College Discipline (5 page)

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Authors: Kim Acton

Tags: #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: College Discipline
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"Heather, please fasten her wrists to the cuffs that are straight ahead of her," he asked. To reach the cuffs Jenna's arms had to be pulled fully forward and her wrists were fastened together and held down firmly. The Professor fastened a thick leather harness across Jenna's lower back and cinched it tight. He stepped back and surveyed his work. Jenna was rendered immobile. Her legs were spread and fastened so that her toes barely touched the floor, her torso was held down to the bench and her arms were locked to the far end of the bench. He could also see her breasts were squeezed under her.

"Heather, her breasts are being pressed into the bench. Please separate them and allow them to hang down freely on each side of the bench," said the Professor. Heather had never touched another woman's breasts. She stole a quick look at Jenna who nodded her permission. The bench under Jenna's chest was narrow and Heather cupped the left breast in her hand and gently moved it to the side. She felt the hot, swollen nipple in the palm of her hand and it sent an erotic shiver through her. She moved to the other side of the bench and slowly moved Jenna's right breast. It was so large it filled her whole hand easily. She let it linger for just an extra moment. It was full and heavy and the hard nipple pressed into her hand deliciously. Jenna moaned with relief when both breasts were allowed to hang freely. The Professor smiled when he saw Heather absentmindedly lick her lips and then look away from Jenna.

"Jenna, I want you to tell me something for which you feel guilty," said the Professor as he removed a leather tawse from the wall. It was longer than most tawses and had a double thickness of leather stitched together. It appeared very supple as if it had many years of frequent use. "Go on," he prompted, "tell me something you did that makes you feel guilty.

"I took drugs," said Jenna.

"Name one," said the Professor.

"I smoked pot," Jenna offered.

Without any delay a lash from the tawse landed viciously across both cheeks of Jenna's tenderized ass. As she yelped, another landed and then a third.

"What else"" asked the Professor.

"I took my mom's diet pills," admitted Jenna.

Three more strokes landed on her swelling cheeks. The pain was bitting and Jenna began to cry.

"What else"" asked the Professor.

"I drank alcohol and got drunk a lot," she cried.

Crack! Crack! Crack! Heather began to wince as she watched the hard lashes fall onto Jenna's flesh. Jenna twisted and contorted herself under the restraints.

"What else"" asked the Professor.

"I tried cocaine once," admitted Jenna as she convulsed with pain.

Three more strokes of the wicked tawse were applied exactly where the last three had landed. Welts began to form and Jenna cried so hard she could not speak. The Professor returned the tawse to its place and removed a leather strap about the size of a man's belt. He gave Jenna a few minutes to recover.

"Now, Jenna, I want you to tell me who you hurt?"

Jenna paused to think. "I hurt my mom," said Jenna, with remorse in her voice.

The Professor laid five hard strokes across the backs of her legs. Jenna jerked so hard she moved the bench and screamed like she was being strangled.

"Who else"" asked the Professor.

"My brother," cried Jenna.

Five hard strokes landed across her ass. It hurt like fire but Jenna was grateful that they were not applied to her legs.

"Who else"" asked the Professor.

"My grandparents," admitted Jenna.

The whipping continued like that for over an hour. The Professor asked her who she had lied to, what boyfriends she cheated on, what she stole, what school tests she cheated on, what girls she was mean to, and on and on. He whipped her with two straps and three paddles. Jenna was near exhaustion. The Professor had paced her whipping expertly so that it continued for much longer than Jenna would have imagined was possible. It was astonishing what Jenna took. This was a girl who was truly sorry for what she had done and wanted, even begged, to pay the price for it.

When he removed the Lucifer strap from the wall Heather felt a rush of fear go through her. She was afraid to even see it, let alone see and hear it's affects on her friend. He dangled the huge strap in front of Jenna.

"We're almost finished now, Jenna. But first you have the devil to pay." Jenna felt her stomach flutter with fear. Her tender ass was purple and swollen and had welts covering most of it. The sight of the most menacing and vicious implement she had ever seen was enough to cause her to burst into sobbing tears. Then she said something that astonished both Heather and the Professor.

"Please, give it to me hard. I want this all to be done with. I'm so sorry for the things I've done to others. Please punish me hard," she sobbed.

The Professor obliged. When the first stroke landed fully across her entire ass the sound was such a walloping thud that Heather moved to cover her ears. Jenna's scream came from the pit of her stomach and was continuing when the next lash hit her. The pain was searing and she knew she could not take many in her condition. Her knees buckled and she tried to contort herself to avoid the impact but she was helpless to avoid the full power of every stroke. Each swat sent visible ripples up and down her body. Even her dangling breasts undulated with each shock wave. Sweat covered her body and she began to tremble involuntarily. After several more strokes she whimpered, "Please, I can't take any more." The Professor stopped immediately. He waited until Jenna's breathing returned to normal.

"I have one more question for you before we complete your session, Jenna. Whom did you hurt most?" asked the Professor.

Jenna tried to gather her wits. She drew a blank. She had named every member of her family, every boyfriend and every close girlfriend. "I don't know," she said, still crying.

"Isn't it you, Jenna? Aren't you the one you hurt the most with all that crazy behavior? And aren't you the one who suffered the most from it?" he asked.

It hit Jenna like a ton of bricks. He was right. She began to sob. "Yes," was all she could manage to say between sobbing gasps for air. The Professor removed a rattan cane from the wall and swished it through the air.

"Now you need to pay for the pain you have caused to yourself. Jenna, I'm going to cane you until you tell me that you have forgiven yourself for every bad thing you did as a teenager. Every stupid thing you did to hurt yourself. Are you ready?" he asked as he raised the cane into the air.

Jenna took a breath and said, "Yes, Professor. I'm ready." Heather looked on in amazement and thought to herself that if it were her she'd take one cane stroke and yell that she had forgiven herself. Jenna was more contrite and far more willing to pay the price that was due.

The cane felt like powerful electric shocks jolting though Jenna's body. The pain was unlike any of the other implements the Professor used on her. It landed with a snap that sent pain in every direction. The fine, characteristic double welts formed quickly on her already purple ass. She took ten strokes. Then she took ten more that were harder. She began to yell. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" The Professor could tell it wasn't a cry to stop, only her apology to herself for what she had done in the past.

Finally, after uncounted strokes she broke down completely and quietly said, "That's all. Please, that's all." The Professor set down the rattan cane and began to unfasten her ankle and torso restraints. Heather hurried to do the same for her wrists and helped her stand up. Jenna was bathed in sweat and barely able to stand. She leaned on Heather who helped her out of the dungeon and to get dressed in the living room.

"I'd like you to take Jenna home now, Heather. Will you make sure she gets into her bed safely?" asked the Professor. Heather agreed. He held Jenna's chin and looked into her eyes, "You've done a brave thing tonight, Jenna. You should forgive yourself completely and not feel any more guilt. You'll need a lot of rest now. Please let Heather take you home. She a good friend to you, Jenna and you're fortunate to have her."

"Thank you, Professor. Thank you for everything," said Jenna as they moved toward the doorway.

On the way home Heather couldn't stop thinking about the things the Professor said, the way he smiled at her, the way he sort of called her dear and the way he told Jenna that Heather was a good friend. She also couldn't get the image out of her mind of him commanding Jenna to suck his cock and his powerful posture while administering the whipping in the dungeon. She was falling for him and needed to know what his feelings were.

She got Jenna home to her apartment and helped her get into bed. She gave her some pain reliever pills from the bathroom cabinet. Jenna asked her to get her aloe lotion and to please rub it onto her ass and legs. Heather obliged and squirted the lotion onto Jenna's burning ass and slowly and tenderly rubbed it into her skin. It felt strangely erotic to hold a woman's ass in her hands and to feel the heat from her ordeal. Heather wished her ass felt the same way. She had begun to crave the after-effects of her sessions with the Professor and felt jealous that Jenna's ass was on fire and her's was not. She remembered feeling the same way about seeing her give him a blowjob. She wanted to give him that. She wanted the whipping. She wanted him.

She watched Jenna fall asleep while still quietly crying. Heather turned off the apartment lights and locked the door behind her. It was late but she decided to go right back to the Professor's home.

Heather Needs More

Heather knew she shouldn't visit the Professor without permission but she decided to take the risk. She knocked on the door and the Professor answered it wearing a silk robe. He gave her a puzzled look.

"I'm sorry Professor, but can I speak to you for a moment?"

As he let her in and closed the door behind them he asked, "Is it Jenna? Did you get her home safely?"

Heather answered, "No. She's fine. She's in bed and asleep already. It''s about me, really. I sort of need to talk to you. I think I need a session with you, or something."

The late hour and the Professor's comfortable dress gave the moment a more relaxed feel. He smiled at her and said, "Well, you probably should get a spanking for visiting at this hour without an invitation. But since you're here, would you like a drink? I have some wonderful wine." Heather eagerly accepted.

The Professor continued as he opened the wine, "So, you say you need a session or something. What would the something be, Heather?"

She stammered an answer, "Well, I...Maybe we could...I just feel that I want more than a normal session."

"Do you want the type of session that Jenna just received?" asked the Professor.

Heather cringed. "No! I mean, it was amazing to see it and I think it's was perfect for her needs. But that's not what I'm thinking. When I saw her giving you head it made me realize I love doing that to you but I want...well, I thought maybe..."

"Spit it out, Heather. You're already getting a spanking tonight for coming here unannounced. What else do you need? Just say it," said the Professor as he handed her a glass of wine.

Heather took a gulp of her wine, paused and then blurted, "I want it every day from you. And I want to give you head every day and I want you to fuck me. I want it all."

The Professor smiled slightly and took a slow sip of wine. He let the silence linger in the air. "I like you, Heather. I'm quite attracted to you and I'm sure I would enjoy spending more time with you." Heather felt a sense of relief but waited for the 'but' that she sensed was coming. "Heather, are you familiar with the term, anal fixation?"

"I've heard of it. It's Freudian, isn't it?" she answered.

"It refers to an exaggerated interest in things related to - in my case - a woman's ass. It's why I enjoy my avocation of tutoring college girls the way I do. I enjoy seeing and touching a firm, young ass. I enjoy spanking it and even whipping it and seeing it change color and texture. It's wonderful. And I suppose I've never told you that your's is one of the most magnificent it's ever been my pleasure to spank."

"Thank you," said Heather happily.

"Now, as to the issue of having intercourse with you. I would very much enjoy fucking you, Heather. But I have explained my fixation to you because I want you to realize something - I'm only interested in fucking you in the ass. Are you prepared to have anal sex with me, Heather?"

Heather should have seen it coming, but she didn't and was taken by complete surprise. She had never had any form of anal sex. Not even a finger or tongue had ever taken her anal virginity. She was shocked but at the same time was so was voraciously horny to be ravaged by the Professor that she would have agreed to almost anything. "I'll do it," she answered.

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