Colors of Love (8 page)

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Authors: Jess Dee

BOOK: Colors of Love
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The band member who made her stomach flutter.

“Time’s up,” Luke said pleasantly.

Jordan pressed his hands to his knees, pushing himself up. He stood there, all loose-limbed and sexy-like with a sleepy smile on his face. Unlike his brother, who fairly smoldered sexuality, Jordan’s appeal was more understated, less in-your-face. Warmth seemed to flow from him, sweeping from one side of the room to the other, encompassing Kaz in its openness.

But it wasn’t just the warmth that drew Kaz. It was the soft glow of color that surrounded him. So completely different from Luke’s, yet no less striking in its beauty. Pale blues mixed with orangey red hues telling Kaz this was a man attuned to the world around him. His crimson vibrations suggested he had a natural creative streak, while she knew from the salmon pink he’d found his true vocation in life.

Lucky Jordan. She was still searching.

The straw yellow around his head might have worried Kaz under other circumstances, suggesting he was one to wile away his hours in useless fantasies. But combined with the iridescent green that spoke of friendliness, reliability, open-mindedness and that bone-deep attunement to the world around him, Kaz simply got the sense Jordan was a natural-born dreamer. A man who immersed himself in the wonder of all the endless possibilities that surrounded him.

There was so much more she saw in him, so much more she would have liked to read—especially the carmine red that was becoming so familiar—but a disappointed voice cut into her thoughts.

“Well, that’s a pity,” a woman said. “We were only just getting started.”

“Thirty minutes, max,” Luke said.

“I know.” The woman smiled. “I’d just hoped for more.”

Kaz blinked as recognition hit her. She hosted one of the big breakfast radio shows.

Luke’s smile was genuine. “When it comes to
, everyone hopes for more.”

Jordan walked from the sofa he’d been lounging in to the armchair where the woman sat in a few graceful, somnolent steps and extended his hand. She took it, both to shake and to pull herself up, and seemed reluctant to release it afterwards.

Kaz could relate. She suspected if she had Jordan’s Speed’s hand in hers, she’d never want to let it go.

It was only after Luke had escorted the radio broadcaster to the door and the security guard had led her from the room that Jordan turned to Kaz and smiled. It was a languorous smile that reached right through her skin, heating her all the way down to her toes.

Between her unexpected reaction to Luke and the shock of being in a room with Jordan Speed, Kaz was a bubbling mass of hormones. Aroused, horny hormones.

“And who do we have here?” Jordan asked of Luke.

“This is Kaz—Karen—Flaherty. Kaz, meet Jordan Speed.”

Jordan again stuck out his hand, this time to her, and Kaz had to focus all her attention on ensuring her arm didn’t tremble as she extended it. His palm touched hers and then her hand was in his, his skin warm, his grasp firm.

Kaz tried not to act awed and overwhelmed. She tried her damn best. Honestly. But…but…but…
Jordan Speed was shaking her hand
. The same Jordan Speed who she had secret sexual fantasies about. Yes.
Jordan Speed.

His long, slim fingers were clasped around hers. They held her so intimately she could feel the calluses on his fingertips and the life pulsating through his skin.

“It’s real good to meet you,” Jordan said.

Kaz opened her mouth but nothing came out. How could it? She’d lost her voice. Lost her words. Whatever was left of them stuck in her throat, refusing to be dislodged. And to make matters worse, her heart was dancing a rapid two-step.

Jordan was exquisite. Taking into account his creative silvery grey glow, she might even have described him as pretty—had the unshaven cheeks and lean, hard body not made him all man. He had a slumberous, lazy appeal to him, and Kaz knew she’d assumed right. Now that she had his hand in hers, she was reluctant to ever let go.

The only thing that would make this experience perfect was if Luke returned his hand to her arm. Or maybe if he slid that hand up her arm, over her shoulder and down to her breast…

An amused smile tugged at Jordan’s lips. He turned to Luke. “Does she speak, or did you simply bring her along so I could appreciate her physical beauty?”

“Oh, she speaks,” Luke assured him with a laugh. “Plenty. But I figured you might appreciate her physical beauty as well.”

Jordan thought she was attractive?

Her knees turned weak and shivers brushed her skin. She would have swallowed down her surprise and pleasure, but the words lodged in her throat prevented anything from getting past. Instead she stared in wonder as the two men exchanged a knowing smile.

No, not just a knowing smile. A private smile. An intimate smile. And for the first time Kaz noticed the room had filled with pink hues. Two different pink hues vibrating off both men, one iridescent and the other pink madder. She felt it then too, like a tangible presence in the room. The connection between Luke and Jordan. The physical, almost animalistic lust and the deep loyalty and commitment, the kind she’d only ever noticed around couples who were madly, wildly in love.

Chapter Five

Desire welled deep inside Seth as he stared at Luke. So did disappointment.

Damn it. He thought he’d made a dent in Luke’s composure last night. Thought he’d finally gotten through, made Luke understand he intended for them to move forward. Together. Just the two of them.

Or maybe Luke
understood, all too well—and so he’d pulled back completely, searching for a way to put distance between himself and Seth. Which would explain the beguiling creature in front of him.

Seth stared at Luke for a second longer, just to make sure.

Yeah, there it was, written clearly in his eyes. Kaz’s presence was no coincidence. Luke had known Seth would find her attractive. He’d known Seth’s thoughts would tend towards bringing her into their bed. So Luke had brought her here as a safeguard. If Kaz was in bed with both of them, Seth couldn’t get too close to Luke.

Dumbass. Didn’t he know nothing could stop Seth from getting close? Even a third person in their bed.

The woman whose hand lay in his cleared her throat. “Well, talk about awkward.” Red tinged her cheeks as she grinned. “Seems I just had a major fan-girl moment and temporarily lost my voice. And quite possibly my mind too.”

Seth grinned, taking an immediate liking to her. “No problem.”

“You can blame Luke for that.” She turned to glare at him, although there was something more in her gaze than just accusation. Something that tugged at Seth’s balls and made every one of his senses stand at high alert. “I wasn’t at all prepared for meeting you.”

“I told you there was someone I wanted you to meet.” Luke smiled.

“Yeah, but you didn’t tell me who!”

He winked at her. “Would you have liked to see a copy of Jordan’s résumé before we came in?”

“No, but a little heads-up, like, ‘I’m about to introduce you to superstar and
member, Jordan Speed’ might have been nice. Hello?” Kaz gestured with her hands, reinforcing her questioning tone. “Mr. Struthers? I’m just a regular girl. It’s not every day I get to…to meet…

Seth’s grin grew. He liked her more and more. And her Australian accent was incredibly sexy.

“But you just met Jonah, and you didn’t seem so shell-shocked then,” Luke pointed out.

“Ah, but see I never actually met Jonah. We left before you introduced us. Besides—”

Kaz snapped her mouth shut, looking shocked.

“Besides, what?” Seth asked.

“Besides nothing.” She smiled an endearingly self-deprecating smile. “Sometimes it’s better when I just keep my mouth shut.”

Oh, no, Seth disagreed. He liked the look of her with her mouth open. It gave him wicked ideas about what he could put in it. He and Luke. “So, did Lucas tell you
he brought you here?”

Kaz shook her head. “He had a reason for introducing us?”

Seth nodded, wondering how Kaz would react if she knew the truth. “Oh, yeah. He sure did.”

“And that reason is?” Kaz looked at Seth expectantly.

“Ask him.” Seth nodded at Luke. He wasn’t about to take the heat for this. Nope. Luke’s idea, let Luke do the explaining.


Luke’s smile was devastating. It made Seth’s stomach tighten with lust, and the smile wasn’t even aimed at him. Kaz wasn’t left unaffected either. She blinked several times in quick succession.

“No reason, Kaz. Just thought you might want to meet the brothers, seeing as it looks as though your friend is going to be spending a mighty lot of time with one of them.”

Seth shot Luke a look.

Luke merely focused his devastating smile on Seth.

“Your friend is Sophie?” Seth asked, putting two and two together.

Kaz gave him a devilish frown. “She
my friend. Until she kept the fact that she was seeing Jamie a secret from me.”

Seth laughed. “She didn’t know who he was, so don’t get too upset.”

Kaz stared at him. “She didn’t?”

“Nope, Jamie did his best to keep it a secret.”

Her brown eyes widened charmingly. “Which would explain why Sophie looked so shocked when he ran onstage.” Then she screwed up her nose. “But why would he keep it a secret?”

Seth raised his brow. Couldn’t she guess?

Kaz held her hands open, palms up, telling him she couldn’t.

“You know how you reacted when Luke introduced us?”

She blushed. “Er, like a bloody idiot, you mean?”

He grinned, both at her description and at the way she wasn’t afraid to laugh at herself. Luke had hit the nail on the head with Kaz. She was perfect. For both of them. “Jamie didn’t want that kind of reaction with Sophie. He wanted her to meet the real person, not just the lead singer of a band.”

Understanding flitted through Kaz’s eyes. “Do you hate it?”

“Hate what?”

“The awe with which people treat you.”

“Hell, no.” He grinned, not wanting to embarrass her any more than she already was. “It’s great for the ego. And for my confidence.” Especially when a creature as gorgeous as Kaz was the one treating him with awe.

Luke snorted. “As though you need anything else building up your ego.”

“Ignore him,” Seth instructed. “He tends to get grumpy.” He took her hand and led her to the couch, encouraging her to sit beside him.

Kaz looked Luke’s way, and Seth realized she found it hard to ignore him. Oh, Seth so understood.

“Tell me, Ms. Flaherty, are you any good at lyrics?” he asked.

“Lyrics, as in words for songs?”


She frowned. “Honestly? I have no idea. I’ve never tried to write a song. Words aren’t exactly my forte. I’m better at reading…expressions and body language.”

She was? Seth couldn’t help but wonder what Kaz had read in his and Luke’s body language. Luke stood stock still, away from Seth, his arms folded over his chest. Seth kept looking over at Luke. Would that tell her there was far more at play here than just the regular dynamics between band member and manager?

He didn’t ask.

Instead he hit Luke where he knew it would hurt. Luke needed to be hit. Hell, the man needed to be whacked over the head. Anything to get him to see the light. As tempting as a third player was in their game, and as much as Seth wanted to play with Kaz, they didn’t
her. Seth could make Luke happy all by himself—if Luke just gave him the chance.

“I’ve been working on a song,” he told Kaz. “One that isn’t coming together. Maybe you can help? Work out the next line?”

Kaz grinned in delight. “I have no idea if I can, but I’d love to hear the song.”

Seth grinned back. Then he looked up at Luke and sang the words to him. Again.


Now, forever and always, we’re going nowhere.

“Quit dreaming, coz we’re already there.

“This is it, this will be all.

“If you think there’s more, you’re the fool.


Luke glared at him. Seth’s heart pounded.

Kaz inhaled sharply.

He flicked his gaze back at her. “What do you think?”

“Um…” She bit her lip.

“C’mon. Out with it. Tell me the truth.”

“Fine. But I’m only telling you what I really think so you understand I’m treating you like a regular person and not a rock star.”

“Kaz, this evening alone, I’ve performed at a concert, been interviewed by two different radio hosts and spent half an hour with three fans who couldn’t see past the facade. I would love to be treated like a regular guy.”

“I hate it,” Kaz confessed with a big gulp of air. “It’s dark. Depressing. Almost like the words are shrouded in a mist of charcoal grey.” Her gaze met Luke’s, and Seth got a strong sense she’d made a connection between the words and the man. Perceptive woman.

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