Compelled (The Secrets of Dragons Book 1) (15 page)

BOOK: Compelled (The Secrets of Dragons Book 1)
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“How do you feel about Luke’s color change, now that you understand the implications of it?” asked Alex.

“I’m not sure how to answer that.” She didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but she really liked Luke. Has she fallen in love with him also? It certainly felt that way.

“The truthful way. I’m not asking because I want you to lie and spare my ego.”

“You asked for it. I like him, really like him. Not as much as you and Eric, but I’ve known you quite a bit longer.”

Alex nodded, but when Luke stuck his tongue in her cunt, he claimed her full attention. As she looked downward, she noted Eric glaring at her. Was he angry about her answer? When he got up and walked away, she knew that he was. Alex shifted her head, rolling to his knees. “Let me go get the pouting child. I’ll be back in a few. Have fun with Luke, Eric will get over it.”

Luke had stopped and was looking up at her with beautiful brilliant green eyes that had formerly been medium blue. The green appeared odd with his medium length black hair.

“Do I have your attention now, Lou?”

“You always had my attention, although Eric getting up and walking out was disturbing. Any idea what his problem is?”

He nodded, his chin colliding with her mound. “His problem is me. He likes me, but doesn’t want to share you with me. I think he’s also jealous because I was the male in Alex’s change. His male moved, so that integral bond between a dragon and his creators is stressed by distance.”

“Oh, so I will have a bond with the four of you and the two women?”

“Probably not the women because it was a third party exchange of fluids. Yassie is firmly mated so he doesn’t count.”

She had so many questions, but knew she needed to ask them later when this was done. She was still feeling weak and her headache was coming back. “Can I have some more wine?”

Luke got up and got her a glass. He sat cross-legged beside her. “Have you lost your mood?

“Does it matter if I have? This needs to be completed, doesn’t it?”

“You won’t be completely well or be able to shift unless you complete it, but it doesn’t have to happen this second. Of course I’m walking around with a stiffy, and I hate the idea of wasting it on my palm.”

The comment broke the tension and made her laugh. “Forbid I should make you do that. Give me another one of your sultry kisses.”

“Oh, you like the way I kiss, do you?”

“I do.” He leaned forward and kissed her again, his palm stroking her cheek as his tongue caressed her mouth. On his lips was the lingering taste of her body, but it tasted different. The kiss was brief, but intoxicating and when he sat up, she had to ask. “Why does my pussy taste weird?”

“What?” he replied with a tilt of his head.

It was probably Yassie’s influence so it was a stupid question. “You aren’t the first man who has eaten me out and then kissed me. I was just thinking that it tastes milder and almost less acrid.”

“I think you taste amazing. It may also have something to do with the change. Female dragons have mellow tasting pussies.”

That made her giggle. “So have you tasted all of them?”

His smile turned sheepish. “I’m a single male; I’ve been known to indulge.”

One question came to mind. “Will you continue to indulge?”

“I don’t know yet. We haven’t worked out the details of how our relationship is going to work, even if we can get it to work. Eric is simply too stressed about the whole thing. I would never come between the three of you no matter how much I want to be a part of your life.”

It was such a sweet thing to say. This might be the only chance she had to be with Luke, and she really wanted it to happen. “Do we have to stay our here in the public area?”

“No. We can go to my caves if you prefer.”

“I do.”

“Then stay put. I just want to let Yassie know where we are so he can tell Alex when they get back.”

She nodded, and he got up to talk to Yassie. He was back in no time and lifted her into his arms. “This is weird. I’m drunk, but not drunk at the same time.”

“I know. The wine gets you tipsy and feeling good, but no matter how much you drink the wine never takes you into a stupor of unknowing. It also never gives you a hangover, which is a plus.”

She snuggled into his arms. All three men had amazing bodies, but they were different. Luke was evenly muscular all over.

He walked with her into his caves and put her down gently on the bed. “I have so many kinky things I would love to do to you. For tonight I want it to be sweet and sexy, nothing less.”

Luke lit a candle and turned off the light. The room filled with the aroma of lemon pie. “I take it that you embrace your color.”

“I do. I’m a sweet and sour type of guy so it fits me.” He lounged out beside her, dragging her down to the mattress. His kiss was ravenous, his lips pressed to hers, his tongue veracious in her mouth. It was a vibrant embrace, his hands thrusting into her hair to hold her head.

When he broke the connection, he kissed his way downward, over her skin like a soft breeze. He punctuated his movement by occasionally nipping her or full out biting her. Each bite only hurt for a brief spell, his mouth taking away the pain as quickly as his teeth created it.

As he reached her lower abdomen she asked, “Why do you keep doing that?”

“I want to feel you, even if I can’t be a part of your future. An exchange of blood creates a stronger bond between us.”

“That doesn’t seem fair to you.”

Luke shrugged. “It doesn’t matter, it’s what I want.”

It was too late to stop him. It was already done. He nuzzled her mound, pushing wide her lower lips to spread her for his tongue. He brushed her clit, seeming to touch every possible piece of skin as he slowly moved down to her pussy opening. Her head swam with the heat of her passion, her breath filled with soft moans of enjoyment. She wanted this with him, right now. Lou sat up, driving her fingers into his hair and pulling him upward. Luke obliged her, crawling over her body and kissing her as he slowly sank into her reactive flesh. Her pussy grasped around him, urging him to move as she ran her fingers over the sculpted feel of his arms.

His thrusts were slow, sliding out all the way and then shifting to fill her with his taut flesh. It felt amazing and when she moved her hands over his back, Lou felt the hard ridges of partially formed scales. They were silky rather than prickly, the patches of skin still present in altering sections, making his back feel oddly enticing. Luke was gazing at her intently, his green eyes taking on a more yellow hue. Each movement he made was gentle and smooth. The rock and thrust of his hips bringing on the heated inner glow that swelled into her brain. It was the most amazing feeling in the world, but also the hardest to pinpoint. It was warmth, need and swelling desire brought about by the stunning man above her.

“Move faster, Luke.”

“I will. I’m simply enjoying the wetness of your body.”

She was moving in complete sync with him as if they were now joined into one mind and body. He leaned to kiss her again, drawing out almost completely and then thrusting deeply back inside. A shattered cry rose in her throat, the sound never passing the seal of his lips.

Luke was everything and it seemed as if a beautiful eternity passed as he slowly picked up the speed of his motion. He was taking her hard and fast, no more gentle and slow, and it was wonderful. The tip of his cock seemed to collide repeatedly with the innermost pressure points, the building ecstasy swelling until it reached its peak and then exploded over and over in a rolling wave that caused her to shiver from head to toe. He growled, barring his teeth as he thrust a final time, his back arching as he jerked with sensation.

He visually relaxed and then chuckled as he leaned to kiss her again. Lou then rolled to the side, dragging her over onto his body.

Lou suddenly felt guilty, not for the sex, but for the fact she hadn’t given Eric and Alex a thought. Had they both gone out into the night? We’re they fighting over her and Luke? She was filled with worry.

Luke stroked back her hair. “What thought caused you to become so tense?”

“Alex and Eric.”

“Ah. They will work it out.”


Alex wandered into the room and smiled. Luke and Lou were entwined together, their bodies crossed over one another. He turned to Eric. “See, he’s good for her.”

“I know. I’m just being a silly little boy. I keep reminding myself I have nothing to be jealous of. Thank you for coming after me and taking the time to talk to me,
How do you stand me when I get like this?”

“I’ve probably said this a hundred times lately, but I’ll say it again. I love you. Not Luke or Lou is going to change that. All that matters is we have a common interest and she’s now sleeping.”

“Another thing I fucked up,” said Eric with a sigh.

Eric wasn’t usually this moody, but he was really on a roll now. The only way to handle his possessiveness was exactly what he was already doing. Eric needed to be reassured that everything was fine with life. Eric was slowly coming to accept the idea of Luke in their lives, but Alex wanted to take it to the next level and that certainly couldn’t happen now. Until Eric could shake his jealousy, there would be no playing with Luke on a personal basis.

It was something he had been dreaming of and the dreams had been further stifled by Lou’s accident. It had been an accident, but it was yet one more thing that Eric was feeling bad about. Alex was trying his damnedest to ignore the sweet scent of Luke in the room. Eric probably couldn’t smell it, but he could and it was stronger than hell. His cock was threatening against the inseam of his jeans and he was glad that they hadn’t gone out naked this morning.

Alex stroked back Eric’s hair, his hand trailing down to Eric’s shoulder so he could pull him in closer. He kissed the top of Eric’s head. “Everything will work out and there’s no hurry for Lou. She’s been altered enough to offset the initial sickness and we can finish up later. Do you want to try and get some sleep?”

None of them had been sleeping well with Lou being ill. Of course lack of sleep was not helping Eric. The man usually slept like a rock and really needed his rest. He didn’t function well without it. Eric nodded and leaned heavily into his side. “I love you and I’m sorry. I’m being such a shit.”

“No worries, mate,” he said specifically to make Eric smile and relax a little. His words had the desired effect. “Lou’s going to be fine. Her change just happened a little sooner than expected. Stop feeling guilty.”

“I’m trying.”

He walked Eric to the bed and kissed him. “Trust me.”

“I do.”

Lou lifted her head and gave them both an inquisitive look. “Everything okay?”

“It will be. How about with you, are you feeling better?”

“Yeah, quite a bit better.”

“I’m glad to hear it.”

“Eric,” Lou said, waiting to continue until Eric turned to look at her. “Are you okay? I don’t want to think that I’m upsetting you because of Luke.”

“It’s not just Luke. I’m so sorry. I feel as if this is my fault. I let my lust run away with me. If I hadn’t asked Alex to make love to me…”

Lou put her finger to his lips. “I heard your conversation. This isn’t your fault. It’s no one’s fault. I wanted this, Eric. I want to be with you and Alex. I love the two of you. I also really like Luke and I think the four of us could be good together. I’m not sure how to work out the details, but also wouldn’t do anything to hurt you and Alex. Stop stressing about this. I will walk away from Luke tonight if having him in my life is going to hurt you.”

The woman had no clue what she was committing to or what would happen in the days to come whenever she was around Luke. He was honestly hoping she never had to find out exactly what compelled meant in dragon terms. If necessary he would explain it to her, but didn’t want her to suffer from that overwhelming desire as he did.

Eric smiled, the first real smile he had seen since the night Lou didn’t wake up. “I don’t want to deny you or Alex. We can work out things out between us. I actually like Luke as much as the two of you do.”

Luke turned his head to look at Eric. “I’m with Lou. I really like her, but I’ll back off if being with her means ruining our friendship.”

Tears welled up in Eric’s eyes. What Luke and Lou were saying was exactly what he needed to hear. Everyone was willing to give up their desires to make Eric happy.

Eric sniffled. “I’m being such a selfish shit. I’m sorry, Luke. I really miss Patrick, and I can completely understand Alex’s desires to be with you again. You and Lou look adorable together. I guess part of this is I feel as if I’m going to be the odd one out.”

Luke gently pushed Lou off and sat up, he slid closer to Eric. “I think you should fuck Lou and let me mess with you at the same time. You’re a sexy fuck.”

Eric appeared stunned by the suggestion, but Alex was getting hard just thinking about watching. This could turn out to be very interesting and hopefully Luke had just hit on the perfect solution. If he included Eric in their sexual encounter, then Eric was now a viable part of them. A slow smile was sliding across Eric’s face as he considered it.

BOOK: Compelled (The Secrets of Dragons Book 1)
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