Common Enemy (9 page)

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Authors: Sandra Dailey

Tags: #Contemporary, #Suspense

BOOK: Common Enemy
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“I’ll be downstairs if you need me.”

Connor reclined against the headboard in the spare bedroom to think.

He’s close; he has to be. I could find him and kill him. He would never expect me to be here. He wouldn’t even remember me. I was just one of the many people he victimized.

I could kill him in so many ways. I don’t care if I go to prison for the rest of my life. I could get my revenge. Jordan and Lizzy would be safe. Jordan could go on with her life. But, what if I fail? Who would look after them then? Would I then be the same to her as that monster? I would never see Lizzy grow up. Even if Jordan never loves me, at least here I would be near her. I could still watch out for her. No, this isn’t about me anymore. I have to help her fight. I have to use the skills I know best.

Chapter Ten

Connor woke the next morning to the sound of an alarm clock in another room. He rolled over to find Jordan lying beside him. He’d stayed awake until the early morning hours, and then fell into a deep sleep, too deep apparently. He couldn’t make that mistake again. She had come into the room and slipped into his bed without him knowing. He should have been more alert. If someone snuck up on him now, it could cost him a lot more than a few scars. He’d be risking Jordan and Lizzy.

She was so beautiful. She smelled so good. He wished they could stay like this all day and just forget their problems. He moved against her to bury his face in the sweet fragrance of her hair. He placed a little kiss on her neck. Her whole body shuddered and her eyes blinked open. When she recognized him, she smiled and snuggled closer, letting her eyes fall closed again. The sigh she released made his morning erection twitch to seek its favorite spot.

She rolled over to put her back against his chest. All she wore was a large sleep shirt. He circled her with his arms as he found his way inside her with one smooth push. Her warm dampness was more than he could resist. As he moved slowly in and out, the silky tightness almost drove him wild. One hand messaged her breast as the other found the sensitive bud between her legs. She moved against him in the same rhythm, moaning softly. Her fingers clutched the blanket as her breaths came quicker. Their movements came faster until he couldn’t hold back a moment longer. When Jordan ground herself against him, his climax surged through his veins like a freight train.

He lay breathlessly with her folded in his arms for a few long minutes. His heart ached to tell her how much he loved her. He had to get her through this mess, and then he had to leave. It was the only fair thing to do, for them both.

“Jordan, honey,” Connor whispered. “I don’t suppose you’re on the pill are you?”

“Of course not. I haven’t had sex since before Lizzy was born.”

“Oh yes you have, unless you have another name for it.” Connor sat up on the edge of the bed. “We must have done it five times the first time, and here we are again.”

“Why didn’t you do something? I can’t remember everything you know.” She sat up on the opposite side of the bed. “It’s been a long time since I had to worry about that kind of thing.”

“You took me by surprise. I didn’t have time to prepare.”

“With all the stress we’ve been under, I’m sure we don’t have anything to worry about.” Jordan caught her lip between her teeth and paused. “I have to get ready for work.”

“By the way,” Connor said, before she reached the door. “You’re pretty damn amazing for being so out of practice.”

“Right back at ya, Romeo.” She smiled.

Their hearts were a little lighter, even though Connor insisted on driving her to work.

After he dropped Jordan off, he took Lizzy on to Mrs. Rogers’ daycare. The other children stared in silence as he walked her inside. Mrs. Rogers nervously twisted her hands when she saw him approach.

“Good morning. My name is Connor McCrae.” He shook her hand. “I heard you could use some help keeping these little ruffians in line this morning. I brought a book I thought they’d like to hear.”

“I think that would be a great idea,” Mrs. Rogers agreed. “Make yourself at home Mr. McCrae.”

By the end of the morning he’d handed out juice, read two stories, and roughhoused with every boy on the playground. At first, the smaller kids had shied away. But they eventually wanted in on the fun too. He promised to come by again the next week, after the kids had all begged him to stay.

Lizzy was the envy of her playgroup—Allen Thornton had been properly shown up—and Connor had made a dozen new pint-sized friends.

“You know, you could handle big people just as easily.” Mrs. Rogers laid out mats for the children’s’ naps. “If you put yourself out for people to get to know, the way you did today, you’d be the most popular guy in town.”

Connor simply shrugged and waved goodbye.

After backing out onto the road he pulled out his new cell phone and started the more important work of the day. He knew people in Tampa that would be a big help to him now…if they’d still talk to him.


Jordan sat in the break room at lunchtime, stirring a cup of soup and thinking about her morning. She remembered waking up at about three o’clock, sensing him in the house. Jordan was drawn to him like a moth to a flame. She desperately needed Connor’s warmth and strength. She hadn’t planned to have sex with him, but once he’d touched her, she needed him more than breath in her lungs. Jordan hadn’t ever needed anyone like that before and no one else would do. Only Connor could make her feel this way.

She was getting too attached, too dependent. Connor was a drifter. He’d be moving on, leaving her empty and alone. He’d walk away and never look back. That’s the way he lived his life. Jordan was sad to realize that she would never feel this way about another man for as long as she lived.

Bobby Ray was out there somewhere. Connor had made it clear he planned to put himself between them. She felt as responsible for his safety now as she did Lizzy’s. Would any of them make it out of this mess in one piece?


Bobby Ray stood on the balcony of the small apartment he and Nita had rented with her husband’s money. She still had six thousand dollars, but he’d need to find a job if he was going to make a good show for the court. Besides that, it had been part of the agreement he’d made with the parole board. He’d given them a sad story about how desperate he was to see his only baby girl. The parole people allowed him to transfer down here with tears in their eyes…the suckers. He’d do the same with the judge if Jordan didn’t do what she was told.

Soon he would have his revenge on the bitch. Once that was done, he planned to leave the country and never come back. He liked the idea of living in Mexico, if all the little senoritas were as friendly as Nita.

He turned to watch her through the glass door. True to her word, she was more comfortable naked…and she did like it rough. He’d have to lighten up a little on her, if she was going to do him any good with his plans. The bruises and bite marks stood out, even on her dark skin. They wouldn’t make a good impression on polite society, but shit, she was game for anything. She even loved his pictures. Not everyone who’d seen them really appreciated his art. That’s why he’d hidden them for so long. But Nita actually posed for him sometimes. The only thing she had objected to was his heavy leather belt around her neck. That was okay; he’d save that for Jordan.

He caught a glimpse of his reflection in the glass. Nita had helped him change his image. He looked like a respectable businessman. His jeans and T-shirts had been changed to slacks and light cotton, button down shirts. His dark curly hair had almost touched his shoulders. Now it was clipped to barely more than a shadow. His scruffy beard had been trimmed into a neat goatee. He had a good body. The equipment in the exercise yard had helped him stay in shape.

He couldn’t wait to see Jordan’s face when he walked into that courtroom.

He wished he could have seen her face when she received that court notice. He’d let her stew over it for a while before he made contact. He was such a good guy; he was willing to give her some options.

Chapter Eleven

Connor pulled away from the bank after dropping Jordan off for work on Friday morning. He’d moved into the house for the duration of the Bobby Ray complication. Every morning he found Jordan curled up in his bed like a scared rabbit. They didn’t talk about it, but they both knew how much trouble could be coming their way.

Jordan was changing as time drew closer to the court date. She was quiet and sullen. She couldn’t seem to make decisions. She couldn’t focus on the simplest task. Just this morning, he had to choose her breakfast cereal. She would have gone to work without her purse if he hadn’t thought to grab it on his way out. It was a wonder she could dress herself these days.

He understood that she was under a lot of stress, but she had to pull herself together before the hearing.

Even Lizzy sensed a problem. When she fell into one of her zombie trances, she tried to draw Jordan out. They were almost in a role reversal with Lizzy taking care of her mother. He’d have to talk to Jordan about this soon.

Connor’s cell phone vibrated in his pocket. “McCrae here...”

“I’ve got a list of every visitor and every inside contact the guy had while he was put away. I even have a list of the books he checked out from the prison library.” The familiar gravelly voice didn’t offer a greeting. His old friend John was all business. “This is a really friendly bunch of people. The guards and employees say our boy was a model inmate, but the other inmates I interviewed don’t agree. They gave me a complete rundown on every move the guy made. Now I’m ready to start looking up his old friends and co-workers. Anything else I can do for you, kid?”

“You’ve done a great job as usual, John. You always were the best. Get all the background you can for me. Send all you have to the same fax number as before. Okay?”

“How do you want me to send the tape and photos?”

“I’ll call you back with an address. I want it overnight. Do you still have enough money?”

“Caleb says not to let you worry about that. He has it taken care of. He did ask me to have you call him though. He really wants to hear from you.”

“I know. I will.” Connor rubbed his left cheek. “I’ve got to get through this mess right now.”

“Okay. I’ll talk to you again soon.”

“Thanks John, you don’t know how much this means to me.”

Connor sighed when he pulled into the driveway and looked at the old barn. This had become a bigger job then he’d expected. It was becoming obvious that he needed help to finish, and he had a good idea where to find it.

That evening Jordan sat in front of her untouched dinner staring into space. She hadn’t said a word since they sat down. Connor had sent Lizzy to her room to get ready for her bath while he cleared the table. He saw that the mail still laid on the counter unopened. His frustration had about reached its peak.

He threw a spatula into the sink, making a loud crashing sound. He turned when Jordan fell from her chair. She lay on the floor curled into a defensive position with her arms over her head and her eyes closed tightly. He grabbed her arms and pulled her to her feet.

“Look at me dammit. Do I look anything like him? Why are you doing this to us? You shut down just when we need you. Pull yourself together, Jordan. I can’t help you if you’re like this. If you want to save your daughter, stand up and fight.” Connor hadn’t meant to raise his voice, but if that’s what it took, so be it.

“He’s not going to stop until he makes me pay for what I did. You know it’s true. Then how am I going to help Lizzy?” she yelled back.

“How are you going to help her by crawling into a hole? I’ve been busting my ass trying to keep things together. I’ve taken care of Lizzy, the house, the repair work, the investigation on this asshole, and preparing for the court hearing. I’ve even had to hire extra workers. What have you done? I told you I’d help you, but I’ll be damned if I’ll let you melt into a puddle of fear. His days of calling the shots are over. Together we can beat him, but I can’t do it alone. You’re going to have to face him in that courtroom. Be ready for it.”

“I don’t think I can.”

“Why? Isn’t Lizzy worth it?”

“How dare you say that to me? She’s my baby. I’d kill or die for her.”

“Prove it. This monster is coming straight at her. You’re all that stands between them. If you keep hiding, she’s lost.” His voice was quieter now. She just stared at him. “Lizzy’s ready for her bath. Do you want me to take care of it?”

“No, I’m her mother. I’ll do it.” She turned around to leave the kitchen, and then turned back. “Thanks Connor, for everything.”

“No problem, boss.” He winked then turned back to the sink full of dishes.

The next morning Connor woke to the sound of the ringing telephone. It was Saturday. He hadn’t set his alarm clock. Jordan must have slept in her own bed after their talk.

He picked up the kitchen phone, but Jordan had already answered from the upstairs hallway. He couldn’t make himself hang up his extension when he heard the voice of a man on the other end of the line.

“Hey, sugar-boo, did I wake you up?”

“Don’t call me that. What do you want?”

Connor had never heard her sound so cold.

“Not even a welcome home for your hubby? You’re still a very bad girl, Jordan.”

“How did you get this number?” she asked.

“I know everything about you, sugar-boo. I know you inherited money and a house from your granny. I even know you work at a bank.” Bobby Ray chuckled in that evil way Connor remembered. He shuddered all over. “I figured you might be a little stressed about the court hearing, so I thought I’d make you a deal instead.”

“You want me to give you my money?” Her voice was shaking.

“Let’s not forget about the bank, honey.” Connor heard the sneer in his voice. He pictured it in his mind.

“I can’t take money from the bank.” She was panicking again.

“Well, I want you to think about it. I hear that little girl of mine is a real beauty. Does she really look like you? I guess I can find that out for myself when I take her home with me. I’ve got a room right here in my new place for her. It’s got a pretty pink bedspread. She’s really going to love her daddy.”

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