Read Color of Forgiveness Online

Authors: Madeleine Beckett

Color of Forgiveness (52 page)

BOOK: Color of Forgiveness
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Pulling the covers down for her, he walks
around to the other side and slips in next to her. His arms reach
for Myra, pulling her tiny frame against his body as he buries his
nose in her hair. He squeezes her, probably a little too tightly,
but he can’t help that shit because she just feels too good and too
perfect. “I love you,” he whispers against her hair.

“I love you too,” she whispers back.
Smiling, his eyes close and within minutes, he’s asleep.

* * *

Myra’s eyes fly open her heart pounding out
of her chest. She was dreaming about something… but she can’t quite
remember what it was.

She tries to move, but her body feels heavy,
like it’s weighted down. Someone groans in her ear.


Closing her eyes, she smiles taking in slow,
deep breaths and tries to get her heart rate back down to normal.
She moves a little and finds she’s a prisoner in Dylan’s arms. She
wants to stay trapped this way in his arms forever, but her bladder
has other ideas. Lifting her head, she looks at the clock and finds
it’s still very early in the morning. Carefully, she scoots out
from underneath him and tries not to giggle when he grunts and
tries to pull her back down.

After using the restroom, she stands in the
doorway, the bathroom light still on behind her as she stares at
Dylan. Lying on his stomach with his mouth slightly open, he snores
softly. The covers bunched up around his waist reveal his toned and
muscled back and arms. She still can’t believe he loves her, loves
her just as much as she loves him. The look in his eyes when he’d
said those words… it was beyond anything she could have ever hoped

Walking to the bed, she slips under the
covers, staying just far enough away not to touch him. Tucking her
hands under her pillow, she continues to stare at him under the
soft glow from the bathroom light. He’s so incredibly attractive,
his disheveled hair and scruffy face making him somehow even more

Her eyes roam over his back and shoulders,
desperate to touch him. She wants to feel those strong muscles
under her fingertips. Reaching her hand out, her fingertips just
barely touch the muscles in his upper shoulder. She stops and
watches him for any reaction. His mouth still hangs slightly open,
his breathing the same. Quietly sitting up, she runs her fingers
lightly over the strong muscles of his broad shoulders… teasing,
feathery touches. Her fingers trail over the rounded bulge of his
rock-hard bicep and along the corded muscles of his forearm.

Shifting to her knees, she continues to
stare at his upper shoulders, fascinated by his muscle definition.
Eyeing a spattering of freckles, her fingers graze over the tiny
grouping before she leans down and touches her lips slightly to his
warm skin. Her face heats when her tongue sneaks out and licks his
salty skin. She has no idea what possessed her to do that.
Groaning, Dylan flips on his back, pulling her down on top of him.
He wedges one of his legs between hers. “What are you doing?” he
asks, his voice scratchy with sleep, his eyes still closed.

“Nothing,” she whispers back, grinning as
her fingers spread across his bare chest. “You can stay asleep.”
His eyes stay closed, but a small smile creeps up on his lips.

Keeping her eyes on his face, she leans
down, running her tongue over his nipple. His mouth drops open
slightly, causing her heart to pound. Growing bolder, she takes his
nipple in her mouth, sucking lightly, teasing the tip of it with
her teeth.

“Fuck,” he hisses, his chest heaving. His
eyes pop open. “Come here,” he commands in a raspy voice, tugging
on her arm.

Her breathing accelerates as she opens her
legs and straddles his hips, her hands resting against his chest.
She gasps as he quickly sits up, his hardness pressing against the
needy place between her legs. “
” he groans. His fingers
tangle into her hair as he pulls her to him, his lips crashing
against hers, his tongue plunging deep into her mouth. His warm,
rough hand moves up under her shirt, skimming along the top edge of
her underwear, touching the tiny indentations on the small of her
back. As his fingers trail up her spine, she shudders under his
touch. She drags her lips away from his, panting and

“Fuck, I want you,” he says in a deep voice,
grabbing the bottom of her shirt and quickly yanking it off. Her
hands tremble as she rests them on his shoulders. He crushes her
body to his, and the feel of his naked chest against hers sends
tremors up her spine.

Burying his face in her neck, he breathes
heavily against her throat as he rubs his hardness against her. She
jerks and gasps when it glides against her clit.

” she moans her hands moving
into his hair. He kisses and sucks a moist trail down her neck and
chest as if he can’t get enough of her skin. She’s never felt more
desired, never felt more wanted as his desperate hands run up and
down her curves, exploring every inch. Never has she wanted a man
as much as she wants him. Her hands move to the back of his neck.
Gasping, her fingernails dig deep into his skin when he sucks hard
on her nipple.

“Jesus, your skin is so soft,” he mumbles
against her breast. He groans her name over and over again as he
sucks and bites and rubs his scruffy face between her breasts,
causing her to writhe in his arms.

When his mouth lets loose of her nipple, he
reaches his hand up, snaking it behind her neck and bringing her
lips down to his. He kisses her rough and hard, almost bruising.
Pulling back just a few inches, he pants against her mouth. “I
wanna touch you,” he breathes into her mouth. “Christ, I need

A loud, wanton moan escapes her lips while
his hot, steamy lustful breath against her mouth leaves her
lightheaded. She presses herself against him, grinding herself on
his hardness, desperate for his touch.

Closing her eyes, she breathes in his
breaths, their lips barely touching as her hands tug into his hair.
She gasps, her eyes flying open when she feels his fingers between
her legs at the edge of her soaked panties. He bites on her bottom
lip his fingers moving her panties aside, and begins rubbing
lightly through the wetness that has gathered there.

“Oh fuck,” he groans against her mouth.
“You’re so wet.” His lips move to her neck, softly biting, his
tongue licking her skin. “Do I make you that wet?”

“Yes... only you.”

“Fuck. You’re so fucking sexy.” His fingers
rub against her clit with just the right amount of pressure. Her
mouth drops open, her breathing loud and noisy through her mouth.
One of his fingers lightly teases her opening before pressing it
slowly inside of her. She can feel his hot, harsh breath against
her shoulder as he thrusts upwards several times before adding
another finger. Closing her eyes, she gasps at the sensations
flooding her body. No one can touch her and make her body unravel
like this man.

Another loud moan falls from her lips as her
head tips back. Dylan growls in response his lips hungrily
attacking her exposed neck, his fingers continuing their upward
thrusts between her legs. A tightness begins to form in her belly
as she begins to move slightly up and down, meeting the thrusts of
his fingers. She startles, her eyes opening when Dylan groans and
pulls his fingers away from her. Frowning, she whimpers softly.

“Goddamn it, Myra, I need to be inside of
right fucking now,
” he practically snarls. His hands
grip the side of her panties, ripping them in half. She gasps her
eyes widening as her mouth drops open. “I’ll buy you some new ones
later,” he growls before he rips the other side and throws the
scrap of shredded material behind her. His animalistic behavior
makes her grow even more wet and needy. In an instant, he has her
on her back and is between her legs yanking his boxers down and
kicking them hurriedly off. “
Fuck, yes
,” he groans in relief
against her neck when he buries himself inside of her.

“Oh my god,” she mumbles as she wraps her
legs around him. The acute ache she had for him disappears as soon
as he fills her replaced with an intense, almost euphoric
sensation. She feels so full, so complete. Like both of their
bodies have somehow merged into one.

His mouth finds hers again… a long, deep
kiss, tongues tangling as Dylan begins thrusting. Pulling back, he
pants heavily, his lips hovering over hers, just barely touching
each of them inhaling each other’s breaths. Their bodies are so
connected so intimately. A strangled moaning sound escapes Myra.
His lips crash onto hers like he wants to somehow swallow the

“Fuck,” he says against her lips. “I’m gonna
cum if we keep doing this. You feel too damn good.” Rolling onto
his back, he keeps himself inside of her, positioning her in a
sitting position. He stills, staring at her in a way that makes her
skin heat, his eyes slowly roaming up and down her body. “You’re so
fucking beautiful you take my goddamn breath away.”

Her mouth drops open, his words stealing her
breath away. She believes the words from his lips. She’s never felt
so sexy, so beautiful, so loved.

While she moves, sliding him in and out of
her body, her fingers explore every inch of his chest. He watches
with his mouth gaped open, his fingers caressing her collar bones,
trailing along the outside swell of her breasts and just
underneath, causing her nipples to harden and the skin on her
breasts to pebble. Using one hand, he grasps her hip and begins
thrusting upwards. His other hand slips down to rub against

“Shit. I’m trying to hold off, but you’re
too goddamn sexy. I’m gonna cum,” he rasps out. It’s all too much…
his words, his hard thrusts, the rapid movement of his thumb
against her.

,” he cries out, loud guttural
grunts and groans erupting from him as he climaxes. Her body curls
slightly as she explodes, convulsing and clamping down on him,
pleasure radiating down to the tips of her toes.

She collapses onto his sweaty chest,
completely spent. His chest heaves with his heavy breaths as his
heart beats rapidly against her cheek.

After a few minutes, she lifts her head to
look up at him, and he gives her a lazy half-grin. “I’ll be right
back,” she whispers before she kisses him quickly on the lips.
After using the bathroom, she grins before turning the light out.
Dylan has the covers on her side of the bed turned back for her,
his arm stretched out on her pillow. He cocks a sexy eyebrow at her
as if daring her to say something. Flipping the switch off, she
giggles and practically runs to the bed, melting into him as he
wraps her up in his arms and pulls the covers over her. Closing her
eyes, she sighs and tucks her hand under her cheek against his
chest. His fingers slowly rub up and down her arm before he tucks
her hair behind her ear. The backs of his fingers gently touch her
cheek. “That was fucking incredible,” he says.

“It was.”

“I love having you in my arms like this,
almost as much as the sex.”

Myra giggles. “You are a cuddler.”

“That I am.”

“I love you, Myra,” he whispers. “I love you
so goddamn much.”

Her heart soars. “I love you too,” she
whispers back. “I love you so much.”

She falls asleep wrapped securely in his
arms, feeling love and contentment like she’s never known

* * *

Dylan can sense his mother’s eyes on him,
watching him, studying his every fucking move; analyzing him like
some kind of goddamn science experiment. She’s being a damn
busybody again and he can’t stand that shit. He tries to ignore her
and focus on Natalie and Myra’s conversation. “Yeah… I’m just
praying that nobody makes me laugh,” Natalie tells Myra. “I have
staples in my stomach. It hurts to breathe right now.”

“I need to make her a ‘No Joke Zone’ sign
and post it on the door,” Chad announces with a huge grin.

Natalie rolls her eyes and Myra giggles.
“Oops, sorry,” she says. Dylan smiles down at her. He has one arm
wrapped around her and his other hand is between both of Myra’s
hands, resting on his thigh. He looks up and makes eye contact with
his mom again and almost groans when he sees her eyes brimming with
tears and looking positively fucking giddy.

He knows he was asking for it by touching
Myra like this in front of his family, but he can’t keep his
goddamn hands off of her. He loves his mom to death, but for some
reason, her reaction is getting on his last damn nerve… or it could
be because he hasn’t had any nicotine in a very fucking long

He leans down, putting his mouth next to
Myra’s ear. “I gotta smoke,” he whispers.

“Okay,” she says, looking up at him.

“Will you be okay here?”


He decides he might as well knock his mom’s
fucking socks off. He leans down and kisses Myra lightly on the
lips. “I’ll be right back,” he mumbles.

Dylan stands and looks at Chad. “Wanna

“Sure thing… I’ll be right back, Oh Bearer
of my Children,” Chad says with a bow to Natalie. “But I’ll just
blow you a kiss, my love. I won’t suck face with you like my ‘lil
bro here just did with his baby girl. Don’t wanna have you bust a
staple or anything,” he says with a wink at his wife.

“Fuck you,” Dylan mumbles in a low voice,
hoping only Chad hears as he shoots him a murderous glare.

“I heard that,” his mom calls out from
behind him.

“What the hell crawled up your ass?” Chad
asks while they wait on an elevator. Dylan closes his eyes and rubs
his temples. He has to get his hands on some more of those damn
nicotine patches.

“I haven’t had a fucking cigarette in like
twenty-four hours or some shit,” he says through gritted teeth. “So
let me be pissed, all right?”

“Okay.” Chad holds up his hands, rolling his
eyes dramatically. “Jesus. I would’ve thought you’d be as happy as
a pup with two peters now that you worked out your shit with your
baby girl.”

BOOK: Color of Forgiveness
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