| Kehret, Peg. Wedding Vows . Meriwether Publishing Ltd., 1989.
 | Kingma, Daphne Rose. Weddings from the Heart . Conari Press, 1995.
 | Klausner, Abraham J. Weddings: A Complete Guide to All Religious and Interfaith Marriage Services . Alpha Publishing, 1986.
 | Latner, Helen. Your Jewish Wedding . Doubleday & Co., 1985.
 | Leviton, Richard. Weddings by Design . Harper, San Francisco, 1993.
 | Mbiti, John S. African Religions and Philosophy . Heineman, 1969.
 | Munro, Eleanor. Wedding Readings . Penguin Books USA, 1986.
 | Ronatree Green, Danita. Broom Jumping: A Celebration of Love . Entertaining Ideas, Ltd., 1992.