Cole (The Ride Series) (12 page)

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Authors: Megan O'Brien

BOOK: Cole (The Ride Series)
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Chapter Nine

I was awoken from an incessant beeping,
and for a brief moment I thought it was my alarm clock. Then it all came rushing
back that I was in the hospital.

“Cole,” I murmured, my voice sounding

“Right here, baby,” his soft voice
sounded in my ear.

“Do you realize this is only like our
third date?” I mumbled.

“Wouldn’t classify this as a date
’,” his deep voice replied, and I felt his hand
stroke my hair back from my forehead.

“Bet you miss the days of, what’s her
name again?” I searched my muddled mind for her name. “Daisy, that’s it.
Daisy,” I continued to mumble. “So much easier with a girl like her,” I said as
I began to drift off.

“Didn’t cross my mind for a second,
sweetheart. Nowhere else I’d rather be,” he assured me.

I made a scoffing sound and drifted
back to sleep.

When I woke up a second time, I was
more lucid. It was very dark in the room and I assumed it was the middle of the
night. I took a moment to take in my surroundings. Cole was
his large form slumped over in the chair by the window. My heart immediately
lurched that this man who’d known me for such a short period of time was so clearly
devoted to me. I had so few people to depend on, so few people that I could
trust in the last eight years. Before my father died, he was always at my back,
ready to protect me. And before things went south, I had the club. I’d known
those men and their families since I was a little girl. After losing everything
I had to keep myself closely guarded, the only person I truly let in was Kat.
But now this man was knocking away at all my armor after just a few weeks. I
was already hopelessly in love with him, something I’d never experienced in my
life. I couldn’t stand the thought of him getting hurt, of him losing anyone
close to him because of me. He already suffered because of my history. I felt
tears prick the back of my eyes as I realized that the very best thing I could
do for him was let him go.

When I woke up again, sunlight was
streaming in through the windows. The chair that Cole had occupied the night
before was empty. I sat up assessing my pain level. My joints were sore,
especially my wrists-- I had been lucky to avoid a break. My left side was
incredibly tender, but I could manage with the help of some pain medication.

A new morning shift nurse came in to
take my blood pressure. “Do you know where my boyfriend went?” I asked her, the
term sounding silly when spoken aloud. Cole was far more than a boy and the
term seemed so…casual.

“He wanted me to tell you that he went
to meet with his father for a short while. He was reluctant to leave you,” she
said as she smiled. “Quite a looker that one,” she added.

“I know,” I sighed, my throat feeling
tight with what I planned to do.

She finished taking my vitals and left
me to the quiet of my hospital room. I realized that if I didn’t go now, I’d
never have the gumption to do it at all. The thought of not being with Cole
felt like being thrown from the SUV all over again – except this time
there would be scars.

I swung myself out of the bed and
quickly dressed in the clean clothes someone had brought me. Whoever it had
been, they thoughtfully brought me a dress so there would be minimal rubbing
against my sore and bandaged side. I didn’t know how much time I had before he
got back, and I knew if I had one look at him I’d lose my nerve. I didn’t know
where I was going or what I’d do but the fierce desire to protect him and to
protect Kat was all I could think about. I knew I was making myself vulnerable
by heading out on my own, but I’d done it successfully before and I could do it

I asked a nurse for Kat’s room number,
and after peering inside to make sure the coast was clear, I quietly opened her
door. She was propped up watching TV, looking small and pale in her bed. My
eyes welled up at the sight.

“Hi,” I said softly when she looked
over at me in surprise.

“Hi, are they discharging you
already?” she asked with raised brows seeing me fully clothed. She muted the
television and turned her knowing blue eyes to me.

I simply looked at her with tears in
my eyes and shook my head.

“Scarlet, what the hell?” she demanded,
immediately understanding my expression. “We’ve been over this. Don’t you dare
do something stupid!

“I’m sorry, Kat. I love you so much,
you’ve been my family. You’ve been everything to me, and I can’t stand what my
past has done to you, or could do to you,” I tried to explain, my voice hoarse.

She huffed with impatience, “Scar, you
need to forget all of that. None of it is your fault. The only thing you could
do to hurt me is to leave,” she said fiercely.

“I don’t know what else to do,” I said
quietly. “And now Cole’s involved. And…I love him, Kat,” I choked out. “If
something happens to him because of me I couldn’t live with that. I know you
can’t understand right now, but this is the only way I can see Jake backing
off,” I pleaded.

“Scarlet Malone, that is bullshit!
He’s going to come at them regardless. This is about more than just you –
you have to understand that. You leave, and it will make everything worse!” she

Well at least I put some color back in
her cheeks.

“Don’t you dare walk out that door,
Scar,” she warned as I shot her a small smile and backed my way toward the

“Love you, Kat,” I told her.

She gave me a wry smile. “I’m not
saying good-bye to you dumbass, I’m sending Cole after you. You’re not getting
rid of us that easily,” she hollered as I shut the door behind me. “I’ll bet my
ass you’re back by dinner!” I heard her shout.

I had to smile at her, throwing me
attitude even as I was leaving. I wiped my face and strode out of the hospital
with the clothes on my back, the medicine the doctor had prescribed and the
cash in my wallet.

By nightfall, the bus dropped me off
within the outskirts of Idaho. It had been an incredibly long and unpleasant
day sitting on a cramped bus in unbearable pain, trying to deflect sleaze bag
after sleaze bag.

I had enough money to stay in a motel
off the freeway and I used a few bucks to get my dinner from the vending
machine. I didn’t want to risk going back to my place to get anything,
including my car. My phone had rung about one hundred times before I finally
turned it off.

I felt incredibly ill when I lay down
on the scratchy comforter. I couldn’t bring myself to eat. My whole body hurt
and I felt utterly lost and heartbroken without Cole. I allowed myself to
dissolve into tears after having held it together all day. I didn’t have the
energy to get up and change my bandages, though I knew I should. I simply
curled up in a ball and fell asleep.

I woke up when I sensed someone else
in the room.

“If you weren’t hurt, I’d take you
over my knee and smack your ass,” Cole’s deep voice growled as I jolted awake
and then winced as my side rebelled against the sudden movement. “For Christ’s
sake do you have
he demanded with a huff.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, my
voice hoarse with sleep.

“What am I doing here?” he demanded.
“You cannot be believed. Jesus Christ,” he bit out. “Stand up.”

“Huh?” I asked.

“Stand up,” he ordered, reaching for
my hand.

I knew this mood and knew it best not
to argue. I stood up, unable to hide my wince as he came to carefully begin
unbuttoning the front of my dress. He smelled so good I had to resist the urge
not to lean into him and breathe him in deep.

Despite making the choice to leave I’d
never been more relieved to see him. I’d had to at least
. Leaving was the only thing I could think to do but it was also
the last thing that I wanted. By showing up here, Cole was effectively taking
that choice from me and if I was being honest in this particular instance, I
would willingly hand him that.

“You didn’t change these bandages.
Baby, what the fuck were you thinking?” he said, more to himself than to me.

“I was exhausted,” I defended myself
quietly while meeting his heated gaze.

He looked up at me from his kneeling
position on the floor as he reached the last button. I knew exactly what that
look said, that I wouldn’t be exhausted if I had stayed put.

He gently undressed me and led me to
the bathroom, turning on the water for a bath. He removed my bandages as though
I were made of glass, his face a mask against the emotion I saw churning in his
eyes. He hadn’t seen my bare skin until now, and I knew he was fighting hard
not to lose it as the extent of my ordeal revealed itself.

“Get in,” he continued to order as he
held out a hand and helped me into the water.

I groaned in appreciation when I
slipped into the warm water. It felt amazing against my tired and sore body.

“How did you find me?” I asked

“Wasn’t hard, which means it wouldn’t
have been hard for anyone else,” he replied tersely. He was seriously pissed at

“You’re seriously pissed,” I spoke my
thoughts out loud.

“Doesn’t even cover it,” he replied
without hesitation.

I nodded, accepting that fact. I
deserved it and I was too exhausted to put up much of a fight anyway.

“We’ll talk, and trust me you are
going to fucking
me, but I’m too
pissed right now,” he said not meeting my gaze as he blotted at my skin with a
soapy washcloth.

I simply nodded again wincing slightly
at his ministrations.

He watched my face carefully every
time he touched me. I knew my face looked horrible and my body worse. I was
surprised I didn’t feel more self-conscious under his gaze but there was no judgment
in his eyes, only concern.

When he was satisfied that I was clean,
he carefully dried me off and put clean bandages on. We didn’t speak, and
despite his obvious anger at me, I appreciated every hair on his head.

“Bed,” he directed.

I turned and looked up at him, bracing
myself against the emotion on his face. “I….” I didn’t know how to tell him
everything I felt for him. I didn’t know how to explain why I left. His
beautiful face, darkened with emotion regarded me for a few silent moments.

Something in my face must have
conveyed some part of what I felt because his expression softened some. “Bed,
baby,” he said, softer this time.

I nodded.

I climbed in, careful to avoid my left
side and watched him as he undressed and climbed in beside me. He didn’t reach
out for me, but instead he lay on his back with his arm thrown behind his head.
He studied the ceiling and I tried to find sleep.
When I was just about to drift off, I had the sensation of falling. It had
happened to me at the hospital as well. I cried out and jerked fully awake.

“Babe?” his deep voice asked through
sleep beside me.

His quiet voice through the darkness
was enough to send the tears spilling over as my body shook with the effort to
keep them back. “I’m so sorry,” I choked out. “I just…I don’t want anything to
happen to you,” I said hoarsely as I heard him sigh in resignation and pull me
carefully to his body. “I’ve lost everything, Cole. I can do it again. What I
can’t do is stand by and know I’m the cause for any harm that comes to you or
to your family,” I whispered.

“Baby,” he said tenderly, his large
hand stroking my back trying to soothe me while turning on the light with the

“We’ve known each other for like a
minute,” I exclaimed. “And already look what kind of shit I’ve brought down on
you and on Kat,” I demanded.

“Best minute of my life,” he said

“What?” I asked confused.

“Keep up, babe,” he said as he
chuckled. Clearly his mood had lightened. “I’m saying it doesn’t matter how
long we’ve known each other – doesn’t even factor. But however long it’s
been, it has been the best of my life so far,” he told me, kissing my head.
“But this was a fucking hair brained idea, and if you pull this shit again I’ll
chain you to the bed and I won’t make it fun,” he threatened.

I huffed and pulled away slightly to
glare at him.

He sighed and pulled me back to him,
not allowing space between us. “I get the sense that I can’t talk you out of
feeling responsible. Not yet anyway. What I can try to get through your thick
skull is that even if all this
your fault I’d still be right here, right now. You don’t get this, but it
doesn’t matter. What matters is that any shit that may come up from your past
pales in comparison to the gift of getting to be with you, baby,” he said
softly. “I’d take it all a thousand times over and not bat an eye. Now clearly,
it’s a different type of relationship, but I’ve known you a month and you’ve
been making Kat’s life better for over eight years, so I’d imagine she feels
the exact same way I do.”

I sucked in my breath at his beautiful
and surprisingly tender words.

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