Coma Girl: part 2 (10 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Bond

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Coma Girl: part 2
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“She’s getting worse?” my dad asked, sounding distraught.

“No,” Dr. Tyson said. “She’s not getting worse, but there is a new wrinkle.”

“What is it?” my mother demanded.

“Marigold is… pregnant.”

Okay, I did not see that coming.




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A note from the author


Thank you so very much for taking the time to read my story COMA GIRL (part 2). Are you enjoying the format of the serial? I hope so! This project has been a labor of love for me. I’ve been toying with the idea of a daily serial for some time, and once I decided how to present it, I needed the right story, something that would sustain a daily narrative for an extended period of time.

When I was ten years old, one of my teachers revealed an accident had left her in a coma when she was young. She said she remembered all the conversations around her during that time and when she awoke, astounded doctors and family members by asking them about things they had said while she was “asleep.” At ten, my imagination was just starting to take flight, so I was fascinated by her tale and it stayed with me. Fast forward to when I began a fiction-writing career in the late 1990s. I pitched a romantic comedy about a woman in a coma to a publisher who liked the idea and, subsequently, bought it. But before I could finish writing it, the line closed and the contract was cancelled. (Please do not get me started about the unending wonkiness of the publishing industry.) I was so disappointed. I had written several chapters of the story and while I loved the concept, it didn’t fit any line I wrote for as my career progressed. So it sat on a shelf for 20 years.

When I was trying to come up with a story that could be told as a daily serial, I remembered the coma story, and thought the concept was perfect. I had to make a lot of adjustments to the original story, but I’m really happy with the way it turned out—I hope you are, too! And I hope you’ll follow along with all 6 parts of COMA GIRL covering six months in the life of Marigold Kemp as she lies a victim of everyone who visits her hospital room and unloads on her!

Reviews are so important to authors and our books—especially series. Reviews help me to attract new readers so I can keep producing more stories for you. Plus I really want to know if I’m keeping you entertained! If you enjoyed COMA GIRL and feel inclined to leave an Amazon review, I would appreciate it very much.

And are you signed up to receive notices of my future book releases? If not, please
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Also, although I can’t count the times this book has been edited and proofed, I am human, so if you do spot a typo, please email me at
[email protected]
to let me know! Thanks again for your time and interest, and for telling your friends about my books. If you’d like to know more about some of my other books, please scroll ahead to the next section.


Happy reading!
Stephanie Bond


Other works by Stephanie Bond


If you’re looking for other romances by Stephanie Bond, you might like THREE WISHES, a magical romantic comedy. In THREE WISHES, an antiques dealer who’s in love with the governor’s girlfriend unwittingly releases a genie from a lamp and wishes himself into a hole the size of the Grand Canyon!



“Wondrous…Love mixes with laughter to create joyous reading for romance connoisseurs.”
—Romantic Times Book Reviews

“A delicious fairy tale filled with warm, sweet, and desirable characters.”
— Rendezvous


Click here to download a sample or to order THREE WISHES from Amazon






And if you like humorous romantic mysteries, check out I THINK I LOVE YOU. In I THINK I LOVE YOU, sisters share everything in their closets—including the skeletons!



"With its energetic prose and cozy Southern setting, this read is a sterling source of laughs and lighthearted fun."
--Publishers Weekly
"The only reader I wouldn't recommend I THINK I LOVE YOU to is one who doesn't like to have a good time."
--All About Romance


Click here to download a sample or to order I THINK I LOVE YOU from Amazon!





Have you ever thought about writing a novel? If so, this book is for you! In YOUR PERSONAL FICTION-WRITING COACH: 365 Days of Motivation & Tips to Write a Great Book!, Stephanie has assembled 20 years’ worth of writing advice in digestible bites that will ease you through the process of brainstorming, writing, and publishing a novel!
(No experience required, but a sense of humor helps.)



Great insight and advice from an author who knows firsthand what it takes, and the ins and outs of writing a good book!
–Amazon customer 
The book offers an enlightening peek into a writer's world.
–Amazon customer


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About the Author



Stephanie Bond was seven years deep into a corporate career in computer programming and pursuing an MBA at night when an instructor remarked she had a flair for writing and suggested she submit material to academic journals. But Stephanie was more interested in writing fiction—more specifically, romance and mystery novels. After writing in her spare time for two years, she sold her first manuscript; after selling ten additional projects to two publishers, she left her corporate job to write fiction full-time. To-date, Stephanie has more than seventy published novels to her name, including the popular BODY MOVERS humorous mystery series. Her romantic comedy STOP THE WEDDING! is now a Hallmark Channel movie. For more information on all of Stephanie’s books, visit





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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


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Copyright 2016 by Stephanie Bond, Inc.


Cover by Andrew Brown at


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