Compelled (Vampires in America #10.5)

BOOK: Compelled (Vampires in America #10.5)
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Look what people are saying about D.B. Reynolds’s latest

“This series is at the top of my list for fabulous Paranormal Romance with plenty of action, thrills, and hot sexy Vampires. No sparkles here, but plenty of charisma.”

—La Deetda Reads

“I am loving the direction that Reynolds is taking with the series, and it’s absolutely one of my favorites and one that I highly recommend to vampire romance lovers.”

—The BookChick Blog

“Captivating and brimming with brilliance,
is yet another defining addition to the ever-evolving world of Vampires in America created by D.B. Reynolds.”

—K T Book Reviews on CHRISTIAN

“Did I mention that the sizzling sex factor in this book is reaching the combustible stage? It is a wonder my Kindle didn’t burn up.”

—La Deetda Reads on DECEPTION

“It’s the brilliance of her characters and the staying power of the world she has created that always keeps me coming back for more.”

—KT Book Reviews on DECEPTION

Also by D.B. Reynolds from
ImaJinn Books

Vampires in America









Vampires in America: The Vampire Wars



The Cyn and Raphael Novellas






A Cyn & Raphael Novella


D.B. Reynolds

ImaJinn Books


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons (living or dead), events or locations is entirely coincidental.

ImaJinn Books
PO BOX 300921
Memphis, TN 38130
Ebook ISBN: 978-1-61194-721-2

ImaJinn Books is an Imprint of BelleBooks, Inc.

Copyright © 2016 by D.B. Reynolds

Published in the United States of America.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review.

ImaJinn Books was founded by Linda Kichline.

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Cover design: Debra Dixon
Interior design: Hank Smith
Photo/Art credits:
Cemetery (manipulated) © Melkor3d |
Couple (manipulated) © Konradbak |


Chapter One

Malibu, CA

CYN SNAPPED OFF the light in the bathroom, then detoured to the small office alcove she sometimes used during the day while Raphael slept. She grabbed her cell phone and dropped it on her side table when she reached the bed. It was late, almost sunrise, and Raphael was already in bed, sitting up, leaning against the headboard while he scowled at something on his tablet. The sheet was pulled up to his waist, but she knew he was naked underneath there. He always slept naked and expected her to do the same. Usually she did, but not when she was pissed. And tonight, pissed wasn’t far off.

Here she was, standing just a few feet away from him, half-naked, wearing nothing but a pair of very sexy, barely-there panties, and he hadn’t even glanced up. Was the thrill gone? She hadn’t thought so. But had they somehow slipped into old-married-couple status already? Jesus, she wasn’t even thirty years old!

“Panties off, lubimaya,” Raphael ordered without looking up.

Cyn narrowed her gaze in his direction and contemplated a rebellion, even knowing it would be pointless, because he’d get his way in the end. Mostly because he was bigger and faster, and before she knew it, her panties would be history. Still, she had to take a stand, didn’t she? Make a point? She rolled her eyes in disgust and hooked her thumbs under the narrow band of lace at her hips. Fuck.

She was just about to yank the underwear off when her cell phone rang. Clearly those frisky bitches of fate wanted her panties on. Picking up the phone, she glanced at the display and sucked in an unhappy breath. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Raphael lift his head at the sound, saw him shift to full alert mode. She swiped a finger over the screen and was about to answer the call—albeit reluctantly—but Raphael beat her to it.

Using his damn vampire speed, he rolled up to his knees and grabbed the phone from her hand.

“Wait!” she cried, but it was too late. Raphael took one look at the caller ID and growled. Actually growled. He was like a big jungle cat, sitting there glaring at a slimy worm that had dared to climb his tree.

Except this worm’s name was Nick Katsaros, and he was, to Cyn’s considerable surprise, an ancient sorcerer.

Raphael glanced up at her. He knew as well as she did that this call could only mean one thing. A month had passed since Raphael had been taken captive in a plot orchestrated by Mathilde, a vampire lord from Southern France. She’d used an ancient magical device known as the Amber Manacles to capture Raphael, and then combined the power of a hundred or more master vampires to hold him captive while she plotted to steal his territory. The plot had failed, in large measure because of Cyn’s determined efforts to free him, but also because Nick Katsaros had shown up out of the blue to deliver the one thing she hadn’t even known she’d needed—the key to the Amber Manacles.

She’d known Nick for years before she met Raphael. He’d been her charming and wealthy sometimes lover, her traveling fuck buddy who’d show up in his Ferrari, spend a night or two in her bed, and then disappear until the next time. She’d assumed he was a salesman of some kind, albeit a really, really successful one.

Turned out he was an ancient sorcerer. Cyn hadn’t even known sorcerers existed before last month. But Raphael had. He’d not only known about sorcerers, but he’d seemed to know about Nick specifically. Just as Nick had known all about Raphael. And the only thing the two of them seemed to agree on was that they hated each other’s guts.

But Nick had come through in a way that had probably saved Raphael’s life and Cyn’s sanity. And so, when she’d inadvertently left the manacles behind in the chaos surrounding Raphael’s rescue, she and Raphael had promised to help Nick recover them, if it turned out that he needed their help. Which he apparently did, because she could think of no other reason why he’d be calling, and especially this close to sunrise. He’d probably gotten his time zones mixed up and figured Raphael would already be down for the day.

He was in for an unpleasant surprise.

“Raphael, let me—” she started to protest, but knew before she even said his name that it was pointless. Her alpha badass vampire wasn’t going to let her talk to Nick, no matter how pissed off she might get about it.

He stabbed his finger at the answer icon and put the phone to his ear.

Cyn didn’t have vampire hearing, so she couldn’t hear what Nick said. But she heard Raphael’s response well enough.

“I’m afraid her pain-in-the-ass vampire is quite awake, sorcerer,” he said, his voice steeped with aggression. “What do you want?” He scoffed loudly at whatever Nick said next. “You’ll talk to me or no one.”

“Raphael, give me the phone,” she said tightly.

He gave her a dark look and spoke into the phone, saying, “I honor my commitments, pizda. You don’t need my Cyn for that.”

She sighed. Pizda was Russian, and it was not a very nice word at all. Raphael rarely resorted to truly vulgar swearing. Apparently, Nick brought it out in him. She sighed again, deeply.

“We don’t always get what we want,” Raphael said, sneering.

She held out her hand in a silent demand, but he didn’t even bother giving her a dark look this time.

“You touch her, you die,” he snarled at Nick.

Cyn’s patience was so far gone that it wasn’t even in the same time zone anymore. She snatched the phone—her phone—away from Raphael, only succeeding because she took him by surprise. She ran for the bathroom and managed to get inside, but didn’t get the door closed before Raphael was there, his eyes firing silver sparks of anger.

Giving him a defiant glare of her own, she put the phone to her ear. “What is it?”

“Finally. That overbearing gorilla you’ve hooked up with needs to learn some phone manners.”

“Nick,” she snapped. “You know he can hear every word you’re saying.”

“God forbid he permit you a private phone call.”

Next to her, Raphael cursed audibly—more filthy Russian—and Nick laughed. Cyn closed her eyes, striving for the strength to deal with these two idiots.

“Enough. What do you want?”

“I told the vampire. You promised to help me recover the manacles. I’m calling in that promise.”

She swallowed a groan. “They weren’t in the house, then?” She was referring to the house in Hawaii where Raphael had been imprisoned. That was where she’d left them in her rush to get him out of there.

“No, they weren’t, Cyn,” Nick said deliberately. “So you’re going to help me find them.”

“It must have been one of the security guys who took them. They were the only people there, but they were unconscious when we left.”

“I agree. It was either them, or someone who came to their rescue, assuming someone did. But it’s a big world, sweetheart. And those manacles could be anywhere. How soon can you get here?”

“I don’t know,” she said, stalling. “I don’t even know where ‘here’ is. I’ll need—” That was as far as she got before Raphael’s temper snapped. He grabbed the phone, and she let it go, surprised it had taken him this long.

“The agreement was for both of us,” he grated out. “You can have my help alone, or you can have the two of us, but you will not be getting my Cyn without me.”

Cyn was leaning on Raphael’s shoulder, straining to hear, so she caught Nick’s next words.

“Does Cyn let you get away with that caveman shit? I’m surprised. The woman I knew—”

Raphael didn’t let him finish. “Time is up, sorcerer. Which is it?”

“Christ, I liked it better before you came into her life. Fine. I want her, so you can tag along. Try not to slow us down, okay?”

“Where and when?” Raphael demanded.

“The trail went cold in Lawrence, Kansas, so we’ll start there. It’s a college town, so even you won’t stand out, vampire. We can meet for dinner at six tonight. That is, Cyn and I will meet. You can join us later.”

“We’ll meet at midnight,” Raphael responded, demonstrating what Cyn thought was amazing restraint in refusing to rise to the bait.

“Oh, fine,” Nick agreed, drawing out the last word.

If Cyn could have reached through the phone and punched Nick, she would have. He knew perfectly well that Raphael wouldn’t be able to arrive in Kansas by six tonight unless he travelled through daylight, which he rarely did. She did wonder what the hell was wrong with Nick that he felt compelled to lob endless taunts in Raphael’s direction. It couldn’t be jealousy over her, because they’d never been anything more than fuck buddies. Whatever it was, it was going to stop once they met up in Kansas.

“I’m afraid there isn’t much in the way of fine hotels—” Nick was saying.

“We’ll sleep on the jet,” Raphael interrupted. “My people will make the necessary arrangements.”

There was a moment of silence on Nick’s end, and when he finally spoke, he was much more subdued. “Right. Well, good chat,” he said, with a fraction of his previous snark. “I’ll see you tonight at midnight . . . at the airport, apparently.”

“We’ll advise you of our location once we arrive.”

“Great. See you tonight, Cyn sweetheart,” he shouted and then hung up without waiting for a response.

Cyn shook her head. Nick just couldn’t resist getting that final dig in, and yet, he hadn’t lingered even long enough to hear Raphael’s hissing response. Something was definitely up with him, but he wasn’t her biggest concern right now. No, her biggest concern was the unhappy vampire lord scowling down at her cell phone right now.

She took the phone from Raphael’s hand and hit the disconnect button, then walked over and tossed it onto the bedside table. It was very nearly sunrise in this part of the world, and they needed to talk before he fell into his daylight sleep. But Raphael had other plans.

Before the phone hit the table, Raphael had wrapped an arm around her waist and slammed her onto the bed, stripping away her panties while she was still bouncing from the impact. Cyn laughed in delight. This was Raphael at his most alpha, primitive best. And it was glorious. There was no romance, no tenderness. This was all about fucking hard and fast, about establishing his claim, marking her as his.

He shoved her legs open with his hips, spread her pussy wide with his strong fingers, and then sank his cock into her body, not caring if she was ready for him or not. Cyn’s laugh cut off with a groan. He was thick and long, and it hurt. And she loved that, too. Loved the way he filled her completely, forcing her body to stretch around him, loved the burn of tissues not yet slick and ready for him as he buried himself deep inside her. She dug her teeth into his shoulder, her mouth filling with blood as Raphael growled his hunger and pistoned his hips against her, driving himself to the hilt every time. She wrapped her legs around his hips and arched upward as she met him thrust for thrust, her nails digging into the powerful muscles of his back.

Raphael lifted his head then, his eyes gleaming silver as he stared down at her. There was no reason in that gaze, no humanity. In that moment, he was a vampire lord and she was his prey, his possession, his mate. His fangs split his gums as his fingers twisted in her hair, yanking her head sideways until her neck was stretched taut and bare. He moved with coiled speed, head dropping as fangs sliced into her skin, piercing her vein.

Cyn bucked wildly, the combination of his blood in her mouth, his bite in her vein, his cock slamming into her pussy. . . . This was heaven. Exciting, erotic, fucking fantastic heaven. She cried out when the first orgasm hit her, her sheath squeezing so hard that the muscles of her stomach clenched. Raphael grunted in reaction, the sound shivering over her sweat-sheened skin as his mouth continued to suck long drafts of her blood. The second orgasm hit her, and she screamed, the sound breaking down into sobs as emotion overwhelmed her, and she could only hold on as pleasure broke over her in waves. He was her anchor, her joy, the only man she would ever love.

Raphael shoved a big hand under her ass, lifting her hips so he could go even deeper while she thrashed helplessly beneath him. His cock flexed inside her, and he reared back, blood dripping from his fangs as he lifted his head and howled his release. A rush of wet heat filled her body as ripples of sensual pleasure left her trembling, still hanging on to him for dear life. He lowered his head abruptly, staring at her as the silver left his gaze and reason returned. His eyes fell to her neck, where blood still trickled warmly over her skin. With a soft curse, he bent his head and licked the wound shut, depositing a nuzzling kiss of apology at the same time. Cyn smiled. She didn’t need any tender regrets from him. She loved it when he showed his true nature, loved knowing she could drive him to that extreme, could rip away the civilized man to reveal the snarling beast at his core.

He lifted his head to meet her eyes, his gaze now showing nothing but unapologetic arrogance. She ran her fingers through his short hair.

“Do you trust me?” she asked.

His response was immediate and unequivocal. “Yes.”

She grinned. “Then get some sleep, fang boy. Because tomorrow we’re going to Kansas.”

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