Cold Grave (19 page)

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Authors: Kathryn Fox

Tags: #Crime, #General, #Suspense, #Mystery & Detective, #Fiction

BOOK: Cold Grave
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‘Got her.’ Laura announced. ‘She left the lift alone on deck one and headed to the starboard corridor.’

FitzHarris moved to a layout of the ship on the wall. ‘What cabin numbers are along there?’

‘Cabins 1074 to 1090.’

Anya realised it was the corridor Martin’s cabin had been on. She felt the hairs on her neck rise.

Martin had spoken about a couple having sex in the corridor. He could have unknowingly seen Lilly being assaulted.



Laura continued searching, looking for another sighting of Lilly near the lifts. Anya doubted the girl could have managed stairs without assistance, and they weren’t monitored anyway.

Anya checked the time and phoned her cabin. FitzHarris had put her on speakerphone as the handset was close to Laura.

Martin answered.

‘How’s Jasmine doing?’

‘She’s somewhere between shock and denial. Right now, Ben’s chatting away about everything.’ He spoke more quietly. ‘Annie, seeing Lilly was bad enough. What happened to the family last night was criminal.’

Anya glanced up at FitzHarris, who looked away.

‘I agree. That’s why I came straight to FitzHarris’s office. Their cabin’s open again now. Also a liaison officer will meet them in Fiji.’

Anya now suspected the woman mentioned in the fax was not a customer liaison person, but a company lawyer determined to avert legal action.

‘Thanks, Annie, they’re lucky to have you on their side.’

There was noticeable relief in Martin’s voice. He had really been affected by what had happened.

‘The CCTV footage shows Lilly got off the lift on deck one and headed along a corridor. The same one your cabin was on.’

There was a moment’s silence. ‘God, you mean I could have been there and maybe done something?’

Anya rubbed her forehead. ‘We don’t know for sure she was there all night. It looks like she was drugged and went down in the lift – alone. Anyone could have grabbed her as soon as she was out of camera range, even a crew member.’

Martin remained quiet.

Anya knew how he’d be feeling – like he could have done something more. She felt the same way herself. They could both do with a break. ‘I’ll come back to the suite now.’

‘Listen, Annie, we’re fine here. In fact, Ben’s just plonked himself at the piano next to Jasmine.’ He paused. ‘If you can help out more, I think you should. Just as long as you’re safe. You’ve got more experience with this sort of thing than anyone and FitzHarris comes across as a dunderhead.’

Anya shrank into her seat a little. ‘Did I mention we’re on speakerphone?’

‘Morning, Mr Hegarty.’ FitzHarris spoke flatly.

Laura smirked. ‘Just call him Columbo.’

‘I’m guessing that’s not the worst thing he’s been called in his time . . . Seriously, Anya. Please do what you can – but be careful. I’ll organise something special to do later on.’

‘You’re on.’

Fitz ended the call. ‘Dunderhead?’

Laura kept her head down at the computer and Anya just raised her eyebrows. She wasn’t sure what to think of FitzHarris right now.

‘Well, considering I’m incompetent, would you be interested in accompanying me to deck one? I want to knock on those cabin doors and rattle some chains. Would be handy to have an independent witness in case they claim harassment.’

Anya thought about what Martin had said. The Chans needed to know the truth about what had happened to Lilly, whether FitzHarris and Mats Anderson wanted her to find it or not.

‘I’ll be your witness.’


Martin had been in cabin 1088, toward one end of the section of corridor that dog-legged and continued. In his hand, FitzHarris held a list of cabins occupied by males. Sandwiched between two of the groups was a family of four, and two single women from South Dakota.

Martin’s location could have been worse. From what Laura had explained, these were the cheapest cabins. Guests spent more time out of them than in.

FitzHarris knocked on the first number he had.

Initially there was no response. After more persistent knocking, a male voice called out, ‘Get lost!’

‘I don’t think so, buddy.’ Fitz pulled up the sleeves of his jacket and Anya caught sight of the scarring on his forearms. They were classic defence injuries, and some cuts had been deep. She averted her gaze before he noticed her looking.

‘Geez. Can’t you read?
Do not disturb

Fitz’s knuckles whitened as he thumped harder and louder. ‘Security. Open up.’

This time, it didn’t take long for the door to open.

‘Who the—’

‘Watch your mouth, we have a lady present.’ FitzHarris gestured toward the guest’s Bugs Bunny boxer shorts. ‘I’m more an Elmer Fudd man, myself,’ he announced. The comment clearly caught the man off guard. Anya chose to wait in the doorway.

‘Your name is?’ FitzHarris’s tone was intimidating.

‘Brian. Peterson.’ The man scratched his bare chest and yawned. ‘Look, what’s this about?’ His hair separated into about four different directions, defying gravity.

Anya could see why these cabins were the lowest priced. Instead of a window, the wall was painted with an imitation porthole. Four bunk beds, two on each side, left little room in between. The room stank of bad breath, body odour and stale alcohol. A small dressing table was soiled with half-eaten pizza slices and shot glasses. Dirty clothes covered most of the small area of carpet. Three of the beds were dishevelled. The top left bunk had not been slept in.

‘Maid hasn’t been yet,’ Peterson said. ‘I’d offer you a seat but I don’t want visitors.’

‘That’s too bad.’ Fitz pulled up the covers and sat on the lower bed nearest him. ‘I need to ask you some questions.’ He looked around. ‘Nice place you got here.’

‘Can we cut the wisecracks? I need to take a piss.’

Peterson headed to the small bathroom, not bothering to close the door. He urinated what sounded like litres into the bowl, and didn’t flush. Nor did he wash his hands. He came out and flopped into the other lower bunk, hands behind his head.

Fitz was more patient than Anya would have thought. ‘There was a complaint about some activities during the first night on board.’

‘What? We made a little noise, blew off some steam. Big deal. You people need to get a life.’

‘Sir, we take safety on board very seriously. I believe emergency equipment was mishandled.’

‘You’ve got to be kidding.’

‘I never joke about safety. This is a significant breach of regulations and cannot be ignored, I’m afraid. So I need to ask. Did you interfere with any of the safety equipment on board?’

Anya watched, holding the door open with her back. She couldn’t read FitzHarris, or where he was going. Lilly could have been assaulted in this very room. She chose to stay silent. His unusual interview technique with Carlos’s room mate had seemed effective the previous night.

‘Man, this is a joke. What happens if I did touch something? What are you going to do? Make me walk the plank?’ He laughed and then coughed a smoker’s hack.

Fitz just stared back, which seemed to unnerve his interviewee.

‘Jeez, lighten up.’ He reached for a glass and pulled a piece of melted cheese from its side, flicking it back on the floor. He gulped the contents.

Anya hoped his head ached with a hangover. This man had little respect for authority, or women, it seemed. The maid would risk her job trying to clean this place each day in the allocated time. No one should have to clean this pigsty but the men themselves.

‘Which one are you?’ Fitz changed tack.


‘Nickname. The shirts.’

‘They always get people talking.’ The man grinned and reached down for a chocolate-coloured shirt. He held up the back. ‘I’m Taurus. The bull.’

Fitz raised an eyebrow. ‘Powerful. So bull boy, what am I going to find if I search this place for drugs?’

Peterson went to stand up and hit his head on the top bunk with a loud thud. ‘Shit! You have no right to touch any of our stuff,’ he mumbled, rubbing his head.

If he didn’t have a headache before, Anya thought, he did now.

Fitz stood and picked up a pair of trousers from the floor with the tip of his thumb and forefinger, as if they were contaminated. ‘I have the right to search anyone, anywhere, anytime. No such things as search warrants on board a ship.’

Peterson’s face lightened a shade.

‘I’m guessing you boys like a bit of fun. Only trouble is, if I find anything in here now, I’m going to have to hold you responsible. I’m afraid that means you’ll be kicked off the ship. No refunds and a lifetime ban from the cruise line. Once I leave this room, it’s out of my hands.’

‘Hey man, I don’t want any trouble.’ Peterson vigorously rubbed his head. ‘I don’t have anything heavy, just a little weed. I’ll show you.’ He opened a drawer. The only thing in it was a sock. ‘Look,’ he said, pulling it half inside out.

Fitz leant forward. ‘Yep, that’s marijuana.’

‘Hey, watch this.’ Peterson headed back to the bathroom, door still open, Fitz right behind.

‘See, it’s all gone.’ The toilet flushed.

Fitz rubbed his chin. ‘I could overlook that, but I’d be very disappointed if you had anything else in here.’

‘Man, that’s all, I swear.’ Peterson opened the drawers, and the wardrobe. ‘You can look for yourself, but I swear that’s all.’

Anya believed him.

‘I believe you.’ Fitz patted him on the back and turned to leave.

‘One more thing, Brian.’

‘Yes, sir?’

‘Did you hang out with a woman named Lilly?’ Fitz held his hand at his chin level. ‘About yea high, long black hair.’

‘The scrawny Asian chick. Yeah, she was at the disco, I think, the first night.’

‘Well, I’m afraid there’s another problem.’

‘Man,’ he rubbed both hands through his hair. ‘You’ve got to be kidding. What the hell did she say?’

Fitz sucked air in through his teeth. ‘Sorry, buddy, but I have to investigate.’

‘Everyone was out for a good time that night, chicks can’t say yes then say no later, if you know what I mean.’

Anya felt her pulse race. On the surveillance tape, Lilly looked like she was in no position to say no. Which meant she was in no position to consent either with whoever had sex with her.

‘By the way, if your name means bull, what’s Genny mean?’

‘Genitalia. He’s a player and “Human Tripod” wouldn’t fit. Women would kill to have sex with him.’

‘Well, I gotta disagree with you there. You see, that sixteen-year-old Asian chick, as you call her . . . Her real name is Lilly Chan.’

‘So we weren’t into formal introductions. Arrest us.’

‘Funny you should say that, ’cause I might have to.’

‘I just got rid of the stuff!’

‘Yeah, well, we got a bigger problem. Lilly Chan died after drinking with you and your friends at the disco. She had a drug in her system that happens to be used by date-rapists. Considering your admission to owning recreational drugs, you just became a person of interest in a homicide investigation.’

Peterson’s face ashened. ‘The one you’re talking about was up at the disco, dancing. We all saw her, then she left. I didn’t see her after that. You can ask the others, they’ll say the same thing.’

Anya couldn’t believe what FitzHarris had just done. She knew that before they moved to the next room, Peterson would have phoned and warned the others. The chances of finding out the truth just disappeared.



Anya thought about going to the captain and informing him of what she knew so far. But what if he worked for Mats Anderson too? She decided to hold off. For now.

She left FitzHarris and headed back to the suite. He said he wanted to interview Doctor Chan, and find out more about Lilly’s history. She wanted to ask Martin more about the woman he saw naked in the corridor. She also needed to get away from FitzHarris before she said something she regretted.

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