Collection 1983 - The Hills Of Homicide (v5.0) (13 page)

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Authors: Louis L'Amour

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He had been coming in, and I used his impetus. He went over flying and hit the table in front of me with a crash; the table collapsed like a sick accordion and with about the same sound. Being on my knees, I grabbed the legs of the nearest man with Milly and jerked hard. His head hit the table when he fell, and I was up fast to see Milly break away and the other man clawing at his hip.

It was a bad move, leaving him as open as a Memphis crap game, and I threw my right down the groove with everything on it but my shoelaces. When a man grabs suddenly at his hip, his face automatically comes forward. His did, and brother, it was beautiful!

His face came forward as if it had a date with my fist, and it was a date they kept. You could have heard the smack of that fist clear into the street, and his feet went from under him as if they’d been jerked from behind. He went down to all fours. Naturally, I didn’t kick him. In police reports that might not look good, so when I sort of bent over him, my knee sort of banged into his temple. It was what might have been termed a fortuitous accident.

Garzo had gone out the back door, so there must have been one. Grabbing Milly, I started for it. Blond Horace was somewhere behind me, and he was screaming. My last glimpse of the room was one I’d not soon forget. It was the face of a big Irishman, built like a lumberjack, who was staring down at those three hoodlums with such an expression of admiration at the havoc I’d wrought that it was the finest compliment a fighting man could receive.

The kitchen clattered and banged behind us, then the door.

We raced down the alley. We reached the street, slowing down, but just as we reached it, a car swung in and stopped us cold.

It was a shock to them and to us, but I’ll hand it to Ben Altman. He thought fast, and there was no arguing with the gun in his mitt. “Get in,” he said. “You’re leaving too soon.

“Thanks,” I told him. “Do you mind if we skip this one? We’ve got a date, and we’re late.”

“I do mind,” he said. He was taking it big, like in the movies. “We can’t have our guests leaving so early. Especially when I came clear across town to see the lady.”

Milly had a grip on my fingers, and that grip tightened spasmodically when he spoke. She had heard about him from Cory, but that gun was steady. Had it been aimed at me, I’d have taken a chance.

A bullet has to hit a bone or go right through the heart or head to stop you, and well, I’d have gambled.

“Suppose you take us along?” I said. “The cops will be riding your tail within an hour.”

Ben Altman smiled. “I’ll have an alibi.”

Footsteps came up the alley behind me, and then a gun was jammed into my back so hard it peeled hide. “Get moving!” It was Pete Farber.

Milly was beside me as they walked us back to the club. She was tense and scared, but game. Just why they wanted her, I did not know. Maybe they believed she knew something, being a friend of Corabelle’s.

Back in the office at the Crystal Palace, the two hoods I’d worked over came in. Rather, one walked in, the other was half carried.

So there we were: Ben Altman, his three stooges, Milly and myself.

Now Benny was a lad who could scrap a little himself, and with Benny, I had an old score to settle. He got a decision over me in the ring once although I’d had him on the floor three times in the first four rounds. He had a wicked left, and I think on any other night I could have beaten him. On the night that counted, I did not do well enough after that fast start, and it always griped me because Ben Altman was a fighter I had never liked.

“Looks like you banged the boys around a little,” Ben said. “But they’ll have their innings before this night is over.”

“What’s the matter, Ben? Do you have to hire your fighting done now?”

He did not like that, and he walked over to me, staring at me out of those white blue eyes. “I could take you any day in the week and twice on Sunday, so why bother now?”

“With the right referee you could,” I agreed, “but there isn’t any referee now.”

He ignored me and walked over to Milly. “Where’s the diary?” he demanded. When he asked that question, a great light broke over me. Why had I not thought of that? Cory had kept a diary!

“I don’t know anything about it.” Milly held her head up and faced him boldly, proudly. I never saw anybody more poised. “If Cory kept a diary, she certainly never showed it to me. Why don’t you ask her?”

Altman’s face was ugly. “You’ll tell me,” he said, “or I’ll break every bone in your body!”

“He can’t ask Cory,” I said, “because he murdered her.”

Milly’s face paled, and her eyes widened a little. Altman turned on me. “Shut up, damn you!” he shouted.

“Had help, I’ll bet.” I was trying to distract his attention from Milly. “Ben never saw the day he could whip a full-grown woman.”

He wheeled on me, his face a mask of fury, and he lashed out with a wicked left. He wasn’t thinking or reasoning, he just peeled that punch off the top of the deck and threw it at me, and I rolled my head, slipping the punch and letting it go past my ear.

“Missed,” I said. “Your timing is off, Ben.”

With a kind of whining yelp, he wheeled and grabbed a gun from a drawer and brought it up, his face white to the lips. In that instant, my life wasn’t worth the flip of a coin, but Pete grabbed him.

“Not here, Ben! These walls are almost soundproof, but they could hear a gun. Let’s get him out of here.”

Ben must have caught the expression on Milly’s face from the corners of his eyes, because he turned on her.

“Why, no, Pete,” Altman was himself again. “We’ll keep him here. I think he’ll be the way to make this babe talk. She might get very conversational when we start burning Morgan’s toes.”

Milly Casey, cute as she could be usually, looked sick and scared. “Now tell us where the diary is and we’ll let you both go.”

“Don’t tell him a thing, Milly. That diary is our ace in the hole.”

Farber gave me a disgusted look. “Shut up! Don’t you realize when you’re well off?”

“Sure, and I’d like it if Ben blew his top again and started shooting. We’d have the law all over the place in minutes, quicker than you could trip a blind man.”

Altman was mad, but he was cold mad now, and he was thinking. He had a temper, but he had more than an ounce of brains.

As for me, I was sure I had guessed right. Corabelle had been murdered, but was her murder as well covered as that of Garzo? If it had happened out of town, as seemed likely, it might not have gone off so smoothly. It was an idea. Also, two men had done the job on Garzo—which two?

As if in reply to my question, the short, dark man who had been with Altman came into the room, and I saw the side of his face. He had been one of them. Who used the knife?

Altman? That did not seem logical, as Altman was too smart to do his own work. He was a fist and gun man, not apt to use a knife. Yet the man had been tall with broad shoulders and who else fitted that but Ben?

“Let’s get them out of here,” Altman said changing his mind suddenly. “We’ll take them where we can do as we like. If they don’t talk, we’ll just get rid of them and hunt for the diary. After all, how many hiding places can there be?”

“It must be in the place where this babe lived,” Pete suggested.

“Now,” Ben Altman said.

“Okay, boss, with pleasure!” The blackjack sapped me behind the ear, and I went down hard. I faded and must have gone limp as a wet necktie, but I wasn’t quite out because I remember hearing them complaining about my weight.

Next I knew, I was on the floor of a car. They had their feet resting on me, and we were driving. I’d passed out again, because we were already climbing, and I thought I could smell pines. This time, they were really taking us out into the country. All that was happening was like a foggy dream through which a few rays of intelligence found their way.

When I became conscious again, I could hear a faint sound as of someone not far from me, but I kept my eyes closed. I was lying on a floor with my cheek against it.

“Leave him with the babe,” Farber was saying. “Let’s rustle some chow.”

“Is he still out cold? I haven’t looked at him.”

“He’s cold,” Pete said. “I clipped him good, and I’d been wanting to do just that.”

They went out and closed the door, and I opened my eyes to slits. They were scarcely open when hands touched me, and I let them close again, liking the hands. Very gently, I was turned over, and praise be, I’d had the sense to keep my eyes closed, for in the next minute, my head was lifted, and Milly was kissing me and calling me a poor, dear fool.

Now in one sense, the term is unflattering, but when a good-looking girl holds your head and kisses you, who is to complain? I stayed right in there, taking it very gamely, until, inspired by what was happening, I decided it was time to do something about it and responded.

Milly let out a gasp and pulled away. “Oh, you—!”

“Ssh!” I whispered. “They’ll hear you.”

“Oh, you devil! You were awake all the time!”

“Yes, thank the Lord, but Milly, if I was dead and you started fussing over me like that, I’d climb right out of the coffin!”

She was blushing, so to ease her embarrassment, I asked, “How many of them are there?”

“Two. Pete Farber and the one called Joe. They’re waiting for Ben Altman to come back. “Kip, what are we going to do?”

“I wish I knew.” I sat up, and my head swam. “If we could get away from here and lay hands on that diary, Mooney could do the rest. Do you know where we are?”

A quick look around the room had indicated there was nothing there to be used as a weapon. Carefully, I got to my feet, leaning against the wall as the room seemed to spin.

We had no time. Once Altman returned, and I had no doubt he was searching Milly’s apartment for the diary, we simply would have no chance.

“Open the door and walk out there. I’ll wait by the door. You go out and turn on the charm. Tell them you’re hungry, too, and then keep out of the way.”

She went without a second’s hesitation, and as she stepped through the door, I heard her say, “What’s the matter? Do I have to starve, too? Why don’t you give a girl a break?”

“Eat!” Farber’s voice was hearty. “Sure! Come on out, babe! It may be hours before the boss gets back, and maybe we could make a deal, you an’ me.” I could imagine the smirk on his face. “I don’t think the boss is goin’ about this in the right way.”

“You’d better have a look,” Joe warned, “and see if the chump is still bye-bye.”

“You have a look,” Farber said. “When I hit ’em, they stay hit.”

Joe’s footsteps sounded, and the door opened. Joe stuck his head in, and that was all I needed. The blow landed just below and slightly behind his ear, and he started to fall. I grabbed him before he could hit the floor and threw a punch to the wind.

“How’s about it, babe?” Farber was saying. “Ben’s a tough cookie, but why should you get knocked off? You give me all the right answers and maybe we can figure out something. An’ let me tell you, kid. I’m the only chance you’ve got.”

With Joe’s necktie I bound his hands behind him and then tied his ankles with his belt. Milly was keeping Joe busy with conversation and hesitations. I stuffed a handkerchief into Joe’s mouth, and started for the door with his gun.

“Hey, Joe!” Farber yelled. “This dame’s okay! Come on out!”

Joe’s gun was on my hip, but I wasn’t thinking of using it yet. Milly was sitting on Pete’s lap and was keeping his head turned away from the door.

Something warned him, probably the extended silence. He turned his head and opened his mouth to yell. Milly was off his lap like a shot, as he lunged to his feet to meet a left hook to the teeth.

Farber was in no shape to either take it or dish it out, but he tried. He didn’t reach for a gun; he just came in throwing punches. I stabbed a left to the mouth and threw a bolo punch into his belly, and he went to his knees, but as he fell, his mouth open and gasping, I hooked again to his jaw. For an instant, I waited for him to get up, but his jaw was broken, and he was moaning. Taking the gun out of his pocket, I shucked the cartridges, and as we headed for the road, I threw the gun into the brush.

There was no car. There was a road toward the highway, but we didn’t take it. We ran into the woods at right angles to the highway, and I took the lead, running until Milly’s face was white and she was gasping.

We slowed to a walk and headed downhill in the right direction. Almost before we realized it, we reached a highway. We were lucky, the first car stopped, and one look at Milly seemed to satisfy him that we needed help.

Once in town, I put Milly in a cab to headquarters. “Tell Mooney all about it.”

“Where are you going?”

“To your place, after that diary. Do you have any idea where it might be?”

“No…I honestly did not know she kept one, although she did sit up late writing sometimes.” She paused a moment. “One thing that might help. Did you ever read Poe’s ‘The Purloined Letter’? It was one of her favorite stories. At least she spoke about it a good deal.”

First I checked the .38 Colt automatic I had taken from Joe. The clip was fully loaded. I jacked a cartridge into the chamber. After paying off the cab, I went into the apartment house. Having Milly’s key, I went right in. Nobody was there; nobody seemed to have been there. Maybe “The Purloined Letter” was a clue; the chances were that it was not. Yet I had some ideas of my own.

Corabelle Ryan had not gone to San Francisco by accident. She was hoping to get away from Altman. She did not get away, but the diary was not with her. Result: It must be where she had lived with Milly.

Wherever it was, I had very little time. From then on, things were going to move fast. Much would depend on how soon Ben found I was on the loose once again and that Milly was. Altman could not know what was in the diary, but he was afraid of what it might be. She might have threatened him with it for her own protection.

It was a two-bedroom apartment, with a living room, kitchenette, and bath. I recognized Milly’s room at once from some clothes I’d seen her wear and the fact that it was obviously in use. The other room did not appear to have been occupied for several days.

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