College Weekend (7 page)

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Authors: R.L. Stine

BOOK: College Weekend
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Jack waved as the girl dragged him away. “Don't worry!” he shouted. “You'll find Holly. Tell her I said hi.”

“We have to look for her,” Tina urged, turning back to Chris. “Something awful might have happened.” She pushed away from the carnival booths and into the crowd.

She bumped into a boy carrying a box of popcorn. She spun around the other way. A clown jogged toward her. His full red lips reminded Tina of blood. Several small children followed the clown. They circled Tina's legs, laughing and shouting.

She felt trapped. Get away from me! she thought. I can't think. I need space.

She cupped her hands over her ears. Holly—where
you? “I have to get out of here!” Tina cried.

“Calm down,” Chris said. He took her arm and led her to a bench.

“How can I be calm?” she shouted. “My cousin is missing. She could be anywhere. And
that strange voice on the phone machine sounded so creepy. Something is totally wrong.”

Chris adjusted his ponytail. “You said that Holly wants to be on her own, right?” He stared into her eyes. “And that she's always out for a good time?”

“Yes, but …” Tina stopped talking. I know he's trying to be reasonable, she thought. And I promised myself not to get upset again. But this is different. This time I know someone's lying. “We have to call the police.”

“You can't file a missing-persons report until someone's gone for twenty-four hours. It's only been …” Chris checked his watch. “It's only two. You guys didn't get here until nine last night.”

Is that all? Tina thought. I feel as if I've been waiting forever for Josh. “Maybe I should call my aunt and uncle,” she mumbled.

“If you want,” he answered.

No, I don't really want to, she thought. They would call her parents and everyone would show up in Patterson. And her weekend with Josh would be over before it began.

“No,” she said, swinging her foot back and forth on the concrete. “I don't know what to do.”

“I know what you need,” Chris said. He slapped his hands on his thighs. “How about a frozen banana?”

Of all the food at a carnival, frozen bananas were Tina's favorite. How does he keep doing that? Tina thought. Is he a mind reader or something?

“Okay,” she agreed halfheartedly.

They weaved among the booths and rides to the ice-cream stand. Tina's mind drifted away from the carnival. I'm not being fair to Chris, she thought. He certainly hadn't asked to spend all weekend with me. I have to stop thinking and just have a good time.

After frozen bananas, they headed for the Ferris wheel. As they stood in line, Tina tried to keep up her half of the conversation. But her mind kept wandering to Holly and Josh.

“So have you heard of them?” Chris asked.

“Heard of who?”

“Never mind,” Chris replied. “We're next.”

The attendant led them to a car. Chris lowered the safety bar. A minute later the ride began. The balmy spring air brushed against her face. The sounds faded into the distance.

Tina's stomach fluttered when the car swooped down. She felt a rush as the car lifted back in the air.

Chris fiddled with the settings on his camera. He focused on Tina and took several shots as they rode around.

Tina searched the crowd below, hoping to see
Holly. On the way down next time, she thought, I'll check another section.

But the car didn't go down another time. It jerked and then came to a stop.

Tina glanced up at the open sky. I can almost touch the clouds, she thought.

“We're stuck,” Chris said. “Have you ever been stuck at the top before?”

“No,” Tina answered.

The children in the car below began crying for their parents.

A bird landed on one of the spokes of the giant wheel, then flew away.

I wish I could fly away, Tina thought, and start this weekend all over again.

Deep in thought, she didn't realize Chris had moved closer—until he draped his arm around her. His eyes locked on hers.

Not now, she thought. I can't kiss him up here. I can't kiss him at all. I have a boyfriend. A boyfriend who will be back any minute.

Tina edged away.

Chris ran his hand along her cheek. “Stop worrying,” he said soothingly. “I told you you worry too much.” He wrapped his arms around her and leaned forward.

Then he pressed his soft lips on hers. She didn't want to, but she couldn't help herself. She gave in and returned the kiss.

Chris held her tighter. His kisses grew deeper.

I like this, she thought. I know I shouldn't, but I really do.

A gentle breeze rocked the car. The screaming children faded into the distance.

Chris ran his fingers through her hair.

Then he cupped her face in his hands. A faraway look came over his eyes.

“Chris.” Tina touched his arm. “Are you all right?”

He didn't answer.

“Chris,” she repeated. “Say something.”

He narrowed his eyes at her.

What is he seeing? she wondered. His expression is so cold.

Chris removed the rubber band from his ponytail. His hair fell down his neck. He shook it out.

“Sorry,” he finally said. “It's just that I haven't been on a Ferris wheel since …” His voice drifted off.

“It's okay,” Tina replied softly. “Carla told me about her.”

“I keep seeing her face,” Chris murmured. “I wish I could shut it out.”

“It takes time,” Tina said. It felt good to comfort Chris. After all, he'd been reassuring her all day.

He turned his piercing green eyes on her. “You know, Josh is a fool for leaving like that,” he
declared. “What if I hadn't arrived at the train station when I did? Do you know what might have happened to you?”

Tina shuddered. “Don't remind me.”

“He should have stayed here,” Chris continued. “I told him if I had a girlfriend like you, I wouldn't go anywhere.”

He moved closer.

“I hope they get this thing fixed,” Tina said, peering down.

“What's the hurry?” Chris slid his arm around her again.

“I'm afraid of heights,” Tina lied.

He held her tightly. Her bones pressed into his chest. She could hardly breathe.

Please, start this ride back up. Please. We're too heavy to be on one side of the car.

Tina gazed down to the ground below.

Chris forced his lips on hers. He tasted like chocolate and bananas. I don't want to kiss him anymore, she thought.

“Chris!” Tina cried, pushing him away. “Please. We're tilting the car.”

Chris pressed his mouth against hers.

She turned her face away. “Stop,” she said firmly.

“What's wrong?” Chris snapped. “What kind of game are you playing?”

“I-I'm not playing any game,” Tina stammered.

Chris grabbed her and planted a slobbery kiss on her cheek. He ran his tongue inside her ear. Chills shot down her body.

“Stop it!” she shouted. “I mean it.” She shoved him to the other side of the car.

Please start this ride. Please!

“I thought you felt something for me,” Chris said angrily. “A minute ago you didn't seem to mind kissing me. Admit it, you feel something!”

“I do … I mean, I like you, but you know how I feel about Josh.”

“What about last night?” Chris protested. “And a few minutes ago? You weren't thinking about Josh then.”

I need to find the right words, Tina thought. “You're right,” she began. “But Josh and I have been together for two years.” She swallowed hard.

Chris's eyes darted around the car. He put his hands on the safety bar and began rocking.

“I'll tip this thing over,” he threatened. “You're a tease, aren't you! Admit it, Tina!”

The car tilted forward.

“Chris!” Tina cried. “Stop. We're going to fall out.”

“Then kiss me,” he insisted, moving closer.
“Kiss me and then tell me how you feel. Go ahead. Kiss me now!”

“No!” Tina shouted.

Chris used his weight to swing the car.

Back and forth. Back and forth.

“Stop!” she demanded.

Tina felt her stomach drop. Her blood rushed to her head. She gripped the safety bar.

Tina stared at the crowd below. She pictured herself falling … falling. Splattered on the cement.

“Chris! Are you
she shrieked.

Chris laughed. He gave the car another hard swing.

Tina's pulse raced.

She opened her mouth to scream. Nothing came out.

Her fingers slipped off the safety bar.

Chris swung the car harder.

I'm falling, she thought.

I'm going to die!

She shut her eyes and started to fall.

chapter 11

own … down.

No. Not falling.

The car was moving again. The Ferris wheel had started to turn.

The car swung upright. Tina breathed a long sigh of relief. She turned to Chris.

He toyed with the strap of his camera. He stared silently ahead.

What's he thinking? Does he realize he nearly killed us?

Still shaking, Tina hugged the far corner of the car. Down they swooped. She leaned forward, ready to jump off as soon as their car stopped.

It didn't. Now what's happening? she thought.

“Hey, Chris!” The attendant waved. “I'll give you a couple more spins since you were stuck up there for so long.”

No, Tina thought. I have to get away from him.

“How about some more photos?” Chris asked casually. He pulled his camera out of the case.

He's acting as if nothing happened, Tina thought. I can't believe this.

“The lighting up here is terrific,” he said. He caught her frightened expression. “I scared you, huh?”

Tina nodded.

“I'm sorry,” he mumbled. He fiddled with the settings. “I was only joking. I really am sorry.”

His voice sounded sweet again. More like the Chris who had been helping her all weekend.

I feel sorry for him, she thought. His girlfriend's death must have really flipped him out.

Tina remained silent as the car continued to circle. Get me off this thing, she thought. Then I'll deal with Chris.

Finally the car reached the ground and stopped.

Tina stumbled off.

“Hey, wait up!” Chris called, chasing after her. He grabbed her arm. “Tina,” he pleaded softly. “Don't be angry. Please.”

Tina sighed. He appeared so lost.

If I hadn't kissed him in the first place, none of this would have happened.

She gazed up at the Ferris wheel. She shuddered as she pictured herself plunging from the top.

“Please,” he repeated. “I should have known this would happen. I told you, I haven't been at a carnival, since … you know … Judy's accident.”

“Let's go back to the dorm,” she said, turning away from the ride. “Maybe Holly's there.”

“Okay,” Chris agreed, reaching for her hand.

Tina quickly shoved her hands into her pockets. I can't lead him on anymore. From now on I'll be very cold, very careful.

She hurried through the throngs of people. A clown laughed too loud. Music blasted. Children screamed and ran around excitedly.

One more minute in this place and I'm going to explode! she thought.

Tina spotted the scooter. She jumped on. I want to look really good for Josh when he gets back, she thought as Chris started up the engine. I'll take a long bath and wash my hair and …Where is he taking me?

“Hey, Chris.” She tapped him hard on the shoulder. “Isn't the dorm the other way?”

“I thought we'd go to my studio now. Take
some more shots for your portfolio!” he yelled back to her.

“Not now!” Tina protested. She tugged on his shirt sleeve. “Turn around.”

Chris pulled over to the side of the road.

“It's only three,” he explained. “Carla won't be back with the guys until at least five. This will be the only time to take some indoor shots.”

“But I look awful,” Tina argued, raking her hands through her tangled hair.

“No, you don't. Besides I have clothes there and makeup. Everything you need.”

What if Chris freaks out again? she thought.

“Please. I told my uncle I'd be taking shots of you. He made me promise to show him the proofs.”

This is my chance, Tina thought. If Rob Roberts likes the pictures, he could invite me to model for him!

She would have to keep a watchful eye on Chris. If he did anything weird, she would leave.

“Okay,” Tina agreed. “But only for an hour.”

“It's a deal.” He held out his right hand.

Tina hesitated. Now I'm being silly, she thought. He just wants to shake hands.

Reluctantly she held out her hand. Chris gave it a quick shake.

They wove back into the traffic. Maybe I overreacted on the Ferris wheel, she thought.
Didn't Josh try something dumb like that once at a Fear Street Carnival? He and Jack Cooper tried to spin a race car off the track.

I don't think Chris meant to hurt me.

And he's going to show my photos to his uncle.

So at least something positive can come out of this horrible weekend.

They turned into a busy intersection. Tina glimpsed a girl kissing a guy near a parked car.

A girl with short dark hair. Wearing a white T-shirt with the words PATTERSON MAVERICKS on the back.

Tina squinted to get a better view.


Carla didn't go to get the guys. She didn't leave the campus.

What is going on?

chapter 12

top! Chris—stop!” she screamed, tugging on his shoulders.

Chris slowed down and pulled over to the curb.

“We passed Carla!” Tina shrieked. “Kissing some guy!” She pointed down the block.

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