Come Undone (28 page)

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Authors: Madelynne Ellis

Tags: #Rock Hard#1

BOOK: Come Undone
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Dani squeezed her legs together. ‘What are you doing?’ she hissed, throwing a glance at the girl, who appeared to have fallen asleep.

‘Warming my hands up.’ He wormed his way a little higher, until his index finger brushed the front of her panties.

‘They seem plenty warm enough to me.’

‘I’m bored, Dani. Wanna play a game with me?’

‘What sort of game?’ she asked, already predicting the answer. An ordinary person would have produced magnetic Snakes and Ladders or a crossword book, but not Xane. No, he had wicked and dirty ingrained into his psyche, and both traits sat tauntingly on his crooked lips.

‘A kinky sex game, of course.’

‘We’re on a train,’ she reminded him. And while the carriage wasn’t busy, nor was it empty. ‘There’s probably CCTV.’ Not that that ever stopped him.

‘No one is going to see anything. I’m not suggesting you get your tits out.’

‘I’m not really sure what it is you are suggesting. Does this game of yours have a name?’

He thoughtfully ticked his tongue against the ring in his bottom lip. ‘Yeah, it’s called Come Quietly. Although I suppose it should really be called Come Silently, since that’s the goal and the only rule.’


‘Open your legs a bit. Give me some room. And don’t tell me we shouldn’t again, because we absolutely should.’

Dani adjusted her position very slightly, allowing her thighs to slide apart enough for him to wriggle a couple of fingers into her heat. It was hard not to hiss with pleasure, purely from having him touch her there. When it came to knowing precisely where to press, Xane seemed to have her cracked. He knew the exact rhythm, the exact pressure to use too.

Dani turned away from the aisle and Xane. While she was just about managing to stay silent by biting her lips and screwing up her face, it had to be apparent from her expression exactly what they were up to. The only problem with facing the window was that she could then see her own reflection.

‘Here,’ Xane said, taking hold of her hand. ‘Let me give you something to hold onto.’

She ought not to have been surprised at what he slid into her palm, except that she hadn’t even been aware of him unzipping.

‘This is insane.’

‘Yeah – but we’re both jittery as hell. It’ll do us good to chill out.’

Except that what he was doing wasn’t chilling her out, it was flame-grilling her. Her cheeks were already scarlet. She could see her heightened colour even in her reflection in the darkened window.

‘Relax, Dani.’ The flat of his index finger worked her clit. ‘And come for me. Is that the spot?’


‘Just there. Like this?’

‘Yeah.’ Her breathing grew ragged. She tried to focus on him and his pleasure, working his length with the palm of her hand and the tip of her thumb. Xane’s head still rested against her shoulder, his breath puffing gently against her neck, steadier than hers but still scalding.

‘I so, so need to get into you, the moment we get to Ric’s.’

‘Won’t that be a bit weird, doing it on his doorstep?’

Xane gave a snort of laughter, which caused the girl across the aisle to stir. She rubbed her nose, then slid back into her snooze again, her mouth slightly open.

‘There are plenty of good places before we reach his doorstep, lots of convenient nooks and grottos.’ His lips traced the pulse point in her neck. ‘I already knew a few of them, but Ric showed me some others the last shoot I did with him.’

‘He’s your cousin. Isn’t it a bit weird stripping off for him?’

‘Being naked doesn’t bother me.’

Yes, but he hadn’t only been naked in those pictures she’d seen. He’d been doing other things. Intimate things. Stuff not generally considered as being for public consumption. Acts like the one he had her currently engaged in.

What was she doing? She was Daniella Fosbrook – quiet, thoughtful and studious. Not the sort of woman who performed lewd acts in public.

Leastways she hadn’t been until she’d met Xane.

He was dangerous. He could persuade her to do almost anything simply by suggesting it. If she wasn’t careful, he’d have her posing with him for his cousin, which certainly wouldn’t help convince her mum that Xane was really a very nice man, and worthy of her affections.

‘I want more than your hands on me.’

If she bent down with her head under the jacket on his knee it was going to be so bloody obvious what they were doing.’

‘I want to get inside you.’

They entered a tunnel, which amplified all the noises within the carriage, making her breath sound like a whistle.

‘We can’t. Not here.’

But he was already putting a condom on one-handed under his coat. ‘One, two, three, you lift up and I’ll slide along.’

What was the penalty for public indecency?

Xane counted. She lifted exactly as instructed and settled back down on his knee. His cock jerked against her rear, poking at the wrong entrance as he hugged her to his lap. Dani wriggled, trying to manoeuvre him into the right place. This might be asking for trouble, but there was no denying she was turned on. Her nipples were like two buttons distorting the line of her dress.

‘Lift again,’ he insisted. The inch or two of space gave him the room he needed to line them up. Dani sank down onto him with a welcoming groan.

‘That’s better, isn’t it?’ His tongue flicked against the back of her neck. ‘You don’t need to move much, just rock a little. Squeeze me with your – yeah, like that.’ She tightened her inner muscles around him and used the natural sway of the train to guide their movement, all the while clutching his jacket tight to her lap.

They were going to get into so much trouble if the ticket inspector came along again. But oh, boy, did it feel good, and the naughtiness of the act did lend it extra spice.

Xane proved far better at staying silent than she. Dani couldn’t help making noises; quiet little sobs of pleasure kept escaping her lips, no matter how hard she tried to keep them sealed.

She bowed her head against the rear of the seat in front, which was luckily unoccupied, and used it for leverage. Mmm, he knew how to do her good.

She was sobbing against her arm, failing to entirely muffle her cries, when the girl opposite interrupted again.

‘Jesus!’ she exclaimed. ‘Are you guys fucking?’

Mortified, Dani froze.

‘Absolutely not.’ Xane lied so smoothly, she could almost have believed him if it weren’t for the fact that his cock was filling her pussy.

‘How come she’s on your lap, then, if she’s not polishing your knob?’

Was it very impolite of her to want to yell at the nosy bitch to piss off?

‘Eeww, that’s kind of dir–’ her twisted expression transformed mid-thought into a beaming smile ‘–ty. Hot. It’s kind of hot, actually. Can I join in?’

‘No,’ Dani squeaked in surprise from between her tightly clenched teeth. ‘And for Pete’s sake keep your voice down.’ The table full of businessmen had gone awfully quiet all of a sudden.

Behind her, Xane shook with laughter. His breath blasted the bare expanse of Dani’s shoulders where her sundress didn’t cover. She was glad he found it so uproariously funny, because it was his fault they were in this pickle. Dani lifted herself, intending to end this and maybe save a bit of dignity, but Xane wrapped his arms tight around her middle, holding her firmly in place.

‘I’m gonna film you. I’ll get so many hits from this,’ remarked their observer. She jigged on the spot as she reached into a pocket for her phone.

‘No,’ both Dani and Xane said at once. ‘No, don’t.’

The girl frowned, clearly unhappy over their objection. ‘Well, I’m gonna. You can’t stop me. This is a public place. And if I can’t join in, then …’

‘I’ll pay you,’ Xane interjected. ‘Five grand if you pretend you can’t see anything.’

‘Xane,’ Dani protested.

‘Two grand,’ countered the girl. ‘But I also get to blow you once she’s come.’

Dani nearly choked, and she didn’t like the way Xane’s cock flexed in approval at the notion, even if his actual response proved more diplomatic.

‘Well –’


‘– that’s a very kind offer but, you see, I can’t accept, because this is my girlfriend, and I’m actually quite keen to keep her.’

‘I could be your girlfriend. I’m up for wild stuff.’

‘Yeah, but I’m happy with the one I’ve got.’

Her face crumpled.

‘I tell you what, why don’t you come over here for a minute?’

‘Why?’ she asked warily.

Dani wondered the same.

‘Well, a blowjob is definitely out, but you don’t mind me kissing her, do you, Dani?’ He pressed a kiss to her back between her shoulder blades. ‘Just a little one, seeing as she’s doing us such a big favour in not drawing attention to things.’

‘I guess.’

Before Dani had a chance to blink, Laura was across the aisle and kneeling on what had been Xane’s seat. ‘You’re really gonna give me two grand and a proper kiss?’

Xane jigged his hips to set Dani moving again, while he slid his hand into the girl’s hair and drew her to him. ‘No getting greedy,’ he warned. ‘One’s your lot.’

Dani knew just how addictive his kisses could be. She watched as Xane’s lips met Laura’s, felt the thrill of contact run through his body and further stiffen his cock. He’d stopped trying to hide what they were about. There wasn’t anyone else directly overlooking them. The group of suits were situated further down the carriage, and, if they were listening in, Xane no longer seemed to care. So the rocking motion of their hips had picked up pace.

True to his word, Laura only got one kiss, though it was a long sumptuous affair, definitely deep, and definitely involving tongues. The girl whimpered and flopped into the seat beside them when Xane finally broke it off. She watched them fuck, her eyes glazed, as her imagination strung events together in a slightly different way from reality. However, having her there did screen them a little from the aisle.

Laura put her hand on Xane’s stomach as he drew near to release.

Dani felt the caress as it brushed her back. She felt Laura spread her fingers wide, so the littlest speared downwards and touched the thatch of golden curls around Xane’s groin.

The stolen touch brought her own ascent to an awkward stall. She hung on a thread, almost there but unable to fall, while Xane shuddered in release.

‘You too,’ Laura insisted. She squeezed Dani’s breast, pinching one nipple hard.

Perhaps because she was afraid Laura might put her fingers somewhere else even more intimate, Dani felt the tension in her body suddenly slacken. She moaned, sucking her forearm to contain the noise, as she came.

Chapter 31

None of them spoke for the rest of the journey. They made separate trips to the toilet, Laura’s lasting the longest. When she returned, she settled back in her original seat with her headphones on and proceeded to grin to herself. For the remaining hour of the trip, Xane’s voice could occasionally be heard coming from her earphones.

In Penzance, Xane found the nearest cashpoint to the station and handed their witness a wad of twenties. ‘Thanks,’ she acknowledged cheerfully before going on her way. Xane and Dani got into a cab and set off along the coast road.

‘How long are you going to be pissed off at me?’ Xane leaned across the back seat to ask. Only the distant glint of the moon upon the water provided any illumination, making it difficult to read his expression.

‘What we just did was stupid.’

‘Fun,’ he countered

‘Fun and stupid.’ She loved how wild he was, how unshackled by moral restraints, and how that feral mischief played out across his body in the shape of tattoos and piercings, and made him so inventive, but it caused her a fair share of nervousness too. ‘We could have been thrown off the train.’

‘But we weren’t.’

‘Only because you paid someone two grand to keep quiet.’

He shrugged. ‘She’s a student, she’s probably grateful for the cash.’

‘Well, I don’t like it. And, aren’t we supposed to be keeping a low profile? Until I’ve spoken to my mum, I’d rather not make the nightly news.’ That was assuming the fiasco in Monaco hadn’t already given her a prime spot. ‘Are you deliberately leaving a trail so folks can determine your whereabouts?’

‘No, I just have trouble keeping my hands off you.’ He slid across the seat so that they sat with their thighs pressed together. ‘And fresh air turns me on.’

‘Yes, what concerns me about that is the fact that women magically appear every time you appear in public and start offering to suck your cock.’

‘That’s a slight exaggeration.’ He clasped her hand and squeezed it tight. ‘Why does it bother you so much? Do you think I’m going to take them up on their offers? I told you the first time we spoke that I’m sick of all that. I don’t actually enjoy their fawning.’

‘I’m not quite so sure about that.’

‘Dani, being groped is almost part of my job description.’ He lifted her hand and placed a kiss in the centre of her palm. ‘I don’t want you to get upset by it. I’m with you and, believe it or not, I am capable of both commitment and loyalty.’

‘Well, I don’t think it’s part of
job. I don’t want them assuming they can touch me in that way again.’

‘Then I’ll make sure they don’t.’

They sank back into silence.

‘Is this because her squeezing your tits is what set you off?’ Xane asked a few minutes later.

‘That’s not … It wasn’t.’

Xane lifted his eyebrows in response, clearly unconvinced. ‘I guess you’re not turned on by the thought of kissing another woman.’

‘No!’ She screwed up her face. ‘I don’t know what games you’re used to playing, but you can forget it if you think I’m doing anything like that.’

Xane began to chuckle. ‘You know, you’re funny when you’re mad. It’s all right, Dani, I never would have asked you to. The thought of having two women to please doesn’t particularly rock my boat. One is hard enough work. Besides, I’d rather have you all to myself.’

‘Yeah?’ she asked.

He cuddled her closer. ‘Absolutely, and as soon as we reach Ric’s I’ll get to work on proving it.’

Chapter 32

Xane had the taxi driver drop them a little way along the promenade so as not to disclose their actual destination. The seafront was both dark and quiet. Sparse clouds dotted the sky overhead and a few gaudy lights twinkled in the distance where the local tourist spot nestled around a cove full of yellow sand. A cold breeze rolled in off the sea so that Dani, in her summer dress, shivered and cuddled close to his side. Xane gave her his jacket. It drowned her, but kind of looked cute too.

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