, she finally sat up fast.

“Don’t you dare.” She shoved him to arm’s length.

Figured that would get her attention
. He wanted nothing more than to snuggle in bed with her for the next forty years or so, but alas, they did have lives to live, the ones they’d been living until this morning when he’d waltzed into her office looking for legal help and finding a mate instead.

Samantha scrambled to her feet, exactly what he’d expected. Women didn’t generally like the idea of being flung over a man’s shoulder.

“I left a towel for you, and there’s plenty of shampoo and stuff on the shelf. Not anything girly, but it’ll do for now, I hope.”

She nodded as she passed him, her arms crossed over her chest.

He smiled at her modesty, pondering the ways he would break her of that need. He liked the thought she was clearly not promiscuous enough to be super confident about her nudity.

As though she’d read his mind, she scrambled to step into the shower as he followed her. She spoke through the glass door. “I’m not used to people staring at me. Can’t you…find something else to do?”

He leaned against the wall, only about a foot separating him from her…that and the steamed glass splattered with water. “The view is distracting.” In truth, he couldn’t bring himself to turn away.

When she reached for the shampoo on a shelf above her chest, her breasts lifted, her nipples at attention. He wanted to lick them under the cascading water, but then they’d end up back in bed and he’d break his promise to ensure she got her work done.

His cock hardened once more, not that it had ever fully deflated. Once wasn’t enough for him. He needed her again. But, he also knew from his friends and relatives that taking her again right now wouldn’t cause his craving to be abated. It would worsen.

With stiff legs, he decided to walk away. “I’ll order food.”

“’K. Sounds good. Now, I’m starving.”

Josh was too. It was way past lunch. Nourishment needed to be his top priority, especially if he intended to please his woman deep into the night. And according to his stiffening dick, there would be little other option.

Get a grip. Order food. Let her work for a while.

Shuffling from the room, Josh turned to look over his shoulder.
My mate
. When would that sink in fully? She had her eyes closed against the bubbles dripping across her face. Her arms were lifted in her hair, making her nipples stand higher than a moment ago. He’d never been such a boob man, but it seemed he couldn’t get enough of his woman’s breasts. Her dainty perfection humbled him. Whenever they went out, if he ever decided he could break down and leave the house with her, she would outshine him with her beauty. He’d be the envy of everyone he knew. And this didn’t hurt his feelings one little bit.


By five o’clock, they had polished off several boxes of Chinese food and Josh sat on the couch watching his mate on the floor next to his coffee table. She had her papers spread out all over the table and the floor. He couldn’t wipe the grin from his face, which had begun to ache hours ago. In minutes she had transformed his living room into something reminiscent of her office.

To an outside observer, the disarray looked like total chaos, however, he quickly surmised it all had meaning to her. She’d probably get confused if he so much as touched one piece of haphazard paper.

A pencil stuck out of her hair from behind her ear. Her curls lay uncombed around her face.

And the best part of all—she was wearing his white robe, naked underneath. It was way too huge for her small frame and reached below her knees when she stood, but she wasn’t standing now, and that same enormous feature that hid her body when standing, could do nothing for her sitting cross-legged on the floor. The front gaped open enough for him to glimpse both breasts quite frequently.

Samantha concentrated hard, zoned in on her work. She had no idea he was ogling her with lust and fascination. It took great effort to restrain himself from shoving everything off the table and flattening her over the surface.

“You have to stop,” she blurted.

He flinched and raised his eyes to her face. “What?”

“Staring at me. I can’t concentrate with you sitting there…watching.” She never lifted her gaze to him. Did she have eyes in her forehead?

He smiled. “Can I help?”


“Why not? I’m good with…paper.” He had no clue what he could possibly do to “help” but he didn’t want to be dismissed from the room and miss any of the show.

“Want me to prescribe medicine for you or perform any minor surgeries?” She lifted her face, blew her bangs off her forehead, and grinned.

“Well, when you put it like that…” Shit. They were two very busy people. Life was going to be difficult even under the best of circumstances. Right now, they were not operating under the ideal either.

He had to worry about his sister. In fact, a wave of guilt made him flush realizing he’d gone hours without considering Ashley’s fate.

As if on cue, his cell buzzed in his pocket and he quickly jerked the device out and scanned the screen. “It’s Evan,” he muttered, fumbling to get the phone to his ear. “Harmon, talk to me.” He glanced at Samantha, who’d set her papers down and leaned toward him, her eyes wide.

“I’ve got the husband in my sight.”

“For real?” That was the best news he’d had in months with regards to Ashley.

“Yep. I’m in Jasper, Alabama, northwest of Birmingham. He has an apartment and I just watched him go inside.”

Josh took deep breaths. “Ashley?”

“No sign of anyone else yet.”

Deflated, Josh’s shoulders sunk. His emotions were mixed. He didn’t know if he liked that news or hated it. If Evan hadn’t seen her, that didn’t mean anything. It could mean she was inside or at work herself. It could also mean much worse things.

“Don’t panic, Josh. You knew this was the likely first step. Don’t let it get to you. When can you get here?” Evan’s voice was firm, centering.

“Birmingham? About eight hours I guess.” Josh glanced at his watch and then at his mate. It would be early morning before he could get there. “I’ll text you when I’m close.”

“’K. I’ll get a hotel and send you the details.” Evan hung up without another word.

Josh froze for several seconds, his mind running as his head fell. His legs were unwilling to lift him, or at least they weren’t receiving any messages from his synapses.

Samantha broke the silence. “Josh?” She stood and circled the coffee table to get to him. “Come on. I’ll help you pack.” Her voice was so sweet and calm.

When he looked up into her face, he remembered where he was and what was happening. “Oh, God. I have to go.”

“Yes, you do.” She smiled warmly. Her fingers entwined with his as she tugged him, encouraging him to stand.

He pulled her into his embrace as he reached full height. She smelled fantastic as he buried his face in her hair, leaning into her. She was almost a foot shorter than his six feet.

As he held her tight, he felt her heart beat. What he wanted to do was spread her robe open and gaze at her glorious body again, but that couldn’t happen now. “This is unprecedented. Mates can’t meet and then separate like this.”

“Can’t be helped though.”

“Will you be okay?” he asked as though the reassurance would help.

“Nope.” She grinned, tipping her head back to meet his gaze. “I won’t be able to concentrate on anything, and I’m surely going to make a fool out of myself in court tomorrow, but we have no other choice. You have to go find your sister. And I have to be in court.”

With a groan, Josh pulled back and headed for his bedroom, pulling Samantha along behind him. She sat on the bed while he grabbed random items that probably made very little sense and put them in an overnight bag.

“What if you need to stay longer?” Samantha nodded at his stuffed pack.

“I won’t.” He hesitated and then stepped toward her and took her face in his. “I can’t.”

She grabbed his forearms and stared him down. “Do what you have to do. We have our entire lives together. Please try to concentrate on your sister’s well-being and we’ll worry about ourselves after.”

Josh kissed her soundly, as though it would be their last, which of course was crazy. He was going to kiss her many times a day for years and years, as soon as this crisis was over.

When he broke the connection and slung his bag over one shoulder, her eyes went wide and she jumped up. “I’m in your house. I have to get my stuff and get home.”

He pressed her back down. “It’s your place now too, Samantha. Stay.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his keys. With shaky fingers, he removed one and handed it to her. “Use the deadbolt. The lower lock sticks.”

She squeezed it into her palm. Her eyes watered and she swallowed before smiling at him in mock happiness. “Be careful,” she whispered.

“I will.” Another quick peck and he scrambled for the door before he lost his nerve and spent precious time he didn’t have in that bed.

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