Cocktails in Chelsea (2 page)

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Authors: Nikki Moore

BOOK: Cocktails in Chelsea
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'Owe you something?' Nathan squinted, expression puzzled as he filled a large, curved cocktail glass with ice chips.

'That comment you made earlier about my dress? That was you, wasn’t it?'

'Oh, yeah.' He shrugged, broad shoulders moving under the snug white shirt. 'Sorry.'

'Try not to sound too sincere.' She crossed her arms.

Putting the glass down on the bar with a clink, he stopped and stared at her. Nodding, 'Of course Milady,' he said mockingly. 'I thought trying to protect your dignity might be appreciated, but apologies for any insult caused.' His eyes dropped to her low neckline. ‘Besides, I can see now that I’ve got a front view that your dignity isn’t really a priority.’

Her mouth dropped open and she looked down, realising her folded arms were pushing her boobs up so they were almost spilling over the edges of the yellow material. Dropping her arms, she stared at the bar top, cheeks burning and unsure what to say. Why was it that when it came to work, or travelling, or anything other than her love life, she was confident and bold, but when faced with a guy she found attractive, she fell to pieces? It didn’t help that she didn’t feel quite herself tonight, in the alien outfit and surroundings.

‘Hey,’ a long-fingered hand slid around her wrist and squeezed it gently before letting go. ‘Sorry. That was harsh. Are you okay?’

Perfect. Now he felt sorry for her.
Suck it up Sofia, you’re better than this.

How would Christie handle the situation? Sofia might not like the girl much, but she was ultra-cool when it came to the dealing with the opposite sex. It was worth a go. Tilting her chin up, she smiled at him breezily, ignoring the tingle where he’d touched her skin. ‘Of course I am.’ She arched an eyebrow and flipped her trailing hair over one shoulder. ‘Now, is that cocktail going to make an appearance this year, or not?’

Nathan nodded, sliding the ice-filled glass out of the way. ‘Coming right up.’ He took a metal cocktail shaker off a shelf and scooped some ice cubes into it as a shorter barman with slicked back hair and model-material chiselled features appeared. ‘Hey, Quinn,’ Nathan jokily threw an ice-cube at him, ‘you’ve been gone ages. What’s going on?’

‘You know me, mate. They’ve been eating me alive.’ Quinn grinned, selecting a tall pint glass from the side and filling it from one of the curved silver beer taps. He glanced at Sofia and then did a double take. 'Hi, there.'

She smiled. 'Hello, back.' He wasn’t her type, was far too smooth, so there was no danger of him making her tongue-tied. It was also nice to be appreciated rather than mocked. She widened her smile, noticing Nathan scowl from the corner of her eye.

'Quinn, can you pass me the orange juice?' Nathan growled.

'Sure, here.' Without taking his eyes off Sofia he handed over a plastic beaker of juice from beneath the bar.

'Thanks,' Nathan replied, rolling his eyes at his colleague’s obviousness as he poured the OJ into the cocktail shaker. ‘Do you want to add a bit of a twist and have pineapple juice in it too?’ he asked Sofia, adding a double measure of vodka to the shaker along with some cranberry juice, before pouring some Peach Schnapps in freehand, not bothering to measure it.

‘Sure,’ she agreed. ‘I can be adventurous.’

‘Really?’ he drawled, sloshing in the pineapple juice from a jug.

‘Yes!’ She propped her chin on one hand to watch him work. ‘You don’t believe me?’ She scrunched her feet up inside the high heels, toes starting to hurt from standing for so long.

‘I guess I’m just surprised,’ he pulled a mock shocked face. ‘Girls like you usually like it straight up.’

‘Girls like me?’

But he didn’t answer, instead he started vigorously shaking the container full of mixture up and down, arm moving so fast it was just a blur.

She forgot what they’d been talking about as she gazed at him. His movements were easy and super-confident and her heart pounded, hands going clammy, mesmerised by the way he flipped the shaker over his shoulder and caught it underarm before spinning it in a circle on his fingertips, as if by magic.
Tom Cruise, you’ve got competition
. It was a shame Nathan seemed to have taken a dislike to her. He really was bloody sexy.

Slamming the container down, he grabbed the glass he’d put aside and threw the ice chips into the sink. ‘Chills it,’ he explained when she frowned.

She nodded slowly, mouth dry. ‘Uh-huh.’

Straining the mixture into the glass, he twisted a slice of orange onto the rim, and then garnished the cocktail with a maraschino cherry. ‘There you go,’ his mouth quirked in a lopsided smile, ‘worth waiting for; Sex on the Beach.’

Yes, please
. Sofia thought hazily. Clearing her throat, she managed a croaky, ‘T-thank you.’

Quinn sauntered up with a circular tray in his hand, sliding her drinks onto it. ‘I’ll carry this over for you.’

‘I’m okay, thanks,’ Sofia took a step away from the bar and stumbled. It was embarrassing how badly the heels were crippling her, she was usually quite tough. There was no point being an idiot about it though. ‘I mean, that would be helpful, thank you.’ Spinning around, she walked carefully across the room to Tori and Christie, a little part of her hoping that Nathan was watching. But when she glanced over her shoulder he had already turned his back on her.

The guy might be aggravating in some ways but he made mean cocktails, Sofia thought some time later, on drink number four and feeling a pleasant buzz. There was zero chance of waking up with a clear head in the morning.

'Are you ready to go on to the next place Sof?' Tori giggled, draining the last of her champagne and standing up, waving a hand at someone, tiny charms twinkling on a delicate gold link bracelet around her wrist.

'Sure, why not?' Sofia laughed then let out an unladylike snort. Uh-oh, she may be more drunk than she’d thought. She focused on Tori, deliberately not checking Nathan's whereabouts. She'd done her best to ignore him since earlier, but had basically failed. It was cringe-worthy; her gaze kept going back to the bar constantly like it was on an invisible string, yet he hadn't even glanced in her direction.

Not much had changed since school, she mused. Even then the boys barely seemed to notice her. Shaking off the
poor me
thought, she slipped sideways off the stool without bothering to pull her hem down. It was that point in the evening when it had stopped mattering.

'Come on then, you two. Let's go.’

'Ooh, the nice girl can be bossy!' Christie remarked, rising to her feet gracefully and threading her arm through Tori's. 'Onwards and upwards then.'

Following her childhood friends out onto the street, Sofia fixed her eyes straight ahead. She wouldn't look back. She'd only exchanged half a dozen sentences with him and he didn’t like her for some reason.

I don't care.

She told herself that through the next few hours of drinking and dancing, as well as when a group of posh boys latched onto their group and bought them all drinks. They were perfectly nice guys; but they weren’t Nathan. None of them made her palms go clammy.

But you don’t care, remember?

She repeated that under her breath on the way home in the taxi at four in the morning. And the next day, when she woke to sunlight pouring in through muslin curtains and groaned at the pounding in her head and her thick-tongued mouth, she almost believed it.

Friday evening

'Here, again?' Sofia asked in a high pitched voice, looking up at the sign above the door.

She'd hoped, after hours of exhausting shopping in Sloane Square and Kensington, with a stop-off for facials and a lazy champagne-fuelled lunch, they might stay in. That hope had died when, upon returning to the girls’ home, they’d immediately started making dinner plans. Couldn’t they at least have gone to a different bar though after their delicious meal at Bluebird?

‘Sorry,’ Tori gave her a gentle smile, nudging Sofia into the entrance. ‘This is our favourite place. We always come here to start off the evening.’

Sofia pulled a face, ‘Doesn’t that get kind of boring?’

Tori paused and then frowned, looking serious, ‘I’ve never thought about it.’

Shrugging, Sofia made her way into the bar, stomach churning at the thought of seeing Nathan again. She didn’t know whether to dread it or look forward to it, but it might be nice to know what it was about her he had a problem wit. At least Christie had agreed to Sofia wearing a more modest outfit this evening; a black scoop-necked sleeveless top with a clingy, black and white skirt with a sexy split up one side. It still wasn't her, but it was at least closer than the yellow dress had been and she felt a bit more comfortable, despite the stupidly high heels gracing her feet.

'So, what do you fancy tonight?' she asked Christie and Tori as they slid onto stools at the same table as the night before. 'My shout.' They'd put themselves out to spend time with her. Even if the day hadn't been her kind of thing she could still show her appreciation by buying them a drink.

Tori leaned forward, smoothing her shiny brown hair back into its intricate bun, her flicked up black eye-liner making her blue eyes look darker. 'May I have a cocktail please, Sof?'

Christie raised an eyebrow. 'You're not having champagne?'

'No,’ Tori gave Sofia a considering glance, ‘I thought it might be fun to try something different.' She met her sister's stare then picked up a menu, flicking through the pages with long, bejewelled fingers. 'What should I have?'

'A Cosmo,' Sofia replied decisively. 'The sharpness of the cranberry juice and the Vodka is perfectly balanced with the fruitiness of the lime juice and the orange Cointreau.'

‘Sounds divine. Yes, please.’

‘Champagne,’ Christie simply muttered, surveying the room for people she knew.

Sofia rolled her eyes, ‘Okay.’
Your Majesty
, she murmured under her breath, turning to stroll to the bar. When she got there, no-one was manning it. She waited a few minutes, tapping her nails on the black marbled surface, wondering again if Nathan was working. Something sparked in her belly. Oh, boy. After another minute, she craned her neck, searching the room for bar staff. Nope. She may as well go to the Ladies then. Striding across the room and through an archway, she slowed at the corner of the corridor and found Nathan carrying stacked crates out of a door marked
Staff Only.

He was in the white shirt and black trousers again but his sleeves were rolled up around his biceps, which were rounding with effort as he hefted the crates higher in his arms. As he swung around to pull the door shut with a couple of fingers she saw his back muscles move smoothly beneath the thin, close fitting shirt.

Yeah, he was tall and ropey, but built too. She wondered what the front view would be like, but naked. As her inner thigh muscles clenched in response and her mouth dried up, he twisted around and stumbled slightly. Without thinking she rushed forward and grabbed the top crate from him.

Stepping back, he placed the remaining ones on the floor and looked at her in surprise. 'You again.' He raised an eyebrow as she held her crate easily against her body, lithe arm muscles defined. 'And I didn't expect that. You've got good upper body strength and great balance on those things.' He nodded at her black stilettos.

'Yes I do.' The core strength came from all the sports activities she did. She bit her lip, silently rerunning his comment, hearing only the criticism, and realised how horrified Tori and Christie would be at what she was doing, especially in their designer gear. 'Gym.' She clipped out, mimicking Christie, before looking down at the scuffed, plastic red crate she still held. 'I suppose this isn’t very ladylike.'

'I didn't mean it like that,’ Nathan said quickly. ‘Actually, it's kind of cool. I didn't think a girl like you would get her hands dirty.'

She smiled, some of the previous night’s shyness dropping away. 'I suppose sometimes people surprise you, don't they?'

'Yeah,' he frowned, 'I guess they do.'

As he put his hands on his lean hips and gazed down into her eyes, she caught a hint of fresh, crisp aftershave. Yes, he was outrageously sexy, that was a definite. Her face started burning and her skin tingled, a sure sign she was getting turned on. Then self-preservation kicked back in.
Don’t make an idiot of yourself.

'Anyway, I must go.' Hastily, she crouched down and slotted the crate on top of the others, her thigh revealed by the high slit in the skirt. Standing up, she smoothed the skirt back into place. 'I was on my way to the bathroom.'

'Okay.’ He looked amused as she edged away. ‘See you out there.'

On returning to the bar a few minutes later however, it was Quinn in charge and she ordered drinks with a slight sense of relief, smiling at him gratefully. There was something about Nathan that made her feel so jittery. It was unnerving. Carrying a glass of champagne and two Cosmos over to her friends, she slid the tray onto the table. The sizeable drinks bill had made her swear under her breath and she’d handed her poor debit card over reluctantly, not sure she had enough money in the bank to cover it. Thankfully, the transaction had cleared, so she hadn’t been left red-faced.

Christie reached for her champagne eagerly and threw most of it back, while her sister watched in bemusement. ‘Thank you for the drink,’ Tori picked the cocktail glass up and sipped from it delicately. ‘Mmm, very nice. By the way, your phone rang while you were gone. I don't like to answer other people's phones though, so I left it in your bag.'

'Thanks.' Sofia undid the clasp of the clutch purse and checked the screen on her mobile. Isobel. 'It was my sister. Do you mind if I go outside and call her to make sure it's nothing important?'

'Of course.' Tori took another sip of her Cosmo.

'Cheers. I won't be long.' Leaping off the stool she walked over to the door while dialling her sister's number.

'Woah, watch out!' A strong pair of arms caught her around the waist as she bounced off a hard chest and nearly fell over.

'Sorry!' she exclaimed, 'I- Oh.' Looking up and up and up into big brown eyes, she squirmed, breath catching in her throat somewhere. Nathan again. God, his fingertips felt like they were burning holes in her top and through to her skin. She inhaled deeply. He smelled so good. It was totally unfair.

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