ColonialGhost (5 page)

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Authors: Mlyn Hurn

BOOK: ColonialGhost
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Chapter Six


Broderick stepped into the attic. Sobriety hit him on the
side of his head abruptly. He didn’t consider for a moment that he was asleep
and this might be a dream. He had watched the weird, almost purposeful
movements of the mist. His thoughts might not have been the clearest when he
first came up the main staircase, but logically he couldn’t imagine how the
mist was moving
the steps. What he expected to see and what he saw
were too divergent to make any sense at the moment. Maybe it was a dream—no,
there had been Kerry’s scream.

Then he saw the mist was centered within the boundaries of
the candles. Beyond the soft light he saw his boarder sitting on the floor.
Something had obviously upset her by the way she was trying to scoot backwards.
She hadn’t gotten too far, and Broderick’s eyes were glued to the entrancing
display of exposed bosom.


A second later, the mist dissipated into the nearby
darkness. Broderick already doubted what he’d seen as he crossed the creaky
floor. Picking up the three candles, he extinguished each one. Looking down, he
was treated to the disheveled appearance of the staid and proper Ms. Kerry
Perry. Her breasts were in serious danger of complete nudity if Kerry scooted
another millimeter in any direction.

He watched as Kerry’s eyes moved up over his body. There was
no denying that Ms. Perry’s eyes lingered at his crotch. His body responded as
expected, and with the enticing display of Kerry’s delectably firm, white
breasts, his hardening manhood was quite prominently pressed against the front
of his faded jeans.

“Kerry?” He spoke her name again, watching her eyes move
upward and meet his. Slowly, awareness came back into her eyes, followed a
second later by a deep flush that tinted her cheeks and moved down across the
soft, pale flesh of her breasts. He started to offer his hand to help her up,
but pulled back suddenly. “What are you doing?” he asked her quietly.

“Uhm, I was…uhm.” Kerry cleared her throat. “Well, remember
that I asked about libraries this morning?”

Broderick folded his arms across his naked chest. “Okay.”

“I was doing some research.”

“And this research involves candles, an old dress and
possibly starting fires in my attic?”

“Sort of, uh, could you help me up?” Kerry felt her skin
flushing again in embarrassment, but lifted her hands up, wiggling her fingers.

Broderick took a step forward and leaned down to take
Kerry’s hand. Unfortunately, he didn’t see his foot was resting on the silk of
the dress. As he put pressure on that foot, while reaching out to Kerry, Broderick
lost his footing. He heard Kerry’s scream, which rapidly turned into a muffled
“humpff” as he landed solidly and squarely on top of her.

* * * * *

Kerry couldn’t breathe for a moment. Broderick was sprawled
atop her body. Her brain was giving her orders to push him off, but her hands
obviously were not listening as they blatantly disobeyed and curved into the
strong muscles of his upper arms and shoulders. She was intently aware of his
body pressing into hers. As she felt his hard cock pressing against her lower
belly, her mind pondered the fact that if she wiggled a little, and shifted
even just one thigh—Kerry soon became aware that Broderick’s gaze was focused
below her face.

Suddenly she remembered the precarious hold she’d had on the
top of her dress and quickly glanced down. Yes, indeed—her two firm, full
breasts were naked, and less than an inch away from Broderick’s chest. And from
somewhere deep inside her head or maybe it was her heart, the message came: one
deep breath and—

She heard Broderick’s groan reverberate through his chest as
it touched her breasts. Without the thin fabric of his shirt there was no
barrier at all between their heated skins. No way was this a dream… Kerry
shifted her eyes upward and ran into his gaze moving back down. For one second,
she considered bringing up the previous nights, or dreams. Maybe now was the
time to mention seeing a ghost…

The feel of Broderick’s hand curving around her breast less
than a second later chased all constructive thoughts away. Her back arched,
pushing her breast more fully into his hand. As his palm rubbed over the taut
nipple, Kerry shifted and pressed against his hardness. Aware of his movements,
Kerry told her brain to take control. It was becoming blatantly obvious that
her body had already raised the white flag.

Broderick lowered his head until his mouth hovered over her
recently deserted nipple. His palm and fingers had left her nipple taut and
distended. His mouth closed over the puckered bud. Gently his tongue swirled
over the super-sensitive flesh. Slowly, Broderick’s hand cupped her plump
breast, pushing it different ways to allow his mouth to continue its erotic

Kerry sighed and shifted into his embrace. This felt better
than a ghost did! She spread her thighs wantonly, inviting Broderick’s roaming
hand to sample the hot, wet flesh of her womanhood. When his hand slipped
beneath the silky skirt, Kerry groaned loudly. His fingers trailed lightly over
the inner flesh of one thigh, moving upward without pause. As his large hand
covered her mound, Kerry gasped and spoke out loud.

“A thousand times better than some ghost!”

* * * * *

Broderick froze in place, his hand cupping the hot, damp
womanly flesh. Why the hell he was stopping didn’t make any sense. Yet his hand
stopped moving and he lifted his mouth most reluctantly from her nipple. Kerry
had said something about a ghost…or that’s what he thought he heard. Gazing
down at her, he found it hard to believe she had said anything at all. Her face
appeared to be dazzled by her emotions, just as he had been, and pretty much
still was.

“What did you say?” he questioned her softly.

Kerry slowly opened her eyes and it seemed as if it took her
several long seconds before she focused on him. He could see awareness creeping
across her face, especially when he shifted his hand covering her mound. A
flush crept over her cheeks.

Broderick couldn’t resist moving his hand deliberately down
until his fingers rested upon the wet lips of her pussy. Very slowly and
deliberately, he moved his fingers over the soft womanly flesh. One finger
eased between and slid without pause directly to her clit. The moment he
touched that firebrand piece of flesh Kerry cried out.

“Ohmigawd!” Her words slurred and her body bucked upwards
and against his hand.

Broderick smiled, and began to move the one finger over the
bud of tender flesh. Each small move elicited the same reaction from Kerry’s
body. His pace quickened and soon Kerry’s body was reacting consistently and
instantly. When he slid two fingers inside her dark, wet passage, Broderick
lowered his mouth to her breast again. Sucking her nipple deeply into his
mouth, his tongue began to match the movements of his fingers.

He watched her face closely, lifting his mouth from her
succulent nipple every few moments. Guessing that her moment of release was
nearing, Broderick wanted to be inside her sweet, hot body when she came.
Waiting a few more moments only, he released the tab and lowered the zipper on
his jeans. The wetness of her body, as he rubbed his cock back and forth across
her soft, eager flesh was overpowering. Shoving his jeans down, one tiny part
of his brain heard the soft crinkling noise from the packets he’d shoved into a
pocket. Pausing, he grabbed one and ripped it open. Kerry’s eager hands moved to

“Hang on, Kerry. I’d better do it this time.” He felt Kerry
shiver as he spoke and looked up to meet her eyes. She was smiling, a sensual
curve to her mouth.

“Next time will be my turn?”

Broderick grinned as he sheathed his cock in protection. He
pressed forward, entering Kerry’s body slowly, savoring the feeling of her body
enclosing him. Wanting this to be good for Kerry, he strained to stay focused
on maintaining control. Abruptly he stopped, surprised at his thoughts. A
moment later though, instead of feeling Kerry’s hands caressing his back and
neck, she had suddenly reached down and grabbed his ass. Squeezing his cheeks
with her fingers, her nails dug a little into his flesh. Broderick’s control
shattered and he thrust into her body completely.

“Sweet Lord!” he whispered as her flesh closed entirely
around his hard cock. He didn’t move for a few long moments. Or at least until
he felt Kerry’s hands cupping his ass and squeezing hard, again. “God!”

* * * * *

Kerry grinned and kissed his cheek. Flexing her hips, she
tightened and clamped her muscles tightly around his manhood. When Broderick
pulled back instinctively, his groan filled the attic. Her tight ring of
muscles stroked along his cock, tugging and pulling against his withdrawal.
Stopping her flexion, Kerry felt his body move back down, filling her body once

She paused, her senses swamped, as Broderick slid in and out
of her body. She whispered his name as her legs lifted to circle his hips. Her
voice whispered two words that shocked her on one level, and aroused her even

“Fuck me!”

Shocked at her words, she could feel Broderick tense above
her. Her eyes locked with his a moment later and she wondered if she had
shocked him, or maybe even repelled him.

“God, Kerry!” Broderick lowered his head until their lips

Kerry kissed his lips, her tongue meeting his for teasing
licks. She raised her hands to caress his neck and face as his body began once
again to thrust slowly in and out of her body. Each move stimulated her clit
and drove her higher. Thoughts of slowing down, or controlling things,
dissipated a second later. Her body reacted and her climax shook her inside and
out. She closed her eyes as the physical tremors, sweet and exhausting, swamped

* * * * *

Above her, Broderick groaned. The feeling of her flesh
squeezing his cock was intensely erotic. Her words had shocked him, and aroused
him beyond belief. His needs demanded release and he quickly sped up his
thrusts. It was sweet torture. Broderick couldn’t last any longer. Shoving
forward, his climax erupted from deep within. Pushing deeply into her heat,
Broderick released his passion.

Several moments later, Broderick went to move away from her.
Kerry’s arms and legs locked around him, holding him tight. Then she tightened
her inner muscles and clamped down around his softening cock. He grinned down
at her.

“I’m crushing you, Kerry.”

Kerry nodded and her legs slid from around his body. She
wasn’t really ready to end this unbelievable interlude.

Broderick finally couldn’t support himself above Kerry any
longer. He slid from her body reluctantly, lying on the floor beside her.
Gazing up at the rafters of the attic overhead, he was pretty amazed at the way
passion had overwhelmed him. Surely he wasn’t dreaming! He turned his head
sideways to gaze at Kerry. His eyes moved over her slowly.

Red hair swirled wildly across the floor, making a fiery
halo of sorts. Her eyes were closed and her lips parted as she breathed in and
out quickly. Her lips were full and bruised-looking; making it obvious she had
been thoroughly kissed in the recent past. Moving his eyes down, he could see
the evidence of not only a fresh love bite on her neck but also proof that
recently she’d been with another man. Lower than the mark he had left, was another
just above the curve of her breast.

Broderick was surprised at the surge of jealousy that swept
through him at the thought of Kerry in another man’s arms, her thighs lifting
to hold that man tight. He groaned at the errant thoughts. His eyes lowered to her
naked breasts. It was impossible to keep away the jealous thought of another
man’s hands covering such luscious—

“Are you real, or am I dreaming again?”

Broderick looked up into Kerry’s eyes. Her words had
surprised him because he had been wondering if this whole thing was once again
a dream. He lifted his hand and lightly caressed the side of her face.

“Can two people be in the same dream?”

Kerry shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. Broderick
couldn’t resist the lure. His hand moved down and cupped the nearest firm
breast. Her nipple poked against his palm and he lightly rotated his hand back
and forth.

“Aah!” Kerry’s voice broke the silence.

Broderick moved to the other breast, fingering the nipple,
circling and flicking it into tighter arousal. Already he was getting hard
again, but he was no teenaged stud and this floor was getting cold and

“Could we adjourn to a bed?”

A bright blush moved up her chest and across her cheeks.
Nodding her head, Kerry sat up. Broderick’s hand fell away reluctantly and he
quickly adjusted his own clothing. Getting to his feet, he offered a hand to
help Kerry.

“You start down,” he told her, handing her one of the
flashlights. “I’ll get the rest of this stuff together.”

Chapter Seven


Kerry had quickly discarded the antique silk dress and
pulled on the thin knit cotton shirt and shorts she usually wore to bed. The
dress was lying across a chair when a knock sounded on her bedroom door. She
called out for him to enter.

“Come in!”

The door swung open slowly and Broderick stood just outside
the room. Behind him was darkness and the room light only partially highlighted
his features. Kerry caught her breath at how good-looking he was. For a moment
she wondered what had attracted him to her…and then she shook her head firmly.
There could be no denying his level of passion and arousal in the attic. She
didn’t think it was lack of women that had brought them together, either.

“I’m really drawn to discussing this in your bed or mine.
But logic tells me talking isn’t what we’d end up doing.” His lips curved
upward at Kerry’s soft gasp. “Let’s go down to the kitchen and get something to

“I’m not dressed—”

Broderick reached out and grabbed her hand. “You look fine
to me.”

* * * * *

Kerry sat opposite Broderick at the kitchen table, sipping
tea while he opted for strong coffee instead. It was silly, she knew, but she
felt a little embarrassed here, in his kitchen, with just her lightweight short
pajamas as covering. Even though they had been intimate a short time earlier,
they were still more like strangers than lovers, or friends. She glanced up
through her eyelashes while sipping the tea. Watching the handsome man, Kerry
found it hard to believe this was really happening.

“What were you doing up in the attic, Kerry?”

Kerry jerked her eyes completely open, surprised to hear him
ask that, after what had just happened on his attic floor. Perhaps this was
putting it all into perspective for him. She cleared her throat while putting
her cup back down. One deep indrawn breath, then another, seemed to be
necessary before she told him.

“I was trying to call up the ghost.”

Kerry had no chance to move before the coffee spewed from
Broderick’s mouth. She looked down and saw that he had managed to pretty well
douse her cotton top. It now pressed against her skin where it was wet. Looking
back up, she saw that Broderick was still coughing and looked more than a
little embarrassed.

“God! Kerry, I’m so sorry!” His hand reached across the
small table with his napkin, anxious to help. Before he touched her, Kerry took
the napkin from his hand. Dabbing at the wet spots, she avoided his gaze.

“It’s all right. I guess I really shocked you, huh?” Kerry
stopped the useless mopping up and looked into Broderick’s eyes. “I assumed you
knew about him.” When he shook his head, Kerry went on. “I think I saw him the
first night I was here. And I know for sure he was the one who gave me the
dress in the attic yesterday.”

“You think you saw this ghost the first night? How? I mean

“I thought I heard something not long after I’d gotten
settled in my room. I remember coming out and walking toward the far end of the
hall. I saw this wispy fog beginning to well up in front of the door, and then
disappear under it.”

“Did you come into my room?” he asked softly, reaching
across the table to cover her hand with his.

Kerry stared at their hands, resting on the table. “Yes, but
the next morning you didn’t seem to remember anything.”

“I thought it was a dream.” Broderick paused for a few
seconds. “Uhm…and the next night?”

“I wasn’t sure of anything. You didn’t remember being in the
attic with me, or that you gave me the dress.” Kerry shrugged, not sure what to
say or do next.

Broderick looked up from where his hand was lightly
caressing Kerry’s on the table. “I am not sure of anything right now, Kerry. I
can’t remember how long I was asleep when something drew my attention toward
the windows. I saw this fog or something moving across the floor. That night I
had the most erotic dream, starring you, than I could have possibly imagined.
In the dream, I opened my eyes and you were there. But now, it appears that it
wasn’t a dream after all.”

“I’ve never, ever in my life done that…or like last
night…tonight…” She stopped abruptly. It did sound as if she did this all the
time. Hell! Three times in a row definitely sounds like a pattern of behavior.

“Good Lord, Kerry! You don’t have to tell me that.”

Kerry couldn’t say why, but she suddenly felt a little
insulted. Nothing in his voice implied a snub, and it was probably just her old
lack of self-confidence raising its ugly head. But it sounded as if he…

Angrily, she lashed out, “Are you saying that you doubt I’ve
encountered a similar situation?

“You know,” she said more quietly, feeling her hurt rising
now instead of anger. “I am perfectly aware that I wouldn’t be your first
choice in a roomful of tall, thin, beautiful women. But I accept who I am! It
was your hand that pulled me into your bed—and it was
who came to my
room the next night. Or maybe it was the ghost.” Kerry wasn’t sure of anything
anymore. “Of course, I don’t believe in ghosts. I never have…until now.”

Broderick chuckled softly and lifted his hand to curve
around her cheek. “I don’t remember walking to your room, Kerry. But in the
morning, my head was reeling with remembered hot dreams, and your perfume
lingered on my skin. Could a ghost have done that?”

Kerry shrugged. “I read that sometimes a ghost leaves behind
a scent, but that is usually like flowers.”

“So, you did some research today. What else did you learn
about this ghost?”

Kerry smiled. “He looks a lot like you, except maybe a
little less gray.” She reached across and lightly stroked her fingers backwards
along the hair at his temples.

“I protest, madam! I don’t have a single gray hair.”

Kerry’s smile turned to a grin and she lowered her hand. But
Broderick caught it in his, raising it up for a soft kiss to press to the back
of it. Kerry’s breath caught in her throat at the old-fashioned and gentlemanly
action. For the first time since this whole crazy thing began, Kerry realized
that she could very easily end up with a much-damaged heart, if not a
completely broken one.

“I pull the gray ones out!”

Kerry’s laugh came out over the lump in her throat. Smiling,
she told him, “Best be careful or you will be pulling out the last hair on your
head before long.”

Broderick thrust his chair back, stood up and walked around
to kneel beside her chair. Lowering his head toward her, he spoke commandingly.
“Madam, I dare you to find a thinning spot on my head!”

Kerry couldn’t resist the chance to run her fingers through
his thick black hair. It was no longer tied back and it fell loosely onto his
neck. As she threaded her fingers within the soft, dark hair, she could feel
the warmth emanating from his head. And since she had turned to face him, she
now felt the heat of his body between her widespread thighs. With her hands
atop his head, she realized that his face was quite near her thinly covered
breasts. In fact, holding her body very still, she was sure she felt his heated
breath rush over her skin.

* * * * *

What had begun as a light-hearted jest was now turning into
a very erotic experience. Broderick gazed at her lush breasts, amazingly close.
Her shirt was still somewhat wet and draped revealingly over the full curves.
The sexy feeling of her hands in his hair and the way she had turned to him so
openly, only added to his rising desire. Slowly he moved his hands until they
rested on her upper thighs. When she didn’t say anything, he assumed she either
had not noticed their presence or was guessing he did it for balance.

Shifting his hands very slightly so they rubbed against her
warm fleshy thighs, Broderick paused to consider that she might not even have
noticed his touch. Then he saw the definite quiver of her breasts as he heard
her take a deep breath, which was very uneven. He smiled, confident that the
luscious Ms. Perry was not immune to his touch. Inching forward a little, he
spoke quietly.

“Finding any bald spots, Ms. Perry?”

Broderick watched Kerry’s breasts. She took a few quick
breaths. He couldn’t resist blowing across the thin fabric covering her
nipples. The response was immediate and hard. His need to taste those taut buds
again intensified.

“Let me bend a little bit lower so you can see better,”
Broderick offered. He didn’t wait for Kerry to agree. He pressed his face
directly between her firm full bosoms barely concealed by the lightweight
cotton. His hands shifted quickly to her waist, sliding upward. He turned his
head to one side, moving closer to her left nipple. He spoke again,
deliberately blowing air across his target. “All the men in my family have had
full heads of hair, right up to their last breath.”

His mouth was so close to her nipple. His warm breath was
dampening the thin fabric, bringing her nipple into sharp prominence. When
Kerry didn’t answer, but her hands seemed to be cupping the back of his head
instead, Broderick spoke and acted at the same time.

“Take all the time you need, honey, and I’ll just check
something out—”

His mouth closed over Kerry’s left nipple. At first, he just
held it in his mouth. But then his tongue began lightly stroking across the
flat tip. When he heard Kerry’s groan and her fingers tightened their grip in
his hair, his tongue rubbed over the tip more vigorously. Then, after several
long moments, he noticed the movement of her hips, restless and seeking, on the
chair. Using one hand, he pulled her top sideways until her nipple popped free
between the button openings.

Kerry gasped and arched her back toward his hot mouth. The
wet nipple was exposed to the night air for only a moment before it was once
again his acquired target. Sucking more strongly, his hands moved forward and
cupped beneath the large breasts. His head lifted finally so he could gaze at
her bountiful display.

Kerry’s hands slid away and she looked down as well. She
watched Broderick as he watched her. His hands pushed her large breasts upward,
against the paper-thin fabric. The left nipple was long and pointed, wet. It
poked between the gap of fabric. Broderick’s face lifted and their gazes met.
He saw the blush staining Kerry’s cheeks.

“You are the sexiest and most desirable woman. And yes,
Kerry, I would choose you out of a roomful of other women. I’m thinking I got
amazingly lucky when you walked into my room instead.” He lifted his hands and
quickly unfastened the buttons. Looking back down, her breasts were now
curtained between the soft cloth. “I’m fighting the strongest urge to pull you
down onto this kitchen floor right now.”

Kerry smiled. “And that would be wrong because?”

Broderick laughed out loud. “My knees are getting too old
for this. How about the kitchen table?”

* * * * *

Kerry giggled as Broderick lifted one eyebrow. He took her
breath away, literally, and a moment later she was lying back across the table.
Broderick had pulled her cotton pajama bottoms down and off. His own clothes
were shifted out of the way and before she could take a deep breath, Broderick
thrust inside her body once again.

“Oh!” she gasped softly, feeling her flesh gobbling up his
hardness eagerly. Soon he was buried to the hilt within her hot, wet flesh.
Kerry felt him pulling out, and then he shoved up into her again. As he started
a regular rhythm, she was aware that her breasts were jiggling and bouncing
with their movements. When she saw his eyes lower to the enticing display,
Kerry lifted her hands and covered her bouncing boobs.

Broderick shook his head quickly and removed her hands,
pressing them flat to the table, on either side of her head. “I’ll show you a
better use of hands at a time like this.”

Kerry watched, expecting Broderick’s large hands to replace
hers. Instead one hand settled onto her slightly rounded belly. It caressed in
small circles and then began moving down. His fingers caressed the smooth, soft
flesh and finally shifted between the folds of wet flesh. A second later his
finger found his second target.

“Oh, God!” Kerry cried out as Broderick’s finger began a
light, but insistent massage of her clit. Slowing his thrusts, he sped up his
teasing strokes and flicks against the extremely sensitive nubbin of flesh.
Over and over, his finger enticed and seduced until Kerry’s hips were jerking
and responding to even the smallest touches of his flesh against hers.

Her climax shocked her. It came from deep inside her. Her
hips were jerking, thrusting toward his body. Broderick’s finger stayed put,
pulling every bit of response from her flesh that she was capable of. Finally
his hands moved to her hips, holding her steady, and he resumed his thrusting
until his hips jerked forward, grinding pelvis to pelvis as he climaxed. Kerry
wrapped her legs even tighter around Broderick’s hips, holding him close to her
body, long after his thrusts ended.

Broderick’s head lowered to rest atop her soft, lush
breasts. Kerry soon felt his mouth kissing its way over the mountains until
they claimed a taut peak again. His mouth sucked on the right nipple, pausing
to rub his tongue all around it. She had no idea how long they stayed like
that, but it was with regret that she felt him release her nipple and raise his

“I hate to admit this, sweetheart. But I’m not as young as I
used to be. My back is not happy in this position. And while I’m not promising
anything, I only had the two condoms in my pocket.”

Kerry blushed and eased up onto her elbows. A second later,
Broderick’s body left hers with a loud, wet plop. She was intently aware of his
eyes moving back over her, taking in her sprawled, completely naked position.
Sliding off the table quickly, Kerry pulled the edges of her top together. Her
eyes down, she started looking for her pajama bottoms.

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