Colorado Hitch (3 page)

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Authors: Sara York

BOOK: Colorado Hitch
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“Don’t ever let him hear you saying stuff like that,” Marshal said.

Roger frowned. “Don’t worry, I won’t. It just hurts to see him so weak.”

Marshal nodded. “Yeah, it does hurt.”


Chapter Four


A shiver snaked down Roger’s back, leaving him tingling as he stared at the plans they’d drawn up for the obstacle course. Memories of days spent in Coronado, California, huffing it through the O Course, running it over and over again until he could almost do it with his eyes closed, came back to him. SEAL training had been the hardest thing he’d ever done in his life, but it had also given him a huge amount of confidence.

“Something wrong?” Zander asked.

“No, it’s all good. Just memories from BUD/S haunting me,” Roger said.

“How fast was your fastest time?” Marshal asked.

“Six fifteen.” Hayden had held the record for his class, too. Times like this, when he remembered his time as a SEAL, he missed Hayden. Grant was amazing, and he loved Grant more than he’d loved Hayden, which made his guts twist with guilt. Still, his time with Hayden had been special.

“I like it. Feels good to have something like this here.” Zander chewed his lower lip, his gaze a little unfocused as he stared at the plans.

“Yeah, it’s good. I think the guys will love it. We need to purchase a few things and bring in some heavy equipment for construction. It should be done in a couple of weeks.” Roger patted Marshal and Zander on their shoulders before heading out to the barn, where he found Grant.

“Hey, you all get the obstacle course planned?” Grant shoveled a load of dirty straw from the horse’s stall, dumping it into a wheelbarrow.

Roger nodded before taking a seat on a bale of hay. “You ever wonder what would have happened if things had been different?”

“All the fucking time. You know, us being together, I don’t think either of us ever thought anything like this would happen. I know you were happy with Hayden, and I was good with Craig, or I thought I was.”

“How did you know I was thinking of Hayden?” Roger held his breath as Grant moved to lean on the shovel, his lips turned up a little, revealing an almost sad smile.

“You’re planning a course like what you used in SEAL training. Not rocket science.”

Roger nodded, his gaze roving over the barn then back to Grant. “This place, what do you think will happen if Duff leaves?”

“I don’t know.” Grant hung up the shovel he’d been using and moved to sit on the bale of hay with Roger. “We do some amazing work here. I know there are many in the government who would want us shut down if they knew we were here, but the people who know we exist want us to keep at it. I think Marshal and I can figure it out, but will people trust us? They’re used to dealing with Duff, and I’m not him. He has connections that we can’t imagine. He was a general. Hell, I didn’t stay in long at all, not compared to Duff. Maybe it won't matter. I know a lot of our communication is anonymous, but what if it felt different to them?”

“I think you and Marshal are up to the task. I know you are. Marshal is a good man.” Roger had come to appreciate Marshal over the last few months. He was a solid man, and with Zander by his side, Marshal displayed an inner strength that hadn’t been as noticeable before Craig had attacked.

“We’re going to have to come together, grow stronger and tighter. I hope Davis can stay solid through all of this,” Grant said.

Roger scooted closer to Grant, resting against his shoulder. “He will. The man is strong. Plus, Ryan gives him a lot of support. He’s good.”

Grant rubbed at the back of his neck. “We need a break. Too much has happened lately.”

“Speaking of which, who do you think was helping Craig?” Roger almost regretted the question as soon as it slipped from his lips. Grant stiffened and held his breath. Maybe talking about Craig right now was too much.

After a moment, Grant sighed, his shoulder sagged. “I’ve got no clue. Hell, I hope he wasn’t working with anyone, but deep in my heart I know he was. We’ll need to do some digging, but I don’t even know where to start.”

A truck pulled up to their gate, and the security app beeped on Grant’s phone. They’d upgraded security a few weeks earlier, installing the latest cameras and systems to help guard their property. Grant typed in a passcode on his phone and viewed the video from the gate.

“Oh wow, it’s Brody and James.” Grant typed a few more keystrokes to let the guys in. He stood and brushed off his jeans, the smile on his face a relief to Roger. “Come on, let’s go see the guys.”

Roger stood and swiped at his seat, knocking off the hay. “Did you know they were coming?”

“No, Duff probably talked to them or something.”

Before they left the barn, Roger tugged on Grant’s arm and pulled him into a tight hug. “Later, I want to hold you.”

Grant kissed the side of his head. “Thank you. You make everything better. Really, you do. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

Roger followed Grant out of the barn and made it to the house at the same time James and Brody pulled up. Marshal and Zander stepped onto the porch, their smiles wide. The truck rolled to a stop then James cut the engine and opened the door. Billy was with Tucker, Ryan, and Davis, all of them looking curious.

Mike stepped out of the house onto the porch and whistled. “Hell, you two are a sight for sore eyes.”

James slid from the truck and moved around to stand beside Brody. They both looked happy and relaxed, their grins wide. With all of the stress they’d had recently, Roger wondered if retirement would be worth it. But he wasn’t ready to stop yet. He loved what they did.

“Hey, how’s Duff?” James asked as he moved closer, reaching out to pull Grant into a hug.

“Angry that he’s having issues but he’s good,” Grant said.

“Come here, I need a hug,” Billy called out, his voice full of warmth.

Roger drew in a slow breath, realizing this crew was a lot like his SEAL brothers had been. He really did have it all. The Wild Bluff group was amazing, and though he might miss Hayden, he really did love Grant. The guys at Wild Bluff may not have gone through the same training as he had to become a SEAL, but they’d done some great things that had made their bonds stronger.

Duff stepped out on the porch, his skin unnaturally gray, and his eyes a little duller than even a month earlier. “What the hell are you two doing back here?” Duff barked, his gravelly voice scratchier than normal.

Everyone stilled and waited for Duff to say something more, but he cracked a smile, his eyes shining as he held out his hand, waving James over. James took the steps up the porch two at a time, pulling Duff into a hug.

Roger put his arm around Brody’s shoulder, leading him up the steps. “It’s good to see you two. How has James been?”

“We’re good. Now that Craig is gone, we’re planning on coming back more often. Of course, we still have to be careful because of my issues, but we’re glad to be here.”

“If you stick around, we might just put you both to work,” Grant said.

Brody chuckled, his gaze staying on James. “Heck, as long as he’s happy, I’m happy.”

Roger understood how Brody felt. He was most content when Grant was happy. His gaze settled on Grant, and pleasure washed over him. Grant had changed everything for him, giving him back his confidence and his peace.

They headed into the house where Marshal, Zander, and Billy pulled together some food they could snack on as Duff sat on the couch, catching up with James. Drinks were fixed, plates were set on the table, and more food was prepared for a proper meal. Roger smiled to himself, loving the community they had developed here at Wild Bluff.

Grant came up behind him, wrapping his strong arms around Roger’s waist. “Happy?”

“Of course.” Roger turned to face Grant, their gazes connecting as love flowed between them. He felt warm, happy, like nothing he’d ever experienced before. Their love had only grown deeper in the past year. “Being with you makes me happy.”

“Good, because I don’t want to be without you.”

Grant slid his lips over Roger’s, sending a thrill of excitement through him. He couldn’t wait to get his man alone, but with James at Wild Bluff, they would be up late shooting the bull, telling stories, and reconnecting. Duff laughed at something James said, and Roger realized he didn’t mind having to put off his tryst with Grant if it meant Duff felt better. Pulling together was second nature for this crew, and he loved these guys for the way they were. Nothing matched the closeness of men coming together for a purpose bigger than themselves, and he was glad to have found it with another group of guys who were really good men.


Chapter Five


Davis felt like an outsider as he listened to the guys telling stories about life at Wild Bluff. They laughed, Duff smiling like Davis hadn’t seen him smile since returning from training. These guys had been through a lot and they seemed to be a cohesive family unit that he wasn’t a part of. Ryan came over and stood beside him, leaning against the cabinet. He placed a hand on Davis’s lower back and tugged up his shirt, revealing a strip of flesh above the waistband. Ryan’s fingers teased the sensitive flesh that ran over his spine, sending sparks through his body.

He glanced up, seeing the heat in Ryan’s gaze. When Ryan had come back from training, he’d wondered if they’d fit together like they had in Boston, but this was even better. He rested his head against Ryan’s shoulder and sighed. Being on Wild Bluff ranch was kind of like being in the military, but not really. The military had issues to deal with, regulations to adhere to. Wild Bluff was so much better than what he’d been doing on his own as an operative. He would have to take the time to get to know the guys on the ranch, though. Sometimes, it felt like he’d come home. Other times, like now, everything felt off.

The conversation died down a little, and James turned to him. “So Davis, what do you think so far?”

“It’s interesting.” He didn’t know if he could verbalize his thoughts on the place because so much was swirling through his head.

James’s eyes narrowed a bit. “Have you been on a mission yet?”

The question surprised him. So far, their stories had been about the ranch and James and Brody’s lives, not missions. Talking about missions was a little weird after coming from such a secretive branch of the government, where confidentiality, even between allies, was standard operating procedure.

“No, not yet.” He glanced around, wondering if he’d said too much.

“Davis probably won’t go out for a few more months,” Marshal said.

“Heck, it was forever before I got my first mission,” Roger whined. “And to top it all off, it was a total dud.”

“Oh stop it, you did what you were supposed to do,” Duff said.

“Yeah, I did, but still, there was so much work leading up to the operation that I was disappointed when I got the call to come home before I did anything.”

“Does that happen often?” Davis asked.

Duff shrugged. “Anything is a possibility. That’s one of the reasons we operate the way we do. You know, it’s tough doing our job. We have to take a lot into account. The complexity we operate under is beyond anything you’ll see in any other branch of military or intelligence work.”

Davis nodded, realizing that this place really was different than being an operative for the CIA. He didn’t have to fear Ryan figuring out what he did. Before, when he was on his own and doing similar work, he worried that any guys he dated would find something that would cue them in on his real job. That wasn’t the case here.

“I’m glad I moved here,” Davis said.

Grant patted him on the back. “We’re glad you came here, too.”

“Well, this is getting a bit too lovey-dovey for me. I’m headed to bed,” Duff grumbled as he turned to leave.

Davis checked the time, seeing that it was close to nine. It was still early, but he knew Duff had to be exhausted. He caught up to his dad before Duff left the den, and pulled him into a hug. Duff stiffened then gave him a small squeeze before moving away quickly. Davis thought nothing of it, since they were in a big group, but there was something off about Duff. The strange vibe had started before the heart attack, at least he thought it had.

“I’ll take you to your doctor’s appointment in the morning,” Davis said.

Duff only nodded as he left the room. His father seemed very distracted, which fit the weirdness Davis had observed earlier. He didn’t really know his dad very well, but he hoped his time here at Wild Bluff would change that.

Ryan came up behind him and whispered, “You ready for bed?”

A shiver snaked down his spine and he nodded. “Sure.”

Davis said goodnight to the rest of the crew and then they headed to their bedroom, locking the door once they were inside.

“You’ve been here more than I have; what do you think?” Ryan asked.

“I think this place is good. I like it here. What do you think?”

Ryan tugged off his shirt, revealing flat planes and smooth muscles. Davis stepped forward, placing his hand on Ryan’s side. Their gazes met, and he knew the time for talking was over. Ryan gave him a lopsided grin before pressing Davis up against the wall, running his nose over Davis’s neck.

“I like holding you in my arms,” Ryan whispered. “Do you have any idea how amazing it is to wake up to you every morning?”

“I never thought I would have this.” He couldn’t believe his luck. Ryan was the best, and they were together.

“Tell me, what do you think of us?” Ryan licked up his neck, sending a shiver down his spine.

“You make me so freaking hard.” Davis gasped as Ryan distracted him by licking around the curve of his ear before he sucked on his earlobe. “Jesus, you’re too freaking talented with that tongue of yours.”

“Is it only sex for you?” Ryan asked as he slid his fingers over Davis’s ass.

He arched forward, pumping his hips, grazing Ryan’s hard cock with his own. “No, there’s more, so much more, but fuck, the sex is amazing.”

“Good. Now, I want to make love to you tonight. Let me love you the way you should be loved, slow and deeply,” Ryan said.

“Yes.” Davis gasped as Ryan reached down and grabbed his dick. “Make love to me.”

Ryan covered Davis’s mouth, kissing him deeply. Their tongues twisted together as they rocked against each other. Heat built between them, and he had to rip his mouth away from Ryan’s to draw in a deep enough breath for his head to stop spinning.

“Now, I need you now, Ryan.”

Ryan gave a little laugh as he tugged up Davis’s shirt, pressing their chests together. Davis groaned as they moved against each other. He needed to feel Ryan’s skin against his, needed the connection, the heat… the love.

Ryan pushed Davis’s jeans to the floor and he kicked free of the material before grabbing for the button on Ryan’s jeans and opening the zipper, shoving them low. Once they were both naked, Ryan cupped his ass cheeks, tugging him close. He moaned and threw his head back, allowing Ryan to kiss and lick his neck.

“Bed, now.” Ryan’s voice was strong, commanding, making Davis shiver.

He smiled to himself, happy that Ryan was willing to take control. So much had happened in the last few months and being with Ryan made it all worthwhile. He stared into Ryan’s eyes as his man settled on the bed, kneeling above him. There was lube and condoms, and Ryan was prepping. He liked that Ryan had planned ahead and had everything ready for them.

“Tell me how you feel about me,” Ryan ran his nose over Davis’s neck, making his body heat.

“I need you, Ryan. I need you in my life.”

Ryan sat up, his gaze raking over Davis’s body before he grasped Davis’s ankles and lined up, his cockhead brushing over Davis’s puckered opening. They stared at each other for a long moment with Ryan slowly spreading slick with his cock as they watched each other. Ryan went down on one arm, propping himself up as he slid in to Davis’s body. Pain, pleasure, and a whole lot of emotions flooded him and he gasped as Ryan rocked in.

“Tell me more,” Ryan whispered when he was fully in, his hips pressed against Davis’s ass cheeks.

“God, Ryan, I think I’m falling in love with you.”

Ryan stilled, his gaze searching Davis’s. He couldn’t believe that he’d said the words, but they were true. He was falling for Ryan and there wasn’t anything he could do to stop himself. Ryan had been there when he’d needed someone the most, and now that they were in this house, with these men, Ryan was still there for him. They weren’t growing farther apart, instead they were getting closer. Ryan smiled and his fingers caressed Davis’s skin. He bent low, tugging Davis up so their mouths met in a ferocious kiss. Davis sighed, happy that their connection was growing deeper each day.

Ryan ended the kiss and lifted up, sliding in deep and gulping for air before slamming into Davis quickly a few times then stilling. He grunted, and Davis knew Ryan was coming, which pushed Davis over the edge. They’d only been together a few times since coming home from training and their lovemaking was over too quickly for him, but he understood that Ryan couldn’t last long because neither could he. Hell, Ryan turned him on so much he couldn’t help but come from just a few touches and kisses.

They settled on the bed, holding each other as their breathing returned to normal. After a long moment, Ryan spoke, surprising Davis because he’d thought Ryan was asleep.

“Do you want me to come with you tomorrow?”

Davis shook his head and snuggled closer to Ryan. “No, we should be fine.”

“Okay. I’ll stay here and help out. I really do like living here,” Ryan said.

“I do, too. I’m beginning to think of this ranch as home.” He kissed Ryan’s shoulder before resting his head against Ryan’s chest.

“Mmm, I like the sound of that. I think home sounds very good.”

Davis woke only once during the night, his arms and legs tangled with Ryan’s. When the alarm rang in the morning, he was happy to still be in Ryan’s arms. He showered quickly and headed to the kitchen to wait for Duff. It was strange being so worried about his father, but he was concerned about Duff's health. He didn’t want to lose his father, not when he’d just gotten to know him.

After he’d drank his first cup of coffee, Davis grabbed a banana. Duff strolled in, his lips pursed together tightly when he saw Davis waiting.

“You know, you don’t have to come with me if you don’t want.”

A puff of anger blew through Davis. “Are you kidding me? I want to be there for you.”

Duff’s frown deepened. “I just don’t want to waste your time.”

“Trust me, you aren’t wasting my time.”

Duff nodded but didn’t look convinced. The drive to town was done mostly in silence. They were ushered into Barlow’s office quickly, and the doctor stepped in not even a minute later, his smile wide.

“Good, I’m glad you’re both here. Duff, I’m happy with how things went. You seem well on the road to recovery.”

“I’m okay,” Duff said. “I’m made of tougher stuff than that.”

“Good, because you’ll need that strength to stay strong and work on your exercises. And I really want you to stick to the diet restrictions,” Barlow said.

Duff sighed. “The exercise, I’m good with. The diet, I’ll have to work on.”

Barlow turned to Davis and lifted his brow. “I think it would be a good idea if you got tested. We could do a DNA workup, comparing your father’s DNA to yours so we can get a good idea of the differences and similarities. We could gain an understanding about your risk factors.”

“Sure, that sounds like a great idea,” Davis said.

“I don’t think you need to do it,” Duff spat out, his voice sharp as he spoke.

The doctor narrowed his gaze, and Davis whipped his head around, staring at Duff. He opened his mouth and closed it, unsure what to say. “Why not?”

“It’s not a big deal. I just think it would be a waste of money,” Duff said. “Plus, you can just get on a healthy eating plan. You already workout, so that should be enough.”

“Mr. Whitaker, I think it would be wise to have your son tested,” Doctor Barlow said.

Duff sat up, his eyes narrowed and his lips thinned. “Could we have a moment alone?” Duff asked.

“Sure.” Barlow stood and left the room.

Silence filled the space until Davis cleared his throat, his gaze searching Duff’s face. “What’s wrong?”

“We don’t need to have a test done,” Duff said.

“I think I do. I mean, if I could get on some—”

“Stop,” Duff barked out. “Don’t you get it? You are not my biological child. If you have heart disease, it’s not because of me.”

Davis stared at Duff, struggling to understand what his dad had just said. His mouth hung wide as he blinked, trying to determine what the hell was going on. “I’m sorry, what…?”

Duff’s gaze cut into him as the truth filtered over him. His stomach began turning as a sick feeling washed over him. A pain started deep in his brain and spread around his skull and down his spine. He was going to be sick.

“Please, just listen,” Duff said.

“I don’t… Dad, what are you saying?” Davis asked.

“Can we not get into it here? I don’t think everyone in town needs to know what we’re talking about.”

His head buzzed and he thought he was going to throw up. Everything he’d ever known had been a lie. How could his dad have lied about this? “Mom, what about her—is she my mom?”

“Can we not get into this right now? I should have told you earlier. This is the wrong place to talk, but I didn’t want you doing DNA testing and finding out that way.”

Davis popped up, knocking the back of his knees into the chair. His hands shook as he stared at the man who he'd thought was his dad. Was anything from his past the truth? And how could he face this man again knowing that it had all been a lie?

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