Colonial Madness (17 page)

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Authors: Jo Whittemore

BOOK: Colonial Madness
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“Porter Family?” Eli towered over us, holding out two cups of tea with sugar cubes and spoons resting on their saucers.

“Thank you,” said Mom, reaching up to take them.

Eli started to move on, but I grabbed his pant leg.

“I'm sorry,” I said.

Eli glanced down in surprise.

“I'm sorry we let you down.”

For the first time ever, Eli's face softened. “I shouldn't be so hard on you. You
young, ruled more by your hearts than your heads. And my son has been very happy since your arrival.”

I beamed up at him. “He has?”

Eli nodded. “I assumed it was excitement for the contest, but . . . as I say, youth is ruled by the heart.” He smiled and moved on, and again I felt a warm glow inside me.

Once the tinkling of spoons in teacups had stopped and everyone was settled comfortably, Great-Aunt Muriel took a long sip and began.

“It is true, I'm
dead, as is evidenced by my presence, but you all seem to be wondering why not. The fact of the matter is, I'm not dead, but I
dying. The doctors give me approximately one month to live.” Great-Aunt Muriel's face remained passive, as if she'd already accepted this truth.

“What are you dying from?” I asked.

“You don't assume it's because I'm old?” she asked with a wry smile.

“From the stories we hear, you seem pretty indestructible,” said Angel.

“The Unsinkable Muriel Archibald, eh?” She chuckled. “If you must know, I'm dying from a combination of old age, asbestos, and uranium.”

“Uranium?” asked Uncle Deke. “When would you have come into contact with nuclear materials?”

She pressed her lips together. “I have not been entirely forthright about my past. It is true I worked in the steel industry, but it wasn't for a privately funded company.”

“For who, then?” asked Mom.

“The US government,” said Great-Aunt Muriel. “My white-collar job was a cover for my work in counterespionage.”

“Espionage,” I repeated. “You were a

“That's so cool!” said Angel. “Did you have a grappling gun?”

She and I were now both leaning forward, food forgotten.

Great-Aunt Muriel's shoulders shook with suppressed laughter. “Before you imagine me slinking about in a black jumpsuit, I can assure you my life was not so exciting. My duties were to gather overseas intelligence on those who were spying on

“That explains how you seem to know so much about our lives,” said Mom with a smirk.

Great-Aunt Muriel tapped the side of her nose and pointed to Mom. “I've had decades of experience.”

“And you couldn't think of even
family member to give your estate to?” Mom asked.

Great-Aunt Muriel took another sip of tea. “When I was a young girl, my family lived in abject poverty. My parents had five children, as you know, and I was the youngest. I was also the sickest and the weakest. There was never enough food to go around, and I got what little was left after my brothers and sisters had their fill.”

I looked down at my sandwich, tempted to give it to Great-Aunt Muriel.

“One winter,” she continued, “I caught a particularly bad case of pneumonia, but my parents couldn't afford to feed the family
get me a doctor.”

“Oh,” said Aunt Zoe, covering her mouth with her hand.

“And so they hoped that I would recover but focused their attention on their children who were still thriving.”

I hugged my knees to my chest. Mom sidled closer and put an arm around me.

Great-Aunt Muriel watched us with a keen eye. “I've never quite understood the emphasis people place on family. Mine didn't make me a priority.”

Her voice sounded almost wistful, and she reached over to put her teacup on a side table. It rattled in its saucer as she struggled to hold it.

“Let me get that,” said Uncle Deke, taking it from her. She studied him.

“You're one of my sister Susanna's grandsons. Deke.”

“That's right,” he said with a smile.

“A name whose origin means ‘servant,' ” she continued. “How fitting that you offered to clear my dishware.”

Uncle Deke dropped the smile.

I cleared my throat. “Maybe it would be easier to connect with family if you didn't give them reasons to disconnect?”

Great-Aunt Muriel looked at me. “If the man can't take a joke, it's a problem with
upbringing, not mine.”

“It's fine,” Uncle Deke told me. He turned his attention back to her. “So, if you don't feel close to any of your family, why bother offering an inheritance at all? Why not donate the estate to a historical society?”

Great-Aunt Muriel leaned forward on her cane. “Because as little as I believe in family, a tiny piece of me still does. Plus, I enjoy being amused, and hosting a contest is far more fascinating than anything on television. Have you seen what is deemed entertainment these days? Who cares what housewives
are doing?”

Everyone laughed.

“Just how many cameras have you had on us?” asked Aunt Zoe. “I haven't noticed any other than the one Tori found.”
She squirmed uncomfortably. “And have they been watching

“I assure you, they were only placed in the common areas,” said Great-Aunt Muriel, “and competition locales.”

I frowned. “If you could see all that, then you must've seen Angel sabotaging my mom and me.”

She tilted her hand from side to side. “As I said, she was cleverly subtle in her actions, and though I had a hunch she was up to something, I couldn't confirm it. I decided to leave it up to her competitors to spot.”

Angel perked up. “Then since you don't really care, does that mean I'm not in trouble?”

Great-Aunt Muriel barked a laugh. “I never said I didn't care. You wouldn't be in this room if that were the case. No, you
be punished, as will Miss Porter.”

“Really?” My shoulders slumped.

She regarded me with disbelief. “Well intended or not, deceit is deceit.”

“So what
their punishment?” asked Mom, gripping my shoulder tighter.

“You needn't act as if I'm going to grind her up for chicken feed,” said Great-Aunt Muriel. “I will simply disqualify both of them.”

She said it so matter-of-factly that for a moment we all just continued to stare at her.

“Sorry,” said Uncle Deke. “Disqualified?”

“Yes,” said Great-Aunt Muriel. “Your children have been disqualified from the competition.” She raised her voice over the sound of Angel and me protesting. “Since the adults are still eligible, the children may remain on the property in separate bedrooms. I feel that's a generous allowance.”

“Or you could not disqualify me!” I said. “Seriously? Just because I talked to a guy?”

“Victoria,” Mom said in a warning tone. “Don't press your luck.”

Great-Aunt Muriel held up a hand. “It's all right. The fact of the matter is that she broke one of the main rules of this competition. No fraternizing with employees in case of unfair advantage.”

“But I didn't have an unfair advantage!” I said. “Haven't you been watching me and my mom? We suck!”

“Hey,” said Mom with a frown.

“I swear I didn't get any help,” I continued. “You said so yourself; I had plenty of chances to cheat, and I didn't.”

“Victoria,” said Great-Aunt Muriel in a much calmer voice
than mine, “this decision is not up for debate.”

“But my mom can't make it on her own!” I protested.

“Enough!” shouted Mom.

Everyone jumped, including Great-Aunt Muriel.

“I've taken as much of this as I can stand,” said Mom, slamming her saucer and teacup on a table.

“Careful!” said Great-Aunt Muriel. “That's . . .”

Mom glared at her. “You can't take it with you, Muriel!” Then she pointed at me. “Ever since you found out we're in debt, you've seen nothing but the bad in all I do. You doubt me at every step. If there's
person in the world I hoped would trust me, it would be you.”

I got to my feet. “Mom, I

“You just said I can't make it on my own!” she bellowed.

“I meant . . .” I wrung my hands together.

She was right. Even after our conversation at the edge of the woods, I still didn't trust her to win for us. So many little things had gone wrong.

“Well?” She held her arms open while everyone else looked on. “What do you have to say for yourself?”

“I . . . well . . .” I turned to Great-Aunt Muriel. “Is the final challenge something related to shopping or celebrities?”

There was a bump to my shoulder as Mom pushed past me
to leave the room. “Good night, Tori. I'll leave your belongings in the hallway.”

“Night,” I said with a sigh.

Mom was furious and I was disqualified. But at least I wasn't sleeping in the barn.

Chapter Fourteen

fter the talk with Great-Aunt Muriel, I went upstairs and changed back into my street clothes. Now that I was no longer in the contest, it didn't really matter what I wore. And even though they weren't completely clean, these clothes smelled way better than my colonial ones.

Caleb was waiting right where he said he'd be, holding a bouquet of flowers and wearing a guilty expression. When he saw me, he jogged to close the distance between us.

“How epically did I screw up?” he asked. Then he did a double take at my outfit. “You're not in costume anymore!”

I took a deep breath and said, “I've been disqualified.”

Caleb's eyes widened, then took on the same sternness as his father's. “I have to talk to Muriel and set things right,” he said, marching past me.

“Caleb.” I grabbed the crook of his elbow and stopped him. “Things

He cocked an eyebrow at me.

“I deserve to be disqualified,” I said. “Even if I didn't use my time with you to cheat in the contest, I still broke the rules.”

Now that I was saying the facts out loud, I realized how true they were. I decided to try something.

“But it's okay,” I continued. “My mom is going to do
on her own.”

Caleb's eyebrows pushed together. “Why are you making a face like you drank bad milk?”

“Am I?” I said. “That's weird. I'm proud of my mom.”

Caleb shook his head. “Now your face looks like you drank bad gasoline.”

I smacked him with the flowers, and he eyed the petals falling to the ground.

“I'm glad I didn't give you a puppy. What's going on?” He held up a finger. “And don't say ‘nothing,' because I'll bet the face that goes with
lie is even scarier.”

I glared at him, and he blocked his body with his arms to deflect more floral abuse.

I lowered the bouquet to my side and stared past him. “I'm the worst daughter ever.”

“Oh.” Caleb frowned. “You really believe
. Why?” We started to walk around the property, hand in hand.

“I don't think my mom can win this on her own.”

“Hm,” he said. “I can see that. She
is up
against some pretty tough competitors, and they all have teams of at least two.”

I shook my head. “No, it's not that. I don't think she stands a chance because of who

“Oh,” he said again, and it was
turn to make a face. “That's kind of harsh.”

,” I lamented, tugging at his hand. “And I feel bad for thinking it, but I can't make myself believe anything else.”

He nodded. “Otherwise . . . Halloween face.”

I gave a piteous nod.

Caleb was quiet for a minute. “Why don't you try thinking about all the times your mom did something right, instead of all the times she did something wrong?”

“Because I can't think of when she's ever done something right,” I said flatly.

“I can think of one huge example.” He stopped and faced me. “You.”

I smiled back. “You realize you just called me huge.”

“I was hoping you'd overlook that,” he said, pulling me forward. “What about her dress shop?”

I sucked in a breath. “Considering that's the reason we're in this mess, I wouldn't exactly call it a success.”

“But she's had it for a long time, right?”

I nodded. “Since I was five.” Then I grinned. “When she got the loan to buy the shop space, I asked her if she could save some of the money to buy me a tiger.”

“If this story doesn't end with you getting a tiger, I'm going to be really disappointed,” said Caleb.

I smiled. “I
get a tiger. A huge stuffed one that she bought after her first dress sale. I held my arms out wide. “Massive.”


“Yeah, she said she was sorry for not getting it sooner but”—I paused thoughtfully—“she had to spend the loan money on bills.”

“Sounds like she did the right thing,” he said. “A real tiger would've been expensive to feed.”

I smirked. “Yeah, but having mine was expensive too. I may have accidentally tried to ride it down the stairs.”

Caleb winced. “Why do I have a feeling that didn't go well?”

I patted my right arm. “Broken in three places. Mom didn't
want to wait for an ambulance, so she wrapped me up in a blanket and ran with me all the way to Aunt Zoe and Uncle Deke's.”

“Wow,” he said. “She must've been seriously freaked out.”

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