Coalescence - SF3 (26 page)

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Authors: Susan X Meagher

Tags: #Lesbian, #Romance

BOOK: Coalescence - SF3
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In the time it took her shaking legs to propel her across the floor, Jamie fell in love all over again. It wasn’t just the way her gorgeous partner looked at the moment, although that alone was enough to do the trick. Rather, it was her willingness to work through any problem, fulfill any fantasy, provide any support, and, in every way possible, make herself the kind of mate that every woman dreams of. Once again, Jamie thanked whatever force brought this precious gift into her life, and she prayed fervently that they would be blessed with many years in which to share their love.

She walked over to her love very slowly, watching her closely. Quickly considering her own long T-shirt and panties, she mentally scolded herself for not being more appropriately dressed. But she was certainly not going to leave now, so she decided to make the best of it.

As she approached Ryan, her lover’s dark gaze shifted to meet her green eyes. It was impossible to see her blue eyes through the sunglasses, but she could feel them burning into hers. A tiny ghost of a grin played at the corners of her luscious mouth, and just that little bit of playfulness calmed Jamie’s anxiety immediately. She slid closer and stood right between Ryan’s spread legs, then grasped the tanned face with both of her hands and tilted the dark head to kiss her.

To Jamie’s surprise, Ryan responded in a casual, almost lazy fashion. She was clearly waiting to be seduced by her partner, and she was going to make her work for it. Jamie accepted the challenge, beginning to press into her as she kissed her deeply. Her tongue slid from her own mouth, and was slowly sucked into Ryan’s. She probed all over the warm surface, running her tongue over the perfect white teeth, one by one.

She leaned back a bit to gaze at the impassive face. Determined to make that face reflect the passion that she felt, she dove into her task with gusto. Sliding her hands beneath the big jacket, she found the warm, firm breasts. No bra guarded them, leaving them vulnerable to her caresses. She leaned in and put her warm mouth on each breast in turn, sucking them through the thin material. Her muffled groan revealed her feelings, and Ryan’s nipple grew rock-hard before the desire-filled sound faded. Continued sucking brought a slight hip movement from her prey, but it wasn’t nearly enough to please Jamie. Lifting her head, she continued to squeeze the tender flesh, eliciting a small gasp when she firmly pinched each taut nipple.

Her head tilted again, and she began to slowly kiss and suck on Ryan’s lips and tongue. She ran her tongue all around the dark pink flesh, pulling in the top and then the bottom for firm sucks and tender nibbles. It was clear that Ryan was trying to remain passive, but faint moans and tiny sighs began to slip through her lips, revealing her growing arousal. Jamie’s hands had not stopped caressing the sensitive breasts as she hefted each mound in a hand. She pulled back and gazed at the perfect orbs, fascinated by their weight and softness. Her head tilted just a bit, and as her eyes met Ryan’s once again, the dark beauty did not try to hide the knowing smile that slowly crossed her face. It was a glorious moment for the less-experienced woman. She felt so perfectly understood by her partner that her heart swelled with emotion. It was clear that Ryan got a tremendous amount of pleasure from having her breasts loved, but equally clear that she received as much pleasure from the fact that Jamie loved them so. This mutual give and take was something that Jamie had never experienced, and she felt weak with elation as she took it in.

Taking a few deep breaths to center herself, she dropped her head and again sucked the swells of flesh firmly through the tank top. Ryan’s response this time was much more enthusiastic. Her hips had begun to gently thrust in time with the suckling of her breasts, and a few moans now escaped her parted lips.

Trying to maintain her cool, Ryan slowly raised her beer bottle and took a few long slugs to relieve her parched throat. She sank down even lower on her stool as her elbows caught the edge of the counter. In a deliberate, tauntingly seductive move, she slowly spread her legs wide as her sexy smile grew. Jamie’s eyes grew wide and every drop of moisture left her mouth as Ryan’s head lolled back against her shoulders and that lucky beer bottle was lowered and teasingly trailed up and down the seam of her jeans. As the edge of the bottle hit a particularly sensitive spot, a gasp flew from her lips and her chest swelled as a deep, wanton growl immediately followed.

The blatant display of her desire propelled Jamie to accept the unspoken invitation and slowly, teasingly, pop open the buttons of the fly, one by one. She grasped the waistband and started to slide the pants down past Ryan’s hips as the dark woman wordlessly lifted just enough to aid in the process.

As the fabric slid down, Ryan’s arms locked around Jamie’s neck and pulled her close. The rough, almost bruising, kiss that followed caused Jamie’s heart to thump loudly in her chest, and she had to struggle to maintain her composure. The denim rested about halfway down Ryan’s shins, and Jamie bent to remove the pants. But in a move that surprised both of them, Jamie fell to her knees and dropped her head right onto Ryan’s crotch.

A startled gasp flew from both mouths, followed by a low, sexy moan from Ryan. As her pulse continued to thrum in her ears, Jamie felt her chest expand as she inhaled her lover’s wild scent deep into her lungs, savoring the sensation. Her mind shut down as her body reacted to the heady scent. Unsure of why she was doing it, but needing the sensation more than breath itself, she began to move her head around in a small circle, grinding her entire face into Ryan’s throbbing vulva. The dark-haired beauty had begun to groan softly, and her cries rose in pitch and frequency as Jamie continued to rub her mouth all over her through the white shorts.

Ryan felt that she was nearly out of control, and a nagging voice in her head warned her to temper her response. But the freedom of revealing herself so fully to her partner was too powerful an urge to resist. Her hands flew to Jamie’s head, her fingers lacing themselves through her fine, golden hair. Gently but firmly, she began to guide her partner’s head, moving her just an inch or two, until a voice she barely recognized as her own murmured, "That’s it, Baby. Oooh, right there…yes…ohhh, so good!"

Jamie began to pull back, but Ryan did not want to let her go, and she held on a little tighter than she should have. Seeking to reassure her needy partner that she would be satisfied, Jamie ran her hands tenderly across her partner’s firm abdomen, dipping one hand into the shorts, caressing the curls. "Patience, Love, patience." Looking into the green eyes and seeing a look of complete confidence, Ryan released her lover's head and let her own fall back limply as she let out a low, deep sigh.

Still in her kneeling position, Jamie gripped the hems of the pants and, finally, slowly pulled the jeans off Ryan’s long legs and tossed them aside, leaving her in her shorts, tank top and jacket. She urged her up; Ryan looked a little confused behind her glasses, but she got the idea and jumped up onto the cool, polished concrete counter, bracing her upper body with her hands. Ryan offered a silent apology to Mrs. Evans as she slid across the surface and waited for her partner to make a move. Jamie climbed onto the stool and placed Ryan’s bare feet on her thighs, grasped her knees and slid her thighs open wide, a devastatingly sexy smile gracing her face.

Ryan’s heart was beating so loudly in her chest that she was certain Jamie could hear it. The determined blonde began to work on her breasts again, sucking on them through the now-transparent white tank. Roughly pushing the material up until it gathered just above the tender globes, she dove for them with force, sucking on each nipple, biting each mound, as Ryan moaned and writhed on the cool concrete, her hips never ceasing their sensual dance.

The scent of Ryan’s arousal called to her, and without conscious thought Jamie once again dropped her head between Ryan’s legs and nuzzled her face lovingly against her squirming partner. Ryan’s deep voice now rose in pitch, as her moans became whimpers and gasps of pleasure. Jamie grasped and kneaded the heavy breasts with both hands as she rubbed her face over Ryan’s heat in a tight little circle. "Aaaahhhh!" the dark woman cried, as Jamie rubbed her nose straight up and down several times.

Jamie slowly sat up as her hands lifted to tenderly caress Ryan’s face. Gently removing the dark glasses that covered the deep blue eyes, she allowed her gaze to linger for a minute as their eyes locked in a look as tender as an embrace. Maintaining the fervid stare, Jamie allowed the love flowing from her partner to calm her racing heart. Her small hands moved to Ryan’s waist, and she rested them on the smoothly muscled skin for a long moment, feeling the desire that passed between them and reveling in the intimacy of their connection. With complete confidence, she grasped the waistband of the shorts and pulled them down. Ryan assisted by once again lifting her hips.

Maintaining eye contact, Jamie slid to the edge of the stool and gently placed Ryan’s feet on her shoulders. Her blonde head tilted, and she batted her eyes slowly and whispered, "May I taste you?"

Blue eyes blinked slowly as Ryan realized that her partner actually needed an answer. Her entire body was shaking with desire, but she struggled to reach out and slowly guide her head. "Please," she gasped. "Please, Jamie."

Their eyes locked for just an instant, sharing the intimacy of the moment. Smiling serenely, Jamie dipped her head and delicately tasted her partner for the first time. "Ooooohhh yesssss! Yessssss!" Ryan gasped as the incredibly smooth tongue slid from one end of her wetness to the other.

Jamie paused for just a second, allowing the scent of her partner to fill her lungs. Her eyelids fluttered closed as her head dipped again to savor the powerfully erotic taste. Her touch was slow, so painfully slow that Ryan had to grip the edge of the counter to deny her need to grasp Jamie’s head and force the pace. But she knew that Jamie had to be allowed the time to acclimate to the sensation, so she clamped down with every fiber of her iron will to control her impulses.

As the moments passed, Jamie felt her confidence build as her lover’s rabid desire continued to be evident. Ryan urged her on with every signal available—she moaned and whimpered, running her hands through Jamie’s hair with a reassuring touch. She twitched her hips rhythmically, showing Jamie with her body that her touch was very welcome and very much needed.

Now that she felt comfortable, Jamie began to explore a little bit. She teased her partner with a feather light touch, then leaned in and nuzzled her roughly. To her surprise, Ryan seemed to enjoy every type of touch, so she continued to investigate. She slowly ran her soft tongue straight up the glistening, swollen lips, and then gently opened her partner with her fingers, exposing the soft pink inner folds to her searching tongue. Her delicate touch slid up and down the impossibly smooth skin as Ryan thrashed about on the counter. Unable to control herself any longer, Ryan placed her hands on Jamie’s head and pulled her a little closer as the hot tongue began to focus on the smooth inner folds. "Yeeesss, Baby, ooooh yes. Oh God, just like that, Baby, just like that," she gasped out as Jamie continued to tease her. Ryan’s hips thrust harder and more uncontrollably now, and Jamie had a tough time staying with her. She grabbed the thrusting hips with her hands and forced her to remain relatively still. Her actions seemed to increase Ryan’s excitement, as evidenced by her grunts, so she held her even more firmly, coming down off the stool and really pressing down with her weight.

"YEEESSSSS!!" Ryan cried loudly, as Jamie softened her tongue and moved her head back and forth quickly, covering her entirely with her warm, wet tongue.

Despite Jamie’s grip, Ryan’s hips began to dance once again as she shook violently. "Ohhh God, oh God, Oh,YESSSSSSS!!" she shouted as her orgasm ripped through her body. Her moans continued as her body shook and rocked so forcefully that Jamie had to struggle to stay connected. As soon as Ryan regained muscle control she grasped the blonde head firmly, and restrained her so that she could barely reach her oversensitive skin. Her legs fell from Jamie’s shoulders as they splayed open lewdly, her hands dropping limply as she released her grip.

Jamie rested her head on Ryan’s abdomen, luxuriating in the feel of the pulsating flesh under her cheek. Spasms continued to roll through Ryan’s limp body for long minutes as Jamie slowly, tenderly and lovingly rubbed her hands across the still-heaving torso. When she felt that the tremors had slowed, Jamie finally gave in to an overpowering urge that she had. She dropped her head, and watched Ryan’s entire vulva contract rhythmically, placing several small kisses on the insides of her thighs. Ryan jerked a bit as she felt her lover’s head so close to her over-stimulated flesh, but she relaxed when she realized that Jamie was going to be content to kiss and lick her thighs. The pale head stayed right where it was until she was certain that all of the contractions had passed. Then she sat up a bit, resting her chin on Ryan’s pubic bone. As Ryan’s head lifted off the counter, she stared at Jamie for a long moment, finally asking with suspicion, "Are you absolutely certain you’ve never done this before?"

"Scout’s honor," she promised with a beaming smile.

The tightly corded tendons in Ryan’s neck stood out starkly while she maintained her gaze. "If I wasn’t sure of your integrity, I’d think you had at least ten years of experience. You have a God-given talent that should not be wasted, Jamie, and I’m just the woman to exploit your gift fully," she intoned solemnly as her head dropped back down.

"I couldn’t agree with you more." Jamie smiled up at her lover, still a little overcome by the passion they had shared.

Ryan trailed her still-shaking fingers through the blonde hair as she lazily asked, "How was that for you, Baby?"

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