Color Blind (BWWM Interracial Billionaire Single Mom Steamy Romance Novel) (26 page)

BOOK: Color Blind (BWWM Interracial Billionaire Single Mom Steamy Romance Novel)
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That’s for sure!” she agreed.


As we pulled up to the camp, all of the kids were lined up, waiting for parents to pick them up.


I see Dale and Alyssa!” she said, pulling over to that side of the parking lot.


I’ll let their counselors know that we’re here and I’ll be right back,” I said unbuckling my
as I got out of the car.








I was at home, enjoying one last quiet day by the in-ground swimming pool before the munchkins came back.
I knew once they were home, my afternoon would be filled with making finger sandwiches as I tore the crust off of them. And chasing the wet kids around the patio with towels, trying to catch them before they got inside.
Although things would be hectic once they
returned home, I couldn’t wait. They’d been at summer camp for three weeks and I missed them. In less than an hour, the entire family would be reunited.


Suddenly, I heard a loud splash before I was drenched with water. Little Dale had cannonballed into the swimming pool and soaked me with a tidal wave.


I didn’t even hear you guys come in!” I said wiping off my face. “Are any of you hungry?”


I’m starving!” Nevaeh said.


Me too,” Alyssa concurred.


I have some hotdogs and hamburgers. I’ll fire up the grill to make us an early dinner.”








Just a few weeks later, Nevaeh’s hands were sweating as she waited in line at the DMV for her driving test.


You’re going to do fine,” I whispered to her.


I know dad, but I’m so nervous. What if a car pulls out in front of me? Or what if the light changes and it’s too late for me to stop?”


He chuckled, “I suppose any of those things could happen, but they won’t. I have confidence in you. And so what if a car does pull out in front of you. Show off your defensive driving skills to the instructor!”


Nevaeh Halloway,” the woman called her for the test.


After Kimberly and I
married, she hunted down Nevaeh’s dad, Troy, to ask him to sign over his parental rights. It wasn’t an easy task tracking him down; it took her months, but when she did, he initially didn’t want to sign over his rights. He wanted to weasel his way back into their life, but when Kimberly promised to forgive all of his child support arrears, he eagerly signed the adoption papers for us. His child support warrant would soon be a thing of the past.


Good luck, babe,” I said to her as she headed out the door with her keys in hand.


Twenty minutes later, Nevaeh was bouncing through the
as the instructor followed shortly behind her.


I passed daddy! I passed!”


See, I told you that you’d do fine!”


I’ll be right back, I have to go have my picture taken for my driver’s license.”


I looked on as my beautiful daughter flashed her pearly whites for the camera, beaming with pride. She’d become
quite a little
lady and I couldn’t have been
. That little girl who turned into a lovely young woman had captured my heart, just as her mother had.


Ready to go celebrate with some ice cream?” I asked as we walked out of the building.




Okay, swing by the house to pick up your mom,
and sister and we’ll go where ever you want.”


Kimberly was anxiously waiting at home with the kids, hoping Nevaeh had passed her driving test. When she saw her driving the SUV as we
pulled up in front of the house, she instantly knew she passed.


Who wants ice cream?” I called out to the family as Nevaeh and I exited the SUV.


I do! I do!” the kids started screaming with excitement.


Did you pass?” Kimberly asked, even though she already knew the answer.


I got a 94 on my exam!” she bragged.


Yep, she did great. She was so nervous before we got
but I told her there was nothing to worry about,” I smiled as I wrapped my arm around her and squeezed her shoulders.


Our family of five headed out for ice cream that
and later went to a drive-in movie. Nevaeh was so happy and proud to have her license. She joked with her mom as they made their way back to the SUV with popcorn and soda for the whole family.


Just think mom, you’ll never have to drive anywhere again,” she said as she tossed a few pieces of popcorn into her mouth.


That would be nice, but I’m sure I’ll still have to do some driving.”


After the movie had
, Nevaeh drove us back home. It was almost midnight and Alyssa was conked out in the backseat.


I’ll carry her upstairs,” I said to Kimberly as I scooped her out of her booster seat.


Remember when you used to do that with Nevaeh?” she reminisced.


I do,” I said as I watched Nevaeh help her brother inside. “I do.”

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